I will be crowned king

Chapter 722 The answer to the prophecy

There is no light around, but it does not feel dark. The fine and delicate dust fills the air, like stars flowing in the night sky. If you touch it gently, you can still feel their touch sliding over the skin.

Following the direction of the flow of dust, what appeared at the end of the field of vision was an endless corridor; for a dazed moment, it seemed as if someone's figure was passing by, and some whispering echoes could be heard in the faint.

This is the lowest level of the Original Tower, the Great Corridor Hall.

All information, history, knowledge, and prophecies will be recorded and archived.

As the core of Boridim, and even the entire Old God world - of course, "now" - this is the highest level that most spellcasters can come into contact with; what happened to thousands of spellcasters Everything will be preserved here forever in the form of words, and they will also act according to the prophecies made by the Original Tower.

The moment he stepped into the door, Anson even felt that his thinking had briefly stagnated. It took him a few seconds to gradually return to normal. Looking back slowly, he saw that the door behind him when he entered had disappeared, and there was only a barrier formed by thick fog. .

Taking a deep breath, Anson turned his head and looked forward again, walking towards the deep corridor.

Walking in the dusty corridor, his mind began to recall Lu En's last instructions when he entered:

“...Walking in the Grand Corridor Hall, what you want to see is directly linked to what you think in your heart. The Grand Corridor Hall will directly respond to your inner call, allowing what you want to see to appear in the most natural way you can imagine. way, appear in front of you.”

"Therefore, it is particularly important to control your inner thoughts, especially to avoid being 'discovered' by the Grand Cloister Hall of your innermost thoughts... Of course, an excellent believer like you should not need me to remind you of common sense issues. .”

"In short, browsing information in the Great Cloister Hall follows three major steps: recall, association and prayer."

"Memories correspond to history that has already happened, including your own memories and what you have heard and seen in books, so in a sense 'knowledge' is also a type of memory, which can help you find the moment when events or knowledge were born. , and gradually let you understand the whole process along the lines of what happened."

"Association is a technique that those of us believers who are already on the 'frontier' need to use frequently. Based on the skills and knowledge we have mastered, we will start to make divergent associations. The grand cloister hall will present this part of the knowledge and research to you."

"Correspondingly, your association process, guessing, research, failure and success will also be recorded in it, so... unless necessary, do not associate."

"The last thing is prayer... We piously open our hearts and present everything in front of the great cloister hall, and then it will give the most accurate prophecy."

"This is the most difficult of the three, because the level of detail presented will directly affect the content of the prophecy. Usually even the most devout believers cannot open up their bodies and minds without reservation. At the same time, the amount of information contained in the prophecy is very large. It’s huge, and mistakes or guesses often happen.”

"But you don't need to worry about this, just enjoy the joy of reading and studying new knowledge..."

Anson slowed down his pace slightly and whispered softly:

"The relationship between the three major magics and the possibility of mastering them simultaneously."

Although it is not clear why Thalia went through all the trouble to send herself to the land of rest, but since she has such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, of course she must find a way to obtain some information that is impossible to grasp, and what is most important to her. important information.

The first thing to bear the brunt of is, of course, how to defeat the tombkeeper of the Land of Rest.

The most direct option is of course prophecy, but this is also the first option Anson excludes - he does not doubt whether the other party can make accurate prophecies, he is more worried about what the apostles from a thousand years ago think about them and prepares to dig up their graves a thousand years later. of myself.

So taking the next best step and figuring out the nature of their power is also an option.

As he continued strolling, he felt something lightly touch his arm on the left side.

Anson turned to look around and found that the originally flat wall had turned into a bookshelf, with a thick book lying quietly on it. The cover of the book had "Research on the Origin and Correlation of Three Major Magics" written in beautiful gold letters, just like the original It's like it's just there waiting to be discovered.

But these are not the most important things. The most important thing is that this book is very neat, and the words used are not from this world... Even the cover to the paper inside have the smell of assembly line and printing!

Don't be nervous, there's nothing to worry about. Luen has already reminded him that he, he will present the required information to himself in the most natural way he thinks. It does not mean that his identity has been exposed...

Anson took a deep breath and picked up the book with some hesitation. Familiar and unfamiliar words flooded into his eyes:

"...Traditionally, there is some controversy over the birth and appearance time of the three true gods, but the time when they created their respective evolutionary pathways and magic can be determined."

"Attention! This is only an academic study and does not involve the 'divine' aspects of the true gods. Pious believers should never have some unrealistic and malicious associations. The true gods will always lead and save us. Savior!"

"First of all, there is no doubt that the first person to awaken is the master of blood magic, the extraordinary Pluto... It is his appearance that makes 'evolution' no longer controlled by the natural world and a process that we can only passively accept."

"Then...Pluto's opposite, his dear brother Mutt, Lord of the Dark Arts, found his diametrically opposite path, discovering the spiritual possibility of something beyond."

"Aton, the master of destiny, found a new path, a tireless pursuit of reshaping the world, and creating his own path of laws. He eventually created the term 'magic' and was promoted to the leader of all evolvers. Together with Pluto and Mutt, he founded the earliest The cult, the will to resist the world..."

Oh, so this is why the later Old Gods all called themselves "spell casters". Of course, it may also be that the title "evolver" can no longer be used; and Pluto and Mutt are actually brothers? Wait, it may be some kind of exaggerated rhetoric or description... Anson continued to browse the following content:

"...Since the first day of the Order's birth, countless believers have tried to combine the three major magics into one. However, the differences and conflicts between each other's evolutionary paths have made this idea difficult and almost impossible. sex."

"But the great true God and the apostles have still found a possible path. So far, there are at least four feasible solutions, which are already in the orderly research process."

“The most feasible one is the ‘twisted field’ theory proposed by an evolutionist from Breeze City.”

"The plan requires that the evolver must first become a 'Tutor' level curse magic controller, use the spell casting space to create a field that is completely different from the laws of nature, and highly integrate it - or it can be created by other curse magic controllers. ——Because the laws of nature are completely different from the outside world, as long as the corresponding conditions are met, you can naturally master the other two magics."

"Of course, this plan has great limitations and drawbacks: first of all, it is highly integrated with the distortion field, which makes the final evolver unable to easily leave the field, completely unable to adapt to the outside world, and long-term exposure may even be extremely life-threatening; and distortion Once the domain is destroyed, the power is also lost.”

"Regarding these shortcomings, the evolver has begun to intensify research to find ways to mitigate or avoid high risks; it has been found that through similar environments, the time to leave the distortion field can be slightly extended..."

This looks very similar to the relationship between the Lord of the Abyss and the Sea of ​​the Abyss. No wonder He hides at the bottom of the turbulent sea all year round, so this method was successful in the end?

Anson raised his eyebrows and continued to read the following parts:

"...Due to the essential conflict between evolutionary paths, even if you really master the three major magics at the same time, although you can get more choices and new directions than evolvers of the same level, you will encounter bottlenecks earlier, and so far , there is no precedent for a successful breakthrough..."

"This is caused by the goal directions of the three major magics themselves. Once a certain level is reached, the excess must be discarded in order to move forward. The demands are so different that there is an insurmountable upper limit for compatibility with each other."

"Evolvers who master two or even three pathways at the same time need to try to bridge the conflicts between multiple pathways. The pathway they master is itself the biggest weakness, and there is almost no possibility of continuing to evolve."

"But this does not mean that bridging multiple pathways is a wrong direction, or even the opposite; all apostles are warning latecomers that if they want to climb to a higher evolutionary level, this is the only choice for all evolvers."

"The true gods have left us a precious legacy. Following past successes cannot create the future for all evolvers; only by creating a new path can the big plan become our not-too-distant future..."


Closing the book gently, Anson showed a meaningful expression with serious eyes.

I didn't find much content, it was basically just the beginning of the chapter, but the information revealed was quite rich.

First of all, there is more than one way to master the three major magics at the same time. Does this mean that the gravekeepers who appeared in White Whale Port are likely to be the products of different experiments and different periods. In the end, they are unable to easily leave the land of rest due to their own power limitations?

Fusion of the three major magics was the "correct approach" in the world of the Old Gods, and was even endorsed by the apostles; but in the era in which she lived, there were few spellcasters who could fuse multiple magics, so Thalia was After hearing about the success of Saint Isaac, you will still feel very novel.

Furthermore, assuming that this rune and "that" rune are the same...spell caster, then Saint Isaac's success may not only be because he has a friend who is a blood magic apostle, but most likely from the other party. Gained a lot of relevant knowledge and experience.

Finally, if the above premise is true, then why didn't Rune tell Thalia that the fusion of multiple magics was the right way, but still let her continue to master blood magic without knowing it?

Moreover, knowing that all current methods have serious flaws, the apostles are still encouraging all evolvers to do this...is it really for the future of evolvers?

If so, then their failure was not as complete as usual... Thousands of years later, the spellcasters would have almost no future, and they would only be able to survive.

If not, what do they really think?


I don't know how much time passed, but when Anson left the grand cloister hall, the sky in Boridim had darkened; the thick fog covering the entire city turned gray-black under the night sky, exuding an ominous atmosphere.

Lu En, who had come out early, stood alone on the steps. When he spotted Anson's figure in the crowd, his eyes immediately lit up. He quickly stepped forward and said, "How are you? How do you feel?"

"...It's very indescribable. It deserves to be Boridim, and it deserves to be the legendary primordial tower."

Looking at "tour guide" Lu En, who was even more excited than himself as a tourist, Anson couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth again: "If possible, I hope to come more times in the future."

"No problem! As long as I have free time, I will try my best to arrange it!" Lu En nodded quickly: "In addition to the Grand Corridor Hall, we can also go to the Museum of True Knowledge. I guarantee that the things there will not disappoint you!"

"In addition to the Original Tower, there are many places to visit in Boridim. I am going to take you to the Blood Desire Hall at the beginning. For travelers who have just traveled a long distance, it is the most suitable place to relax and experience physical pleasure. A happy place..."

"Okay, okay...I already know, thank you!"

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more distorted, Anson had to stop him quickly and bluntly divert the other party's attention: "It's better not to talk about me and talk about your work - have you found the prophecy we need?"

"Uh... I found it, but it may be because I made a slight mistake in my work, which made this prophecy particularly obscure."

Lu En, who frowned slightly, sighed and gently rubbed his temples: "Four gods live in the same temple. The followers who are eager for the gospel need to offer sacrifices to the real god in order to enjoy the glory. The more sacrifices there are, the better the gods will be." The happier you are.”

"Honestly speaking, it's not like this kind of poetic prophecy has never appeared in the past, but this time it's really confusing - the four gods are obviously referential, and the successors should be the bloodline, but the rest of……"

"Ah...I'm sorry Anson, I'm troubling you with my work again; let's do this, while it's still early, why don't we go to the Blood Desire Pavilion together to see it, I guarantee you will definitely deserve it..."

"It's emotion!"

The expressionless Anson interrupted unceremoniously: "The key to affecting bloodline inheritance is emotion!"

Rune was stunned.

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