I will be crowned king

Chapter 725 Tampering with history?

As soon as this slightly absurd idea emerged, Anson couldn't help laughing and threw it behind him.

First of all, even if the elf who calls himself "Moses Field" really reads himself and knows that there will be a race called the Yisel elves in future generations and all the related information, it cannot be proved that it is really the ancestor of the Moses Field family, or even It cannot be proven how closely it is related to the family with the purest elven bloodline in Yser.

After all, although they are both called "elves", Israel, as an alien species, does have some characteristics that are different from humans, such as differences in pointed ears and bones. But compared with the three-headed monster in front of us, humans and Israel Some people probably believe that elves have the same origin.

Of course, the "elves" in front of us are closely related to the Yser elves of later generations, especially the pure-blood elves. This should be certain.

Therefore, it is not his own creation, but history has been developing in an orderly manner, and the waves he has caused are not even waves - according to Boridim's research speed, it is foreseeable to create the "elves" of later generations. As a result, no matter whether you interfere or watch, you can't prevent this from happening.

The only problem is that Luen clearly mentioned that this research is part of the "big plan" jointly developed and designed by the Old Gods, or the apostles who rule Boridim, and it is even an important part.

The problem is that the plan must have failed in the end, because all records clearly mention that the elves and the seven knights formed an alliance to defeat the three old gods - overthrowing the absolute rule of the old gods - and establishing a new kingdom.

So although the experiment was successful, it was definitely very different from their original idea; in that case, what was the original idea?

Or more simply, what is the so-called "big plan"?

This does not seem to be a secret in Boridim, and is even more like something common sense, so that everyone will mention "for the big plan" when talking, but will not explain the goals and objectives of the big plan in detail. steps to be implemented separately.

The information currently available is that due to the fall of the three old gods - no matter what the reason - the old god sect, which was constantly evolving in order to break through the limitations of natural laws, suddenly lost its way forward.

In a state of bewilderment, a group of the most powerful apostles built the Original Tower and Boridim. After gathering "all the resources of the thirty greatest cities" and hundreds of spellcasters, they passed Constant prophecies and various experiments, trying to find a way to continue evolution.

This is true for trying to master the three major magics at the same time, and it is also true for integrating the evolutionary path into the bloodline.

So on the surface, the so-called "big plan" is to continue the glory of the old god sect when the three old gods were still in the world, and at the same time try to find the next development direction; in case it cannot be found, the original tower can still be preserved until All the research results of the Old God Sect so far ensure that their status will not be shaken.

In August's words, the Old Gods had lost their past self-confidence, and Boridim, who seemed magnificent and illuminated the world, might just end up in a huge tomb.

The final result proved that his guess was absolutely correct.

But just knowing this information is not enough. Ansem also needs to figure out the real reason why Thalia sent him here, and how to get himself back.

So in the next few days, while participating in various experiments on elves in the alchemy room, as Rune's assistant, he frequently went to the large corridor hall of the Original Tower to search for information about the three major magics.

Through observation and the information provided by the Grand Cloister Hall, he has roughly figured out the scale of the entire Boredim. This seemingly magnificent "holy place" of the Old Gods should actually be only the size of the inner city of Clovis - excluding The population of the strange and twisted realm is even more pitiful, only about 40,000 to 50,000, which is only one-tenth of the inner city.

But when you consider that all of these 40,000 to 50,000 "people" are spell casters, and a large number of them are blasphemous mages and apostles, this scale is very terrifying.

As for the door that he and August entered when they came, it was actually an illusion that combined curse magic and black magic at the same time. There is no "entrance" that can truly enter the Borridium. Only those who have permission can enter. The city is freely accessible.

This also explains why thousands of years have passed in later generations. Although there are so many spellcasters who know the location of the Land of Rest, no one has actually set foot here.

"...In order to ensure that the eternal sleep of the true gods is not disturbed, and that the fire of hope shared by all believers is not destroyed by the enemy, the apostles at the top of the original tower set up a triple barrier for the great Boridim..."

In the dimly lit large cloister hall, Anson was flipping through information that had "evolved" into an electronic screen while admiring the ultra-clear three-dimensional projection that appeared next to him:

"The first level, the eternal blizzard...the ice and snow permeated with the breath of the true God, will shock the heretics and false believers who have no piety, and block their ridiculous power;"

"The second level is the city standing on the top of the mountain... Thousands of meters above sea level, the mountain is strong enough to withstand falling meteorites, enough to allow the true gods to enjoy an undisturbed sleep;"

"The third level, the non-existent barrier... Once all unauthorized people approach the Boridim border, they will be forced to think that the city is not here, and the natural laws around the barrier will be distorted, creating a situation of annihilation. Intruder attack.”

The exquisite three-dimensional projection successively showed the position and effect of the three barriers around Boridim as the subtitles scrolled on the electronic screen.

In other words, if he didn't get permission, he wouldn't even be able to leave Boridim on his own initiative... Anson took a deep breath and said without any emotion:

"An enemy that threatens the Boredim and all believers."

The moment the words fell, a sound of knives suddenly sounded behind him. It was a shrill and sharp sound, as if someone was sliding a dagger on the blackboard.

Suppressing the horror in his heart, Anson slowly looked back and looked behind him. The blank wall of fog turned into a cement wall, as if the handwriting of the dying person had been forcibly clasped with his claws, and dark red blood seeped out:


Well, it's quite in line with the characteristics of the Old God Sect...it's just like saying nothing.

Anson couldn't help but murmur in his heart and waved his hand gently, and the wall and the bloody words disappeared.

The Old God Sect is a group that wants to break the laws of nature, break through the limits and constantly evolve. It is born to be the enemy of the entire world; therefore, in theory, there are only two concepts of "own people" and "enemies", and there are no so-called allies.

This should also include all mutants, as well as ordinary intelligent life forms that do not believe in the Three Old Gods... Although the latter are also fighting against the laws of nature, they do not have the will to "evolve" and even attempt to adapt to nature. This is not true in the old days. In the eyes of the God sect, it is probably equivalent to heresy.

And as we all know, heretics are more hateful than heretics.

Just in the "Heritage of Blood" alchemy room, Anson saw vampires, treants, sea monsters... all kinds of mutant life forms, which he only heard the names of in later generations and had never seen with his own eyes, were locked in the culture tank as The subjects of experiments for elves to mate and reproduce, or to crossbreed to create completely new species - this can be seen from the attitude of the Old Gods towards heretics and enemies.

With a sigh in his heart, Anson calmly continued to ask the question:

"How to leave Boridim?"

This time, the electronic screen and the three-dimensional projection in my hand disappeared at the same time. An old scroll nailed to the wall beside me slowly opened with the non-existent breeze:

"There are three ways to leave Borridium: The first one is to get permission from the Original Tower. You can leave from a specific opened exit at the specified time and at the specified place, and you can never leave until you get the next permission. Set foot on Boredim."

"Second, all 'Tutors' automatically have the right to freely enter and exit certain areas, but they need to submit an application."

“The third type, through the trial of the Original Tower or having a special mission, can obtain a certain level of authority from ordinary believers to apostles - a total of five levels. Free entry and exit of Boridim belongs to the second level of authority. Free access after application is the third level of permission."

Therefore, someone like August automatically has the third level of authority, but free leave requires the second level. Ordinary believers should be at the fifth level, and those with missions like Lu En are probably at the fourth level... Anson quickly calculated in his heart With.

I still need to get more information in the future. It is a high-probability event that I have to leave Boridim. Even if it is not necessary, preparing in advance is a necessary precaution.

It's just that the degree of difficulty is a little beyond Anson's imagination. Even the blasphemy mage needs to apply. As for the first level that was not mentioned at all... I'm afraid it must be the apostle level.

However, the information also clearly mentioned that people who pass trials or have special missions can also have these permissions, so it seems that there is still room for exploiting loopholes.

Of course, everything is just an alternative plan, and Anson is just collecting as much information as possible to avoid having no emergency plans and preparations when an accident occurs, so as to avoid improvising.

As time passed by, brisk and bright music sounded in the quiet large cloister hall - this was the "alarm clock" Anson set for himself. After many experiences, he was already quite familiar with this place.

Anson stood up slowly and turned to face the thick wall. A delicate oil painting gradually emerged in the thick fog; the picture showed a bustling crowd and a magnificent hall. Touching the painting lightly, his whole body gradually began to merge with the oil painting, and eventually a figure exactly like him appeared on the painting.

After another battle, when Anson regained consciousness, he was already standing in the center of the hall of the Original Tower.

As usual, Lu En, who had finished his work early, was waiting in the hall; looking at the troubled figure, Anson took the initiative to step forward, smiled and said: "What is today's prophecy?"

"I think it's because of you and August's arrival that the difficulty of prophecy has obviously increased several levels recently."

Rune, who had become familiar with him for a long time, no longer was as polite as before, but complained directly: "A lost crossroads awaits the traveler. He needs to know the direction of travel, because if there is a trap on the left, then there must be a quagmire on the right; only Don’t be confused and keep moving forward to reach the destination.”

"Well, it sounds very warning." After thinking for a while, Anson speculated:

"Perhaps they are worried that we have been studying for too long and are obsessed with new discoveries and have forgotten the original goal, so they are warning us?"

"That's what I guessed too, but the problem is that we have to make new discoveries!"

Lu En sighed, with a bit of helplessness on his expression: "So far, our most important discovery is that you noticed that they have names that day. You didn't even figure out how to prevent their bloodline from deteriorating. You only know that Their ability to use them is closely related to their emotions."

"If it is really a warning, I would rather the apostles would give more reminders - or is it because I made a mistake in my work and did not find the most important prophecy?"

Looking at Rune who was quite self-pitying, Anson just chuckled a few times and couldn't help but think of what Thalia would look like if she saw her father like this.

Although he complained, Lu En still did not forget his work. He and Anson got on the four-wheeled carriage and returned to the "Bloodline Heritage" alchemy room.

When they opened the door and entered the twisted realm of the alchemy room, they found that all the other researchers in the laboratory were missing. Even August, who usually spent all day reading information, was not in his office.

The two wandered around the castle-sized twisted field for a while before they met a researcher who was passing by in a hurry. They quickly stopped him and asked what happened.

"You don't know yet?!"

The researcher who was stopped had a face full of surprise, as if he had heard some incredible news: "You two don't know about such a big thing?!"

"We just came back from the Tower of Primordial and found August not in his office."

After stopping Lu En, whose brows suddenly rose, Ansen spoke first: "I'm sorry, what happened?"

"The original ring is above, August... August has cracked the secret of blood inheritance and found the real cause of the elves' mutation!" The researcher was so excited that his voice broke:

"Now that the theory has been confirmed, it is entering the first round of testing - everyone in the entire alchemy room is helping in the storage room of the second culture tank. A scene that will be recorded in the history of the big plan is about to take place!"

Entering the annals of grand plans?

Looking at the excited researcher, Anson, who remembered the prophecy, slowly looked back and found that Lu En was also looking at him with a little sideways glance.

There was no excitement in his clear eyes, only endless nervousness and fear.

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