I will be crowned king

Chapter 726 The power of blood

When Anson hurried to the storage room of the second culture tank under the leadership of Lu En, the door was already crowded with all kinds of figures, some he had seen in the past few days, and some he had never met before.

Almost all the staff of the "Bloodline Inheritance" alchemy room were present.

Squeezing a path through the crowded crowd, Anson apologized to his "colleagues" and entered the room closely behind Luen She who had already rushed in first.

Immediately, blocks of countless mixed colors twisted into indescribable gestures and poured into his eyes in an extremely intense form.

The first thing that caught his eye was the elf nailed to the center of the ceiling of the room, crying.

The palms, soles, joints, neck, head... are densely packed with nearly a hundred iron nails connected to hollow and slender soft bodies like conduits, all over the elf's body. The wounds seem to be unable to heal due to some kind of force, causing the bleeding elf to let out a close call. The screams and shrill sounds of a baby made Anson feel dizzy and lose his balance.

At the other end of those "conduits" were dozens of crystal containers wrapped in viscous flesh and blood; inside were soaked in green liquid, all kinds of mutant life and other things he had seen and never seen during this time. Test subjects: skinny vampires, beastmen with antlers, ordinary human corpses, dead elf limbs...

They were soaked in the crystal container and connected to the elves on the ceiling through the conduit. With the faint peristalsis and the faint red light on the conduit, some kind of liquid could be seen being slowly and orderly passed between them.

"Anson, Luen, are you back so soon?"

August looked back at the two men with a smile. The dark red blood stains on his face and body and the torn wounds on his shoulders gave his gentle expression a hint of coldness: "What a surprise. According to my usual habits, I I thought it would be a few hours later.”

"Uh...well, it does seem to be earlier than usual."

Staring at the wound on his shoulder that was constantly oozing thick black liquid, Anson tried his best to restrain his dizziness and smiled with some difficulty:

"August, what is...what?"

"How should I put it? You can think of it as a small experiment." August chuckled, even with some disapproval in his eyes:

"Those guys outside the door must have told you that I have some incredible research results, right... How is it possible? We have only taken over this project for a long time. We just have to read all their research materials in the past ten years. not enough!"

"So I just came up with a very novel idea temporarily, and another batch of test products just arrived to test my conjecture - really, it's not that exaggerated."

Smiling casually, August casually tore off the black "blood scab" on his wound, threw it into his mouth like a snack, chewed it and swallowed it.

"A novel... idea?" Anson tried not to show too many reactions and asked as if he were normal.

"Yes, and it's actually quite interesting." August nodded. He thought for a while, then smiled wryly and scratched his head:

"I'm sorry, because it's just an idea. I just designed the experiment but didn't do a detailed demonstration, so the explanation may not be particularly clear, so you can just listen to it for now."

"The situation is like this. We have figured out that the premise for the elves to awaken their mutation characteristics is emotion. We also know that their mutations will continue to deteriorate with reproduction. At present, it seems that the latter is difficult to avoid. It can only be done through similar elves. Only through mating can it be alleviated to a certain extent.”

"So I came up with the idea that as a mutant species, 'mutation deterioration' might also be a unique characteristic of elves."

"Unique characteristics?"

Anson glanced at Lu En next to him. The latter's expression had begun to change from shock to solemnity, mixed with a bit of confusion and panic.

"Growing claws because of anger, having the ability to read minds because of the desire to communicate, strengthening flesh and blood because of fear of death... These seemingly powerful characteristics are actually very similar to a 'stress response' - the essence of elves does not actually want to awaken. Power, because the prerequisite for the awakening of power...is pain."

It seemed that the wound on his shoulder was involved, August paused, and then continued: "Only when the most extreme emotions are reached, the power in the blood can be awakened, and the purpose of power awakening is to solve the problem of extreme emotions. problem, this may be the key to causing 'bloodline deterioration'."

"Essentially, because this stress response is not what they want, they naturally don't want this power to be passed on to their offspring - this is a very natural idea in group life. For example, I really don't want Li to Sarah had a similar experience to me."

"While this has led to the 'bloodline deterioration' of the descendants of elves, their bodies' adaptability to the surrounding environment has been greatly improved, and their sense of independence is stronger than before - so perhaps it is not that the power is weakened, but that we can no longer Let them feel the same 'emotional stimulation' as the previous generation, so they cannot gain the same power."

"It's a bit like weights and scales. Suppose the first generation is zero, and we give it a force of two to the right, it will become two. But because we have given this force, the second generation is likely to be negative one, and then If you apply equal forces, you can only get one."

"Of course this metaphor is not very appropriate, but it can help us..."


Before he finished speaking, a sharp scream sounded from the ceiling.

Almost instantly, Anson felt as if thousands of needles had pierced his heavenly spirit, directly penetrating his entire head from above.

But this feeling only lasted for a moment... A flash of blood suddenly flashed in the gentle August's pupils. The elf who was nailed to the ceiling immediately "actively" closed his mouth, and his flushed cheeks seemed to be caused by forcibly holding his breath. As a result, his eyes began to turn white.

"...Understand the characteristics of this mutant life form."

Anson, who almost thought it was his illusion, met his gentle gaze and swallowed hard.

How should I put it... Perhaps because he had been together for a while and the other person was very gentle, he almost forgot that this was a real blasphemous mage, the kind who could strangle himself to death with just a raise of his hand.

"Well, I seem to be a little off topic, but it's not particularly easy to explain this idea clearly, so please forgive me." August sighed with a smile and tried hard to explain:

"In short, based on the view that the deterioration of bloodline is not due to mating, but because it can no longer reach such strong emotions, we can think that this is a characteristic of elves as a life form, and it is most likely unmodifiable."

"In this case, can we create a bloodline that does not have this characteristic through the collision of mutations instead of simple crossbreeding?"

"Because this characteristic is basically exclusive to elves, and the causes and directions of mutations in other mutant species are very different from it; so we combine two, or even more than two, mutations, and then...poof!"

August snapped his fingers and spread his hands left and right: "A brand new mutation that has the characteristics of both is born."

"It has the same 'stress response' as the elves, but the difference is that the conditions are no longer extreme emotions, but other reasons; as beings, the reason why we resist the stress response is that it is not actually a good thing, but... if it is Woolen cloth?"

"What if this process did not make the new mutants feel painful, or ensured that only the stressed-out parts of the population could survive and become strong individuals with the power to reproduce?"

"We evolvers are always thinking about how to break the laws of the natural world and break through the boundaries of reality. So far, this is possible on an individual basis, but in terms of a certain population... it can only be said to be less than ideal."

"Rather than insisting on violating the laws of nature, we should first consider complying with some of them. After all, our current goal is to allow the power of the three major magics to be passed down smoothly by a group of people."


Lu En on the side has recovered from the initial shock, but there is no trace of joy or excitement in his expression. He is still frowning, as if he is trying his best to endure something:

"You mean... it should be in compliance with the laws of the evolution paths of the three major magics... right?"

"On the contrary, my dear Rune, the least important thing in this kind of mutation inheritance is whether it conforms to the three major evolutionary pathways." August shook his head, still smiling like a casual chat:

"To be honest, I think you Boredim believers have become a little rigid and rigid due to the prophecies of the apostles. If you were in Breeze City before, you probably wouldn't have said such irrelevant things. That’s the point.”

"It doesn't matter?" Lu En's pupils shrank suddenly, and his voice rose slightly:

"Whether it conforms to the three major evolutionary pathways...doesn't matter?"

"In short, after giving up the stubbornness of maintaining the three major magics and starting only with mutations, our choices and success have improved a lot... Fortunately, we finally got here before everyone ran out of patience."

As August spread his hands in a self-deprecating manner, there was a burst of good-natured laughter inside and outside the room.

Of course, Lu En was not among them... Glancing at Lu En, whose face became increasingly ugly, Anson said silently in his heart.

On the opposite side, August, who was still unaware of the consequences of his "ignorance", was already continuing to talk: "Integrate mutation as a specific attribute, combined with the 'stress response' of the elves into In the bloodline of a certain group of intelligent races, good feedback is used to ensure that this bloodline can be fully inherited and even strengthened!"

"Imagine that there is such a race... It seems ordinary, but it has excellent reproductive capabilities, and some of the powerful individuals will trigger the 'stress response' in the bloodline for some special reasons and awaken mutations."

"Maybe it's the strong vitality of the tree people, maybe it's the immortality of the vampires, maybe it's the excellent intuition and reaction of the beastmen, or even the adaptability of the elves... it's ever-changing."

"And the basis of these mutations are all three major magics. In other words, compared to the power we obtain through channels, although their awakening mutations have a lower starting point, they are in a sense closer to the essence of the three true gods."

"As long as there is enough time and the stress response is continuously triggered, we will get closer and closer - yes, I have to use the metaphor of weights and scales again. Elves can trigger great reactions due to emotional stimulation. But because the first 'stress' effect was too extreme, it lacked potential in the follow-up."

"And this brand new mutation... its conditions no longer require extreme emotions, but have countless changes like the mutations they obtained, so there must be one that is most suitable for evolution!"

August paused slightly and pointed behind him with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "It doesn't matter even if you can't find it for a while, because as long as the reproductive ability of this species is strong enough, and the mutation ability is passed on through reproduction, more and more people will be able to find it. It’s only a matter of time before more of the same species gain the ability to mutate.”

"What we need to do then is to wait for them to give birth to the best mutations and the most suitable 'stress response' for evolution. Individuals with this are the 'perfect samples' we are looking for!"

"Based on this sample, we can reveal the secret of the fusion of the three major magics. The real...bloodline that can break the shackles of the world from the moment of birth."

"The big plan is no longer a dream, the evolution and freedom desired by the Three True Gods will truly be realized."

"Ten years, a hundred years, a thousand years... time will give us the answer."

The softly murmured words came to an end and ended with his lowering of his hands.

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause inside and outside the room.

The expressionless Anson looked at August, who was smiling calmly across from him, at the researchers in the alchemy room who were so excited that they even began to cry, and at Lu En, whose face was extremely ugly.

The sense of absurdity that he once regarded as a joke came to mind again.


August suddenly raised his hands at the same time and interrupted the excited crowd with a smile on his face: "This is all just a conjecture. I can't even tell you the most critical principle, which is the method of mutation combination. Because I haven’t fully figured it out yet!”

"The most important thing is that there is not only one combination of mutations, there are already four now, and there should be more in the future - after all, the more samples, the higher the success rate, so it is really not like what we have now It’s so simple to say.”

"So don't be too happy. At least for now, everyone must continue to work in the original direction. As for this... I will study it privately first, and then tell my colleagues when there is a real possibility of success."

"Before that day, just treat it as a filing, and then give it a code name that is convenient for discussion, uh... well, just, just call it... call it... call it..."

"The power of blood..."

Anson, who was mumbling to himself, blurted out subconsciously.

Well, I feel like many readers should have guessed this plot.

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