I will be crowned king

Chapter 71 Blind Spot

"Before officially solving the case, I would like to ask you a small question."

In the spacious first-class compartment, a smiling Draco picked up the dead middle-aged man's pipe from the ground and looked at the five people with different expressions in front of him with a natural expression, who were elected as "representatives" by the passengers:

The train conductor looked ugly, the waiter was in a trance, the lady and her husband were holding back their vomiting, and an old nobleman wearing a top hat.

"How long can you usually smoke a pipe with a slightly larger caliber like this?"

"What does this have to do with solving the case?" the train conductor asked impatiently.

Draco, who had no expression on his face, did not answer, but instead stretched his pipe towards the old nobleman wearing a top hat.

Glancing at the people around him, the old gentleman lightly pressed the brim of his hat and coughed: "...it depends on the situation, but usually it takes one to two hours."

Draco nodded slightly, put the pipe in the corner of his mouth regardless of the blood stains, put his hands in his coat pockets, turned around and walked towards the middle-aged man's body:

"There were a total of two victims in this box: one was a captain officer from the army who suffocated to death; the other was an obviously upper-class gentleman with a wealthy life and died of blood loss."

"What the two have in common is that their throats were penetrated with a sharp weapon, and they both had signs of being beaten. The gentleman was shot six times in the chest and his left index finger was cut off."

"The temperature and blood stains on the bodies told us that neither man had been dead for more than two hours - which coincidentally was the time of a pipe."

"In other words, the crime occurred only two hours ago..."

Draco suddenly stopped and turned to look at the five people behind him. At the same time, he took out a match from his pocket and gently drew it across the mouth of the pipe with a playful expression:

"The moment the victim lit his pipe!"



The pitch-black lead bullet accurately penetrated the forehead of a Guards officer.

Like "telepathy", Anson rushed forward the moment the opponent's figure fell, grabbed the officer's body and pressed it directly against the box door beside him.


The next second, violent gunfire exploded like a tap dance, instantly turning the officer's body into a sieve!

"Click, click."

In the train corridor where there was a sudden ceasefire, two weak voices reached Anson's ears one after another.

That's the sound of the revolver magazine emptying!

With no expression on his face, Anson pushed the body aside, pointed the gun in his right hand directly at the gun hole in the box door, and fired twice without hesitation.

Screams sounded from behind the door.

This is the advantage of the Conjurer - the excellent sense of distance combined with the ability to "see everything", and all calculations can be completed in the moment of "seeing".

All that's left is to raise your hand and pull the trigger.

"He's over here, cover him from the opposite side!"

"Hurry! Hurry! Damn it, I heard gunshots!"

"Who the hell is that guy?!"

"Whatever, you'll know if you catch him!"

The restless shouts and hurried and heavy steps quickly approached Anson from the front and rear of the carriage at the same time.

Anson kicked open the door suddenly and walked into the box while changing his ammunition and waiting for the opponent to double-team him from both ends.

Judging from the sound, this group of Guardsmen had not realized that their commander had been killed and fell into a carefully designed trap.

They seemed to think that they were just unlucky enough to bump into another group of robbers who really wanted to hijack a car, and that everything was just a coincidence.



blurted out the astonished lady and her too-young husband.

"Yes, the whole case is a perfect coincidence - gentlemen and ladies, please pay attention to the blood under your feet." Draco, holding a pipe, put his hands in his pockets and looked down at the dark red floor with his lowered eyes:

"It has told us everything that happened."

Only then did the five people, who looked horrified, noticed the blood stains at their feet, moving towards both sides of the box like separated waves.

Draco squatted down and pointed at the crack of the box door with his right hand holding the pipe:

"The blood stains extended inward from the door, indicating that the assailant struck the moment the victim opened the door - the middle-aged gentleman smoking a pipe heard someone knocking on the door and mistakenly thought it was a conductor or a passenger on the train."

"Based on the instinct of daily habits, he did not become wary of the people outside the door. He even did not forget to light the pipe he carried when he got up. He walked to the door very relaxedly and opened the door easily."

"Then, the assailant stabbed his throat with some kind of sharp weapon!"

Draco turned around and smiled at everyone, and with a "pop!" sound, he patted his neck hard.

The lady and her young husband trembled with fear.

"But for some reason, the victim did not die immediately, and even made an act of resistance later." Draco lowered his voice and continued, pointing the pipe in his right hand at the fingers in the pool of dried blood:

"Under the sudden situation of extreme shock and fear, our victim subconsciously picked up the only item on his body that could be used as a 'weapon' to block the sharp blade swung by the assailant. He was immediately cut off a piece of his left hand. Index finger; and that object is..."


The lady raised her hand to cover her mouth and exclaimed.


Nodding, Draco replied in a slightly ambiguous tone: "The victim tried to block the sharp blade with his pipe, but unfortunately his left index finger was cut off and the pipe dropped - I think this possibility exists. of."

As he spoke, he stood up and pretended to look around for clues. At the same time, he also cast his gaze towards the corner behind the sofa in the box:

"The traces of the fight and the cane and sword dropped on the ground prove that the victim still did not give up resistance even though he was extremely nervous and had one of his fingers cut off, and even injured the assailant."

"But unfortunately, the victim was obviously no match for the assailant; after a very brief resistance that was not noticed by anyone, he was caught by the assailant and subdued him, and was hit in the chest even though his neck was injured. Six shots.”

"Therefore, the victim was not pierced through the throat and suffocated, but suffered from excessive blood loss due to massive bleeding..."

"Wait, wait a minute!"

The noble lady's young husband suddenly spoke at this moment, and said sharply with a confused look on his face:

"Is there something wrong here?!"

Draco, who was interrupted, smiled slightly, holding a pipe in his mouth and turned his eyes to the other party:



Looking at the enthusiastic lady beside him and the eyes with different expressions around him, the pale young husband was a little out of breath: "I, I can't say anything. Your reasoning just now sounds quite convincing... but !”

"But there are two victims in this room! According to the statement you just made, how did the captain, who was also pierced through the throat with a sharp weapon and suffocated to death, appear in the room?!"

After the words fell, the eyes of the five people turned to Draco, waiting for his answer.

"good, very good."

There was no hesitation or hesitation. A mysterious emotion appeared on the smiling Draco's face:

"Congratulations to this brave gentleman."

"You have discovered the first crucial blind spot in this case!"

Please reward me, please give me a monthly ticket~~~

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