I will be crowned king

Chapter 733 Eyes

Heads or tails?

Facing Siel's fierce gaze, Anson, who was soaked in cold sweat, silently bit his pipe.

The power of blood is flowing like a flood in the body like never before, the greatly enhanced spell magic, various magic props, as well as the revolver on the lower back and the bayonet hidden under the forearm...

All the trump cards he currently has are meaningless in front of Silze in front of him.

How big is the gap between ordinary spellcasters and blasphemous mages... Anson, who had no idea about this in the past and couldn't even imagine it, now really feels it. When he and Lawrence teamed up to kill What a blessing to have mentor Mace Honnard!

Without many coincidences, without the carelessness of the mentor himself, Lawrence's sacrifice, Lisa's timely arrival, and Thalia's final appearance... Even if it were repeated ten thousand times, he would never have a chance to win.

But now, he had to face Sirze, who was more experienced than his mentor, and at the same time more cautious. He was fully prepared before the trial began and could not be killed no matter how hard he tried.

Can't win, can't win at all.

If Anson still had a glimmer of hope at the beginning, he felt that he might have the possibility of a comeback; with the improvement brought about by the continuously strengthening bloodline power, he could more and more clearly feel the strength gap between the two sides.

From the moment he stepped into the twisted field, all his vigilance was meaningless. Silze's field covered the surrounding area with almost no blind spots... If it weren't for the restrictions of the trial rules, even with this robe that could "extend life" , I have long since lost all my scum.

So...what to do?

After blowing out a smoke ring shakily, Anson's eyes involuntarily fell on the coin that was still spinning rapidly.

The smile on Ciel's face became more and more comfortable.

Weird mutations, props with their own magical aura, August's flesh and blood... This mysterious opponent really brought him so many surprises that he accidentally let him win four times in a row. I wonder if it was There are many more interesting things.

Well, judging from his expression, it should be gone... It's a pity; but in that case, there is no need to keep him alive.

Eradicate it as soon as possible and find out the secrets of his mutation and those props to avoid unnecessary complications.

As Tutuoer, although his strength is absolutely crushing against ordinary spellcasters, it is not without flaws. Beyond the original level of life, it also makes them no longer adapt to the original environment. Many of them can only be used against ordinary humans. Factors that cause minor injuries or even cannot be noticed may be fatal to Tutuoer.

Xier was thinking quickly in his mind, and the murderous intention in his narrowed eyes became stronger.

The next moment, Anson, who seemed to have been thinking for a long time, raised his eyes again and slowly said:


After the words fell, Syl was stunned: "You, you mean..."


Looking straight into those scarlet eyes, Anson repeated coldly: "Is it heads or tails...I think it's heads."

Seeing his unswerving look, Syl became even more confused.

He originally thought that Anson would definitely discuss the definition of "heads and tails" and try to continue to use his sophistry to win this round of debate. In the end, he would win no matter which side of the coin it was.

But in just a moment, Sirze immediately figured out the key to the problem - he was retreating in order to advance!

Since the topic of the debate is "heads or tails", and now Anson Bach has chosen heads, no matter which side comes down, he must prove that it is tails!

It's like two people walking on a single-plank bridge. When the two sides are arguing about who should cross first, one of them suddenly closes his eyes and rushes straight over; if you don't want to be smashed into pieces with him, you have to make concessions.

"Objection... I think it should be the other way around." Silze's expression was extremely ugly. He didn't hate losing - he could be resurrected anyway - but the dignified Tutuoer was actually coerced by a high-level evolutionist?


Just as he made his choice, the rapidly rotating coin finally stopped spinning and finally lay flat on the blood-stained table.

The exquisite carving of the original ring appeared in front of the two of them.

The concentrated Anson's pupils narrowed slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to continue repeating his point of view; but the moment he opened his mouth, a strong tingling feeling suddenly hit him from all directions.

His consciousness suddenly became chaotic, and there were many overlapping images in the picture in front of him - more importantly, he found that he could not make a sound!

Sirze, who was watching all this silently, his eyes became increasingly scarlet.

No good... He is trying to... stop me from refuting his point of view... If I fail to refute his point of view within the time limit... it means that I surrender voluntarily... and shoot my head directly... This guy can't afford to lose anymore...

Feeling dizzy, Anson bit his pipe tightly and barely controlled himself from falling into unconsciousness. At the same time, he opened his mouth desperately, trying to make even a little sound.

But it didn't help at all. In addition to trying to control his body, Sil seemed to distort the air around him, making him not only unable to make a sound, but even unable to breathe.

You must first... open the casting range... and restore the natural laws distorted by the domain... Resisting the sudden feeling of suffocation, the blushing Anson desperately raised his right hand and pinched his middle finger and thumb together.

Although I knew it was probably meaningless, I really didn't have any more trump cards at this moment.


The crisp sound of snapping fingers echoed in the dead silence. Anson, who was on the cliff, opened his casting range again, instantly covering a thirty-meter diameter area around him.

Huh...Sil sneered disdainfully.

Before the weak magic reaction could take shape, it was instantly swallowed up by his open domain.

Anson, who realized that the resistance had failed, did not give up immediately, but began to change the shape of the casting range, trying to get part of it out of the field.

Cyr continued to increase his intensity and instead projected his control around Anson; he could not do direct harm - that would result in a direct defeat - but indiscriminately distorting the surrounding environment did not violate the trial. According to the rules, at this time he was also unable to move and couldn't breathe.

Even if you can distort some of the laws of nature, if you can't speak, you won't have any chance of making a comeback. The only way is to break away from your own domain, but for a mere high-level evolver, that's impossible...

As time passed by, Syl smiled more and more relaxedly, silently waiting for the moment when the other party's head exploded into pieces.

But at this moment, he was suddenly startled by an inexplicable touch, and he looked up at the top of his head in astonishment.

There is a deep and impenetrable darkness in his sight, but there is a pair of eyes in this darkness, a pair of cold and emotionless eyes, staring at him!

There is no magic reaction, not even a trace of breath can be felt, there is neither malice nor any unnecessary emotions. It is like the sun and moon hanging high in the dome, naturally existing there.

But Sile felt that she was naked and exposed to the prying eyes of these eyes without any reservation!

Shocked, he subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but found that there was no place to hide. In his panic, some loopholes appeared in the magic aura.

It's now!

Even if Ansen in his normal state could detect these flaws, he would not be able to seize the short-term opportunity - but this does not mean that he has been repeatedly strengthened by the power of blood for more than ten rounds. He cannot do it after dozens of rounds!

Quickly closing the casting range and then reopening it... In just an instant, Sirze's domain was directly cleared, and the area covering both sides of the negotiation table became Anson's casting range.

The situation was slightly reversed at this moment, and Anson, who was already at a loss, suddenly had room to maneuver.

Of course, he knew very well that this was only temporary... Although he didn't understand why Silze was so panicked all of a sudden, he must not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Just like it had been rehearsed countless times, Anson instantly thought of it and started to implement his plan - first, maintain the "superpower" to monitor Silze's every move, and use the temporary "advantage" to synchronously distort the surrounding environment, launching [ [Wound Canvas] transferred all the negative effects just caused to the whole body to the coins on the table.

When the shocked Syl came back to his senses, he found that he was actually covered by Anson Bach's spell.

But that's not the most important thing... The most important thing is those eyes. Those eyes were behind him, staring at him!

"Anson Bach, you..."

"Con - I think it's positive!"

Before Searle could speak, Anson immediately gave his answer: "The current coin is heads!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the light beam above his head slowly moved to Sirze's body.

Feeling those cold eyes, Syl took a deep breath and tried his best to recover from the panic caused by being spied on.

No matter what happens to this guy now, the most important thing is to win the debate as soon as possible so that he can be killed legitimately!

He couldn't wait for three more rounds. He wanted to completely kill this extremely weird evolver to nothing in this round.

Thinking of this, Ciel raised his eyebrows and began to reopen the field; Anson, who had finally gained a slight advantage, immediately felt a strong repulsion, gradually "squeezing" his casting range back.

In just a few breaths, the casting ranges of both sides were divided by the center of the long table, showing a half-and-half state, and Anson's casting range was still being eroded and assimilated.

One minute... Even now, he can only hold on for one minute at most, and everything will return to the original state of being completely suppressed.

But in this confrontation, or in a state of completely opening up his "power", Silze's magical reaction and the opened field were displayed in Anson's mind in a way that he had never seen before.

To describe it, it's like being taken apart, decomposed, and deciphered. Every step and every look in Silze's eyes is accompanied by the change of magic aura, the expansion and expansion of the field... regardless of the size, it is accompanied by him. The true identity has all been exposed.

At this time, Syl in Anson's mind was no longer the same as he was at the beginning, but a clown wearing a funny dress, his face covered with colorful paint, always happy and with a weird expression, and he was dancing and posing in front of him. Doing a variety of hilarious poses.

That is his true appearance!

Feeling the prying eyes from all directions, Silze's face turned extremely ugly, but he did not make any further moves, instead focusing on the coin with the [Wound Canvas] applied to it by Anson.

"I object!" Ciel gritted his teeth and said:

"What's facing up now is the reverse side of the coin!"

The next moment, the [Wound Canvas] attached to the coin disappeared without a trace.

But in Anson's eyes, Syl, who was dressed as a clown, used a quick magic trick to "erase" the spell he had cast.

This is the moment he has been waiting for!

Because the magic of [Wound Canvas] is very special. It does not completely distort the laws of nature, but is closer to "utilization". The existing wounds can be transferred, but they will not disappear. If you want to directly erase them, you have to pay a price. .

The price is to bear the impact of the original wound.

Xier only felt a sudden dizziness in his brain, and the images in front of him were overlapping; but it was only for a short period of time, and he soon returned to normal.

When he regained consciousness, he saw Anson, shrouded in light beams above his head, looking at him expressionlessly.

Um? He...why didn't he refute?

There was a trace of astonishment in Silze's eyes, and he looked at Anson, who was silent and looking at him silently, with great confusion.

But he was confused, and he had no intention of reminding him; as soon as time passed, the other party's head would explode instantly, and he could win the debate and eliminate this guy who was inextricably linked to August. , completely obliterated.

Time passed slowly, and looking at Silze, who didn't have any panic look on his face, he finally realized that something was not right.

Wait, could it be that the person who should refute now is not him, but...


The moment he figured it out, Sirze's head was torn apart.

Almost at the same time, Anson decisively removed the [Smoke Mirror] he had just made with [Smoke Entertainment Home], and the light that was refracted on himself fell on Sirze's headless body again.

Without any hesitation, Anson decisively used the [Wound Canvas] again - he wanted to transfer the broken wound on Sirze's head to Sirze's chest and blow out his head and heart at the same time!

In a normal debate, don't say it's impossible. Even if he can hurt Cizer, who is a blasphemy mage, the rules of the trial prevent him from making any move to directly hurt the opponent.

But... But there is one exception, and that is the moment when the opponent loses the debate and is headshot by the distortion field - as the winner, I can do anything to Silze, who is a corpse at this moment.

Only at this moment can I have the chance to kill him completely!

Kill a blasphemous mage who can rise from the dead!

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