I will be crowned king

Chapter 572 Is that a cannon? !

Heart-wrenching shouts erupted over the northern position. Under the roaring banner of King Clovis, nearly a thousand Stormtrooper soldiers quickly entered the position and instinctively quickly launched a defensive formation.

The two line infantry battalions spread out in parallel from east to west, forming a shooting line shoulder to shoulder. They loaded ammunition skillfully amidst the officers' orders; the skirmisher company and the guard company spread out across the entire position, entering a more concealed position. Fox trenches and bomb craters temporarily dug outside bunkers or trenches.

This not only expands the firing range, allowing the advance army holding the position to have a larger defense and reconnaissance range; it also avoids the possibility of too many people being crowded and being fired by the enemy's artillery fire.

Almost at the same time as the advance force was deployed, blue star-ring flags slowly rose on the defense line of the originally "empty" Black Reef Port - the originally isolated Black Reef Port position suddenly became a protruding part. , a strong fortress dividing the siege position into two.

"And this is the key to allowing Black Reef Port, which is running out of ammunition and food, to withstand the imperial siege and persist until reinforcements arrive!"

Under the banner of King Clovis, Anson with a proud look on his face looked at the imperial soldiers on the opposite side who were coming like a tide, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he said:

"The core of siege warfare is not just 'encirclement'. In order to conquer the enemy's fortifications, at least two goals must be achieved: first, to make the enemy isolated and helpless and fully surrounded; second, to enable the soldiers responsible for the siege to Launch an attack in one direction without any distractions."

"As a city, Black Reef Port is almost a natural fortress, with no weak points except the port; then it is very simple to defend it: create a strong enough protrusion to match the firepower from the direction of the fortress, while reducing the defense pressure!"

"If the enemy wants to be safe and unaffected, he must move down to capture the salient position, but this will inevitably expose his back and flanks to the defense line; and if he ignores the salient and forcibly attacks the city, he will be exposed to both the defense line and the salient at the same time. Under the double firepower of Debu.”

"The most perfect and 'exquisite' part of this plan is that our protrusion is built on the original siege position, and it is the center connecting the east and west siege positions!"

"Bernard Morweis, he now has only two choices: either to decisively and quickly eliminate us, or to retreat and withdraw the cut off Eastern Front siege positions - not only reducing the city's defense pressure , while also leaving ample battlefield space for the reinforcements that are about to arrive.”

"In other words, we only need to survive the enemy's first round of offensive, and there will be no suspense in this battle to defend Black Reef Port! The next step is to march straight in, conquer Gray Pigeon Castle, seize Sail City, and completely drive out the Imperial people New world.”

"The star-ringed flag with a blue background, symbolizing independence, will fly freely over the land that was originally enslaved!"

At the end of his speech, Anson, who was still unfinished, glanced proudly to his side, waiting for the usual cheers and applause.

But perhaps because they were too nervous or busy, the Storm Division soldiers present did not give him face as the commander-in-chief. They concentrated on their surroundings and did not notice that they missed a wonderful event. speech.

As for a certain sergeant who served as the commander of the guard company... Lisa, who was lying in the trench bunker, was working hard to search for enemies in the field of vision. It wasn't until someone finished speaking that her little pink ears moved, and she turned her head to glance. Turning to the side, he blinked cooperatively:


Anson Bach: "..."

To be honest, he regretted not bringing the little secretary with him.

Although this "real Alan Dawn" is also a very capable actor, the scene where he announced the plan didn't even attract any praise, which was too...


The deafening roar interrupted Anson's random thoughts.

The two people with big eyes and small eyes had no time to be stunned. They all looked in the direction of the sound, and then decisively rushed into the trench bunker.

"Artillery fire is coming - take cover!"


Accompanied by the angry orders of the colonial minister, earth-shaking artillery shelling exploded continuously from the positions on the west side of the empire.

In the gray smoke, more than 20 cannons spit out rising flames and roared towards the dome to crush everything; eight pounds, twelve pounds, twenty-four pounds...large and small solid bullets and explosive bombs, like sudden It rained down around the gap occupied by the advance guard.

For a moment, large swaths of blue-white smoke rose from the positions ravaged by artillery fire. Many seemingly solid earth walls collapsed, and the cracked sand and stone rushed into the sky amidst the screams of the soldiers. Even the kettles that had just been erected King Luo Wei's flag was also torn to pieces by the air waves of the cannonballs, but...

"But why do most of the shells fall into the open space to the north of the gap?!"

Seeing the flashing explosions in the distance, Bernard turned his head and shouted at the messenger with gritted teeth, as if he wanted to eat him alive: "The enemies are hiding in the trenches, what's the point of blowing up the open space?!"

"But, this is the order you gave before!"

Faced with the anger of the minister in charge, the already practiced herald's legs went weak on the spot, showing an extremely aggrieved expression: "You want all artillery coordinates to be aimed at the rear of the position, and in order to avoid accidental damage, try to avoid the position of the gap - —I executed them all!”

"You... stop giving me excuses!"

The angry Bernard was speechless for a while. Of course he knew that this was his order, in order to cut off the advance army's retreat and strangle the remaining military forces in Black Reef Port near the position:

"Since we know that there is a problem with the bombardment coordinates, why don't we modify it immediately?!"

"Because this takes time! You also asked us to fire artillery immediately to cover the firepower and cover the cavalry and infantry attacks. There is no time to adjust the coordinate position!"

The messenger was even more aggrieved, but he also knew that complaining at this time was purely seeking death, so he cautiously asked, "Should we adjust the coordinates immediately and conduct another round of bombardment?"


Bernard turned his head sharply and stared at the gap in the central position: "Now that the enemy has entered the bunker, the effect of further shelling will be greatly reduced and it is completely meaningless!"

More importantly, there is not much ammunition left...he thought silently in his heart.

In order to destroy the port and sink the four warships, he used up a quarter of his ammunition. Coupled with the consumption of previous rounds of battles, the anti-rebellion army's artillery reserves were almost bottomed out, and they could only use up enough ammunition. Perform two or three more rounds of rapid-fire artillery coverage.

This means that even if the advance army occupying the gap in the position is eliminated, he will only have one or two opportunities to storm Black Reef Port under the cover of artillery fire.

Precious shells are not worth wasting on a bunch of damn Clovis heads.

"Inform Sir Sado to withdraw the cavalry and replace it with infantry and vassals to surround the advance army!"

Bernard's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes were full of murderous intent: "Tell him, even if you use people to pile up, you must fill up the gap - don't leave any survivors, kill them all!"

"As you command!"

The orderly soldier, who was trembling all over, responded quickly and rode his horse towards the battlefield as if fleeing for his life.

Three minutes later, the suffocating sound of artillery fire finally stopped, and then the loud bugle of the imperial army's attack sounded - the battle that decided the life and death of the advance army had just begun.

Barely waiting for the sound of artillery to end, more than 3,000 imperial soldiers from the four infantry regiments on the eastern front were already eager to launch an offensive. Along the trenches with ravines between the positions, they launched a fierce attack on the re-erected King of Clovis' flag. .

Their unauthorized actions also caught the main force on the Western Front off guard. The officers who were still adjusting their deployment were suddenly confused because they had not received any order to attack!

Now that the troops on the Eastern Front have launched a general offensive, are they cooperating or not? If you cooperate, does it also violate military orders?

"Order - Two vassal regiments and one line regiment of the leading troops on the Western Front will assemble and advance towards the gap on the north side to cooperate with the attack on the Eastern Front."

Looking at the blue-white figures and golden iris flags that continued to emerge from the smoke, Knight Sado said without hesitation: "Since they have launched an attack, we don't need to wait for the order from the minister, and act immediately!"

Because they have no choice... If they cannot eliminate the advance army as soon as possible, they will not only be cut off from the main force on the Western Front, but also completely expose the flanks of the army to the firepower of Black Reef Port or the advance army, and there is a danger of defeat and overturning at any time!

Under the almost rigid line tactics, the consequences of exposing the flanks are absolutely fatal, even more terrifying than turning your back to the enemy - at most you and your front and rear rows will have to face enemy firepower.

But if it is the flank, the entire line will be covered by one round of fire; the enemy's artillery and rifles can carry out annihilation strikes "in clusters" like roll call, plus the empire's line is already dense... …

A biting chill surged up in the chest of the cuirassier battalion commander. His hands were trembling slightly. He didn't even dare to think about it. What if there were really heavy casualties and they were thrown into the sand under the Black Reef Harbor City? What would happen to Sail City and all of them? means nothing.

Bernard Molwes was in disgrace, what about them?

Can they, who are from the north and represent the imperial army led by the interests of the Roland and Bernard families, survive the disaster?

Or is he a sinner who is dragged down by the emperor's white gloves and bears the infamy of the empire's lost colonies?

No matter which one, he must make plans early... Sir Sadow secretly thought in his heart, looking at the battlefield not far away, slowly pulled out the saber on the saddle, leaving a bright sword light with his waving arm:


As the blade fell, hundreds of vassal soldiers, dressed in messy clothes and wielding crude weapons, rushed out of the position and rushed towards the gap on the north side where gunshots were already ringing.

Compared with the last attack, these indigenous people and loyal colonists, who were raised and exploited like livestock by the imperial knights and chamber of commerce, were not only more sallow and thinner than before, but their eyes had also lost their luster, and they were no different from domestic animals. .

What's left is only the stiff reaction when obeying orders, and the killing instinct when seeing the enemy - without dodging, he crashes straight into the position guarded by the Marcos Company.

Seeing the enemy rushing forward so desperately, Marcos, who was frightened, did not dare to neglect and decisively issued a defensive order; more than a hundred Storm Division line soldiers lined up in two compact rows behind the earthen wall, facing the unkempt men. The figure pulls the trigger.

A thunderous volley sounded from the narrow position, and the golden-red gun flames flickered and extinguished with the surging smoke, continuously; the vassal soldiers who were advancing wildly in the hail of bullets fell in pieces. The layers of corpses on the ground created countless obstacles for those who came after.

But what pleased Sir Sado was that even though the offensive was interrupted, the imperial knights responsible for supervising the battle still threatened the vassals with revolvers and sabers to continue the attack - even if they could not break through the defense line, they could consume more of the advance army's physical strength and ammunition. Divert the opponent's attention and buy time for the Eastern Front Army's general offensive.

Facing the overwhelming imperial army, although the advance army occupied key terrain, the gap in strength between the two sides was huge; even if it was just one attack on the Eastern Front, the total strength of the attack was more than three times that of the advance army!

Such a disparity in troop strength was enough to make up for the firepower advantage obtained by relying on Leopold rifles - and at the same time, the almost constant flow of vassal soldiers who were fearless and fearless of death also diverted a lot of the firepower of the advance army.

As for the advance army... Looking at the Clovis unicorn in the smoke and dust, almost surrounded by golden iris flowers, a sarcastic sneer appeared on Sir Sado's lips.

That Lieutenant Colonel Alexei Dukasky did have insight into, or learned from "certain channels" about the weaknesses of the army's siege position, and took advantage of the bulge to split the imperial army into two, This forced the Eastern Front Army to evacuate as soon as possible and exposed the flanks of the main Western Front force to his firepower.

However, he failed to notice a very fatal problem.

That's the distance from the Black Reef Harbor defense line to the gap on the north side...it's really too far!

Although it doesn't seem too far away, even if he besieges the advance army from the south, even if the broken guns in Black Reef Port have sufficient range, they won't have much power.

Therefore, the gap he occupies is just a dead place that looks extremely deadly, but is actually hanging alone outside the original defense system!

Of course, if the defenders of Black Reef Port had artillery, this shortcoming would no longer exist; but unfortunately, their only artillery had sunk to the bottom of the sea along with the battleships following the previous bombardment of the port.

With the courage of the traitors in Black Reef Port, they would never dare to go out of the city to fight the Empire. No artillery can provide a wider range of firepower... Alexey Dukaski, his thought-smart move, actually destroyed the entire advance army Completely brought to the ground...


There was a loud noise, and Sir Sado, who was interrupted from thinking, only had time to see the whistling black shadow rush into the smoke-filled battlefield, causing screams of people and horses to fall on their backs in the sea of ​​golden iris flowers.

Stunned, he suddenly turned around and looked in the direction where the sound came from; in the distance, he saw a faint smoke rising from the top of a watchtower on the Black Reef Port defense line.


Is that a cannon? !

I have been thinking hard about nicknames recently. Given the background of this book and the fact that the protagonist is keen on making trouble in the newspaper industry, it is normal to have nicknames - so what should I call it?

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