I will be crowned king

Chapter 734 Hope creates the future


The crisp sound of snapping fingers echoed in the air, and traces of light gold followed the movements of Anson's fingers, perfectly outlining the edge of the wound on Silze's neck.

Immediately afterwards, the hideous wound was gently lifted up like a "canvas" with only one layer, and moved towards the opponent's chest.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, with almost no pause - after being repeatedly blessed by the power of blood dozens of times, Ansen's physical control and mental strength at this moment were no longer what they used to be.

According to his own estimation, he should now be on par with Louis Bernard who has activated the power of blood!

But the real reason why he dared to use a spell he didn't understand so recklessly was that he suddenly became "different".

The effect of the superpower is directly proportional to the level of one's own spell magic and bloodline power. This is something Anson has discovered long ago - without the training in Clovis City and the death duel with Professor Mace Honnard, he would It is simply impossible to find that one can "break away" from the body with superpowers, and use this new operation as a radar.

And after relying on the power of blood to die more than a dozen times, and being strengthened more than a dozen times, the "superpower" that could only be used to see and see without distinction has also shown an ability that it has never had before. .

Not only the enemy's power, but also his own aura and the magic used were split and cracked in his mind, and presented with an unprecedented clarity.

Even so, there is still a huge difference between himself and Silze... the blasphemous mage.

The only chance to defeat him is now. The only way is to bet your last trump card when the opponent's head is blown off by the distortion field and he is forced to die.

The trump card shaped by the intelligence collected through continuous deaths, countless accumulations, August's help, and the extremely important luck.


The spell was successfully cast, and a hideous wound appeared on Sirze's chest. Blood, flesh, and bones from broken ribs gushed out like a fountain, sprinkling onto Anson's face.

Anson's eyes were red with blood, but he had no intention of avoiding it, because under the "fountain" was Sirze's heart.

Cursed magic, [Rising Fire].


Golden-red flames lit up Sirze's chest. Under the blessing of [Rising Fire], the ignition point of the heart that had stopped beating was pulled extremely low, like a blazing new star.

It was at this moment that Ciel's "denial of death" spell began to activate.

The headless corpse that was set on fire suddenly began to struggle. Little by little, new flesh and blood grew on the cross-section of the neck, like an expanding and mutated tumor. With violent wriggling, it gradually transformed into the original shape of the head.

Even the heart that had been reduced to charcoal in the flames began to beat again; it was still "sizzling" from the fire, but it was still able to regain its vitality - together with the torn ribs, it slowly began to recover.

In Anson's mind, he was like a clown conjuring a new head and heart out of thin air, and placed them back on his chest and neck with extremely exaggerated movements.

Almost at the same time, Silze's "field" opened up again, and Anson could even clearly feel that his casting range began to be torn, collapsed, and eroded... The whole world was collapsing bit by bit, and then was destroyed by the opponent's power. Deconstruction, reorganization.

It was a collision between laws and laws, and it was Silze's power competing for the authority to distort the world.

Anson now understands: If the battle between ordinary conjuration mages is still a competition between the willpower and the amount of magic prepared in advance, then at the level of the blasphemy mage, it is a competition for the power to twist the law.

Just like the competition for the definition of the theme in a debate competition - whoever is the one in power to reshape the world has the absolute initiative!

The party that can only passively accept the other party's rules has almost no room for a comeback!

A strong sense of oppression hit his face, and Anson felt that his entire consciousness began to boil. The idea he had finally constructed was being constantly denied, destroyed, and destroyed.

This is just because Silze, who has not been completely resurrected and is still in a state of death... If the two sides actually faced each other face to face, he would not doubt the encounter at all, and he would die without even knowing how he died.

But now...everything is still planned!

With an expressionless face, Anson pulled out the revolver hidden behind his waist, and with a "pop!" sound, he directly thrust the muzzle of the gun into Sirze's neck.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Three were imprinted with [Hunting], three were imprinted with [Sharp Wind], and a total of six rounds were all smashed into Sirze's body... Although the casting range was distorted and eroded, causing the spell to be ineffective, the lead bullets and gunpowder He will not betray, but the loyal one will tear the unrecovered head into pieces again.

According to the rules of the trial, the two parties in the debate cannot directly exert violence on each other, otherwise they will be directly judged to have lost the debate, but the indiscriminate range of effects and corpses are not included in this - this is Anson's head being blown by Silze, and Information obtained immediately after his heart was cut open.

Even if there was only a flashback of the moment he was killed, and even if there were ten similar memories before and after, Anson still remembered the slight differences between each time, and accumulated all the information that he didn't know whether it was useful or not.

The six lead bullets were completely eliminated. In addition to gaining a moment of breathing space for himself, the more important and crucial thing was to catch Sirze's flaw.

Blasphemy mages are very strong, and blasphemy mages who are conjurers are also very strong, but they are not without weaknesses... As long as they can be found, it is entirely possible for them to be fragile enough to end their lives with a lead bullet!

Sirze's weakness lies in his ability, which is also the key to his ability to "resurrection from the dead" repeatedly - that is magic!

Magic that displays omnipotence by distorting the laws of nature... But since it is magic, the most important prerequisite for successful spell casting is that it cannot interfere with others.

And now Anson "happens" to have a pair of eyes that can penetrate all things.

Even if it doesn't work once, twice, three times, ten times, a hundred times... As long as the killed Siel keeps repeating his "resurrection from the dead" trick, there will definitely be a time when he breaks the gang.

If you seize that moment, you can disable his magic and die immediately!

Just as his head was smashed by the lead bullet, Silze's domain was opened again, and the flesh and blood that had just been torn into pieces began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Anson, who desperately kept his eyes wide open, paid close attention to the pictures in front of him and in his mind, trying to find the other party's "flaws".


A large amount of complex information poured into his consciousness, impacting his thoughts like a flood; Anson's vision, which felt like his head was about to explode, began to become blurry, with black and white flashing rapidly.

This is a sign that the mind cannot bear the overwhelming amount of information and is about to collapse.

Anson subconsciously closed his eyes to avoid it, but at this moment, a very familiar yet somewhat unfamiliar voice suddenly echoed in his mind:

"Look at him, look into his eyes, take that pain..."

"Looking at him can make him invisible in front of you and not be confused by false illusions..."

"If you want to defeat the nightmare, you must look directly at it!"

Anson was shocked and opened his eyes suddenly; blood continued to overflow from his eyes like tears, leaving a pair of scarlet eyes.

At that moment, he clearly felt that his "superpower" was... somewhat different from the past.

It is no longer like in the past, where you can see the surroundings with your own body as the center, but it has become like a certain "position" that can be controlled at will as the casting range expands and contracts.

He could even clearly see the power of blood, which was slightly emitting golden light, flowing through his body, constantly reshaping his organs, bones, flesh and blood... It was very wonderful and very strange.

It's as if this flesh and blood body is just a shell and not his true body.

Anson seemed to be observing himself from a third-person perspective and fell into a very puzzling state.

In contrast, Sil, who was being resurrected, had just regained a little consciousness when he was stunned by the sight in front of him.

This guy...he actually got promoted at this time? !

A mere high-level conjurer, a mutant species that appeared out of nowhere... He doesn't even understand the difference between domain and spellcasting range. He hasn't determined the core of his own laws. He only has a partial understanding of the principles of distortion, and he can't even tell them clearly. Is the difference between "negation" and "erosion" going to be upgraded? !

What a joke!

Silze's heart showed a trace of absurdity, a trace of shock... and a trace of fear.

He is not worried about whether Anson has really succeeded in upgrading. The other party's current state obviously lacks control over his own power and cannot be successfully controlled at all. This proves that the evolution is not particularly complete. It is obviously affected by the "mutant power" in the body and forcibly It has reached the final level, but there is still some distance to go before complete evolution.

What really frightened him were those eyes.

Those eyes that seem to see through everything and make you unable to hide!

This kind of power does not belong to any category he knows... It is neither one of the three major pathways, nor has it anything to do with normal mutations. It is as mysterious as the origin of the guy in front of him and everything about him, and it does not belong to this world at all!

The most important thing is that these eyes have completely seen through his trump card as a conjurer and Tutor... There are no secrets left in front of Anson Bach!

For a blood mage or even a black mage, this is nothing, but for a conjurer who relies on twisted laws as a means of evolution, the complete exposure of the secret is absolutely fatal - especially in front of another conjurer.

He must be killed, Anson Bach must be killed, and he must not be allowed to leave from here!


With the success of his resurrection, Sirze's domain began to continuously strengthen. From simply resisting Anson's casting range, it began to erode and destroy in all directions.

But this kind of erosion has a limit... The trial stipulates that both parties in the debate cannot actively harm the other party, unless one of the parties fails or is dead. All Cyr can do is to completely open the field, distort the surrounding light and environment, and at the same time, He and Anson caused mental oppression and prevented him from completing the upgrade by injuring the enemy a thousand times and damaging himself eight hundred times.

Anson, who realized that Silze had been successfully resurrected, did not panic. In other words, the failure was originally expected by him - how could the blasphemous mage's trump card, the core key to evolution, be so easily seen through by him?

But failure does not mean giving up, it can even be part of the plan; since there is no way to prevent his resurrection this time, then completely decipher the nature of his domain and expose the opponent's "resurrection from the dead" magic next time!

Anson, who still didn't realize that his eyes were already scarlet, endured the torture at the conscious level. The field that was originally full of blind spots began to gradually expose various loopholes under the gaze of "superpowers".

Now he was like watching a video, watching the magic trick frame by frame, trying to find the audience's flaws; and his body also began to quietly change.

In the panicked Silze's pupils, Anson's changes were reflected very clearly - the thin casting range gradually began to look like a "field".

Once it takes shape and can offset the influence of its own domain, even if it is only for a moment, the situation will be completely reversed.

Just then, the topic of a new round of debate appeared on the table:

“Does hope create the future, or does the future give hope?”

This time, the light beam fell on Sirze first.

"I think...it's the future that gives us hope."

Without any hesitation, Searle immediately gave the answer: "Evolvers are always pursuing the unknown. We are not ignorant people deceived by lies and deception. Only when we firmly know our bright future can we step forward with hope. Only by following the ups and downs of evolution can we fight against the world without hesitation!"

"It is an eternal, perfect future that fills us with hope for the path we have chosen!"

As he spoke impassionedly, he stared at the figure opposite him with all his concentration; the light beam above his head also fell and turned towards Anson as he spoke.

But this time, Anson did not refute immediately.

He had a hunch that his answer was not only for this debate, but also for himself...for him, the ultimate definition of Anson Bach.

Yes, it's time to take that step.

Holding back the pain and concentrating on it, Anson remembered August's advice... This was a very crucial step. After making that choice, he would not be able to look back and bid farewell to the past completely.


"I object." Anson said softly:

"No one knows what the future will look like, no one knows what will be waiting for us at the end of time and space, no one can predict the outcome of the next second, and no one... knows what perfection and eternity look like."

"Even the Three True Gods have not been able to achieve that perfection."

"Even so, we still did it. We embarked on this road that was destined to be bumpy, not because the future was waiting for us to arrive like the end of the goal, but because we had hope and unswervingly believed in the existence of the future. "

"I...believe that the future exists."

"Despite the ups and downs, the horror, the dangers... I have hope, so I won't doubt my future."

"I am Anson Bach."

"Is an evolver."

I, Kongkong, am a writer, please give me monthly votes and collect it~

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