I will be crowned king

Chapter 721 Prophecy

For more than two hours, Luann Collins led the way and repeatedly explained "what a genius August is", "how great August is", and how much he admired August. Ste, how lucky I was to see him in person...

After years of close friendship and correspondence, fans will finally see a living idol with their own eyes - that's pretty much what it feels like.

"Seriously, dear Bach researcher, as a close friend of August, you will never understand how lucky you are to be able to talk to him - let alone work together!"

Lu En's whole body was trembling with excitement, and he kept rubbing the hand he had just held with August, with a helpless expression on his face: "This, this is like a dream, you heard You passed him, you got to know him, you admired him, and he actually replied to your letter, and finally you met him in person!"

"The most important thing is that he also calls another friend of his - oh, that is you - oh, I mean myself, he is his good friend!"

"The original ring is above, can you imagine anything crazier than this?!"

"No more! I dare say that I may never be as nervous or excited as I was just now in my life!"

"Oh no! I, I will have to work with him next. He will definitely ask me all kinds of questions, and I will have to cooperate with him...I mean, serve him and ask him my unreasonable questions. Suggestions, become part of his thinking...Ah, the original ring is above..."

The young man in the dark red robe seemed to have thousands of lice on his body. He kept talking to himself and twisting and turning. He was depressed and excited for a while. If it was abnormal, it would not be surprising if he fell into coma or went crazy the next second.

But Anson, who was sitting next to him, was completely indifferent, and his expression was even a bit numb.

He looked at the dense fog above his head, at the strange and gorgeous buildings on both sides, and at the "Original Tower" in the distance that seemed to have some kind of special life... Deep in his heart, he felt that this tomb that was built thousands of years later, now There is no longer any curiosity in the mysterious city of spellcasters.

At this moment, there was only one sentence in his mind: the young man next to him with a short blue-ink ponytail, big black eyes and bright red robes, was called Lu En.

Blood magic is rampant in the old world and has witnessed the decline of ancient Clovis and the rise of the Osteria family and the Kingdom of Clovis. Even the Church of the Flower of Syme dare not touch it easily, acquiescing to its existence and even showing up in the capital of a country. Apostle, Thalia's father, his father-in-law in name only... Rune.

This feeling that could no longer be described as "wonderful" made Anson seriously doubt whether he was dreaming or in a parallel world, or whether he was actually dead and the scene in front of him was just a figment of his imagination before he died. Hallucination?

This sense of absurdity became even stronger when he heard Lu En constantly emphasizing how much he admired August and how much he hoped to become "an amazing being second only to August."

Because according to the history of "that world" before his coma, Rune would have killed August at an unknown time period before the Saints' Calendar, took away his blood and power, and completely wiped him out. In addition to the entire family's record in history.

This directly led to Lisa becoming the "last blood of August" and meeting her hungry on the battlefield of Thunder Castle.

Is this considered turning from pink to black?

Absurd ideas kept popping up in Anson's mind, and he stared blankly at the magnificent original tower getting closer and closer to him.

"When the true God sleeps, the original tower is the torch that lights up the night."

Slowly stepping out of the carriage, Lu En, with a bit of pride in his smile, introduced to Anson: "Thirty-six of the greatest cities in the world, two thousand large and small religious orders, countless resources and unimaginable resources in the past. technology, when all of these are put together, they create the crystallization of wisdom before our eyes."

"It preserves the most complete history and information about magic and the teachings of the True God in the world. Hundreds of the best evolutionists work day and night in it to record and archive all major events that have occurred and are about to occur. To guide the course of big plans.”

"It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the original tower still stands on the earth, true God believers will still control their own future - we will eventually break this cage called the world, and follow the big plan instructions left by the true God. Achieve the most perfect existence.”

After a slight pause, Lu En, who was full of confidence from top to bottom, looked at Ansen, who was still stopping in front of the carriage and looking at the carriage with his eyes in trance, and said, "Do you have any questions?"

"No, it's just a little emotional."

In just a moment, Anson returned to normal: "As a believer of the true God, being able to see such a miracle with your own eyes makes you feel that this trip is really worthwhile. Which part should we start from?"

"Ah, about this issue..."

Lu En's face suddenly showed a bit of embarrassment, and he said a little sheepishly: "I, I may have to apologize to you a little."


"Because in fact... we are not here to visit, or there is no option here for people to visit - the original tower is the highest level institution of Boridim, and only believers who are selected or pass the assessment can It is an honor to be allowed to enter." Lu En rubbed his hands uneasily, raised his head apologetically and said:

"But, but! But as a member of the 'Bloodline Heritage' alchemy room, I have access rights to the 'Grand Corridor Hall' and the 'Museum of True Knowledge', and I can take you in with me as an assistant and follower."

"Of course, it is very inappropriate to do this, but I, I just want to show off in front of August! Let him think that I am warm and hospitable, and can solve many things in Boridim, and let him think that I am a , It’s a…a…”

"Okay, I understand, I understand." Anson raised his hand to interrupt Lu En, who was about to continue apologizing:

"Dear Researcher Lu...Luann Collins, I don't mean to blame you in any way."


Lu En, who was stammering, stopped immediately and looked at Anson blankly.

"It's absolutely true." Anson said matter-of-factly:

"In fact, I can understand your thoughts very well. Who doesn't want to show off in front of the person he admires? This is normal and nothing strange. Besides, you told me the truth, which makes it even more impossible to be criticized. That’s the place to point fingers.”

What's more important is that when he thinks that the handsome young man in front of him, who is half a head shorter than himself, is Thalia's old father... It is really difficult for Anson to have any angry thoughts.

After a few seconds of silence, Lu En finally regained his composure, took a deep breath, and solemnly held Anson's hand: "Dear Researcher Bach, no! It's my dear Anson, your broad mind and understanding, even I don’t know how to thank you.”

"No, no, no, you're too polite." Anson said while trying his best to restrain the corners of his mouth that raised crazily:

"We are friends, so let's not talk about thank you or anything like that, okay?"

"Of course, everything is as you wish!" Lu En nodded vigorously, and there was even a little sparkle in the corner of his eyes:

"Speaking of the original tower... Although it can only take you to the bottom floor, the area and various documents and data collections inside cannot be underestimated. As a member of the alchemy room, I have spent almost every day in it for the past few years. It’s been several hours, and I haven’t read all the content yet.”

"Although I can't let you see the core part of the Original Tower, I promise that just those precious information are enough to make your trip worthwhile!"

"I'll wait and see." Anson smiled.

Following Rune's footsteps, Anson walked through the densely populated streets and layers of golden stairs, and entered the interior of the Original Tower from the exaggeratedly large main entrance.

Although it is called a "tower", this is actually a very confusing title. Regardless of the height or the size of the area, the original tower can be said to be at the palace level - compared with it, the Osteria Palace occupies the same area. The size of the land is considered exquisite and compact.

The first thing that catches the eye is a room that is as spacious as two Beluga Harbor Councils and is shaped like a front desk or waiting room.

Stepping on the crystal-like translucent floor under his feet, like a starry sky and a galaxy, Anson's eyes quickly looked around the surrounding environment, and immediately captured the strange-shaped columns on both sides of the hall, which looked like the original tower. A miniature version, but still nearly ten or even twenty meters high.

Many of the bustling crowds in the hall were surrounding these stone pillars, their expressions looking solemn and solemn, like fanatical believers worshiping the totems of their faith.

"Those are the entrances to the trials and assessments of the Original Tower. Believers who pass will be assigned to the corresponding level based on the judgment of the upper level and the type of magic they master." Lu En explained silently:

"Although the hope is slim, for many believers this is their only chance; not all believers are as young as the legendary Augustus to become a Tutor."

"In fact, if it weren't for the work in the alchemy room, I should have participated in the selection and assessment last year; I would be willing to have direct access to the core knowledge and get guidance from the apostles, even if I have to serve the Original Tower for the rest of my life. "

"I don't think so." Anson said silently:

"With your talent, it is only a matter of time before you become Tutuo'er. Even becoming an apostle may not be impossible."

"This...maybe?" Lu En smiled bitterly and scratched his head:

"I know you are trying to comfort me, but thank you anyway, Anson; for you and to catch up with August one day, I will continue to work hard!"

No, I'm not trying to comfort you, but I know this for sure... Anson shrugged in response and didn't say anything more.

The two squeezed through the crowd and continued to move deeper into the hall.

At the end of the hall is a series of murals separated by columns. The contents in the paintings are not to say generally similar, but can also be said to be completely unrelated: a magnificent palace, a dimly lit library, layers of stairs, a maze-like secret room, A rooftop with clear skies, a deep wellhead...

Although there is no evidence, Anson has vaguely guessed that these murals may represent each floor, or even the entrance to each floor.

Sure enough, Lu En raised his hand and pointed to the penultimate painting on the right, an oil painting painted with countless gray lines and cold color blocks, and said: "The Grand Cloister Hall, that's our goal today."

"We have to go in and find the prophecy about mutants and bring it back to the alchemy room to confirm our next research plan."


Anson immediately captured the key words in the other party's words.

"Yes, the apostles responsible for managing the Original Tower make prophecies in different directions according to the big plan every day, which are kept and archived in the large cloister hall; anyone who needs it can enter to find what they need and act according to the prophecies , to ensure that our work is carried out strictly in accordance with the wishes of the true gods.”

Rune explained while leading the way: "The mission of our alchemy room is also part of the big plan, so I can get permission to enter the grand cloister hall."

"So that's the case, then how do we make sure that a certain... prophecy is the part we need?" Anson's face was full of questions: "Even if it is, how can we ensure that our understanding is correct?"

"You asked a very crucial question. Anson is indeed August's most trusted deputy and friend!" Lu En's eyes lit up:

"Yes, how to find and understand the correct prophecy is the core part of this work; you need to find the most important part from thousands of irrelevant and messy messages, which requires deep experience, good patience and extreme Strong judgment.”

"Of course this is my job, so you can wander around after entering and watch whatever you want. If you don't mind, I can also teach you how to distinguish the types of prophecies. Let's work together after I find them. How do you feel about leaving?"

"I think there's no problem." Anson nodded slightly:

"Or you can tell me the prophecy information and let me help you a little, so that we can leave quickly."

"Really? But today is your first day in Boridim. This may ruin your mood of visiting. I don't want to cause any trouble to you..."

Lu En pursed his lips and carefully observed Anson's expression. After confirming again and again that he was not being polite, he relaxed slightly: "Okay, you will know sooner or later anyway - but don't take it too seriously, you are just here to visit today. Yes, I hope you can come back with a full load and have a lot of fun."

"That's right. The task of our alchemy room is to study the closeness of the connection between blood inheritance and mutation. To be honest, the progress so far is not very obvious. That's why the alchemy room allows me to extend an invitation to August. After all, He’s a true expert on this.”

"Now, we urgently need to figure out the next step of our research - suppose, suppose there is a race that is born with the blessing of the true god, or that can use magic through some means..."

"...What is the biggest variable affecting their bloodline inheritance and awakening?"

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