I will be crowned king

Chapter 585 Faircrease’s little plan

Chapter 585 Phil Cressey’s little plan

Sailing City, the governor's residence.

Under the bright light, Phil Cressy, who was lying on the sofa, looked at the rum in the glass, with a careful and serious expression like a poisonous snake searching for its prey.

As a distilled liquor produced from molasses, it was originally a specialty of the southern dwarves. In the ancient dark ages, it had the reputation of "jewel wine" and "crystal wine". Even the emperor only occasionally had the honor to taste it during major festivals. Fine wine.

It wasn't until 600 BC that a priest brought the "sugar cane" crop back to the earth from the south. While ending the dwarves' monopoly on "sugar", it also allowed rum to spread in the old world.

Saint Isaac, who had a certain paranoia about sweets, specially developed a new sugar crop that could adapt to the northern coastal climate for a close friend of Edland, and also made "Veneto Black Rum" world-famous.

It only takes one year to brew ordinary rum, and the worst Veneto takes three years; but the mellow aroma, thick taste, and gem-like color...anyone who has tasted it will not deny that, It's worth the wait.

Veneto is a miracle created by time.

There were more than a dozen people around him dressed similarly to him, wearing high-collar black trench coats, trousers and leather boots, with only inner linings, hats and decorations slightly different. They were sitting in various corners of the room with wine of different colors, or clearly Or they secretly monitor the "masters" of this place.

Faced with the uninvited Feier Crecy, the dignitaries of Sailing City who tried to use the power of the Faithless Knights to rebel and seize power did not say they regretted it, at least... they regretted it.

They use the gap between the withdrawal of the imperial army to collude with each other, win over the middle forces to join their own camp, and spare no effort to provide sufficient supplies to the sky to paralyze the military's ideas... until all parties relax their vigilance and rebel openly!

Everything went so smoothly. The coup that was originally expected to take at least a whole night of bloody battles miraculously ended as soon as it started - it was even doubtful whether it had experienced a "bloody battle".

As "leaders", before they could figure out what happened, they were greeted by the respectful Faithless Knights and rode in a carriage, and then...

The two thousand militiamen that the Sailing City Council relied on to control the colony were either bribed and controlled, or they have disappeared; as for their own private soldiers, they were all killed when the rebellion first started.

In the huge governor's palace, the Faithless Knights of the Crecy family have become the only armed force.

The rebels, who were confidently preparing to rule Sailing City, found themselves hostage to the Crecy family.

One second they ascended to heaven, and the next second they might actually ascend at any time. This was their most real feeling now.

"To be honest, I really don't understand what you have to be 'fearful' about."

Swaying the wine as rich as blood in the cup, Feier said to himself with a little confusion on his handsome face: "We are partners, allies in the same trench... As an ally, I am neither a murderer, nor a murderer. There is no reason to kill you."

"The most important thing is that I have fulfilled my promise perfectly, allowing you to become the owner of this Governor's Mansion and the actual controller of the Sail City meeting as you wished - really, except for you here, there are one hundred and fifteen other people. The MPs are all dead.”

"Unless one of them is proficient in blood magic or has the talent of resurrecting blood, they will never be able to compete with you...including their family members."

"You, you, you..." The wine glass in his hand stopped on the panicked faces of one after another, and young Cressy said word by word:

"The thirty-five of you are the 'Sailing City Council'... Well, you just meet the minimum standards for convening a meeting, hahaha."

Feir laughed, and the surrounding faithless knights wearing long-sleeved windbreakers and holding wine glasses also laughed... Sparse chuckles echoed in the depressing hall.


His wine glass suddenly stopped on a young congressman, with a calm face floating in the scarlet wine.


"Yes, it's you!" Feier's lips raised:

"Tell me, what are you... or they, really afraid of?"

"Afraid of..."

The young congressman, who was covered in cold sweat, was trembling and shouting hysterically in his mind - What are you pretending to be, you lunatic? It's fun to see others in distress, isn't it? !

But he was not going to seek death for a moment of verbal pleasure, so he could only swallow his anger and force out a smile: "I...we are not...scared!"

"No?" Feier's smile became playful:

"If it's not fear, what is it?"



"Yes, that's it!" The young congressman nodded crazily as if grasping a life-saving straw:

"I-we were just so excited and couldn't believe it all happened so fast!"


"Really! It's absolutely true!"

"It's absolutely true..." Feier's expression suddenly turned to look at the remaining thirty-four members:

"what about you?"

"I, that's why I am too!"

"Yes, the main thing is that I am too excited, too excited!"

"Yes, yes...it's really unbelievable!"...

Everyone was shocked and rushed to stand up, "confession" impatiently.

"Well, that's right."

Phil Cressy smiled with satisfaction, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Of course he knew what these people were thinking, but he really didn't care - these rebel councilors were just tools for the Cressy family to rule Sailing City, and they were the "legal principles" that allowed him to legitimately become the speaker of the parliament.

It's exactly the same thing as what Anson Bach did for the Luen family behind him in Moby Dick Harbor.

As long as we know how the so-called "Free Confederacy" was born, it is not difficult to understand what the Clovis garrison commander wants to do; especially for the Faithless Knights who have power throughout the New World. From the day the "Declaration of Resistance" was born, Phil Cressey had seen through Anson's plan.

Supporting puppets, controlling public opinion, and monopolizing the economy... it was so dazzling that it was dizzying to see, but it also carried out airtight and meticulous plans step by step, step by step, turning the imperial colonies that originally just wanted to be independent into Clovis's de facto vassals.

To be honest, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Phil Cressey really couldn't believe that a Clovis man could infiltrate an imperial colony that was five or even ten times the size of Beluga Harbor in just two or three months. , extending his tentacles to all aspects of the Free Confederacy, controlling it tightly.

He originally expected that even the most exaggerated situation of the Storm Division would be to control the two colonies of Changhu Town and Red Hand Bay and form a sphere of influence around them; he never expected that there would be such a whimsical way of "supporting Jianguo" , control all colonies from top to bottom, and completely drive out the imperial forces!

Amazing, really amazing.

But Anson Bach, who seems to be invincible and has controlled the entire Free Confederation, has the most fatal weakness!

That is, no matter how much actual control is achieved, he... and the Luen family behind him, the White Whale Port, and the Storm Division will always be Clovis.

Still in a state of war, the colonies must rely on him to fight against the powerful imperial army; no matter how harsh the demands, there are only two choices: accept or be overturned.

But what if the war ends?

What if the empire is defeated and all the colonies—especially Sailing City, the strongest among the empire's colonies—succeed in independence and expel the imperial forces?

Can the six colonies that once again united to form the Free Confederation accept the all-pervasive imperial forces?

Can Anson Bach... still maintain his "savior" image?

Even if he can, can the Luen family, Clovis property owners and military officers behind him accept a result that has no real benefits except gratitude?


Anson Bach must be very aware of this, so he will definitely not take the initiative to attack Sail City, or even Gray Pigeon Castle.

He will try his best to cause chaos in these two places and make the empire retreat in a panic, giving him time and sufficient preparation to gather all the power of Clovis and the "Free Confederacy" to eradicate these two original empires in one go. colony.

Not only did it legitimately attack the power of the imperial colonists in the New World, but it also legitimately allowed the Clovis people to intervene in the interests of these two colonies and loot the wealth here... and ultimately moved the trade center of the New World eastward from Sailing City. , became his base camp, Beluga Harbor.

This...is his "perfect plan"!

Once Sailing City, which must "fall" in this plan, does not suffer major losses, and even successfully becomes his "ally" independently, the wealth that Anson Bach can promise to his allies and subordinates will be severely reduced, and he will have to The spearhead was aimed at the Free Confederacy, which originally needed strong unity.

Then the imperial colonies that were originally "loyal" to him will immediately turn against the Clovis people; coupled with the disappearance of the imperial threat, the Clovis people will lose the value of using and relying on the Free Confederation that has achieved independence. They are no longer needed.

Sailing City, led by the Cressy family, will naturally become the natural leader of the Free Confederacy, leading them to launch "limited cooperation" with the Clovis people, their "former comrades-in-arms."

Anson Bach, the Free Confederacy he worked so hard to manage, will eventually become a plaything of the Cressey family; and unless he wants to watch the Confederacy and the Empire join forces again, and let all his previous efforts to weaken the Empire disappear, otherwise he can only Swallow this bitter pill and accept this "not the worst" outcome.

The Crecy family, which has suffered countless hardships and was almost wiped out, will be reborn in this land of ice and snow... from the ashes.

Playing with the empty wine glass, the proud Phil Cressy licked the wine stains at the corner of his mouth.

"grown ups."

A faithless knight suddenly stood up and walked quickly behind him. A trace of astonishment flashed in his cold eyes: "There is something wrong. The target is missing."


"Louis Bernard." The knight held up the top hat on his head and lowered his voice and whispered: "Fifteen minutes ago, the aura of the 'Solitaire' responsible for surveillance completely disappeared...death can be confirmed."


Phil Cressy, who didn't look back, nodded slightly, his expression thoughtful.

"Are you going to send someone to pursue you?" the knight said coldly:

"I'm not sure if 'Solitaire' has revealed much information to the other party. The other party is the heir of the Bernard family. If they take away the "Great Magic Book" in the church, then..."

"It doesn't matter." Feier shrugged:

"Not to mention whether he can find it or not, even if he does take him away, then let him take him away. We are not without him anyway."

"But you promised Anson Bach of Beluga Port to give the "Great Magic Book" to..."

"I promised to give it to him, but what can I do if Louis Bernard takes it away?" Feier asked, with a sly smile in his indifferent eyes:

"It is said that these two people are sworn enemies. Now that the thing has fallen into Louis' hands, unless he does it himself, he will never get a copy of this "Big Magic Book" in his life... What a pity!"

Seeing Phil Crecy gloating about his misfortune, the knight who originally wanted to persuade him finally gave up on this useless effort, sighed and turned around to walk to his seat.

At this moment, he who had already relaxed his vigilance suddenly felt a strong aura, exploding like a cannonball in the city of Yangfan on a rainy night!

It's not just him... The Faithless Knights scattered throughout the hall stood up one after another, their solemn eyes searching vigilantly outside the window, and their hands unconsciously reaching for weapons.

"Lord Fell Cressy, there is an enemy!"

"Already know it!"

Phil Cressy, who frowned slightly, said softly and put down the empty wine glass impatiently: "Where is it?"

"Central Street, and it's approaching this way quickly!"

"How fast?"

"In one more minute, we will arrive at the Governor's Palace!"

The knight holding the brim of his hat was a little panicked, and when he saw Feier looking back, he lowered his head suddenly: "Sorry, the opponent did not pass through the node where we deployed our defense, but rushed directly from the front - all the people guarding the front were Bribed defenders and mercenaries!"

"Mercenaries? I remember that there were a thousand militiamen guarding the front. Counting the mercenaries, there were more than two thousand, and they were well-equipped..." Feier narrowed his eyes slightly:

"You mean that the other party can break through the defense lines and fortifications composed of two thousand people in one minute and reach the governor's mansion?"

The knight nodded quickly nervously, then shook his head quickly:

"It's not that they can, but... they have already come to kill them!"


Feir was completely stunned at this time: "Who is it?"


As the words fell, a dazzling light shone through the glass windows on everyone's faces; the astonished Fehr turned his head to look, and saw a golden-red fire pillar rising from the ground without knowing when, soaring straight into the sky.

"It's Sir Louis Bernard who had already escaped, and a female elf in a nun's uniform!"

"Suspected, suspected to be a fifth-level spell caster!"

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