I will be crowned king

Chapter 724 The King of Elves

The emerald green liquid passed through the crystal container that was almost as tall as a person, emitting a faint light in the dark room filled with brass pipes, becoming the only light source in the darkness.

It looks extremely viscous, as if it is some kind of material between colloid and liquid. It also has excellent light transmittance, and you can see clearly the brass pipes connected to the container behind the crystal wall, and the attached The pipes resembled organs, trembling flesh and blood.

In the huge crystal container, a figure is floating in a green liquid package, with tiny bubbles appearing around it from time to time, as if to show that it is alive, and as if it is reacting in some way with the liquid.

It has skin that is so smooth that wrinkles are almost invisible. It is almost the size of a baby. The hair on the top of its body is very thick and resembles some kind of seaweed. Its head is so big that it takes up nearly a quarter of its body. The limbs are short and small, the joints are very inconspicuous, and the hands and feet at the end are almost in the shape of meatballs.

Perhaps because it was wrapped in green liquid, it did not open its eyes. The eyes and ears of its facial organs were obviously too large, and its nose and mouth were almost too small to be seen... It looked like a human, but there were obvious differences. The difference makes it a little more creepy and weird.

"This...is the elf."

With his back to the glass container, Rune introduced the two of them casually: "Speaking of which, the initial discovery of them was just an accident. The Curse Magic Apostle in charge of this project only wanted to eliminate the giant dragons near Boridim, but I accidentally discovered their nest on the way back.”

"As for the name, the apostle mistakenly thought that they were some kind of non-entity mutant life. In addition, they did have a humanoid shape and were highly intelligent life in a primitive state, so he created a proper noun for them to refer to them. This mutant has both humanoid and monstrous properties."

"Although it's a misunderstanding, it does sound catchy, doesn't it?"


Staring at the creature in the container that was constantly blowing bubbles, Anson restrained himself with difficulty.

To be honest, when he first learned about this so-called "Bloodline Inheritance" experiment from Luen, he did think that the experimental subjects caught by the casters were the Ysel elves, and he even suspected that the so-called "Bloodline Descendants" were Why did they end up in this situation.

But when we really see this creature called "elf" in the petri dish, we can only say that history is a little girl who can be dressed up by anyone, even the so-called ancient Yser elves are no exception.

Anyway, if I could get this thing and take it back to the original time and space, and tell Queen Freya that this was her "great, great, great... great ancestor"...

Well, he could already figure out what would happen to him.

Of course, it's not just the Ysel elves. As the cornerstone of the civilization of the world of Order, in the "Myth of the Seven Knights" that is older than the Church of Order, the seven knights headed by the Dragon Knight united the elves to defeat and kill the three old gods. Only then will we win the future.

This myth is not only believed by ordinary people, but also by many believers of the old gods - excluding the part where the three old gods were killed - it is already the consensus of the whole world.

But in this era where the three old gods have fallen for decades, and the old gods have built the city of spellcasters Boridim in order to save themselves, not to mention the talented people with the power of blood, even their nominal allies, the elves …They are all still monsters contained in crystal jars and soaked in strange liquid…

So is it real history or some parallel world?

Most importantly, why did Thalia have to allow herself to witness the discovery of the elves and become a witness to the "blood of the true god", and also become friends with her father Rune and August?

He suddenly felt a strong sting coming from his temple, as if something sticky and slippery had penetrated into his mind... Frowning slightly, Anson gritted his teeth and opened the casting range, but the power seemed Unable to resist the reaction of his own magic, the scene in front of him began to become blurry.

"Ah, it seems that the person it chooses to communicate with is Anson."

Lu En, who noticed his abnormality, immediately stepped forward and explained with a chuckle: "This is the only first-generation elf in the alchemy room who is willing to cooperate with the experiment and even takes the initiative to communicate with us."

"It's just that it's very shy, so its accustomed communication method is relatively...conservative. It's only willing to communicate with one person at a time."


August on the side gently held the shoulders of Anson, who was about to fall, and whispered in a very gentle voice: "Don't be nervous, relax slowly, release your guard and resistance, and let its power penetrate into you. In consciousness.”

"Don't worry, we are all here, it won't hurt you even half a hair."

"If it feels unbearable, ask Rune to stop communicating immediately."

Resisting the increasingly intense pain in his head, Anson nodded with difficulty, slowly relaxed his resistance, and allowed the sticky and slippery power to flow into his consciousness.

In an instant, a strange yet familiar illusion came to mind, reminding Anson of some not-so-distant memories - how could this feeling be so similar to when Thalia helped him "clear the questions"?

[Thalia, who is it? 】

Thalia is...huh? !

Anson, who suddenly realized something, suddenly raised his head and found that the "elf" in the crystal container had opened his eyes at some point, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at him silently.

Looking at those clear eyes, Anson glanced at August, who was still supporting him, and Lu En, who was looking forward to him, and swallowed hard.

Thalia is...a friend of mine.

Anson thought silently in his heart.

【friend? 】

Yes, friend, and yes... Anson was about to patiently explain this definition, but when he tried to communicate with the other party, he was directly interrupted:

【Moses Field knows, knows what a friend is! 】

[Moses Field also has many friends, some good, some bad, some new and some old! 】

【Moses Field wants to mate with all his friends! 】

The voice sounded so happy, and it was definitely joy from the heart. Even if there was no expression on its face, it could still infect Anson who was communicating with it in another way.

Moses Field, I remember like...stop!

Realizing that the other party could read his mind, Anson decisively cut off the urge to continue the association and tried hard to keep his mind up with the other party's rhythm... Mating, Moses Field, do you hope to have more offspring?

[Moses Field hopes to have more friends. After mating, he will have many new friends, good friends, friends as good as Moses Field! 】

The other party's voice still sounded as cheerful as ever, and he seemed completely unaware of Anson's restraint and concealment.

Therefore, this species has an innate urge to reproduce, and has a great desire for similar species, which is very consistent with the characteristics of gregarious life... Anson, who was muttering to himself in his heart, took a deep breath and immediately began to think about the next content:

In this case, why does my friend say that your... mating always fails?

Is it because of emotions?

【No! No! 】

[Moses Field’s mating is very successful, Moses Field’s mating is the most successful! 】

[Moses Field is different from other elves. He is special. He must become their king! 】

[Oh, yes, Moses Field will become their king! 】

It shouted happily, and the strong emotions continued to stimulate Anson's consciousness. The dizziness that was originally bearable began to exceed his upper limit, and the picture in front of him began to become dim.

Just when he felt like he was about to faint, the power suddenly trembled in his mind, and he started to tremble as if he had been stimulated by something.

[Oh, I’m sorry, Moses Field didn’t mean it! 】

[Moses Field just wanted to make an ally and had no intention of harming Anson Bach. Anson knew it! 】

[Moses Field will leave now and don’t ask any more questions. Moses Field will behave like a real good friend, a good friend...]

The sound became softer and weaker, and the power that penetrated into the consciousness began to shrink, like a squirming water monster, gradually retracting its outstretched tentacles, allowing the consciousness wrapped in layers to return to its original shape.

"How are you? Are you feeling better?" August's concerned voice echoed in his ears, empty and long, as if coming from a very far away place.

"Much better." Anson nodded subconsciously, gradually soothing his body like all drunkards who have just recovered from a hangover.

After a while, after repeatedly confirming that he had not suffered any mental damage, he slowly raised his body with August's help, and saw Lu En standing next to him, looking at him with a guilty look on his face. Hold yourself.

"I'm sorry, Anson! I...I really don't know!" The panicked Lu En stammered, blaming himself and feeling sad: "For example, if I knew that you had lost your memory and your mental state was not very stable, I, I would Absolutely not..."

"I know!"

Anson raised his hand to hold Lu En's shoulder, and a faint smile appeared on his slightly tired face: "We are friends. If you knew that I was in a bad state, you would never allow me to do this... This is just a Accident."

"Yes, that experimental subject has never been so excited as today." The guilty Lu En said in confusion:

"Usually it only talks to us for two or three sentences and doesn't communicate in depth at all... What did you talk to it about?"


Anson, who subconsciously wanted to speak, stopped abruptly, and the words stopped on his lips.

He suddenly realized that he might have done something he shouldn't have done... He thought he had escaped Moses Field's mind reading, but in fact, it might have seen through everything the moment he raised his thoughts!

Moses Field...is it really called this name, or did it decide to call itself that after reading its own memory and knowing that Moses Field would become the royal family of the Ysel elves in a thousand years? !

In addition to what it has realized may be leaked, how much information about another world has it obtained from itself? !

Anson couldn't help but feel a trace of panic in his heart, but on the surface he still looked tired and tried to remember: "I, I only remember it, it called itself Moses Field, it was special... that's all."

Considering his current situation, lying is meaningless, so he can only deliberately "distort" and "obfuscate" the information Moses Field just revealed, so as to avoid certain contents being different from what Lu En had previously obtained, and to notice something abnormal about himself. .

As for whether this little trick would be exposed by August, who was already a blasphemous mage... He no longer cared about so much.

"What, you said it's called Moses Field?"

Lu En was stunned for a moment, then showed an expression of great surprise: "So these elves actually have names, and they use their names to distinguish themselves from others of their kind?"

"The original ring is above. This is the biggest discovery so far!"

"Really?" Anson also deliberately showed curiosity to cover up his inner panic: "You have communicated with it so many times and still haven't noticed it?"

"No! And I think compared with your communication this time, all the work we have done before is almost useless!" Lu En explained excitedly:

"We have made similar speculations before, and we did find that the elves have a certain ability of independent thinking and judgment, but we didn't expect it to reach this level... But it is also very reasonable. Even if they have the same intelligence as us, it will not matter. Strange."

He paused and turned to look at August, who was still supporting Anson: "This is just my personal suggestion. Let Researcher Anson Bach get into work as soon as possible. You are right, his keen insight is really It’s amazing!”

"And you Boredim think it's enough to just find me."

August said jokingly, with the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "In principle, of course I will not refuse. After all, we are here to join your work, but we cannot place too many restrictions on our actions."

"The most important thing is that the matter about Anson's amnesia must not be leaked, not even to the Original Tower."

"Of course I understand this." Lu En nodded slightly with a serious expression:

"All information about Anson Bach must be kept confidential. His identity is temporarily arranged as a new researcher in the alchemy room. His information will not be released to the outside world. He is second only to you in terms of authority."

As he spoke, he nodded slightly and said apologetically: "Sorry, Anson, you may not be able to act alone in the future - this is only temporary, and everything will return to normal after you recover your memory."

"I understand." Anson nodded slightly in agreement.

After repeatedly confirming that he was back to normal, Lu En finally let out a sigh of relief. He loosened his collar slightly and said with a smile: "In that case, let us continue the experiment."

"First of all, I would like to report to you on our progress and direction so far... We have fully understood the mating mode of elves, and at the same time, the hybridization work between different species has also been carried out in an orderly manner."

"The most important issues at present are how to maintain the inheritance of its bloodline without significant deterioration, and how to perfectly graft its mutation characteristics into other species, especially humanoids. In this regard, successful discoveries have been made... …”

As Lu En continued to talk, Ansen, who pretended to be attentive, was already in a state of confusion, and his heart became increasingly panicked.

I... seemed to have accidentally contributed to the birth of the Iser elf.

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