I will be crowned king

Chapter 723 The expectations of the false gods

"Hmm... I agree with Anson's guess. Emotion may indeed be a key factor affecting bloodline inheritance."

After pondering for a full ten minutes, August slowly raised his head from behind the desk, looked at the two people in front of him, and answered in a very serious tone: "In fact, after reading all the information, I also had a similar experience. judgment, but no strong evidence can be found.”

"Now that Anson has extrapolated the same results from the prophecies, it proves that the whole idea is worthy of scrutiny and testing."

"The original ring is above!"

Lu En, who was mumbling to himself, let out a long breath, as if he was in disbelief, but also as if his tense heartstrings had finally relaxed, and he slumped directly on the sofa opposite:

"It's really...I should be ashamed. When Anson expressed his guess, I mistakenly thought that he just dismissed it casually and didn't want to go to the Hall of Blood Desire with me!"

"I reminded you, Researcher Collins, Anson is a very insightful evolver." August leaned back slightly in his chair and showed a reserved and elegant smile:

"If you don't keep working hard, you may even lose your job to him."

"I am willing!" Lu En's expression suddenly became serious:

"I'd be more than happy to have Anson take my job away from me, August, if it would bring the big plan to fruition sooner."

"Maybe, but certainly not now."

August shrugged nonchalantly and said in a calm tone: "After all, technically speaking, he is still on vacation, so dear Researcher Collins, I still need your help for the time being, okay?"


Lu En, whose eyes lit up, immediately agreed and almost got up from the sofa in excitement: "With the original ring, I will definitely become an indispensable assistant like Anson - I swear!"

"Well...it doesn't have to be too different. I still look forward to you giving me more surprises." August's smile was a little helpless, and he said softly with a hint of comfort:

"But now, I can probably just say wait and see."


Lu En pursed his lips and nodded vigorously, as excitedly as if he had gotten the opportunity to work with his idol.

Well, it's not like, it is.

Anson, who was at the center of the conversation between the two, did not join in. He stood silently by the window, looking around the room and the scenery outside.

Dark golden brass pipes are all around, and several nozzles with valves flow filtered air into the room. You can clearly feel that the temperature and air here are much stronger than the streets outside Boridim; soft carpets The sofa and sofa look like silk or animal fur. Several hollow gems floating in the golden decoration of the ceiling exude a faint shimmer, bright and warm.

This luxurious office is just a microcosm of the entire alchemy room. Looking out from the window, the entire building is as big as half of St. Isaac's College, and that's only the part you can see.

And when Rune took him in a driverless four-wheeled carriage, it took him an hour and a half to travel through most of Boridim City, and when he found the so-called "Bloodline Alchemy Room", it was only a two-story, dilapidated building. Just a shabby little building.

Using the new knowledge they just learned from the Grand Corridor Hall, they explained that the building outside was just an illusion. They had actually entered a "twisted field" set up by a certain conjurer in advance.

According to Rune's description, not only this alchemy room, but most of the buildings in Boridim are actually twisted fields, created by the curse magic apostles in the original tower according to the needs of the users. .

For example, the twisted field where I am located is due to the needs of experiments. The air itself contains excessive magical reactions and elements that can preserve samples but are lethal to ordinary people, so it is equipped with purification devices covering all living and working spaces.

The reason why Anson feels that the air outside Boridim is uncomfortable is because of the "blood and pus fog" covering the city. It is responsible for monitoring and managing most of the city's activities and mediating the temperature difference between inside and outside; the disadvantage is that it is too strong The magic reaction makes it difficult for first timers to adapt.

In other words, the entire Boridim is under the surveillance, management and control of the apostles in the Original Tower.

Looking out at the distorted sky that seemed to be a mixture of countless paints, as well as the faint green dust floating in the air, Anson suddenly had a suspicion in his heart.

It is clearly mentioned in the book in the Great Corridor Hall that all twisted fields are created by a certain curse mage, and only a "Tutor", that is, a blasphemy mage-level curse mage is capable of creating such Domain, and requires sacrificing part of the casting space.

But the casting space is actually the level of a conjurer's ability, that is, the range within which he can distort the laws of nature; theoretically, if the caster dies, the distorted field he created should cease to exist.

Thalia once made it clear that the Lord of the Abyss who she had fought with possessed both black magic and blood magic, and was not a conjurer. So who is maintaining its twisted realm?

"What are you thinking about?"

Gentle words interrupted Anson's reverie, and August suddenly walked up behind him with a teasing smile on his face: "I know Boridim is a magical place, but It shouldn’t fascinate my well-informed deputy so much, right?”

"Just a little distracted."

Anson, who immediately regained his composure, spoke, his eyes showing the nervousness that people with amnesia often show: "I want to observe the surroundings as much as possible and get familiar with the environment, so that my colleagues in the alchemy room may not find out about me in the future. …unusual."

Hearing this answer, August, who had been joking just now, immediately stopped his smile. After being silent for a few seconds, he gently patted Anson on the shoulder:

"I know you're nervous right now, but you don't have to be; trust me, as long as you keep your usual style, they won't find anything wrong."

"Also...don't imagine the apostles to be too powerful. At least in this era, they are far from being as omnipotent as the true gods. They are just a group of false gods."

The comforted Anson nodded gently, but couldn't help but talk to himself in his heart.

What does it mean... in this day and age?

And listening to August's tone, he seemed to be quite disapproving of the apostles, which was completely different from Lu En's attitude - of course he also had this capital, after all, he would also become an apostle in the future.

August, who didn't notice anything strange about Anson, let go of Anson's shoulders and continued, "Luen is going to take us to visit the petri dish of the experimental object, and by the way, test whether the prediction we got is accurate."

"He seems to really want to invite you to go with him. I actually think so too, but if you feel too tired or want to visit other areas of the alchemy room, I can ask him to arrange for other people..."

"No, I am willing." Anson raised his hand to interrupt August and said with a smile:

"This is an experiment that can affect the entire world and is related to the success or failure of a big plan. What else can be more exciting than this?"


Staring into Anson's eyes, August's expression seemed to change, as if he was staring at something unspeakable: "There is something more precious than satisfying personal curiosity."

"And when you have it, you must not take its existence as a matter of course; treat every minute as if it is the last moment when it is by your side."

Looking at August who suddenly became serious in front of him, Anson, who was confused and nervous, felt that his expression was slightly stiff, and he swallowed silently, not daring to speak.

"But for now let's focus on work and let's get to the thing that will determine the future of the world."

When the conversation changed, August suddenly showed an easy-going smile as if he was a different person. He turned to Lu En who was waiting at the door and said: "My dear Researcher Collins, congratulations, you have a new baby." Audience!"

"Oh, that's great!"

Lu En said happily, not forgetting to wave to Anson.

So the two of them followed him closely, walking along the stairs that were layered inside the alchemy room (castle) and could still feel the creeping movement, towards the room where the petri dishes were stored.

While leading the way, Lu En introduced the origin and process of the entire experiment to those behind him—mainly Anson.

In this era, due to the spread of the three major pathways and the influence of the power of the three old gods, not only humans, but also many naturally born life forms have been affected to varying degrees in the past thousands of years, and many mutant groups have appeared. With individuals, they either possess high intelligence, possess extremely strong vitality, or completely violate the common sense of life existence...

This kind of existence that does not evolve according to the path, is affected by magical reactions or fails to evolve, is called "mutated bloodline".

Of course, this is not something that should be surprising, because these contents are also recorded in the "Original Code" of the Church of the Ring of Order, but their descriptions are not so academic, and they call them: beastmen, dragons, vampires, Sirens, goblins, treants...

In the context of the Church of Order, these inhuman and terrifying beings are all fallen dark creatures, the targets of hunting and confrontation by the seven ancient knights.

According to the descriptions of the Original Ring believers in this era, they are just alien species that appeared under the influence of apostles or true gods. They are products of the distortion and tampering of natural laws. Some of them have mutated very successfully, and are incompatible with the nature in which they live. The environment has reached a certain balance.

When the three old gods fell due to failure of evolution - of course, the Old God sects did not admit this - studying these mutant life forms became part of the Old God sect believers' efforts to restore their former glory, hoping to The principle of finding more evolutionary pathways among these strange mutation directions.

"In this regard, our 'Bloodline Heritage' alchemy room is at the forefront of research; of course, the same goes for the Bright Star City Laboratory." Lu En said proudly:

"Relying on the prophecies of the apostles, we discovered an extremely special mutation carrier. They have an extremely interesting characteristic. They will naturally derive corresponding magical abilities based on the surrounding environment, and then quickly disappear after being separated from the environment. "

"For example, if they enter a more extreme environment, their flesh and blood will rapidly expand and strengthen, or directly distort the environment into a more comfortable state; and when encountering strange individuals, they will also extend their hard bodies and horns. Or minions, they may breathe fire, or they may directly communicate with strange individuals from the spiritual level.”

"This kind of mutant, which is full of changes and can adapt to the environment to the maximum extent, we think is the closest or completely opposite existence to the true gods - the true gods resist the influence of the environment through evolution, while they rely on mutation Adapt to your surroundings as much as possible.”

"The most important thing is that they have mastered three major evolutionary pathways at the same time, and these powers do not seem to cause any conflict in their bodies!" Lu En said excitedly:

"If the causes and processes of their mutations can be deciphered and structured, the combination of the three major magics will go one step further and will no longer be full of limitations and flaws like in the past!"

"Not only that, but it can also make the group that possesses the power of the true God more common, instead of being just a privilege for a few believers like it is now." August nodded slightly:

"Boridim hopes that these mutants will mate and reproduce on a large scale and eventually find a way to pass on their special mutant bloodline, right?"

"Uh... yes and no." Lu En suddenly became stammering:

"It's like this. We have tried various methods to help them reproduce, including allowing them to mate naturally, but the results are very unsatisfactory - all the offspring born have almost without exception major mutations. It has deteriorated significantly and cannot use the three major magics as freely as the previous generation."

"So far, there are less than a dozen of the original experimental subjects left, and there are still hundreds of second-generation experimental subjects, but without exception they can only use one or two kinds of magic power. As for their descendants... even Even if one can be used, the level of mutation is obviously significantly different from the previous generation, and there is even no trace of mutation at all.”

"This kind of 'deterioration' is most obvious when they hybridize with other species. The offspring born will almost certainly lose their power completely and become ordinary individuals with no appearance; mating with the same kind can only reduce the speed of deterioration. After five generations, He completely lost his power in about six generations.”

"Hmm, so we must find a way to prevent 'deterioration', and the best way at the moment is emotions..." August said thoughtfully:

"It's not so much about the environment as it is about the evolution of completely different powers based on emotions; desire for communication can gain the power of black magic, anger can spit out flames or grow claws, and fear of death can strengthen flesh and blood..."

"This is a really strange and interesting race. Have you given them a name?"

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