I will be crowned king

Chapter 69 The Beginning of the Story

"Um...is this different from what we agreed at the beginning?"

After coughing twice, Draco Wirts, standing at the door, looked a little embarrassed.

In the messy room, the dead body of a middle-aged man lay in a pool of blood. The bulging eyes and long mouth seemed to still tell the fear of the last moment before death.

At the other end of the box, the corpse of the captain, who also had a bayonet pierced through his throat, was curled up. The blood spurting out from his neck left a long trace on the ground, extending from the door of the box into the room.

The strong smell of blood mixed with the stench of post-mortem incontinence made Draco's stomach surge with confusion, and he tried desperately to resist the urge to vomit.

When they first implemented the plan, the two made several plans and decided to consider the situation before considering improvisation.

The first is to confirm the layout of the Guards in the Iron Sky and the opponent's subsequent plans and preparations through eavesdropping without entering the first-class box;

The second is to sneak into the box while the opponent is leaving. The so-called most dangerous place is the safest place. If several key figures in the Guards can be temporarily incapacitated, the problem can be resolved invisible. middle.

The third method is to rush in, control the box without causing commotion and noise, and try to negotiate with the Guards while taking action, using words or fists to persuade the other party.

The three options ranged from timid to reckless...and then the man in front of me chose the fourth option.


Draco asked, resisting the urge to vomit.

"No reason."

Anson snorted lightly and said in a calm tone without raising his head: "I changed my mind temporarily. It's that simple - killing people can't make the trouble disappear, but it can make the person who caused the trouble disappear."

"This middle-aged man and the captain who met me in the dining car before are the executors of the entire operation on the Iron Sky. They are both dead. The remaining Guards officers are not worth mentioning. Your biggest trouble is solved."

"Well, that seems to be the case."

Draco nodded and sat down on the sofa opposite Anson. The corners of his mouth trembled slightly under his raised gaze: "But it shouldn't be just because of these, right? I want to know your real reason."

"No, you don't want to." Anson refused simply, his calm gaze never leaving Draco's face:

"Because you already know that."

Draco smiled dryly and said nothing, neither admitting nor denying.

The Guards officer had information that there was an old god sect in the levy army - even if it was just a suspicion, Anson would not be able to let this big trouble go back alive.

Judging from the intelligence obtained from Draco, the current Guards are a group of mad dogs that are about to starve to death. They will pounce on anything that looks like a bone in order to survive.

Under such a premise, power and status pose no threat to them, and are even more attractive to them; after all, the more powerful people are dragged into the water together, the greater the chance that the Guards, who are on the verge of being abolished, will survive. high.

As for Draco... Anson didn't mean to hide it from him - the two of them are now considered partners, not to mention that for a novelist who can judge his identity just by observation, deliberately denying it is almost like actively admitting it - but also Not going to tell him more.

"By the way, you haven't told me yet, how do you know this guy is in the first-class compartment of the Iron Sky?"

Anson deliberately changed the subject.

"I have no idea."

Draco smiled slightly, making the originally heavy atmosphere in the box become more cheerful:

"But for the Guards who were on the verge of being disbanded, this 'Great Train Robbery' was a stupid but crucial plan - if they were smart enough, they wouldn't do it; if they were smart enough, If we take it seriously, we won’t just assign a small captain to be responsible for the entire plan.”

"So I think there is at least one general with a high military rank on this train who is responsible for controlling the overall situation; if not, it proves that the so-called 'train robbery' is just a target thrown by the Guards to lure some The forces who want to take advantage of the situation are taking the bait.”

Draco spread his hands on both sides of the sofa, and the smile on his face deepened slightly: "It turns out that I thought too much."

"These Guards are just a bunch of moldy oranges!"

Anson couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"As for why it is a first-class compartment, of course it is because this is the end of the entire train, so as long as this gentleman is not the kind of person who deigns to hide in a third-class compartment, it will not be difficult at all to find him." Draco glanced Looking at the corpse of the middle-aged man on the ground:

"You see, like I said before - I'm a novelist and I don't care at all about the truth, I only care about what happens next."

"Just like I don't care whether the incident that killed my last relative was really what the newspapers said, or was it to hide some 'truths' - he died, but the story about him was just start."

"I want to continue writing so that this unfortunate story can have a satisfactory ending."

"The plot is too tragic, but it will affect the sales of the newspaper."

Draco blinked, a smile as bright as the sun's rays on his face.

Anson stared at him silently, with no sadness or bitterness visible on his face.

"Let's stop chatting. It's time to discuss the next plan." Draco changed the subject:

"The lunch time of the Iron Sky is twelve noon, but now it is twelve ten, and there is still no movement in the dining car, so it is very likely that the guy who was bribed by the Guards changed the lunch time."

"This will have a consequence: the hungry gentlemen and ladies will leave their boxes one after another and come to the dining car to have a look. The entire dining car will gather three or four times more people than usual."

"They would make noises, complain, chat with people in other rooms, and then order a glass of wine and stay in the dining car for a long time."

Draco Vertes, leaning on the soft sofa, was like a storyteller by the fireplace, smiling and calmly narrating stories that had not yet happened:

"This is the plan of the Guards - taking advantage of this time difference, they only need to control the dining car to control the vast majority of the wealthy people on the Iron Sky, and blackmail them to make big news."

"And we can definitely take advantage of that."

"You mean..." Anson raised his eyebrows.

"I will be responsible for attracting the attention of most people in the train, and then you will be responsible for dealing with the remaining Guardsmen on the Iron Sky - according to them, there are at least nine left." Draco shrugged. :

"Of course, this is not as simple as it seems. You have to deal with nine well-trained professional elites, and your only help is our innocent and lovely Miss Lisa Bach. She... uh..."

"She looks so confident!"

Recalling a certain corpse stuffed under a chair in a second-class box, the novelist with a strange expression stammered and changed his words.

"..." Anson.

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