I will be crowned king

Chapter 727 Why are you here?

It was almost the day after August semi-publicly announced his "new ideas", which immediately caused quite a stir in the entire Boridim.

After all, although Boridim is comparable in size to the inner city of Clovis City, the total number of "resident spellcasters" is only tens of thousands, and most of them are institutions that work for various aspects of the big plan. A certain link appears. It's only a matter of time before the news of a major discovery reaches everyone's ears.

In just one day, manuscripts about August's impromptu speech that day were everywhere. From the ground floor hall of the Original Tower to the streets and alleys, spellcasters could be heard talking happily, along with the people they were in. The name of the alchemy room was also called the power of blood from inheritance of blood.

The most intuitive feeling for Ansen is that he can already search for relevant research on the power of blood in the Grand Corridor Hall, as well as the attitude of his "colleagues" in the alchemy room towards him.

Rune is a high-level researcher in the alchemy room, and even has the authority granted by the Original Tower. He and August are the "foreign aid" he invited, and they have occupied the research status of the alchemy room - it is equivalent to parachute. A strange leader, and a foreigner that Boredim looked down upon.

Therefore, although Luen had great respect for August and was willing to interact with the "amnesiac" Anson on an equal footing, it did not mean that other researchers would do the same.

But no matter what they were like in the past, they have all changed now - there are three true gods, and the Bloodline Alchemy Room has only one leader, August.

Even Anson, the "follower", has become much more pleasing to the eye. After returning from the Original Tower, he no longer has to get information from Rune. He can also chat with a few researchers he doesn't know and learn about Boridim. recent situation.

The trial of the Original Tower has begun again... A team composed of blasphemy mages and fifth-level spellcasters have just returned from hunting dragons... A rebellion broke out in a tribe of humanoid creatures near the sea...

Anson finally has more information channels about Boridim, and has even been able to figure out the approximate location of Boridim based on this information and the public map.

The result is a little surprising. Assuming that the terrain does not change much in the next thousand years, Boredim is most likely very close to the later Winter torch colony!

So it makes sense for Thalia to insist on going to Wintertorch City - as the daughter of Rune, she must know the exact location of Boredim, so she must go to Wintertorch City to attract the attention of the tombkeeper. Avoid the opponent's trouble in finding the Beluga Port, and at the same time wait for an opportunity to enter the land of rest.

This new discovery made Anson excited for a while. Assuming that he would need to go to the "Moby Dick Harbor" of this era to return to the original point in time, the journey would be much shorter than he thought.

At the same time, there is also bad news, that is, he still has not figured out how Nolula, the "evil god puppet" left behind by Thalia, used to send him to this time.

Even Anson couldn't prove his identity 100% - although August said that he and he were from the Old Gods of Bright Star City, this was Boridim, and he didn't have any knowledge about Bright Star City. memory.

There were so many questions that Anson began to doubt August's statement on the carriage. However, in order to avoid exposing such questions and unable to ask directly, August, who was busy all day, did not allow the two of them to do much. Opportunity for small talk.

It's not just him... August has been working almost all the time since he came to Boridim. Even Luen can only talk to him a few words during his daily report.

"So, you haven't told him about the prophecy yet?"

In the small data room, Ansen said to Lu En, who was slightly surprised and frowning.

"I can't do it!"

Rune's face was full of pain, and his eyes were filled with unspeakable confusion: "You have also seen that the entire alchemy room... No! Most of the Boridim are rejoicing for his new discovery. After such a long time, Excited to finally find a direction that works after so many years.”

"Even if I stand up and tell them at this time that August's research is wrong, and the prophecy clearly pointed out that it will happen, what will my colleagues in the alchemy room think, and what will others think?"

"They won't think that August is wrong, they will only think that my interpretation of the prophecy I found is wrong! I was wrong!"

Lu En squatted down, holding his head with both hands and clasping his scalp hard: "Not only them, but also myself feel the same way, so I have been praying the same content over and over again in the past few days, just to prove that I am wrong, Augustus It's... right, I misunderstood the prophecy!"

"The most important thing is that he...he is August, a true genius. How could he make a mistake?!"

Anson remained silent and sighed quietly.

He had finally seen how a fanatic would feel when he found out that the object of his belief was inconsistent with the reality.

But having said that, even if Rune really told August the prophecy and the contents of his interpretation, he suspected that it might be meaningless - not only because of the "Seven Knights" and "Power of Blood" that appeared one after another, There is also August himself's heartfelt disdain and contempt for Boredim.

Through this period of observation, Anson basically confirmed that August, who seemed gentle and approachable, actually had an extremely arrogant and determined heart, and seemed to have some pessimistic tendencies. He was as cold as a terminally ill person counting down the time to his death in bed. patient.

Only when discussing Lisa, can we see a hint of his true feelings... That kind of look full of doting and caring, it is absolutely impossible to lie.

"Maybe we can try another way."

Looking at Lu En who was still sitting by the bookcase struggling, Anson pretended to be indifferent and said casually: "Ask the person August trusts most to give this prophecy to him."


"Lisa, Lisa August." Stopping what he was doing, Anson sighed and said, "If August's own daughter finds this prophecy, maybe August will listen to it. In other words, at least seriously think about whether what you are doing is right."

This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone - of course Anson is not helping Rune convince August, he is ready to leave Boridim!

Of course, to find Lisa, we have to go to Bright Star City. No matter how Luen plans to solve the problem of leaving Boridim, Anson, August's deputy, should naturally go with him, so he has a legitimate reason to leave.

The purpose is also very clear: to find out his identity at this point in time and find an opportunity to return to the original time and space!

No matter when and where, a plan without a plan and thorough preparation is not a good plan. Before you understand the purpose of coming here, even if there is only one percent chance of going back or not going back, you must be ready to integrate into this place. Time, space, and preparation for any possible means of departure.

On the surface, this is just a well-intentioned proposal between friends. Lu En may agree or not, but it does not prevent Anson from advancing one plan after another in an orderly manner.

But Lu En's reaction was beyond his expectation - not surprise, not contemplation, but full of surprise and confusion.


"Lisa, didn't she...die of illness a few years ago?"

Um? !

Anson's face froze, and there was a flash of shock in the corners of his eyes.

Although he returned to normal immediately, he was still keenly caught by Lu En. He was stunned and immediately stepped forward to apologize: "Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot that you lost your memory. I didn't mean to stimulate..."

"Anson Bach, right?"

Just when he was about to try his best to explain, a figure wearing a black cloak and covering his face with a collar appeared at the door of the data room, speaking in a low and slightly depressed voice.

"it's me."

Gently pushing away Rune who still wanted to comfort and explain, Anson said to the man in black in front of him with a serious face; during this time, he had already figured out the general social structure of Boridim, and knew the identity of the person in front of him in the Original Tower. "Godly Attendants" - the lowest official staff of Boredim, who are probably policemen, social workers, messengers, clerks and propagandists. They can be seen in all occasions and events involving Boredim's daily life.

And they also have a very special nickname...Tombkeepers, because nominally these people are the guardians of the tombs of the Three Old Gods.

"can I help you?"

"The true gods have issued their will and bestowed upon you the supreme glory." The tombkeeper opened his arms in a welcoming gesture, with a hint of envy in his voice:

"In the name of the Three True Gods, Anson Bach is granted the privilege to directly participate in this round of the Original Tower Climbing Trial without any assessment!"

"Participate in the trial?!"

Before Anson could react, Lu En shouted subconsciously: "But Anson, Anson, he...he..."

"This is the decree issued by the true gods and the decision made by the apostles. I... am only responsible for conveying it." The tombkeeper coldly interrupted the stammering Lu En and turned his attention to Anson again:

"It's a privilege, which means you can take it or not."

"But I suggest you think carefully before making a decision. Not all believers can get the same honor as you. If you reject the goodwill given by the true gods for no reason, you must think clearly about the price you have to pay."

"I understand." Anson glanced at Lu En, who wanted to say something but didn't dare to speak directly:

"But I am August's deputy and a researcher in the alchemy room. Even if I want to participate, I have to notify him, so please give me a little time to think about it, okay?"

"No problem, you have three days."

The tombkeeper nodded slightly, turned around and walked towards the information room.

But just when the two people in the room thought he had left, and breathed a sigh of relief, the cold words came from the corridor again:

"By the way, August...he also got this privilege."

After the words fell, the steady footsteps gradually disappeared in the corridor.


"My opinion is don't refuse and participate in the trial of the Original Tower."

In the office located at the highest point of the distortion field, August frowned slightly and looked at the two people who came to inform him. After a long silence, he gave his answer:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking Anson to accept the trial alone, but I am preparing to participate with you."


Lu En's expression was extremely shocked, and at the same time a bit reluctant: "But you are now the top person in charge of the alchemy room, and you have just made a brand new discovery!"

"Yes, but this research is not the type that can succeed quickly. Even with the most optimistic attitude, I am afraid it will take hundreds of years to get some results." August spread his hands and said without any hesitation:

"And even if I'm gone, you will still be there... Luann Collins is leading the alchemy room. I really can't think of anything to worry about."

"But I..."

"Um, what's wrong with you?"

"I..." Lu En's words were stuck in his mouth. There was a bit of loss in his eyes, a mixture of panic and fear. He wanted to say something, but still couldn't.

August stood up slowly behind the desk. He took a long breath first, looked around for a week, then looked at the two of them, and said in a gentle voice:

"Evolution, all the work we do is for evolution, and this is a work destined to have no end in sight - because the synonym of perfection is the end. Once perfection is reached, it means that we will stop here."

"So I never think that I can achieve the perfect plan... well, at least it won't be me. I hope that person is Lisa, but I don't want her to be the 'last evolution'. I long to be right, but The correct criteria are often not that clear.”

"Therefore, I am willing to accept this trial of the Original Tower, because some things can no longer be proved by experiments and conjectures alone; as for the work in the alchemy room, it is not necessary for me."

"Researcher Collins, I know you have your own ideas about the direction of the elf experiment." August turned his eyes to Rune:

"I don't know who is right, you or me. Maybe we reach the same destination by different paths, or maybe we are both terribly wrong, but since the definition of right itself is so vague, I think having one more option is not necessarily a bad thing."

"So regarding the prophecy, I have to keep my own thoughts. At the same time, I respect your point of view."

There was a hint of cunning in the corner of August's mouth: "If the left side is a trap, then the right side must be a quagmire; only by not being confused and moving forward can we reach the end... What do you think?"

"It turns out that you already know..."

Luen suddenly looked at Anson beside him, but the latter shook his head desperately - just kidding, he also planned to use this information to find a way to leave Borridim, how could he tell August in private.

"As for you, my dear Anson." August swept his eyes over:

"I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. The trial will not be easy, but as long as it goes well enough, you should be able to realize your wish."

"What wish?" Lu En asked in a deep voice.

"Becoming Tutor is the only reason why Anson came to Boridim." August paused and blinked at Luen curiously:

"Oh, didn't I tell you?"

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