I will be crowned king

Chapter 70 He is a detective

At 13:15, a full hour and a half has passed since the Iron Sky's lunch service time.

In the customs of the Clovis Kingdom and even the entire Order World, "breakfast" is a concept that was born in recent years. It was called "the beginning of the day for the working-class and decent people" by "Clovis Truth".

The day of the truly respectable class usually starts with the first cup of coffee and dark beer, and the first meal of the day is usually served between ten and twelve o'clock.

After trying their best to restrain themselves and maintain their decency for a full hour, and after exhausting all the conversation possible, the hungry gentleman and lady finally began to lose their patience.

In order not to make her "purpose" seem too obvious, the lady who "had an idea" would probably knock on the door of the box next door and invite the neighbors who thought it was noisy a few minutes ago to have lunch in the dining car and share this A noon that “makes life feel good”.

So, driven by the face-saving gentlemen and the hospitable ladies, more and more first- and second-class guests began to move towards the dining car.

Soon, the calm dining car turned into a lively banquet scene in the blink of an eye. After all the tables and bars were filled with passengers, the busy flight attendants had to find ways to get new seats. , while sweating profusely, he explained to the gentlemen and ladies who were elegant and easy-going and roared at them why the lunch time changed from twelve o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon.

Anson, who had put on a new coat and bowler hat, sat on a chair with his legs crossed. He specially chose a secluded corner near the window where he could not be easily discovered. He covered his upper body with a newspaper borrowed from Draco and read leisurely. Old news from almost a month ago.

"…Security in the Eastern District of the Royal Capital continues to deteriorate, and martial law in the entire city has been put on the agenda…"

"...The Commander-in-Chief of the Guards once again protested to the Privy Council, saying that for the sake of all Guards officers and soldiers and the security of the Royal Capital, the Urban Public Administration Act is completely unacceptable, and proposed a large-scale and high-budget expansion plan, in the Royal Capital Form a light infantry regiment of 10,000 people..."

“…There was an attack on Red Brick Street. A group of desperate thugs tried to storm Clovis Cathedral and were severely suppressed…”

"...The Commander-in-Chief of the Guards stated that the thugs in the royal capital are mainly composed of gangsters, vagrants, beggars, unemployed workers and bankrupts; and said that most of them will be imprisoned, and a few who have committed less serious crimes will be placed in welfare homes to work …”

Anson, who said nothing, glanced back and forth between the various sections of the newspaper. At the same time, the scenes in the entire carriage appeared in his mind one by one.

Soon, he found his goal.

A waiter with a good figure in an apron pushed an exquisite dining car through the crowd with great difficulty and moved towards the first-class carriage at the end of the train.

Anson looked at the waiter's leaving figure from the corner of his eye through the gap in the newspaper, smiled slightly and began to count silently in his mind.

1, 2, 3…

66, 67, 68…

118, 119, 120…


The harsh high-pitched sound came from the end of the train, instantly penetrating the entire Steel Sky with undiminished momentum!

The shocked dining car fell silent for an instant. The silent people had different expressions and all looked towards the direction where the screams came from.

Accompanied by a burst of rapid and heavy footsteps, the waiter with a frightened face rushed towards the direction of the dining car. The concept stock's footsteps kept falling and getting up awkwardly in the aisle of the carriage, and he didn't even notice that he bumped into a passerby. He was just running for his life; it seemed as if some kind of terrifying existence was chasing him from behind.

"Twelve, twelve carriages...the last...the guest in the last box...was killed!"

The waiter who rushed into the dining car desperately sat down and screamed in despair towards the ceiling of the dining car.

In an instant, the entire dining car was like an iron pot with hot oil poured on it; the gentlemen and ladies who were talking quietly a second ago showed frightened expressions one after another, and screams of fear and anxiety could be heard endlessly!

"Calm down! Gentlemen... and ladies, please remain calm!"

A man with gray hair and beard dressed like a train conductor stood up and shouted loudly to the chaotic crowd:

"I am the conductor of the Iron Sky. I... and the crew on board will ensure the safety of everyone's lives and property!"

"In the name of the Ring of Order and my king, I promise you that I will do everything possible to ensure everyone's safety and catch the perpetrator of this unfortunate incident as soon as possible - so now, gentlemen and ladies, please return to you immediately Private room, lock the door and don’t let anyone in..."

"Oh, like the guests in Carriage Twelve?"

A discordant voice suddenly sounded in the dining car, interrupting the conductor who was still shouting.

The conductor's eyes widened, and he looked at the back of the man in front of the bar who suddenly spoke in shock and anger, wearing a shabby coat.


"As a cautious and timid passenger, I just want to raise a small question to you, who is responsible for the safety of us people."

The young man who interrupted again pushed away the wine glass in front of him, turned around with an extremely sincere smile, and looked at the obviously unhappy train conductor:

"Please tell me, how do you plan to catch the murderer without any evidence but just the victim?"

The young man blinked, and in the suddenly quiet dining car, everyone's eyes followed his question and looked at the frightened and panicked train conductor and the waiter who was paralyzed on the ground beside him.


"Your best solution!"

The young man suddenly raised his voice: "Of course, we need to seal off the scene as soon as possible and look for all evidence or traces that may have been accidentally lost by the criminal; and at the same time, confirm the general identity and appearance of the murderer in the shortest possible time."

"But that's not enough - because you don't know who the murderer is, he could be anyone, he could pretend to be anyone... Anyone who can walk into the box just by knocking on the door could be the murderer. Right?"

"If we extrapolate from this point, then the person with the greatest chance of committing murder on the Iron Sky is..."

"Flight attendant?"

In the dead silence of the dining car, a particularly smart gentleman suddenly blurted out something.


The young man smiled slightly and looked at the train conductor who was shaking with anger: "So, for the personal safety of all passengers on this train, and for the safety and innocence of you and all the crew members on the train, I don't think so. The guy people like has an immature suggestion.”

"Then let us all go to the last box of Car No. 12, find out in full view of the public, find the culprit of this murder, and uncover the truth of everything - what do you think?"


The train conductor, who was sweating profusely, looked at the glances thrown at him from around him, and then looked at the waiter on the ground who was so frightened that he seemed to be walking like a zombie. The uncontrollable tension made him blurt out:

"You...who are you?!"

In full view of everyone, the smiling young man took out a crumpled card from the pocket of his shabby coat, held it between two fingers and handed it to the train conductor:

"Please allow me to introduce myself - my name is Draco Vertes, and..."

"He's a detective."


Ten minutes later, the bored Anson put down the old newspaper in his hand; the dining car in front of him was like a magic trick, with only a few tables of customers left empty.

Lisa, who was sitting opposite him, had grease stains and food residue on her hands and mouth. She was holding her bulging cheeks in her hands and narrowed her eyes in contentment.



"After you've eaten, do you want to do some aerobic and healthy warm-up exercise with me?"


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