I will be crowned king

Chapter 634 Breaking the Balance

After the short prayer, Anson helped Mrs. Camille, who could hardly stand, to stand up and slowly walked towards the restaurant.

Almost the moment he left the prayer room, the tingling pain in his chest and heart and the whispering in his ears disappeared without a trace, and the nauseating chaos and touch were no longer felt around him.

At the same time, Mrs. Camille beside her became weaker and weaker for some reason, almost putting all her weight on Anson's shoulders. Her beautiful face became darker and darker, and her look of panic continued unabated.

Pretending that nothing happened, Anson came to the dining room and was about to pour a glass of hot water for Mrs. Camille, but she stopped him before he even approached the kitchen.

"No, no need!"

Mrs. Camille screamed, forcing a smile on her panicked face: "I...I, I'm too tired, I just need to rest...rest for a while."

Looking at the cold sweat on her forehead and her trembling body, Anson deliberately showed a concerned expression:

"Really? Otherwise...should I send you back to your room to rest?"

"No!" Mrs. Camille categorically rejected, her pupils trembling even more fiercely:

"You can't... no, you don't need to be so polite. Really... I, I'm just too weak. I just need a little rest. I just need to rest. I don't need to be beaten by others... ah, there's no need to go back to the room! I just need to …Rest……"

Mrs. Camille was incoherent, and her expression was almost pleading at the end of the sentence.

Anson had no choice but to resist the urge to go to the master bedroom to find out, and sat down to continue comforting Mrs. Camille, whose mood was becoming increasingly uncontrollable.

The other party's mood changes are very strange - as long as Baker is around, he will appear very calm, rational and coherent; although he will occasionally panic when he appears alone, it is generally normal.

But when he walked into the prayer room, he seemed to suddenly become eloquent, and then quickly collapsed emotionally, as if there was something...


With a relieved smile, Anson chatted with Mrs. Camille - chatting, but actually listening to her talking to herself:

"My beloved husband, he has always been so calm. I often imagine in fear what our family would do if he was gone..."

"And my brave and good son. Although he is occasionally impulsive and makes his own decisions, he is such a good child. He is always the driving force that supports me in living..."

"And Lulu... dear Lulu... it all depends on her, this family can exist, and we can live such a happy life, it is all due to her..."

Anson sat motionless across from her and listened, watching Mrs. Camille's pupils gradually become dilated, her expression sometimes panicked, sometimes warm, sometimes indifferent, sometimes excited - she was completely unable to control herself.

After a while, she suddenly seemed to wake up from sleep, and looked at Anson in a panic with her refocused eyes:

"Sorry, I...what did I just say?"

"Nothing, just chatting." Anson showed a formulaic smile: "You are introducing your family to me."

"Oh, my family...my precious family." Mrs. Camille breathed a long sigh of relief, and raised the corners of her mouth gracefully, with such a happy expression: "My beloved husband, he has always been so calm..."

"And my brave son, he is always so impulsive..."

The smiling Anson's expression was completely stiff.

It wasn't until Mrs. Camille repeated it for the third time that he pushed away the chair and stood up, barely showing a smile:

"I'll leave for a while, please have a good rest."

"Uh...ah...ok...ok..." Mrs. Camille's eyes were in a trance, and her uneasy expression became more intense, as if it was foreshadowing something.

Anson nodded slightly and quickly left the restaurant.

He went to the living room first, and then quickly walked to the seat near the stairs. After confirming that he could no longer be seen from the direction of the dining room, he returned to the prayer room.

In the dark and strange room, vague murmurs sounded in Anson's mind again; he endured the burning pain in his chest and heart, and instantly locked on the original ring sculpture on the wall in the darkness.

Like the Ring of Order, the Original Ring is also composed of three connected hollow rings. The difference is only the upper and lower order and color. According to the Old Gods, this is the "false god" and his heretics who have appropriated the Original Ring. Huan, I guess the Church of Order has a similar but completely opposite statement.

But what really caught Anson's attention was not the familiar statue itself.

But the top one among the three blood-red rings...



In the jungle outside the village, Nora knelt down on one knee with an unbelievable expression on her face, staring at the cane she had just accidentally discovered.

Father's cane!


Nola's body was trembling slightly, as if a certain restriction had been quietly opened, her dark brown eyes gradually turned scarlet, and the blood pupils could not be seen.

There was no magic reaction left in the surrounding forest, not even traces of the fight, and the aura of Baker who had been here could not be felt... But this cane said it all!

Nora's heart became more and more irritable - the intruders were able to erase all traces, but they let go of the cane. This was obviously a provocation to them, provoking herself to be helpless against them!

"It would be great if mother were here. If it were her, she would definitely find out... huh?!"

Nora, who was talking to herself, was shocked all over, and her expression was extremely ugly.

No good... Mother, she is alone with those outsiders now!

Nora stood up suddenly, and the natives and colonists who followed behind him turned around and raised their weapons to surround him.

"You - continue to search for father's whereabouts nearby, and report any situation in a timely manner!"

After the words fell, the expressionless villagers immediately dispersed on the spot, investigating in different directions, and soon disappeared.

The angry Nora took the cane she picked up and walked toward the mansion alone.

As his pace continued to accelerate, the skin on his hands suddenly began to squirm as if it had vitality; fine, scaly dark red tumors began to grow under the bronze skin.

The dense tumors continued to grow upward from the fingers along the back of the hand, and gradually spread to the neck before stopping abruptly... The corners of Nola's mouth rose in anger, and some yellow-green pus overflowed from the corners of her lips.


In the silent prayer room, Anson stared at the destroyed statue of the Original Circle directly opposite.

First of all, we can now basically conclude that the statue in front of us is closely related to the Baker family. One of the destroyed links probably means that one of the three people may have had an accident, breaking the original balance, which led to Camille's death. The lady became abnormal and showed flaws.

Assume that the three people respectively represent the three emotions of "reason", "brave" and "cautious" - of course, they can also be understood as "indifferent", "irritable" and "cowardly" - now the reason disappears and the balance is broken, resulting in emotions. collapse.

As for Lulu...she probably doesn't belong to this balance. Judging from the fact that the Baker family "gathered out" last night and prevented herself from entering the room on the third floor, I'm afraid she is the real spellcaster who controls the entire village!

The reason why you want to stop yourself is that it is very likely that the entire "Baker Family" is based on her magic, and even the entire village is a puppet manipulated by her... This may by the way explain that the colonists and the natives love each other, regardless of you and me. His reasons.

Once she rushes into the bedroom on the third floor, the angry Miss Lulu Baker is likely to dispel the illusion and the family disappears on the spot.

This is also the reason why Feier suddenly realized it and then looked horrified - he should have guessed a similar answer, and maybe even went one step further.

However, this guess is not without problems. For example, I cannot detect any magical reaction from "Miss Lulu" at all, and what is the purpose of this illusion she arranged.

Take the situation that night as an example. He was so powerful that he could instantly erase the fireballs falling from the sky... A caster with this kind of power was completely beyond Anson's knowledge. Only the legendary "Apostle" could compare, and there was no need for any disguise at all.

Then there is only one reason for her to do this, that is, she must do it!

It is not a deliberate disguise, but it is forced to disperse the power in this form to maintain the illusion of the entire "Baker Territory".

But there is also a problem: as the blood of Augustus, Lisa can naturally counter most magic; the other party is not even willing to let the weak herself and Feier get close, but allows Lisa to enter her room.

It was clear that Lisa was more likely to expose her disguise - although the girl found nothing in the end, why take such a risk?

There are too many questions here, and there is only one way to find out the answers or even destroy the entire settlement: continue to upset the already precarious balance.

You have to kill one of the remaining two people as quickly as possible without arousing the other party's suspicion.

Anson's original target was Mrs. Camille. After much hesitation, he felt that it might be more appropriate to keep this "soft persimmon"; after all, he did not know what the consequences would be if the balance was broken.

He took out the Inquisitor's pocket watch in his arms and was pleasantly surprised to find that the dial that had been spinning around had returned to normal.

In other words, as the "balance" is broken, the various restrictions and hidden powers of the entire settlement will gradually disappear, and finally be completely exposed... Anson glanced at the dial, which showed two thirty.

It was estimated that in three hours at most, the effect of the cup of tea he drank in the morning would take effect. Time was running out... Anson looked around, and the dark prayer room was almost completely shrouded in a strange atmosphere.

Originally, the best place should be the guest room that was completely sealed by Phil Cressy with the power of blood, but now that bastard is a time bomb, and Lisa is still there, we can only settle for the next best thing.



With a muffled sound, Nora appeared on the ground floor of the mansion with a murderous look on her face, her cold eyes scanning the empty hall for a week.

He deliberately walked softly and walked slowly into the restaurant where the sound came from. She was lying on the dining table muttering to herself and changing various expressions. Mrs. Camille, who was crying and laughing suddenly, was suddenly shocked, as if Time stood still as if it had stopped.

The next second, the noble lady slowly looked back, revealing a frightened face full of tears, and two eyes that were also full of blood red:

"Nora... my brave Nora... Nora... why... it's you who survived and not him... oh no... my poor Nora... I... I... I..."

Looking at Mrs. Camille who was completely incoherent, Nora's angry pupils seemed to be stained with a hint of fear.

He no longer paused, but glanced toward the door like a ferocious beast searching for prey, and his rapid steps left only a few afterimages on the spot.


"Dong...dong...dong, dong...dong...dong..."

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed throughout the mansion, and Mrs. Camille's choked call could still be vaguely heard.

Anson in the prayer room couldn't tell the slightest thought, and was concentrating on setting up various traps in the room.

If he couldn't kill the opponent at the first time, the chain reaction that would detonate later would not leave any room for the three of him at all - even now, he has not been able to defeat any of the three, and he has not even been able to get out of here alive. of certainty.

As of now, I can only give it a try.

The contraband dealer Carlin Jacques was entrusted with the three magic props, and this time he brought two of them. As expected, this was all the hope for a comeback.

The sound of heavy footsteps was getting closer and closer. Anson finally stood up with a sigh of relief, took out the "dagger" from his waist, and skillfully loaded the ammunition.


With the crisp closing sound of the magazine, Anson, expressionless, turned to face the door.



Standing in the stairway, Nora showed a confused expression with a murderous expression on her face, and looked at the empty third floor stairs in astonishment - there was no sign that anyone had been there.

Just when he mistakenly thought that he had made a mistake in judgment and was about to go to the guest room to find out what was going on, a loud noise suddenly came from his ears:


The sound of gunshots without warning exploded in the ears, instantly penetrating the entire mansion.

Nora was startled by the sound at first, and then decisively rushed down the stairs to the prayer room on the ground floor.

And when he opened the door, he was stunned again.

The dark red plasma flowed along the exquisite carpet to his feet. The smoke exuding the choking smell of gunpowder filled the entire room. Only a figure could be vaguely seen sitting next to the statue of the Original Ring, seemingly looking at him. .

When the smoke cleared, Nora finally saw the figure of the man clearly:

"Your Excellency Ludwig?!"

Nora's eyes widened as she blurted out, and she saw Ludwig Franz (Anson Bach) sitting in front of the statue, his right hand holding the revolver with smoke still floating from the muzzle, dark red blood flowing down the The pierced chest and corners of the mouth continued to leak out, and a pair of dark eyes seemed to be a bit humble in begging for forgiveness, as if full of regret and unspeakable pain, in front of the true God of devout faith...

Ended his life.

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