I will be crowned king

Chapter 732 August’s Little Gift

In front of the blood-stained long table, Anson sat slumped in a chair with a pipe in his mouth. He looked up feebly at Silze, who was so shocked that he stood up. His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his chest was rising and falling like a broken bellows.

But in fact, this is just an illusion that he deliberately showed, or he no longer suppresses the sense of oppression that the other party has brought to him since the debate began, and relies on force to pretend that he is calm and relaxed.

With the activation of bloodline power, Anson's current condition is actually surprisingly good. His energy and physical fitness have almost improved dramatically. Even his sensitivity to magic has been slightly strengthened due to the energy recovery, and he can even detect it. When it came to Syl, the shock caused the disorder of magic reaction.

This is also the reason why the Truth-Seeking Cult calls the Holy Grail Knight "the strongest bloodline power"... Other bloodline powers are equally strong, but without exception they will put a burden on the body and spirit. Only the Holy Grail Knight takes the "Recovery + Strengthen” route with minimal burden.

But it was this little bit of strengthening that finally made things that I couldn't figure out finally come to light.

For example... why August said that participating in the trial is the fastest way to become a blasphemy mage; for example, why Sil said that he was "worthy of being a curse mage" when he won the second round of debate.

The key to winning an argument is to master the definition of the subject, and the only way to become a qualified conjurer is to twist everything in the world to your own will.

In other words, the essence of the debate is about who has the greater ability to control and distort the laws of nature - whether it is consistent with reality is irrelevant.

Feeling the power surging in his body, Anson, who had been pushed to the edge of the cliff, burst out with unprecedented confidence.

"Dear Anson, you have given me a great surprise."

Syl took a deep breath and slowly sat back in the chair with a horrifying expression, and the beam of light above his head fell on him: "Very good, I will definitely find out the reason why you came back from the dead - —In the fourth round of debate, my view is that life comes first.”

"Because death is not a necessary condition for the existence of life, and if there is no life, death has no meaning."

"I object." Anson, biting his pipe, said feebly: "As a form of existence, death is the final statement of its establishment. An existence that cannot die cannot prove that it has life, so death must come first. There is life again.”

Anson kept his eyes fixed on Sirze's expression. He had to avoid being noticed by the other party and at the same time figure out how he lost the last round of debate.

"Objection, existence that cannot die can also have life." Sil said calmly with a stiff face, and his sharp eyes also looked at Anson's face repeatedly: "I can prove this point now."

prove? Anson was slightly stunned, how to prove this?

The next second, the smoke ring from the "Mist Pipe" at the corner of his mouth suddenly twisted, condensed into the shape of a poisonous snake, and rushed towards his left eye.

Anson, whose pupils shrank suddenly, decisively released his "invisibility" and tried to avoid this fatal blow with [Smoke Man]; but his casting range seemed to be non-existent, being completely suppressed by Silze's aura on the opposite side.

Without giving him any room to dodge, the "Smoke Viper" that suddenly appeared had already penetrated into his eyes.


The moment his eyeball shattered, another wisp of smoke tore open his throat.

Oops... Anson, who looked horrified, didn't even have time to resist. His vision suddenly fell into darkness, and his body leaned back uncontrollably, slumping on the back of the chair just like before.

A few seconds later, the newly resurrected corpse lost its life again.

But Sil did not immediately relax his vigilance, still staring intently at Anson's body. The open "field" was almost blind, monitoring every corner of the surroundings, and every magical reaction was so weak that it was almost non-existent.

Time is passing slowly, one minute, two minutes, three minutes...

Nothing happened.

Seeing Anson Bach's body that was getting colder and colder, Cyr, who was slightly relieved, was even more puzzled.

He was very sure that the moment Anson was "resurrected", there was a very obvious magical reaction, but it definitely had nothing to do with the magic method - it is impossible for a mere evolver who is not even a Tutor to master "negation". "Death" ability, without a "domain", it is even less possible for him to cause "distortion and retention".

Could it be the power of a certain... "mutant item" on his body?

This idea was thrown to the back of Silze's mind as soon as it appeared - resurrecting from the dead and avoiding being killed are two different concepts. The former is an ability that even Tu Tuoer may not be able to master, let alone a mere A high-level evolver.

Suddenly, a very familiar breath floated in his open "field".

Syl's expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his head, and then he saw Anson Bach, who was already cold, and sat up again as if nothing happened!

The only difference was that this time his face was also full of confusion.

What... happened... just now?

I remember that when I was dying of bloodline power in the past, the reaction seemed to have never been as strong as this time. It felt like... the recovery and strengthening effects were twice as much as usual?

Feeling the surging power from head to toe, Ansen, who had no memory of what had just happened for half an hour, looked confused. Trying his best to suppress his inner shock, Ansen was still stunned in place, not knowing what exactly happened.

But Syl saw it, and saw it clearly.


Without giving Anson any room to react, with scarlet eyes, he directly controlled the smoke and locked Anson's neck: "Tell me - what is your relationship with August!"

"Don't try to lie again. That selfish bastard would even sacrifice his own flesh and blood to protect you. You must have a great connection with him. Did he send you here?!"

Anson's face turned red as his throat was strangled, and he had no idea what to answer. He could only try his best to hold back the panic and doubts in his heart and pretend to be calm.

Silr had completely lost the calmness he had at the beginning, and his expression was extremely ugly; he saw that at the moment when the "corpse" reacted magically and came back to life, he saw with his own eyes that the right sleeve of Anson's robe was a little shorter. cut.

That section was the key to Anson Bach's resurrection. If it weren't for all-round surveillance, it wouldn't have been noticed at all - at the moment he was killed by himself, all the fatal wounds on the body had been repaired.

The robe he is wearing is August’s flesh and blood!

Looking at Silze who was gnashing his teeth in front of him, Anson struggled hard, but even with the doubled and strengthened power of blood, he still seemed like a mantis in front of the blasphemous mage.

The most important thing is that he really doesn't understand what he just did and how could he make this guy so angry?

At the moment when Anson's vision gradually dimmed, full of doubts, Syl's angry face exploded into pieces without any warning.


The splash of plasma, together with the fragments of bones and organs, sprayed on his body and face; almost at the same time, the smoke that bound his neck dispersed.

Anson's face was filled with astonishment as he watched the other party's headless body sway, then slumped on the chair opposite him just like he had just done, with thick plasma pouring out like a geyser from the exploded opening.

But the next second, the gushing plasma began to gradually coagulate, like a typewriter, from bottom to top, from the inside to the outside, restoring his head bit by bit; bones, organs, flesh and blood, and finally skin and hair... In addition to the body and surroundings The blood stains seemed as if nothing had happened just now.

So...what is this?

In the dead silence, Anson's mind was running rapidly as he was completely unaware of the situation. While thinking about the plan, he began to review the previous experience.

He is now certain that he has lost more than fifteen minutes of memory. More importantly, there is still a part of the memory of being pierced through the eye and dying in his consciousness!

In the past, every time the ability to trigger the power of bloodline was near death, there would be no residue of the death scene, and no memory loss would last more than fifteen minutes.

Could it be that he was killed twice, and then the effect of the power of blood was triggered continuously?

To be honest, he didn't know what his true power of blood was, but he could vaguely feel that it might not just be the power of blood; and Syl would be so angry that he would lose his mind, which might not be the same as August. It doesn't matter.

"good, very good."

It seemed like a long time had passed. The anger on Sirze's face, who was sitting across from him, was gone, and he began to look at Anson with a very pleasant expression: "Congratulations, you won the debate just now."

"As you can see, the losing party will be directly obliterated by this twisted field even if they don't do it themselves; I don't understand what the trick is about your resurrection from the dead, but the thing that August left for you Small gifts…should not be endless.”

"So next time you lose again, I won't be so polite anymore, but I will crush your whole body into pieces - I hope you can still surprise me and the same person just now."

"In addition, if you lose ten times in a row, this twisted field will directly activate the erasure mechanism. Even Tutor will not be able to escape death. Whether it is the weird mutation aura or the little gift August gave you, There will be no room for resistance.”

Slowly standing up, Silze showed a ferocious smile on his face; covered in blood, he was like a messenger walking out of hell, with a pair of bloody eyes staring straight at the unconcealable panic on Anson's face. :



In the dead darkness, an endless debate is going on with no end in sight.

On both sides of the long table, which had long been changed beyond recognition, the two eloquent people continued to refute each other's arguments. Reasonable words could not cover up the murderous intent that was already real. Every time they opened their mouths, they seemed to be stabbing out a sharp blade that could be fatal.

Every time a round ends, the stinky plasma will soak into the table again, causing headshots, suffocation, decapitation, tearing, dissection, and puncture... Within a few hours, Anson tasted all kinds of death, and I also witnessed with my own eyes the number of eye-opening suicide attempts by Sirze.

Although the memory of the fifteen minutes before each death will disappear, Anson finally summarized a lot of useful information based on the flashbacks at the moment of each death.

First of all, the topics that appeared in the trial session will not be repeated, and the arguments of the winning side of the previous round of debate will be retained in subsequent debates.

This was summed up in "Is Blood a Color?" when Anson's head was crushed by Sylvia's "Blood is Blue".

Secondly, not only can you use real-life examples to prove your point of view, but you can also directly use magic to distort nature and force the proof.

This seemed to be a good thing, but it was meaningless to me, and it was even bad news - because Syl was a Tutor, and I couldn't even open the casting range in front of him.

Finally, there seems to be some limit to Sear's ability to "resurrection from the dead." Simply put, he will have a certain degree of "death resistance." The methods that have killed him (including suicide) will have the least impact on him. This is probably why he committed suicide every time he lost a debate.

But this information is still of little significance to Anson now, because he can't win the debate, and he can't kill a Tutor on his own.

After a series of deaths, he also discovered good news and bad news.

The good news is that the power of blood seems to be able to be triggered continuously, and the effect of his blood power seems to be enhanced after each trigger, to the point where he vaguely feels that he is starting to look different.

The bad news is that this continuous trigger seems to have an upper limit, and it seems to be related to the robe he wears - the originally wide robe and long sleeves have become more and more like a sleeveless shirt as the power of blood continues to be triggered.

According to Anson's estimation, there will be at most three more times... After three times, he may completely lose the chance of resurrection; at the same time, if he wants to pass this trial, he must win again...

"Six rounds."

Silze's face was filled with a strange smile: "Congratulations, you can beat me four times in a row... This is a very good improvement, but it's a pity that it comes too late."

"Unless you win all the next six rounds, it's just a restart, and you and I both know what that means - I don't care, but you... only have three chances to come back at most."

"So, continue?"

Anson did not answer. He glanced at the parchment on the table expressionlessly. Under a thick layer of blood stains, the scrawled writing appeared again:

"Heads or tails?"

Without any warning, a golden coin fell from the sky and landed on the long table.

"Dang Cang——!"

Accompanied by a crisp sound, the dropped coins began to spin rapidly, showing no signs of stopping.

As the beam of light fell on Anson, Syl narrowed his eyes slightly, and a ferocious and twisted laugh appeared under the exaggerated brim of his hat.

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