I will be crowned king

It's stupid to ask for a day off.

It’s still due to work, the end of the year has not reduced the workload, but the pressure is getting tighter and tighter. Of course, another problem is that I was stupid and coded on another computer, but I forgot that the cloud archive existed locally. For a while, You won't be able to get it.

After careful consideration, I am planning to compensate everyone with the setting next week - this time it is the setting of the Empire and the Seven Knights. Some of the content is suspected of being spoilers, and some of it deviates from the original setting, so there is still a lot that needs to be modified. place.

Here is a brief explanation about the previous setting of the Church of the Ring of Order. This setting is completely written from the perspective of the church. In turn, it is the most objective "history of the world of order" in the eyes of the church, so many negative contents are either simplified or simplified. Either delete it, and the key ones will be emphasized to show their importance.

Therefore, the settings between different camps will have conflicts in content - for example, the reason for the birth of the Kingdom of Clovis will definitely be different in the eyes of the Empire and the Church, while in the setting of the Kingdom of Clovis, it will be another appearance.

Kongkong privately believes that even if the story is set, it is necessary to put aside God's perspective to a certain extent and bring it into the perspective of the person being set to think about the problem. Different interests and positions will definitely lead to different concepts, just like Borui The Old Gods in Diem's ​​era would definitely not call themselves the Old Gods, but in Thalia's era, even if she was called a "blasphemous mage", she would only find it slightly offensive, and even take it for granted.

Regarding the plot of Hantu's independence, Léon Francois is Anson's friend, so he will definitely emphasize Anson's contribution in the history of independence, but he will definitely not say that this is Clovis's contribution.

The plot of Boridim is about to enter an important part (I don’t know if the proper noun can be typed out, so I won’t use it). You can guess the reason why Thalia sent Anson here - the previous It has been clearly mentioned, and how he returned - this is related to Anson himself.

To answer a suspected spoiler question, does Lu En still remember Anson Bach? He did, but Anson always concealed his aura on all occasions when he met him and never revealed his identity in front of Lu En, so Lu En En is not sure that the two Ansons are the same person. The apostle who has lived for thousands of years has seen too many people who look similar.

Well, spoilers, it's not a parallel world, Anson will go back and meet Rune again - forget it, you can definitely guess it anyway (I'm sure).

Finally, there is a prize-winning guess: In the Borridim era, there were still many mutant monsters in the world. Why did many of them disappear later? This volume will give the answer.

If you guess correctly...well, how about we add more in the New Year? If I can’t guess right, I’ll try to add more updates.

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