I will be crowned king

Chapter 713 Their Goal

Beluga City Center, Parliament Hall.

While the port has been reduced to a sea of ​​flames and the military camp headquarters outside the city is in chaos, the banquet hall is still bustling with singing and dancing; all kinds of guests enjoy the unlimited supply of wine and tirelessly play to the sound of two shifts of bands. of indulgent pleasure.

Or take the opportunity to chat, or establish relationships, or win over and exclude... countless secrets, conspiracies and plans are all hidden in the seemingly enthusiastic and crisp sound of clinking glasses, and are drank up in a duplicitous smile.

There are also some optimists who are simply wanton and indulgent. They don't care at all about the atmosphere around the banquet site. They focus entirely on the surrounding food and wine and all kinds of male and female guests, completely obeying their own desires.

But no one among them noticed the abnormality in the dark night outside the window. They didn't even notice that the guard company that was supposed to be guarding outside had entered the parliament and surrounded the entire hall in full force. They didn't even realize that the guard company was outside. The blizzard has even submerged half of Beluga Harbor. In the deep darkness, some indescribable existence is slowly approaching them...

Even Reinhard Roland, who boasted a "sensitive sense of smell", was not aware of the change in the situation. The only ones who felt something was wrong were Anson Bach and Louis Bernard who left the meeting early, and all the officers of the Storm Legion were also missing.

However, this little doubt was also quickly forgotten by Reinhard in the face of alcohol, and he began to be obsessed with the results of his hunting... In just one banquet, the New World Company's business spread throughout the Free Confederation; excluding In the poor and cold Dongju City, he was already the largest creditor of all the colonies.

And with less than one million in cash, he has already released nearly two million worth of debt through the turnover of all parties - most of which are related to trade tariffs, minerals, and shipyards that are almost unprofitable. Even if the debt is not recovered, the annual interest and dividends on the lost assets are still a considerable amount of profit, not to mention the control and influence on the local council.

Although a large part of this is due to the Storm Legion, and New World Bank does not have any decent competitors in the colonies... Even so, in the entire Roland family's business history, it is an achievement that can be boasted about.

Even those success factors can be used as proof that Reinhard has a far-sighted vision and a keen sense of smell; if it were his incompetent brother, his father would have announced in public that he would be officially appointed as the family heir.

With six points of pride and four points of jealousy, Reinhard picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp. His bloodshot eyes were firmly locked on a timid girl in a gray dress.

He had already figured out the girl's identity in advance: she was the current sole heir of the Frey family, and she was also the biological sister of Polina Frey, Speaker of Gray Pigeon Castle.

As the earliest imperial colonial liberal to fall to the Rune family, Polina Frey is completely Anson Bach's spokesperson in the Free Confederation; the Frey family, who was helpless and almost exterminated by the empire, has now become a free confederacy. The flag of the Confederacy is in full swing.

If he gets her, the Roland family branch in the new world in the future may not only be a director of the New World Bank, but also have the opportunity to become a wealthy family in Gray Pigeon Castle, and even the leader of the Free Federation...

Gently licking the wine stains on his lips, the drunken Reinhard stared at his next prey.

Just when everything was about to unfold according to the script, the bank president's rhythm was directly interrupted by roars and flames without warning.


A sudden loud noise like thunder, the violent vibration can even be clearly felt by the entire banquet hall; accompanied by exclamations and screams, the chandelier above the head, the candlesticks on the table, wine bottles, glasses... intense lightness The notes soared up and down, even overpowering the band's performance.

And at the same time as the roar, there was also a dazzling firelight... The golden-red light directly penetrated the windows and thick curtains. Both men and women present subconsciously covered their eyes at that moment, or simply turned their backs. .

After more than half a minute, everything returned to normal.

"How is this going?!"

Reinhard, who had suddenly sobered up, ignored the Frey girl and pushed his way through the crowd. He walked up to a guard company soldier and lowered his voice and asked urgently: "What happened outside? I want to see the commander-in-chief!"

"Unfortunately, Your Excellency, I don't know." The guard company soldier pursed his lips tightly, and his resolute eyes tried hard to hide the same surprise: "We were only ordered to guard the banquet site, and we did not receive any other notifications."

"As for the whereabouts of the Commander-in-Chief himself, this is the top secret of the Legion; unless you have an appointment with the Commander-in-Chief, we cannot tell you."

"I have an appointment...I am the president of New World Bank!" Reinhard's eyes widened:

"I am also the Commander-in-Chief's man—just like you!"

"That's not OK."

The soldier snorted coldly: "Nothing against you, but we don't know if someone will take advantage of the opportunity to act - just like the time when the Commander-in-Chief was assassinated during breakfast."

So I still targeted it... Reinhard rolled his eyes.

Although he received an unceremonious rejection, he didn't care much - the Guard Company was a unit directly under Anson Bach, and their presence meant that Anson was here; and the deployment of these elite troops at the banquet site meant that no matter what Whatever happens outside, the life and death of people like himself are what he values ​​the most.


Just when Reinhard let down his guard and turned around to return to the banquet, the kerosene lamp next to him suddenly flashed.

He subconsciously turned his head and glanced, and found that the light was intact except for being a little dim; but he thought he had seen it wrong, and the light went out without warning.

As the lights dimmed, an icy chill surged behind him along the crack in the door, piercing the flesh and drilling into the bone seams, surging up from the calves along the body and piercing the top of the skull.

Even though he was wearing a thick coat and drank at least two bottles of rum, Reinhard was still shivering from the cold and almost fell forward.

Just as he was holding on to the edge of the table in a daze, looking up at the banquet hall, looking for a place to sit down and have a few more drinks, he...


The banquet hall in front of me was still as lively and noisy as ever, crowded with people and resplendent; but the next second, the entire hall fell into terrifying darkness, with corpses covering the floor, and leftovers pouring on the ruins, along the broken lines. The cold wind blowing in from the ruins was covered with a thick layer of frost.

A strange and evil figure emerged from the pitch-black darkness, peering into the entire hall from the ceiling that looked like it had been smashed through, peering at...himself!

But this scene only lasted for a few seconds, and then returned to its original state again, and then repeated again... As if he was hallucinating, two completely different scenes kept overlapping in front of his eyes, getting faster and faster, and becoming more and more similar. More and more...can't find the difference.

Reinhard's pupils were trembling on his face, frozen with fear.


"Wait, you mean He was very...excited?"

In the dead silence of the lounge, Derek couldn't help but ask, his eyes even shining with a hint of wisdom: "You mean, He also has emotions?"

Carno was thoughtful on the side. If he saw the Wild Hunt Knight's expression normally, he would not hesitate to pierce Derek's throat with his own spear - there was no need to think about it at all, it was definitely a fake by the enemy.

But now... after listening to countless incredible theories called "science" by William Gottfried, the three of them were not just shocked or numb, but had begun to accept it unknowingly. got this thing.

To be more precise, they have truly believed that this "scientist" with a bad temper, poor words and a sick look on his face can really communicate with evil gods!

Although Ke Rao has already accepted it to this extent, the answer given by the other party still makes them find it difficult to accept - the evil god actually has feelings? !

"Of course, not only there, but also very rich!" William nodded matter-of-factly:

"Many people think that rich emotions are a unique privilege of human beings. This is a very self-righteous idea. In fact, among intelligent creatures, humans are already a species with relatively monotonous emotions; even compared to the Ysel elves, we The gap between humans and gorillas is about the same.”

"The higher the wisdom, the more powerful the spiritual power, and the richer the emotions - this is entry-level common sense in research on the level of consciousness."

"This is not your fault. In fact, the church has blocked most of the knowledge in this area. In order to avoid attracting outsiders' attention, it does not even have blood mage mutant life forms such as vampires and werewolves..."

"Okay! We understand, you don't need to say any more!" Ian quickly interrupted William's rambling:

"Shadow Demon... He is very excited now. Why?"

"Because He has found his goal." William's tone was slightly unpleasant: "Do you remember what I said? The tombkeeper wants to set foot in areas beyond the land of rest, even within the territory of the New World. It is not an easy task; they have been given the responsibility of guarding the tomb, and this responsibility binds them to the tomb forever."

"Every time you leave, you have to pay a lot of costs and risks... so you can imagine how excited they are when they find their goal."

"What goal?"


"You said they came with a goal. What is that goal?"

In the dark lounge, facing the fire, Derek resisted the urge to turn around and said to William in the darkness behind him.

This time Wilhelm Gottfried did not answer directly.

He meditated, turning with deep dark circles to the runes that had been written on all the windows and walls of the entire room; each twisted mark seemed to have life, slightly squirming, twitching, wandering, twisting, melting...combined into one by one. Incomprehensible sentences convey unknown messages.

"They...are looking for someone."


The trio of Faithless Knights looked at each other.


"Anson Bach? You are making so much noise, all because of Anson Bach?"

Over the dark city center of Beluga Harbor, the elf girl in the isolated wind and snow had an extremely ridiculous expression on her face, and even a bit disappointed - as if she thought her lover had carefully prepared a dinner table for her, but it turned out to be nothing. The kind of disappointment that comes from eating a few pieces of bread and bacon.

I originally thought that the other party was going through all the trouble to uproot the Luen family's roots in the New World, or to completely wipe out the colonists in the colony, and to expel all the forces in the Old Continent without leaving any one behind.

It turned out that the other party was for Anson Bach—a human being!

And not a very special, noble, rare human being like dear Louis, but...a human being like Anson Bach!

"You have opened the restrictions of the land of rest, exposed yourselves to the laws of nature, and squandered the authority given to you by the True God Sect without any scruples, just for a mere Anson Bach?"

"Is it that I can't understand your difficulties, or have you guys gone completely crazy?"

The elf girl shook her head and waited for the other party's reply.

But there was no movement in the darkness, only countless strange shadows coming from all directions, constantly compressing the flames ignited around her.

Freya, who had scarlet eyes, snorted coldly, and flame lines spread all over her body like armor.


Ring-shaped flames exploded around her with her as the axis, and screams followed.

But it's not over yet. The girl took out the delicate dagger from her arms like a magic trick. The sharp blade wrapped in flames floated in the air. With the movement of her fingertips, a golden-red dagger slowly opened in front of her. The original ring.

The next second, the blizzard in mid-air stopped without warning, and the billowing heat wave quickly swept around the dome, covering the entire sky above Beluga Harbor at an extremely fast speed.


A dull roar exploded in the dark night, and large tracts of "white mist" appeared in the sky - a blizzard that had been evaporated by the heat wave.

As if sensing a threat, the lead-gray dark clouds slowly condensed, and a ferocious and twisted face emerged, with empty, dark "eyes" staring at the petite figure.

"You know... we, the descendants of the True God's bloodline, are very different from you miserable tombkeepers. Power is bound to emotion; how intense our emotions are, how strong our power is."

Freya looked up without fear and wrote lightly: "And my emotions are closely connected with that person."

"And you not only threatened me, but also threatened him... His life, career, future, and everything he values, may all be destroyed because of your appearance."

"Under such circumstances, guess how angry I am now?"

"How powerful... am I now?"

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