I will be crowned king

Chapter 635 The Dead and the Living

Nora's scarlet eyes widened and she stared unblinkingly at the body of Ludwig (Anson) in front of the altar. The sight in front of him and the deviation in his perception made him completely unable to understand what happened and he lost his mind. The anger made his face become strange and distorted.

The strong smell of blood mixed with the acrid smoke filled the entire prayer room, and the broken Ring of Order sculpture was also dyed scarlet, as if silently witnessing the sacrifice of a loyal believer.

Stunned, he hesitated for a moment, and his body subconsciously made him try to get closer to find out the truth.

Almost at the same time, Mrs. Camille, who was continuing to talk to herself, crying and cursing in the restaurant, suddenly stood up and wanted to walk out.

She staggered over the chair and fell to the ground. She knocked her beautiful cheek on the corner of the table and was bleeding. She couldn't even control the balance of her body; but this could not stop her instinct to try to rush out. She used her hands and feet to run away. Climb, screaming and shouting with a voice hoarse from crying:

"Nora, no-!"

"That's a trap! Don't go in, he..."

"They are intruders!"

“They are intruders—!!!!”

Heart-rending screams echoed in the hall, and the delicate ceramic vase fell to the ground with a vibrating sound in the air, tragically shattering into pieces.

But she was still a step too late... Nora, who was confused in her thoughts, had already stepped on the blood on the ground and walked into the prayer room.


Mrs. Camille collapsed in front of the restaurant door, watching helplessly as the prayer room door was closed in front of her.

The moment he stepped into the door, Nora suddenly lost consciousness after hearing the scream. She looked back behind her, and her vision suddenly dimmed. Under the quiet air, the surrounding shadows seemed to have come to life, and craziness rushed towards him.

By the time he regained consciousness, the surging shadows had swallowed up his limbs. The bottomless darkness was like grease dripping on silk, penetrating into the lower layers of skin that was already full of sarcoma, integrating into blood vessels, muscles, and nerves. Bones...and keep spreading up the limbs.

In a daze, his hands and feet had completely lost all feeling, and he had even become an existence similar to the shadow.


At the moment when the shadow continued to spread upward, the furious Nora jumped up, and with a movement of her limbs that was absolutely beyond the capabilities of a human being, she abruptly twisted off her arms and calves at the knees and elbow joints.

The "assimilated" hands and feet disappeared without a trace in the surging shadows, and limbs full of sarcomas and pustules re-grown in the wounds that were bleeding profusely.

Only then did he finally realize that the strange shadows were not just hidden behind the door, but spread throughout the room, and were still increasing - his own flesh and blood had become a part of them.

The obstruction behind the door, around the chair, dim candlelight, corners of the wall...all the places where "shadows" may exist, these "shadows" exist!

Nora, who jumped into the air, was shocked to find that she had nowhere to dodge, and she was instantly enveloped by shadows pouring out from all directions.

He wanted to get rid of it, but these shadows took another form as he struggled, turning from a solution that could penetrate the skin into sticky and slippery tentacles, tightly wrapping every corner of his body.


Amidst the heart-rending screams, shadows flowed into her pupils along the gaps between her eyelids, and then penetrated into the skull cavity from the ear canals and nostrils. They then picked up the overflowing pus from the long mouth and penetrated deep into Nora's throat. inside his body, tearing and binding his internal organs.


If Anson is still "alive" at this moment, he can persuade Nora not to waste her efforts - the more she struggles, the more powerful the "shadow doll" will be, and the more tragic her death will be.

This magic prop is said to have originated from a whimsical conjurer who wanted to turn his shadow into a personal guard. After countless experiments, the unlucky guy who succeeded in achieving his wish was swallowed by his own shadow before he could be happy. Assimilated.

And the place he chose to do the experiment happened to be a hotel in downtown Beigang... After triggering countless puzzling disappearances, the inquisitor who was rushed over sealed it with another magic item called a "jewelry box."

Its ability is very ordinary - anything put into the box will turn into a diamond ring according to a certain special proportion; but once taken out, the item will return to its original shape.

As for the "Shadow Doll"... it is no different from a real shadow at ordinary times, but as soon as it feels the magic reaction, it will immediately launch an attack and assimilate all "living creatures" within a certain range, regardless of whether they are enemies or friends; if the attacked person resists, " "Shadow Doll" will continue to strengthen the bondage until assimilation.

When the assimilation is completed, the "Shadow Doll" will enter a cooling-off period of about a week, and then its volume will increase slightly - according to rumors, it initially only had the capacity of half a cup of rum, but now it can cover the entire prayer room.

Therefore, you must be extremely careful when preparing this magic item. If you are not careful, it will be backlashed.

The best way to deal with it is to quickly get out of range and avoid contact - if Anson is still alive, he will definitely be able to tell Nora.

But unfortunately, he "died".


The extremely painful Nora was roaring heart-breakingly, and the shadow had pierced his ears and eyes, and penetrated deep into the skull cavity.

The "shadow doll" covering his whole body was being twisted off bit by bit, tearing at the flesh and blood all over his body. Yellow-green pus mixed with dark red blood seeped out from the shadows.

The viscous liquid exuding a strong smell poured down like a waterfall on the carpet of the prayer room, colliding with the long-dried blood and flowing freely along the lines of the carpet.

The torso bound by the shadow began to twist and deform continuously; accompanied by the heartbreaking sound of bones breaking, muscles being torn, and being rubbed, it shrank little by little.

Just when the restrained Nora "shrunk" to only its original size, the shadow surrounding her body suddenly stopped shrinking.

The next second, it suddenly began to "swell".

Like an inflated balloon, the wrapped shadow is constantly "expanded" - twice, three times, four times...


The tough shadow was directly exploded, turning into countless "pieces" the size of raindrops, spraying in every corner of the prayer room.

A huge mass of sarcoma wrapped in countless tentacles appeared in the center of the prayer room. One of the tumors with bloody pupils and a "head" suddenly rose up, and a pus-filled body was exposed under the open crack. Fangs:


Nora is furious, feeling deceived and eager to unleash her fury around her.

The ones scattered around seemed to be frightened. After being torn apart, they quickly regrouped and got into a very inconspicuous small box in the corner.

At the moment of influx, the black shadow turned into an exaggeratedly large diamond ring, sparkling under the dim light.

The dead Anson Bach still slumped motionless in front of the altar, his gray pupils reflecting Nora's angry blood pupils... and the tentacles attacking him one after another.

He's going to smash this damn intruder to pieces!


Just when they were about to touch, the tentacles exploded one after another, and the blood and flesh sprayed like raindrops dyed the altar and Anson Bach's body blood red.

Not only the tentacles reaching out to Anson, but also the surrounding parts began to rot, ooze pus, stink, and dissolve...

As the tentacles around her changed, Nora suddenly felt a strong sense of dizziness in her mind, and the picture in front of her began to become blurry and double.

It's poison!

When Nora finally realized it, his body that had turned liver purple told him that it was too late.

To be more precise, it should be called "blasphemous fog" - it looks like just a white solid grease, but it will atomize as long as it is exposed to the air for more than two minutes.

It has no effect on ordinary people, but it will have an extremely strong reaction to magic - turning mind reading into letting everyone hear their own voices, turning the flames created by magic into ice cubes, and making the strengthened flesh and blood visible to the naked eye. The speed of aging and corruption... is really one of the necessary tools to restrain spellcasters.

Of course, the disadvantage is that "Profane Mist" is a one-time item, only a small piece of less than 300 grams, and it is gone after use.

The angry Nora finally began to feel a bit of panic, and subconsciously looking around might give her a serious chance; but there was nothing in the empty prayer room except herself and the dead Ludwig (Anson Bach). The smoke from before has also dissipated.

Even the dense smoke before...

As if she was electrocuted, Nora's face twitched suddenly widened her bloody pupils that were already covered with blue-green lines.

That's not gunpowder smoke at all, but poisonous mist!


The deafening roar turned into a golden-red light pillar, penetrating Nora, who had turned into a huge sarcoma.

The bloody pupils showing disbelief slowly focused, but he did not look at the bloody hole burned by the light beam in the center of his torso, but at the figure directly opposite him.

The figure who was already "dead" stood up at this moment, pointing a gun at himself with an expressionless face...


"it's me."

Holding up the "Dagger" revolver that had just fired a [Hunting] shot, Anson admitted lightly.

Now he has no memory of fifteen minutes ago, and he doesn't even know why Nora appeared here - but looking at the other party's almost human form, he doesn't need to know.


At the moment when the furious Nora rushed towards her, Anson decisively abandoned the revolver. His open right hand followed the blood hole torn by [Hunter] and reached for the heart that was still beating hard.

Countless small tentacles rushed out from around the heart crazily, and the expressionless Anson's fingers suddenly tightened hard.

One twist! Pull it! A tug!

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!!"

Nora, who screamed heartbreakingly, raised her head suddenly, and her body gradually returned to human form and trembled slightly.

Seeing that the palm of his hand was still trying to stretch out new tentacles and the heart connected with flesh and blood, Anson snapped his fingers with a "pop!" in his heart.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire].

The next second, the golden-red flames swallowed up the entire heart, and the more it burned, the more powerful it became, until all the flesh and blood as "fuel" were consumed.

Nora, who had lost her heart, went limp, leaned back with a bloody hole running through her torso, and collapsed to the ground.


Just as he fell, another ring of the original ring sculpture facing the door was broken.

Looking at the last piece of the Original Ring left on the altar behind him, Anson knelt down and picked up the "dagger" revolver that he had thrown away. He removed the few remaining rounds of magic-imprinted ammunition and replaced them with ordinary ones. of lead bullets, lock the magazine, and then...

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Six lead bullets, four heads, one neck, and the remaining flesh and blood on the chest connected to the heart.

Although the statue of the original ring symbolizing Nora was broken, the blood mage's vitality is well known to be powerful among the three major magics. It is not safe if he does not completely break his heart and smash his head.

Of course, another small reason is that almost all of his experience in fighting spellcasters was learned from the judges of the Truth-seeking Order - if he didn't go through the process, he always felt like something was missing.

Looking at Nora who was completely bloody and inhuman, Anson finally let out a sigh of relief, but he did not completely relax his vigilance.

Even if two of the Baker family are killed, there is still Mrs. Camille, whose final strength is completely unknown, and Lulu, who remains mysterious from beginning to end.

Although I don't know the process, since I "died", it proves that the enemy is very strong. When it comes time to use the power of blood, the last trump card, with traps and various preparations... In the end, it is a close call and luck is at the best. It took a moment of "resurrection" to successfully kill Nora.

Next, we must leave here as soon as possible, pretend that nothing happened and prepare again, and then...


The random thoughts in his heart stopped suddenly, as if something was detonated, exploding in Anson's mind without warning.


With the sharp pain in his chest that seemed to be pierced by a sharp knife, Anson knelt down on one knee and gritted his teeth in pain. The scene in front of him was like smashed glass, leaving only strong light and countless colors.

The murmurs that had been echoing in my ears suddenly became choked, as if some terrifying existence was complaining, crying, and angry, coming from behind...

Stare at yourself fiercely!


The closed door was opened by a dazzling light, and Mrs. Camille's long shadow was reflected into the prayer room along with the light.

At this moment, her hair was disheveled and her face was stained with tears. She supported the door frame and stared at Ansen who was kneeling on the ground with an almost desperate look of resentment. Her mouth kept twitching under her face that was crying and laughing, and she let out a heart-rending wail. :

"you you you--!"

"You killed my son! You killed my husband!"

"You ruined the entire Baker family, ruined the entire Baker territory! Ruined everything!"



Amidst the sharp roar of the shotgun, the head of Mrs. Camille, whose face was full of sorrow, exploded into pieces like a water ball filled with liquid.

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