I will be crowned king

Chapter 712 Tonight


The sound of the heavy iron door woke up Joseph in the solitary prison. The former militia leader, who was blindfolded and tied to an iron chair with large chains, took a deep breath, like a drowning man who had just landed on the shore.

Just before he was fully awake, the familiar sound of military boots immediately made Joseph smile with surprise: "Fabian, are you here again so soon? I..."


Before he even had time to finish his words, the livid-faced deputy commander of the legion grabbed Joseph by the collar and roared with all his strength to suppress his anger: "What's going on?!"

"I-I don't know!"

Joseph was lifted up by his collar. The iron chains all over his body tightened instantly, and the iron ring stuck at his throat almost sank in: "What happened?"


The merciless fist hit Joseph's abdomen directly. Joseph, who had no way to hide, even had time to scream, before Fabian grabbed both sides of his face and forced his head upward.

"What happened...Dear Uncle Joseph, you know it better than anyone else." Fabian said coldly, the fingers stuck in the joints of the owl were like iron pliers, constantly exerting force: "For the sake of the family , giving you a final chance to reorganize your language."

"I...cough cough...I don't understand! I really don't understand..."

The words stopped abruptly.

The expression of astonishment solidified and dissipated little by little on Joseph's face; it was replaced by a smile that seemed to have been expected and understood.

"I...seem to understand."

He struggled hard to raise his head and looked at Fabian with his blinded eyes: "They are coming, right?"

Although his mouth and throat were tightly blocked by the other party, Joseph still bent the corners of his mouth desperately, showing a very proud arc.

Fabian didn't speak, but his hands holding each other's hands were trembling slightly.

The howling cold wind rushed into the dead prison, but the white snowflakes failed to occupy a place in the dimly lit cell; there was only darkness, endless darkness, and a biting coldness enveloped the two lonely flesh and blood bodies.

Deep fear, vague murmurs, and unknown nightmares... followed by the irresistible coldness, crazily poured into their minds.

"It seems they have already arrived."

Joseph murmured in a low voice, and his proud smile was replaced by solemnity again: "This is not a force that you, me, or the army can resist... The tombkeepers of the three old gods, they are all related to this land." The existence of Bound is a monster that is impossible to kill."

"The Church of Order once tried to set foot on this land, and even used a lot of power, but in the end it still failed. Not even a real cathedral could be left on this land... Otherwise, how could it be possible? Is it the turn of those missionaries from the Universal Sect to be rampant?"

"Even the most powerful geniuses in the Old World, or the blasphemous mages, are no match for the Gravekeepers... They may have evolved to a higher level, but compared to the 'Gravekeepers' left over from the Dark Ages... Than, it can still be killed."

Joseph whispered, his voice trembling more and more, perhaps because of the chain stuck around his neck.

Fabian pursed his lips tightly and said nothing, but his eyes were obviously more hesitant than when he first arrived.

"Run, Fabian!"

Joseph suddenly said: "Escape from here as quickly as possible."

"The two of us work together and we will definitely escape from this hell!"

Joseph knew very well that it was impossible for his dear nephew to risk his life for others. The so-called "loyalty" was only based on the two prerequisites of a promising future and remuneration; the current Beluga Port was already There is no need to stay in this hell on earth that is destined to end.

As long as he can escape from here smoothly, everything that follows will be a matter of course... Fabian, who became a deserter, had no other choice but to follow him.

He was still hesitating... Even though his eyes were blindfolded, Joseph could still make accurate guesses from Fabian's rapid heartbeat; the existence of the Luen family was obviously a major factor, preventing him from making too decisive a decision. Decide.

But that doesn’t matter, Joseph believes that it won’t be long before Fabian will completely recognize the reality and make a truly rational decision; all he needs is a suitable excuse and a little push, and he will...

At this moment, a deafening roar interrupted Joseph's delusion.


The huge explosion sounded from far to near, penetrating the two eardrums like thunder and lightning, and the entire prison could feel the slight vibration caused by the sound waves.

"What's wrong?!"

Joseph was startled and blurted out. Uneasiness and panic instantly replaced the previous complacency: "What happened, Fabian, did something explode...Ah, Fabian! Fabian, Fabian install?!"

Joseph shouted at the top of his lungs, but the deputy commander of the legion completely ignored him and cast his eyes dullly at the open cell door behind him.

Under the night dominated by the blizzard, I saw a ball of flame, a ball of golden-red flame burning blazingly at the dock of Beluga Harbor.

The swaying tongues of fire shot up into the sky like a hunting flag in the cold wind, dazzling like no other.

After a full minute, Fabian, who finally recovered from the shock, stared at the direction of the fire. He took a deep breath, then turned around suddenly and strode out of the prison.

As if he remembered something, Fabian touched his coat pocket and took out a sterling silver whistle; if Anson saw it, he would be surprised that this thing is exactly the same as the "Judge Whistle" given to him by Sophia. .

Although the Church of Order has tried its best to limit the technological development level of various kingdoms in the World of Order; in Clovis, the hometown of Saint Isaac, the replica even possesses certain technologies similar to those of the Church, which is not a problem for the Osterian royal family. Something very strange.


A piercing whistle sounded over the deadly silent headquarters. Fabian's expression became determined again after he let go of the whistle. Without any hesitation, he used all his strength to roar like thunder:

"Storm Legion—all assembled!!!!"

Accompanied by hoarse shouts, the silent military camp suddenly exploded like boiling hot water; the sound of military boots, the sound of orders, the sound of assembly bugles, the sound of alarm bells... countless voices crowded together, and countless figures were like a tide. Like rolling out, turning into a red and black ocean.


"The Ring of Order is above, my God..."

Seeing the blazing ghost ship, Alexey, who was almost thrown out by the blast, was stunned. His mouth was so wide that he could almost swallow his fist: "Is this the power of the Ysel elves? Then why haven't they ruled yet?" Shi...I mean, how on earth did we defeat them?!"

"I guess it's because we're lucky, right?"

Norton wiped the cold sweat from his face and lifted the "dustless land" barrier in front of him. A rolling heat wave surged toward the two of them like a tide. Their bodies, which had been stiff from the cold, even began to sweat.

The moment the fireball hit, he really thought he would be burned to ashes along with the worms, or evaporate directly like the surrounding seawater.

"No, it's because of the Yser elves - our kindness... plus the betrayal of some incompetent people." The elf girl snorted coldly.

Under the windy and snowy night, the frosty-faced Freya's body was shrouded in light steam, and her scarlet eyes stared directly at the churning Ice Dragon Fjord.

Angry, she could clearly feel that the "being" hidden under the sea was extremely angry, and wanted to rush directly to the shore and turn everything he could see into sacrifices.

But this anger was not directed at herself, but at someone else... Combined with the faint aura of familiarity, she could already roughly guess who it was.

"No wonder that woman ran to Winter Torch City...Fighting this kind of monster near the sea is really not something worth enjoying..."

Freya, who was muttering to herself, shook her head and glanced at the two officers beside her who were almost stunned: "Hey, I remember you mentioned that there is an army near the port...right?"

"I need to deal with another nasty guy, and I may not have time to deal with this side before I deal with it; so I leave those monsters to you; do what you can and hold on until I come back."


Norton and Alexey, who instantly realized something, were shocked. They glanced at their comrades who were equally shocked. The commander of the 2nd Infantry Regiment took courage and asked stammeringly:

"W-what do you mean by holding on until you come back?"

Freya ignored them both, her hands held flat by her sides slowly opened and then clenched tightly.


Two golden-red fire pillars suddenly rose on the left and right sides of the pier, rising straight into the sky.

The dazzling firelight illuminated the surrounding darkness without blind spots. Even though the two sides were far apart, they could still clearly feel the heat wave coming from the pavement; even the surrounding snowflakes and sea water were evaporated.

It was obvious that they were at the beach, and the sky was filled with wind and snow. The two of them even clearly felt that the air around them had become much drier.

But this was not the end... The elf girl narrowed her eyes slightly, and her open hands began to move slowly toward the center.

The next second, two huge fire pillars began to follow the movements of her palms, moving towards the center of the pier; and the fire did not go out wherever it passed, but was still burning and burning.

The two officers could not believe their eyes: the wide Ice Dragon Fjord and the Beluga Harbor Pier were completely divided into two parts by a wall of fire that was at least thirty meters high at one time!

Wherever the flames passed, all port facilities, docks, warehouses, fishing boats... were instantly wiped out, leaving nothing but a wisp of gray smoke.

Thousands of monsters were still trying their best to reach the shore, but this time they didn't even have a chance to get close; before they even touched the edge of the fire wall, they had already turned into coke along with the surrounding evaporated seawater.

This, this is too much... Alexei, who survived the disaster, wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at the "wall of fire" rising into the sky in front of him in disbelief.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have been able to believe that the girl behind him just waved her hand and created a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire. In comparison, he seemed...

The huge gap between his former pride and reality made the commander of the Second Infantry Regiment feel unwilling; but if the other party had not taken action, he would probably have died without a burial place.

"Hey, wake up quickly, don't stay there in a daze."

Norton, who was on the side, was keenly aware that something was wrong with Alexei, and patted him on the shoulder hard: "The troops are coming this way, and I can already hear the footsteps of the rapid march."

The awakened commander of the Second Infantry Regiment regained his senses instantly, looked around, and frowned slightly: "Where's Miss Lisa?"

"I didn't notice it either. He probably left with Miss Freya to find the Commander-in-Chief, right?"

Norton shrugged. The relationship between Guard Company Captain Lisa and the Commander-in-Chief was known to everyone in the entire legion; even if she evaporated on the spot, no one would believe that anyone could hurt the eldest lady (grand police chief) even half a hair.

As for why... no one knows, and no one will ask. The invincible Miss Lisa is like the Commander-in-Chief who has countless mysteries that ordinary people cannot understand. Unless there is an ulterior motive, everyone in the legion remains silent in a tacit understanding.

Soon, the sound of neat footsteps overwhelmed the roaring flames and sounded from the darkness.

"Everyone is ready - spread out the lines and take cover nearby!"

With his back to the sea of ​​​​fire, Alexei raised his sword high and gave the order in a hoarse voice: "Clovis - prepare for war!"

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

The dazzling firelight tore through the darkness, reflecting the fear-filled faces of the soldiers.

They must be scared.

First there was an inexplicable dark night, then countless monsters and ghost ships "surfaced" without warning, and then a huge fireball fell from the sky, igniting the ghost ship and raising a wall of fire dozens of meters high... …

Even a well-trained veteran can claim to be "well-disciplined" if he can survive this series of auditory and visual double blows without running away and collapsing.

Not only did these soldiers of the Storm Division not collapse, they were even able to follow the previous orders and assemble in an organized and large-scale towards the port... This can no longer be described as "brave", it can only be called "numb".

Under the seemingly absurd and crazy fate of the Commander-in-Chief himself, the entire Storm Legion has basically become numb... As long as there are no large-scale casualties or visible death behaviors, these soldiers can do it visually. There is no danger, no doubt about the order.

The wall of fire composed of raging flames is still burning, and the huge black waves are still hitting the wall of fire again and again like hitting the rocks, turning into steam mist all over the sky and screams that can tear the eardrums.

Staring blankly at the sea of ​​​​fire, Alexey groped around, took out half a box of cigarettes from his jacket pocket, and bit it with his mouth: "Norton."


"We can survive tonight, right?"

"...I'm not sure."

After hearing his colleague's words, Alexey, who was slightly disappointed, turned his head, only to find that Norton was looking at him with a complicated expression, and at the same time he slowly raised the pocket watch in his right hand.

On the slightly old glass dial, the pointer has slowly reached the six-thirty position.

"I'm not even sure if it's...night or not!"

Ahhhhh... I almost forgot to update!

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