I will be crowned king

Chapter 728 Trial

The original tower, late at night.

Because it is shrouded in the fog of blood and pus all day long, there is actually no distinction between day and night in Boridim. The so-called "sky color" is just that the apostles responsible for running the city adjust the fog concentration every ten hours or so to facilitate management.

The thick fog exuding a strong magical atmosphere turned the entire city into a black and gray ocean. The scattered buildings were like isolated islands, and the flickering lights reflected the world under the sea.

The carriage that shuttled through the sea of ​​fog slowly stopped in front of the steps. August, who was dressed in an exquisite robe, stepped out of the carriage and led Anson, who had been here several times, up the steps and towards the door.

The fog that was thicker than usual made Anson frown slightly. The power that was mixed with a higher level and could directly peer into his own heart enveloped him. He had to desperately restrain the instinctive fear in his heart so as not to lose control of his body.

"Don't hide."

August, who was walking in front, whispered without looking back, but slowed down slightly: "Expand your casting range and distort the surrounding natural laws, and the mist of blood and pus will not be able to affect you."

"Twisting the laws of nature?"

Anson couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Of course he understood the basic skills of a conjurer, but the prerequisite was when releasing magic - should he use [Rising Fire] to burn all the surrounding thick fog, or should he use [Smoke] Yujia】Wrap yourself up?

"This does not require the use of magic." As if aware of Anson's doubts, August continued in a low voice: "Expand the casting range, and then distort this area according to your wishes."

"Let everything be as you wish, and make the world become what you want it to be - this is the reason why magic is born."

It becomes the image in his mind... Ansen repeated this sentence in his heart, and gently "pop!" He snapped his fingers to open the casting range, and at the same time imagined a faint diaphragm blocking the surrounding mist of blood and pus, but allowing the air to other gases circulate in it.

After a while, the extremely uncomfortable feeling gradually disappeared and the body returned to normal.

August finally stopped, turned to look at the slightly surprised Anson, and nodded slightly: "Very good."

"Being able to complete this step proves that your spell magic path has reached a peak and is very close to Tutuo'er; it's just that you are progressing too fast and you are not very clear about the results of your evolution."

"Don't worry, this is a very normal situation. It is better to say that all evolvers of the curse magic series have the problem of being unable to confirm their current stage, causing their strength to fluctuate. They can only stabilize after becoming Tutuoer. "

And that was the reason why he came to Boridim... Anson's heart moved, and some memories that he had almost forgotten echoed in his mind.

Yes, I had indeed told Thalia very frankly that I wanted to be called a blasphemy mage - although it was almost a year ago.

Ansem was not unprepared for the dangers of the new world, but because he had not encountered danger for a whole year, and because Thalia and the Luen family were "guaranteing" behind his back, Anson became a lot more relaxed, so that When the tombkeeper came to the door, he didn't even have a decent plan and was caught off guard.

Of course, even if he was prepared in advance, it probably wouldn't make much sense. He still knew how strong he was - the battle against Nolula would probably have been doomed if Thalia and Freya hadn't secretly protected him.

So Thalia went through all the trouble just to make herself a blasphemous mage?

If he had just woken up and received this information, Anson would probably really think so, but obviously the situation was much more complicated than this; not to mention anything else, just the information about "bloodline power" was enough to shock him.

If everything goes as August deduced, the growth potential of gifted people may far exceed that of spell casters, and the possibilities are almost unlimited.

In fact, it has already "begun to appear" in a certain Sea Knight genius... The extremely comprehensive physical strengthening obviously comes from the blood magic pathway, and the ability to manipulate water vapor most likely comes from the curse magic pathway. It is no contradiction that in a person The body has been perfectly combined.

This is not "multi-channel magic fusion", what else can be considered "fusion" - in terms of adaptability, it is several levels better than the multi-channel magic that is inherently flawed like the Gravekeeper.

Countless speculations flashed through his mind, but this did not prevent Anson from pretending to be nervous and followed August towards the gate of the Original Tower.

As they continued to get closer, the surrounding fog became lighter and lighter. By the time they reached directly under the grand gate, the two of them had walked out of the sea of ​​fog, leaving only the darkness where they couldn't see the sun.

The tombkeeper in robes stood under the gate with his hands folded. After seeing the two figures, he nodded slightly, turned and walked into the hall.

Entering the hall, one could only vaguely hear the footsteps of the tombkeeper in the darkness. Perhaps because the casting range was widened, Anson did not feel any discomfort, and could even pass through himself, August and The echoes generated by the tombkeeper rely on the conjurer's superb sense of distance to determine the general appearance of the surroundings.

He didn't dare to activate his "superpower"... Although there was no reason, he just had an inexplicable panic, reminding his own reason not to do this, otherwise something terrible would happen.

The footsteps stopped in front, Anson and August also stopped ten steps away from each other, and cold words immediately sounded in the air:

"I'm glad that you two have made the right decision. I hope that the blessings of the Three True Gods will help you pass the trial smoothly until you become a person who understands the oracles."

That is, the apostle... Anson thought silently in his heart.

"As you two know, there are a total of five levels of Boredim, which also means there are five levels of trials. Each time you pass a level of trials, you can obtain the corresponding privileges; and before participating in the trial, There is also a selection process to ensure that the participants are the true and most devout believers.”

The tombkeeper paused slightly, and his voice became a little more ethereal than at the beginning: "Of course, you two have obtained the privileges of the true gods. You can directly participate in the trial without the cumbersome selection process."

"According to the rules, the two of you will start the first trial through the paths you have mastered. Just say 'start' silently in your heart, and I will open the entrance to the corresponding space for you; every time you pass the trial, you can enter the next round. , until all trials are passed; you can pause midway, but it will be regarded as giving up."

"August, as Tutor, you will have the privilege of choosing to enter any trial below the third floor." The tombkeeper said slightly gently:

"And as long as you pass the third level of trial, the Original Tower will grant you the opportunity to leave freely and join the trial at any time in the future."

"That's not necessary." August refused with a smile:

"Since it is a trial, it should naturally be conducted according to the rules - I am willing to start from the very first level and will not leave in the middle unless absolutely necessary."

"I appreciate your courage to defy difficulties and respect your behavior of abiding by the rules." The tombkeeper praised:

"May there be a place for you among the future oracles."

After the words fell, the breath of the tombkeeper gradually dispersed in the hall and disappeared.

In the dark hall, only the slight breathing and heartbeats of two people were heard.

"Well, it looks like we are going to be separated here for the time being." August shrugged, looked sideways and smiled:

"I originally thought that we could participate in the trial together and find a way to help you create a chance to be promoted to Tutuoer. It seems that there is no such chance."

"That's not necessarily true. There are five levels of trials, and we will meet sooner or later." Anson pretended to be casual:

"Of course, maybe I'm really lucky and I'll be promoted by the time we meet next time."

"Well, I think it's very possible."

August nodded and said seriously, not at all like he was joking: "You already have all the prerequisites for promotion, but you have grown too fast and cannot understand the power you have; this means that once your heart is clear, you can understand yourself At the most fundamental level, being an apostle may be too far away but Tutor... is a natural thing.”

"This is a very difficult step, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as a watershed or a chasm; but once you truly cross it, you will understand that it is still just the beginning... but a brand new beginning."

"Being an ordinary human being and a unique existence are two completely different concepts; you will have more emotions, completely different joys and sorrows from the past, and you will also have completely different insights and perspectives on the world; what you think , everything you do will make a big difference.”

"But whether to cross over or not, the choice is still yours." August said softly, looking at Anson with concern:

"I hope you will not be fooled by the attraction of the unknown, think carefully about the costs and consequences of doing so, and make responsible decisions instead of being carried away by emotions."

August's expression was serious, even a little nervous, as if he was worried about Anson making a wrong decision on impulse.

The emotion that was so strong that it was almost written directly on his face made Anson a little confused. Although he seemed to be good friends with August in this time and space, it wasn't to this extent, right?

The surprised Anson hesitated for a while, then nodded slightly:

"I see."

"I hope so." August sighed with emotion, but then returned to his original gentle expression:

"Do you have any other questions? We may not have much time next."

"Well, there really is one."

"What is it?"


Anson said suddenly, his eyes locked on August's expression: "Lu En told me that Lisa died of illness a few years ago... What happened?"

This is a very dangerous question, and if it is not handled well, it may even make August his enemy; but it is also an extremely critical question, directly related to whether he is in a parallel time and space, or thousands of years ago. , is still connected to the future.

To confirm this, Anson decided to take a little risk.

Faced with Anson's understatement question, August, who was silent for a while, smiled very calmly:

"If I told you that Lisa was still alive... would you believe it?"

Anson did not respond and continued to wait for the answer.

"Actually... with your keen insight, if everything didn't happen so suddenly, you should have been able to detect it." August sighed:

"For example, why did it only take me a few days to find a breakthrough direction that the Bloodline Alchemy Room had not discovered for more than ten years, or even decades?"

"Because I'm smarter than Rune? Maybe, maybe he thinks so, but I don't think the gap between the two of us will be that big. His understanding of blood magic is indeed very rigid, but it's not As for the lack of any achievements for so long.”

"The answer is simple. For some reasons, I am willing to cross some boundaries and give up some bottom lines, but he will not." August said softly, staring at Anson with his emerald eyes:

"Why do you think it's because of that?"

The silent Anson twitched his throat hard.

"Lisa is still alive, but not in the way Luen and the others think; she will have a new life, but it probably won't be now."

"But assuming the blessings of the Three True Gods give my hypothesis some room for maneuver, Lisa... will return to this world with a brand new attitude, safe, free, and enjoying the life she has."

"I, I hope I am right. For her to live freely, I will be willing to do anything."

"What do you think, Anson, do you think...I will succeed?"

As if chatting, August asked gently.


Taking a deep breath, Anson responded to the other party in the same understatement: "Maybe... it's not what you imagined, but she can still have the opportunity to enjoy her life, free and safe."

"No matter what, no one can hurt her easily."


August nodded, said nothing, and walked silently into the darkness.

Anson, who stayed where he was, stared at his back, silently recited "Start" in his heart, and then closed his eyes.

When I opened my eyes again, a door filled with thick fog appeared in front of me; the flowing purple fog was overflowing from the cracks of the iron door full of barbs and ferocious statues, turning the surrounding environment into a... Its similar material and shape.

Anson stepped forward and held the door handle with his right hand, while his left hand hidden behind his back held the "dagger" revolver at his waist. After repeatedly confirming that he had made various plans to deal with emergencies, he pushed the door open and entered.

Inside the door was a slightly empty, semi-circular staircase hall made of stone. When Anson walked in, he was facing the podium in front of the hall, and could vaguely see a door that was exactly the same as the one behind him.

Just when he was about to observe the surrounding environment, a slightly sharp voice suddenly sounded:

"Well, how come there are new people so quickly and the assessment speed becomes faster?"

"Or... is there any unlucky guy who doesn't agree with the apostles' wishes and is caught by the tombkeeper and sent to death? Hahahahaha..."

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