I will be crowned king

Chapter 720 Boredim

Although he had expected it, when August actually said the girl's name, Anson was stunned and almost lost his composure.

Yes, I was traveling in the same carriage as the legendary apostle, and his attitude towards me was quite friendly.

Of course, it's hard to say whether he is an apostle or not. First of all, the aura and look are not very similar. Although I have not seen a few real apostles, I can still sum up some characteristics through the "Great Magic Book".

Needless to say, they are rare. At the same time, because the apostles are too powerful, they have reached the point where they can influence nature with every move, and it is impossible for them to show up easily.

Of course, there is another very important reason, that is, Thalia mentioned very clearly that she had never met Isaac Rand, which means that her birth time was at least parallel to or later than after the assassination of Saint Isaac. .

And her full name is Thalia August Rune.

Having two major bloodlines and being the current head of the Rune family means that it will not be too early for Rune to gain the power of August; and by slightly calculating the time when the Rune family flourished, it can be confirmed that he should have been in the Order He became apostolic only after the church began to spread in the Old World.

In this case, August, who was killed by him and took away his power, should not have gone too early; Thalia once mentioned that time has a critical impact on the power of the caster, even if he is also a blasphemous mage. With the blessing of bloodline, Freya is almost like a baby in her eyes.

To sum up, Anson basically confirmed that the current August should not have become an apostle, but just a relatively powerful blasphemy mage.

But this raises another problem: since Lisa has already been born, and Thalia's birth time cannot be earlier than ten years before the saints' calendar, one of them is no more than two hundred years old, and the other is probably several thousand years old. Why does she call Lisa "sister" instead of "sister" when she is so old?

Could it be that the seniority within the family of future spellcasters is entirely based on strength, rather than true age? Or maybe there is something special about August's bloodline, or is it that the Lisa he met was not the Lisa that August said, but "Lisa's **"?

Countless questions lingered in Anson's mind, and he could not directly ask August opposite him. He could only hide them silently in his heart and continue to observe the surrounding situation.

Thalia must have had her own reasons and difficulties for spending so much effort to send herself here, and it was most likely related to the success or failure of the battle with the tombkeeper.

As if he felt that Anson's expression was very tired, August did not continue the conversation; the two of them silently looked at the howling wind and snow outside the car window, and the outline of the towering mountain city in the distance became increasingly clear and majestic. The city gate slowly rises in the center of the horizon at the end of the road.

The running carriage gradually slowed down like a steam train about to enter the station; the surrounding wind and snow seemed to be controlled by machines and orders, reducing the intensity of the wind and snow in proportion to the distance from the gate; when the carriage arrived at the city gate Down below, no trace of snowflake could be seen.

The magnificent "Boridim" appeared in front of Anson's eyes like a scroll through the long gilt frame in the carriage.

The first thing that catches the eye is the fog that permeates the entire city.

The huge, red and white mist mixed with a little dark red seems to be alive, shuttling between every building and street, flowing slowly, covering all corners of the city like a spider web.

Under the extremely cold light, countless tall buildings stand in an orderly manner on both sides of the irregularly shaped streets. Some are magnificent from top to bottom, while others have strange and twisted shapes, like iron sheets and broken bricks forcibly twisted. One body; some are covered with large and small purple-black vines, and the walls under the vines are still crawling in an orderly manner, as if the bricks and boards are living creatures with flesh and blood...

Thousands of figures shuttled between these strange buildings... The city gate when the two entered the city had disappeared, replaced by a street as noisy and lively as the Clovis City train station; all kinds of There are all kinds of people, with or without wheels, using living animals or self-driving carriages, and they are crowded together.

Pedestrians speaking various accents and even completely incomprehensible languages, wearing all kinds of clothes, and even looking strange are everywhere, talking, strolling, stopping, looking...

It seems that these figures are no different from the citizens of Clovis City. If there is a difference, it is that almost all of them are spell casters, and there is no cover-up at all!

Anson even had to specifically open his casting range, and he could feel that dozens of spellcasters had passed by him in the past few minutes... Although most of them were only at the third or fourth level, they used their spells without any scruples. Magical reactions are exposed, just like people in Clovis dress to show off their title, education, military rank and union status.

Absurd, grotesque, weird, depressing—this was Anson’s initial impression.


"Welcome to Boridim, the eternal resting place of the true gods, the holy land of all evolvers!"

As soon as the two stepped off the carriage, a young man with a well-proportioned figure and a youthful face immediately stepped forward and held August's right hand with slightly excited hands: "We have been waiting for a long time, and we have always been worried about people like you. Will these outstanding and independent evolvers accept our invitation?"

"Really?" August, with a gentle face, raised the corner of his mouth and let the other party shake his arm vigorously:

"You must be exaggerating, replacing 'weird' with 'excellent' and 'unsociable' with 'independent'...right?"

"No, no, no, this is our truest thought, and we didn't deliberately modify it." The young man shook his head quickly, but his slightly embarrassed eyes betrayed his heart.

Just when his eyes were dodging, the young man discovered the figure standing behind August, looking around: "This is..."

"Senior cultist of the Bright Star City Order, researcher of the Alchemy Room of Mutated Life Forms, Anson Bach."

Before Anson could take the initiative to speak, August introduced him first: "He is still my most important deputy. It was precisely because of his efforts to persuade me that I finally decided to come and try to participate in your project."

"Anson, this is Researcher Collins - don't be fooled by his appearance. In fact, he is only ten years younger than me. He is a famous child prodigy in Breeze City. From mastering the evolutionary path of blood magic to joining Boridim's famous alchemy room , there are countless records set and awards won.”

"Oh, he is also a painter, especially good at portraits, but he is not such a prodigy in landscape painting... We talked about this on the way, do you remember?"

Of course you remember, is it him?

Anson looked sideways and saw the young man looking at him with surprise. He walked forward quickly and held his hands just like he did to August:

"Thank you for your efforts! The original ring is above, dear researcher Bach, you can never imagine how much your efforts will help our work. I don't know how to thank you!"

"I just did some small things that I could do. You don't have to be so polite, Researcher Collins." Anson, who was forcibly holding his right hand, could only keep smiling and responded with an easy-going look:

"Actually, I have a little selfishness. After all, we are all evolved. Who wouldn't want to come to Boridim and see it with your own eyes?"

"You haven't been to Boredim?!"

Collins looked surprised and blurted out: "The original ring is above, this is too incredible!"

"No, my dear Collins, there are many evolvers in the world who have never been to Boredim, and it's not worth your fuss." August interjected from the side, his voice not sounding too happy:

"The research here is very important, but it does not mean that you are the only hope in the world - in fact, if your invitation had not interrupted the research, we would have made a new breakthrough in blood inheritance."

"If so, then you will definitely be interested in our research topic." Collins said solemnly: "Because Boredim's research involves the direction of blood inheritance."

"I don't know what the research goals of Bright Star City are, but our goals are indeed directly related to the success or failure of the big plan; if everything goes well, it is likely to have a direct impact on the history of the next thousand years."

"And this is why we insist on extending an invitation to you. No one is more successful and experienced in terms of blood than your respected August - we need these very much now!"

"A reasonable explanation. In fact, I think so too." August nodded lightly, obviously very confident in his abilities and resume:

"Last question, is this research urgent?"

"We're not in a particular hurry. We haven't set a time limit from above, and the research funding is very sufficient." Researcher Collins shook his head:

"Why, do you have anything else to do in Boridim?"

"That's not true. It's just that Researcher Bach and I were overtired after a long journey."

August chuckled and said: "So if you are not in a hurry, I hope you can rest for a few days and study your topic carefully before deciding whether to accept this invitation. How about that?"

"Of course, but please don't be too formal!"

Researcher Collins immediately relaxed his frown and breathed a sigh of relief: "In order to help you start working as soon as possible, we have prepared all the materials and placed them in your room by category - otherwise we will leave now. , how about taking you two to the alchemy room?"

"No, I know where it is."

August waved his hand and said very casually: "Just take advantage of this time to take Senator Bach around Borridium to satisfy his regret that he has never been to this holy land of evolvers."

"Well, dear August, we will see you in the alchemy room."

"See you in the alchemy room."

After bidding farewell to August, the excited Researcher Collins turned around and looked at Anson with a smile on his face: "Now there are only two of us left. Dear Researcher Bach, there is no need to be restrained. You can tell me wherever you want to go!”


"Anywhere - as guests of the Alchemy Room, Boredim is completely open to you and August!"

Looking at Councilor Collins who was patting his chest and promising, Anson slowly raised his head and looked towards the city shrouded in fog; in the center of the gorgeous and strange city, stood a huge palace like a bell tower.

The towering huge building, the height visible to the naked eye is close to hundreds of meters; countless runes, gems, bricks, metals... together constitute its main body, showing three colors of red, black and blue. Overlapping, intertwined, and always operating in a way that is simply incomprehensible.

From a distance, it looks like three giant snakes intertwined with each other, constantly extending in a higher direction.

"How is that place...?"


Researcher Collins looked at the direction Anson pointed at, and was stunned for a few seconds. He nodded in a daze: "Of course! If you want to visit, you should be able to arrange it!"

"Will it be difficult?"

"No, no, no... It's not embarrassing! It's just usually... No, it's nothing. I was just a little too excited, so I seemed a little bit out of sorts." Collins smiled and said, "I guess... you don't know that is the Original Tower, right? Bar?"

So this tower is very crucial, and it is very famous among spellcasters of this era... Anson opened his eyes slightly, showing a very surprised expression: "That's it?!"


Collins smiled proudly and said: "Many believers have only heard of its existence and regard it as some kind of legendary thing... Even the locals of Boridim, very few people have ever stepped into it and witnessed it with their own eyes. One of the greatest wonders of our time.”

"Congratulations, Researcher Bach, I guarantee that everything that follows will completely change your understanding of the world in the past!"

As he spoke, Collins slowly stepped aside to get out of the way and made a gesture of invitation.

"Thank you." Anson nodded in thanks, but did not leave immediately. Instead, he lowered his voice and said, "Before departure, can I ask one more little thing?"

"Of course, please tell me."

"Why would you just call August...August? Is this a specific custom among Boredim?"

"Ah, this... No, that's not the case, it's just a simple verbal habit."

Collins showed a somewhat dumbfounded expression: "Perhaps the believers in Bright Star City are more conservative, but... in most areas, we usually only call believers who have reached the level of 'Tutor' by his name, while his descendants are called His first name as surname."

"At the same time, because of their special nature, calling him by his first name is not offensive but a higher-level honorific title; August has always been the object of my admiration, so I try not to add the suffix "second" when calling him. tutor."

"I see, I misunderstood." Anson couldn't help but laugh, and at the same time extended his right hand to the other party: "Let me introduce myself again, Anson Bach, a believer in Bright Star City."

"Nice to meet you, Brother Anson Bach." Collins smiled, held his hand, and said softly:

"Also please allow me to reintroduce myself, Loon Collins, a believer in Breeze City."

"Hmm, if you don't mind, you can just call me Luen."

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