I will be crowned king

Chapter 586 Passionate!

Fifth level?

Looking at the huge pillar of fire that appeared out of thin air outside the window and made the entire Sailing City shine like daylight, Phil Crecy, who narrowed his eyes, suddenly felt the urge to laugh.

If this can only be regarded as the level of a "fifth-level spellcaster", then why hasn't the Old God Sect ruled the world?

Fortunately, the "Lord of the Abyss" has been active in the eastern part of the Turbulent Sea since the beginning of the year for some reason. Otherwise, if even he was attracted by this power, the entire Sailing City would probably cease to exist.

However, although the strength of elven spellcasters is directly linked to their emotions, those who can summon dozens of meters of fire pillars with bare hands are not ordinary elves. If you investigate carefully, it should not be difficult to find out the identity, at least it will not go beyond the Thirteen Council. The fan...huh? !

Feir, whose pupils shrank suddenly, turned around suddenly and growled at the shocked knight: "What did you just say?!"

"Louis Bernard and the female elf next to him... rushed over from what direction?!"

"The city center avenue - completely avoided all the ambush points we arranged, that is, the defenses deployed by the Yangfan City defenders and mercenaries... defense... defense..."

The next moment, the knight who suddenly woke up opened his mouth and could only make intermittent sounds.

The surrounding Faithless Knights were silent, and their expressions gradually became solemn with the silent atmosphere; under the dazzling firelight, the already panicked congressmen were even more restless, like ants on a hot pot.

"That's it." Feier sighed, his eyes slightly helpless.

"Or order them to retreat." A trustless knight guarding the gate suddenly said, his hoarse voice showing his age: "Even if there is no spellcaster, ordinary soldiers are just nothing in front of the 'Sea Knights' It only increases casualties."

"How about we invite young Master Louis and the elf lady over to taste wine with you?"

Um? !

As soon as he finished speaking, the rest of the Faithless Knights looked back one after another, staring at Phil Cressy with burning eyes.

Feeling the excitement surrounding him, Feier, who was slightly troubled, picked up the wine glass, turned the glass while staring at the firelight outside the window, and fell into deep thought.

"No, let's forget it." After hesitating for a few seconds, he slowly shook his head and said:

"It's definitely too late to call for retreat now. Even if you order them to retreat, it will only create more chaos... Let's stay the same and delay as much time as possible."

The faithless knights around showed disappointed expressions.

"As for Master Louis Bernard..." Feier raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said quietly:

"If he is really interested in the fine wine at the Governor's Mansion, it would be better to invite him to visit in person; if he is too polite, it will make the relationship seem too unfamiliar."

"After all, we are relatives connected by blood!"


Sailing City, Central Avenue.

Staring blankly at the huge pillar of fire rising from the ground in the rain, the defenders of Yangfan City hiding behind the trenches and fortifications all had their mouths opened, as if they were completely scared into fools.

In one minute...maybe not even half a minute, the forward position has been reduced to a sea of ​​flames!

Along with the ear-piercing whistling, balls of fire comparable to twelve pounds of explosive bombs exploded one after another in the position, rising up in the rain curtain and illuminating the panicked faces.

Until the screams of the companions who were swallowed up by the flames and turned into charcoal were heard. After finally awakening their minds, whether they were militiamen or mercenaries, a thought came into their minds at the same time:



No matter how powerful the army is, they cannot withstand such a terrifying and unprovoked bombing; not to mention that they were originally rebels who were bribed by the Faithless Knights after being purged.

So under the dark rainy night, the defense line consisting of more than 2,000 people collapsed in the blink of an eye. Their helmets and armor were thrown away, and the birds and beasts scattered. The commander abandoned the army, and the soldiers abandoned their commanders. Everyone abandoned their positions like a competition and used the fastest speed. Run wildly!

But even in this irreversible chaos, there are still many troops who have "not figured it out yet" and are still holding on to their positions, trying hard to maintain the defense line that has essentially collapsed, and even trying to rebuild order.

"Enemy attack! Fire—fire!"

Amidst the heart-rending shouts, the thunderous volleys of guns burst out with continuous and uninterrupted fire in the rain, and the lead bullets poured like raindrops and rushed towards the figures running towards them.


The dazzling bright silver light spread out in front of the slender figure, crushing the lead bullets that came one after another into flickering flames.

Damn it, this is still a conjurer - but why doesn't he have a caster reaction? !

The mercenary captain yelled in his heart and became nervous involuntarily: "Why are you still standing there?! Keep firing, don't let him pass!"

The Faithless Knights have given a death order... Other militia fools and lone wolf adventurers may not dare to take it seriously, but mercenaries like them know very well what the Faithless Knights mean in the new world.

Unless you have the ability to escape from the colony or hide in the frozen wilderness, compared with being hunted by the Faithless Knights, even suicide seems to be an incomparably wonderful option!

The uninterrupted volley continued, and the gushing smoke enveloped the spacious street and condensed into a thin white line.

But even so, it couldn't delay the pace of the figure slightly.

Damn it! Damn it! Damn it...Is this my retribution? !

As if he was repenting on his deathbed, the anxious mercenary leader suddenly remembered a certain indigenous mixed-race colleague... In order to earn the reward from the minister in charge, he and others asked him to go to Winter Torch City to die alone.

But he himself agreed! He also took away a twelve-pound field gun from him, and I don’t know if it helped...

Just as he was thinking wildly, the frightened shouts of the soldiers around him suddenly sounded in his ears; in a daze, the mercenary captain subconsciously looked up and saw a huge fireball falling from the sky!

The mercenary leader's eyes widened in horror. His natural human instinct made him want to run, but as a conjurer, his transcendent sense of distance told him that running at this distance would lead to death - even the pain of standing still might be small. a little.

The scorching heat wave swooped down quickly, and the mercenary captain lay down decisively amid the scattered figures. He stared at the fireball while covering his ears, and uttered the first confession in his life:

"Here's the Ring of Order - I really didn't mean to do it!!!"

The heart-rending screams echoed in the rain.

At this moment, he saw a scene he would never forget in his life:

The slender figure broke through the smoke and waved a bright silver light the moment it jumped up, and the blazing fireball was split open.


As the young knight fell in the air, the fireball exploded behind him, bursting out countless tiny golden-red fire rains and sprinkling onto the ground.

The mercenary captain was completely stunned. He lay in a scorched ditch in a daze, watching the figure holding a knife in one hand, walking towards him, holding his shoulder, and then...


Shoulder? !

The mercenary captain who woke up instantly realized that the young knight in front of him didn't seem to have any intention of killing him. On the contrary, he was shouting something to him with great concern.

"Sir? Sir! Are you okay?"

"No! No, no, no...it's okay! It's okay!"

The startled mercenary leader nodded repeatedly. While nervous, his right hand subconsciously pressed the revolver at his waist: "You...what do you want to do?!"

"Don't be afraid, we don't mean to hurt you." The young knight comforted: "I just have a few questions that I would like to ask you about, and I would like to ask you to get out of the way."

"If possible, I hope you will put down your weapons and leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible - this is just a suggestion, but if you are unwilling to accept it, I can only express regret for the accident that is about to happen."

The young knight said expressionlessly. He raised his hand and swung the knife behind him as if nothing had happened. "Cang!" A flash of fire flashed past and deflected the cold gun that came from behind.

A few seconds later, shrill screams came from the trench not far away.

"Uh..." The mercenary leader twitched his throat and stared in disbelief at a long knife that solved his previous doubts:

"what is the problem?"

"Where are the Faithless Knights?"

"This?! Sorry, I can't..."


The gunshot that pierced the eardrum was instantly recalled. The left hand that was originally holding the shoulder magically appeared with a revolver, and the smoking muzzle was pointed at the mercenary leader's brow.

Raising his hand to touch the hot wound on his neck, the stiff-faced mercenary captain slowly twisted his neck and looked at the lead bullet that fell beside him.

"This is a warning, the last time." Louis was still so polite:

"Where are the Faithless Knights?"

"The Governor's Mansion." The mercenary leader answered without hesitation this time - no matter how terrible the end of being chased by the Faithless Knights was, it would be better than dying inexplicably now, not to mention that he had tried his best:

"There are at least fifteen people in total, all of whom are powerful geniuses and spellcasters. This is just the number of troops in the mansion. There are only a lot more people lying in wait in various places in the city. No one knows the exact number."

"In addition, the leaders of the rebellion are also in the Governor's Mansion. There are about thirty to fifty people, all of whom are members of the Sailing City Council. As for the remaining more than a hundred people, they are either dead or under house arrest. ”

"Very good." The young knight nodded slightly:

"What about the rest of the army, I mean the ones who are still loyal to the Empire and the Steward."

"It's gone! It's all gone - they started not today, but when the army left Sailing City, and gradually eradicated all the troops loyal to the loyalists and the minister in charge, including the private soldiers and mercenary groups of the Governor's Mansion, All those who refused to be bribed and surrendered will be dead!"

"If you plan to counter the rebellion, I suggest you give up. Things can no longer be reversed!" Perhaps it was a subconscious "repaying kindness" behavior caused by being spared one's life. The mercenary leader couldn't help but said:

"The loyalists have been wiped out, and all that are left are the middle forces and the liberal remnants. Even the few loyal to the ministers have been completely bloodbathed - even if the imperial army comes to the city, unless the city is broken, the result cannot be changed!"

Looking at the mercenary captain who suddenly became sincere, the young knight was startled for a moment, then chuckled: "Thanks for reminding me, I understand."

"Actually, when I saw the fall of your organization's defense line and the Governor's Mansion, I already understood that even killing everyone would not help."

"But there are some things...even if I know there is no possible result, I still can't help but want to give it a try; it is because of my stubbornness that I have failed until today."

"So it's the same this time. Even if it's destined to fail, I don't plan to look back."

"Because there is a whole world supporting me behind my back!"


Looking at the young knight with stern eyes, the mercenary captain suddenly didn't know what to say. He could only nod his head and wait for the moment when he turned around.

"Oh, right."

Louis, who had just pretended to leave, suddenly stopped and turned to smile at him while pointing behind his back: "That thing... I advise you to put it down."

"Even if I hold it in my hand, I can't make you feel safe in front of me... Really, because I am no longer the person I used to be."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young knight turned around and left without looking back, running towards the direction of the Governor's Mansion.


Staring at the revolver that fell from his palm, the mercenary leader swallowed hard.

Cold sweat had soaked my entire back before I knew it.


"The whole world... Really, when did he learn to say this kind of thing? He has always been so stupid and stupid, he doesn't understand anything, he's like a piece of wood..."

On a high tower far away from the battlefield, the red-faced elf girl murmured to herself while looking down at the sea of ​​​​fire beneath her feet, filled with a deep sense of happiness from head to toe.

Ysel elves are different from human spell casters. All powers are innate in the blood. The difference is only a matter of when they awaken and whether they are proficient. The strength and level are determined by the purity of the blood at the moment of birth. Decided.

The only factor that can affect an elf spellcaster is emotion.

The stronger the emotion that awakens the power, the stronger the strength will be, even beyond the level that it can control; but if the emotion continues to weaken or even be completely terminated, the power will be reduced to very weak, or not at all. to the point of being unusable.

And now Freya Moses Field is filled with inexhaustible power from head to toe.

If her power was ten when she first awakened and became the Queen of the Thirteen Councils, then now it is at least twenty to fifty levels...and still rising!

The task given to her by Louis was to "disrupt the rebellion in Sailing City and try to prevent the rebels from continuing to destroy the city"... But the elf girl felt that there was more she could do.

Feeling the aura approaching her quickly at an unnatural speed, a smile appeared on Freya's face.

She couldn't wait to let these people feel her flaming passion.

So tired that I almost forgot to update...

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