I will be crowned king

Chapter 573 What does he want to do? !

"Artillery - all on position!"

In the defensive position bunker of Black Reef Port, Alexei Dukasky, standing on the side of the 18-pounder gun, held on to the low wall and looked at the distant shouts of killing, surrounded by gunpowder smoke and countless blue and white figures. The mood of King Clovis surrounded by the flag was extremely complicated.

How should I put it? It's a bit like the sudden understanding and frightening feeling after the magic riddle is revealed. At the same time, it can also make people doubt their own IQ.

Like, why three days?

Apart from reasons such as not wanting to arouse enemy suspicion, the advance army could bargain with Bernard and extend the armistice to four or even five days, waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

Anyway, neither side has the sincerity of even half a copper. Does it matter whether it is three days or four days?

Key, simply too key!

If it was not only three days, how could they "keep their promise" and watch the advance army leave the city?

How could the advance army build a fortress for the advance army on the empire's siege position openly without leaving the city? How could the imperial army be so obediently sent to the muzzle of the cannon, lined up to be blown up into the sky by him?

Well, where did the cannon come from? The empire destroyed the port, but the sunk battleships and guns also all sank under the port!

Salvage, repair, preparation, training, placement... It took no more, no less, three days. Except for the two six-pound cannons and all the propellants, the remaining artillery and shells were salvaged ashore and scattered in several bunker strongholds along the defense line. Inside.

Why must it be dispersed rather than placed? That's another story.

As for rebuilding the defense line, reorganizing the Black Reef Port militia, and accumulating logistical supplies... these will also take at least three days.

It's not that there will be a surprise after three days, but that three days is the limit for executing this plan; this time Anson did not leave even half a day to spare - before he confirmed that the empire was really out of ammunition and food, he had no intention of leaving any for himself. of retreat.

Looking at the eighteen-pound naval gun beside him that was still smoking slightly, not to mention that the enemy was completely confused, even Alexey himself had an "unreal" sense of déjà vu... Although this sense of déjà vu was I have experienced this many times when soiling.

"Load ammunition, second round of calibration—!"

After receiving the order, the ammunition hand immediately ran to the front of the cannon in a panic. After the two federal navy (pirates) hurriedly cleaned the cannon chamber, the three of them laboriously stuffed the head-sized cannonball into it.

From the start of the work to the completion of preparations, it took nearly a minute... The commander-in-chief of the advance army looked back expressionlessly, and glanced at Deputy Company Commander Alis, who served as the "gun commander" from the corner of his eye.

Originally, this position was assigned to Miss Lisa Bach, but due to safety concerns for the Commander-in-Chief—mainly because Lisa herself did not agree—the deputy company commander who “claimed to have been a gunfighter” could only be given the temporary job. .

But looking at his limbs trembling with excitement and his mouth from ear to ear, Alexey regretted making this decision a little bit.

After all, the Second Infantry Regiment does not have artillery (and it is impossible to have one). All artillery must be guided by the 18-pound cannon behind him, and use salvos to make up for the accuracy; if the explosion point of the artillery shell is slightly off, it will fall to the advance army. On the battlefield, then...


Excited shouts rang out again, and dozens of soldiers surrounding the artillery in the bunker all raised their heads and looked at the expressionless commander-in-chief of the advance army.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Alexei sighed in relief.

Now that we've come this far, there's nothing to be afraid of - the worst case scenario is that we'll die in this wild new world. What's the difference between dying on a bed in our home country?

The day I left home, I... was already a damned person.

The next moment, the commander-in-chief of the advance army, who gave up thinking, used all his strength to smash his arm at the golden iris surrounding King Clovis' flag:



Amidst the roar that shook the sky, billowing white smoke enveloped most of the defense line of Black Reef Port; only the black afterimages of the bullet marks could be seen, emitting a penetrating scream, falling towards the battlefield dominated by gunpowder smoke and shouts of killing.

Eighteen pounds, twelve pounds, six pounds... The solid bullets, burnt hot by the gunfire, hit hard in the middle of the golden iris flowers blooming everywhere. The violent air waves created a big crater and screamed in pain at the same time. The screams tore it into pieces, crushing it into blood and minced meat that sprayed all over the sky.

You don't even need to aim too accurately. Each cannonball can accurately take away at least "one" iris - even if the whistling cannonball misses, it can still knock down five or six figures with the help of bounce and roll. On the crowded battlefield Tear open a "flesh trail".

The fatality of flank exposure was evident at this moment.

The imperial army, which had been so powerful just now, was overwhelmed by the sudden artillery fire - no one expected that the Black Reef Port militia actually had artillery in their hands, and more than one!

What's more important is that because the entire battlefield has been shrouded in gunpowder smoke, the soldiers in the front row have no idea where the bombardment is coming from, and they don't even know where to dodge.

The soldiers at the back saw with their own eyes the artillery shells coming from the Black Reef Port defense line flying towards them, ruthlessly tearing apart the entire row of soldiers in front, and miserable howls echoed one after another around them.

Even the most tenacious line privates could not maintain high morale despite being attacked on the flanks. They stepped on corpses everywhere and continued to advance under endless volleys of guns.

So amidst the thick smoke and thunderous sound of artillery, the officers' roars and shouts began to sound one after another, constantly cheering up the soldiers who were thinking of retreating; at the same time, the military musicians also began to beat the drums harder, trying to Use the cheerful prelude to cover up the screams around you.

"Keep calm—soldiers, look straight ahead!"

"That's right, don't panic! Keep going, keep going!"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. They're just a few worthless scraps of metal. They can't be compared with the Imperial artillery!"

... No matter how much the officers shouted hoarsely and the military musicians wanted to break the drums, they still could not wipe the panic from the faces of the soldiers.

Soon, the vassal army that was used as cannon fodder collapsed first.

As the cannonballs continued to explode clouds of blood mist among the crowd, they who originally relied on the sabers and revolvers of the supervisory team to maintain their "morale" began to flee in groups, like a group of headless flies on the battlefield. Chaos.

As a battlefield, the siege position was quite narrow. If the deserters wanted to avoid the bombardment, they could only continue to attack and retreat; but they were faced with rounds of volleys of guns from the advance army. Behind them, in addition to the supervisory team, there was also an empire waiting to enter the battlefield. Full infantry regiment.

More than a thousand vassal soldiers were caught in the middle of the battlefield, with nowhere to hide from the roaring volleys and artillery bombardments, and they did not know how to hide on the field; they stood almost straight on the spot, and were blown away by volleys of guns and artillery shells. The air waves turned into torn corpses.

So less than three minutes after the bombardment of the Black Reef Port defense line, there were very few vassal troops still standing around the gap position; the imperial line infantry in the back row could even step on their corpses and continue straight towards the advance army. Attack.

But in the face of the vassal army that had almost lost all casualties, the Imperial line soldiers who followed closely behind were still at their original positions and did not move at all... helplessly watching the troops on the Eastern Front pouring out, on the Black Reef Struggling under the bombardment of the harbor.


The crisp sound of gunfire rang in his ears, and the lead bullet penetrated the Imperial Knight's head.

The shattered fragments knocked down the drummer in the back row, and plasma sprayed on the horrified faces of the soldiers on the surrounding lines, causing a panic.

A familiar feeling came to mind, but Anson was not excited at all. He was like a ruthless shooting machine, using the conjurer's transcendent sense of distance and "superpower" to accurately destroy one foot after another. to the head within your casting range.

Now he is more and more able to understand why the "fifth stage" is a stage from quantitative change to qualitative change for spell casters.

As a conjurer, he has almost no fighting ability when he first becomes a spell caster; if he wants to make up for the gap with the other two major series of spell casters, he can only study and record various magics like crazy, otherwise he will have nothing to do with ordinary people. the difference.

But when reaching the fifth level - which is only one step away from the blasphemous mage, the new magic no longer seems so important.

He is now even confident that he can use no magic at all, relying only on the weapons at hand and his absolute sense of distance. The same year ago, he could fight back and forth; if it were an ordinary person, crushing him would not be a problem.

The strong sense of distance and the power to distort reality have in turn shaped Anson's self-confidence that "everything is under control"; as long as he is within the range of spellcasting, he is a dictator who can do whatever he says and have his wishes come true.

At the moment, this range only has a radius of thirty meters. If it is enlarged to one kilometer, five kilometers, ten kilometers...if all corners of an entire city, all sounds, smells, temperatures, life, and natural laws and regulations are all under control, what will happen? What is the situation?

Going one step further, if the casting range can penetrate the dome, pull the stars, and connect the sun and the moon...


Another shot was fired, and an officer who wanted to draw his sword and charge fell to death, causing panic among the surrounding Imperial line soldiers; with the rapid and continuous sound of gunfire, more than a dozen figures fell instantly.

Facing an enemy whose number was several times his own, the advance army was completely red-eyed, and everyone from the officers to the soldiers showed signs of losing control - Ansen had already seen more than one guy holding up a slightly red barrel and risking his life. Still firing without realizing the risk of exploding the barrel.


Anson, who was a little helpless, put down Leopold in his hand and held down the girl beside him who was about to go crazy.


"Let the Guard Company and Skirmisher Company shrink their defense lines. All those who can retreat into the bunker will withdraw into the bunker and be prepared to hide."

Looking thoughtfully at the main offensive position of the counter-rebellion army on the Western Front, Anson said uncertainly:

"Counting the time, it's almost time for him to react."


Curious Lisa stared at Anson and tilted her head.


"Why stop attacking?!"

Looking at the King of Clovis flag that had been re-erected on the north side of the position, Bernard suddenly took off his telescope and glared at the messenger sent by the cuirassier battalion commander: "Tell me what the reason is. Order the attack to stop and allow the traitors in Black Reef Port to fire at the Eastern Front without restraint?!"

"Does he know that once the imperial army encounters a heavy setback and huge casualties in Black Reef Port, what terrible consequences will it cause?!"

"Of course Sir Sado knows!"

The messenger snorted, and there was no trace of fear on his resolute face; as a cuirassier, he knew very well who was truly worthy of his fear:

"But it was precisely in order to reduce unnecessary casualties that Sir ordered to stop the attack - facing the enemy with the advantage of cross-fire, continuing to invest troops will not help at all!"

"The only solution now is to ask artillery positions to suppress the northern defense line of Black Reef Port, or launch a general offensive from the west to Black Reef Port to distract the attention of the Black Reef Port defenders, so that we can win for the Eastern Front Army. Divert opportunities for retreat.”

"Retreat? Transfer?!"

Looking at the calm cuirassier in front of him, Bernard felt itchy with hatred.

"This is another reason why Sir Sado sent me here, Lord Bernard Morwes." The cuirassier continued unhurriedly:

"He asks you to use this opportunity to abandon the eastern and northern fronts and retract all the troops to the western front positions."


"Because if you don't do this, it will play into the hands of the Clovis people - the reason why they want to occupy the gap on the north side is to use this bulge to attract all our attention, and they have to siege Black Reef Harbor before capture."

"But if we don't seize this gap as soon as possible, even if we withdraw our troops, won't we still be attacked from both sides?!"

"That's right, but it's better than being cut off at the waist now, with the risk of the entire army being annihilated at any time."

Taking a deep breath, the cuirassier looked solemnly at Bernard, who was about to reach the critical point: "Sir Sadow asked me to remind you that we don't have much time - if we waste energy on other secondary issues, we will It greatly increases the possibility that we will not be able to capture Black Reef Harbor."

"In addition, he also asked you to think carefully about why the Clovis occupied the gap and risked the entire army to defend Black Reef Port."


Bernard, who had almost lost his breath, looked stunned by this question and froze on the spot.

That's right, if they just want to retreat, they actually have plenty of opportunities. There is no need to occupy a gap that will almost certainly be completely besieged and build it into a bulge that can cover the city defense of Black Reef Port.

If it wasn't for retreat, then what could it be for?

Bernard fell into an extremely confused state. Although he had only met Alexei a few times, he could not imagine that he would be the kind of passionate and desperate guy.

Sudden! A guess that he had long forgotten flashed through Bernard's mind like an electric shock.

Could it be that Anson Bach is really planning to be with himself in Black Reef Port, in this place...

"Instruct Sir Sado to assist the Eastern Front troops in completing their retreat mission as soon as possible; on the premise of avoiding casualties as much as possible, at any cost!"

Bernard, whose face suddenly changed, showed an extremely solemn expression, and said solemnly to the cuirassiers: "In half an hour, I will let the artillery conduct a round of shelling on the defense line and gaps on the north side of Black Reef Port, but the time will not be very long. Commander, you must seize the opportunity!"

"As you command!"

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