I will be crowned king

Chapter 735 I am the law

"...If you hate this world, this world that is full of injustice and makes you miserable, and long for change, rebirth, and restore everything to how it should be; Ayton, the controller of destiny, requires his followers to use magic in the name of magic. Destroy all evil..."

Mentor Mace Hornard’s voice echoed in Anson’s mind like a whisper.

What, a curse?

Is it a useful weapon or a convenient tool? Or is it a forced choice, but the situation forces it and there is no alternative?

Both are and are not.

Thunder Castle, Iron Sky Train, Clovis City, Eagle Point City, Hantu, Yser Court, New World, Boridim...

Mace Honnard, Draco Vertes, Luther Franz, Thalia Rune...

From struggling to survive, trying to get rid of being controlled, monitored and used, to gradually taking control and striving for a certain degree of freedom, and now finally no longer being controlled by others, gradually taking one's own destiny into his own hands.

There are more and more threats, less and less to rely on, the enemies are getting stronger and stronger, and the future is becoming more and more confused... Like a canoe churning in the waves; it is already exhausting to survive with the current, let alone find the way forward. .

Does the future actually exist, and where is the hope?

Time and time again, I embark on unknown and dangerous roads, and what supports me is never a tool, not a certain kind of strength, and never a helping hand from others.

It is the determination not to give up on destiny, and the confidence to see the only glimmer of possibility.

It was this self-confidence that supported him from embarking on the path of magic to the confrontation with Silze...not to mention being killed a dozen times, but dozens or hundreds of times. As long as he could, he could continue." "Death" - until you seize that glimmer of possibility, you will definitely succeed.

For no other reason than because I had penetrated the other party's thoughts, collected enough intelligence, analyzed all the clues, grasped the changes in the situation, and figured out the trump cards of both parties... and based on all this, I formulated an extremely detailed and clear plan. Plans with steps and multiple scenarios.

And my plan is perfect.

Everything is under control.

At this moment, Anson suddenly found that his consciousness suddenly began to "gut out" of his body, like light that had been squeezed and finally released, spreading freely around him.

The light beam above his head, the clothes on his body, the note on the table... items that clearly have no contact with the body can be easily touched by him; even the darkness that shrouds the entire twisted field cannot be seen in the picture in his mind. Escaped form.

The seemingly weird and unpredictable power was analyzed and dismantled under the insight of "superpower", and was completely understood by Anson; and at the same time as he understood it, the power seemed to have become...a part of his body.

Just like controlling the limbs and breathing hard, with just one thought, you can interfere, manipulate or even distort everything at will - as long as it is within the scope of your own "consciousness".

Or as the conjurers of this era would say...the realm.

Therefore, to a conjurer, flesh and blood does not matter to a certain extent. The domain is the real "body" - as long as it is within the scope of the domain, anything can be done as one wishes, and almost anything one wants can be done.

Of course, you must follow the "core" of your own evolution.

Up to this moment, Anson finally understood why August said that he was close to the border, but he did not have enough control over his own power; he understood that the curse mage, who was inferior to the blood mage and the black mage in both physical and mental levels, was truly What are the advantages of .

When the world is under your control and everything follows the rules you set, the significance of individual strength or weakness is not that prominent, and it can even be said to be completely unimportant; even if you are powerless, a few fragile curses can make your blood pressure surge. As long as you have the rules in hand, you can still do whatever you want.

Law...is the core of Conjurer.

The upgrading of blood magic is a qualitative change of flesh and blood, and the upgrading of black magic is a qualitative change of spiritual power - the moment a conjuration mage becomes a blasphemy mage, he will create a new set of laws and become the law itself.

Just like Sirze's law... Anson has completely penetrated his essence through his "superpower". Whether he is coming back from the dead or turning his blood into blue, he follows the law of "magic".

Magic, illusion, sleight of hand, deceit... As long as the spell is not seen through at the moment of casting, Siel can do anything; not to mention coming back from the dead, it is easy to dismember himself and put it back together again.

On the other hand, as long as it is exposed... then it will naturally mean that the spell fails, so the way he dies is different almost every time - just like a magician rarely repeats the same performance multiple times in one performance, in order to be as effective as possible Avoid vulnerabilities being discovered.

The law Anson masters is called "Plan".

As long as you have enough information, set a certain result, and then implement it step by step according to the plan, you can achieve your goal--of course, the premise must be within your own "field" and without being eroded or eroded by other conjurers. Just destroy it.

The more sufficient the information, the better the effect, and vice versa; based on this, not to mention the law of distortion, Anson can also imitate, counter, and use many "mutations" of black magic and blood magic at will. and destruction.

Based on this principle, the same type of conjurer's law can naturally also be used... Through the information mastered in the previous dozens of rounds, Anson has thoroughly understood all the information elements of Silze's "law". With a little more time, he can even directly let The other party's domain is ineffective on your own.

The collision between law and law is the battlefield where the blasphemous mages truly confront each other.

Until this moment, Anson was completely convinced that he had completed the upgrade and became a true blasphemy mage.

"I object!"

Syl stared at Anson's scarlet eyes with an ugly expression, as if he wished he could go back in time: "Hope that cannot determine the future cannot exist at all!"

“Isn’t it because the Three True Gods pointed the way and allowed all evolvers to see a bright future and see that we can achieve eternity, that all True God believers have no hesitation in embarking on the path of fighting against the world, and only then are they hopeful and pursuing extraordinary achievements? !”

"What about the three true gods?"

Anson bit his pipe and said in an extremely calm tone: "On the day when Pluto, the King of Blood Magic, first stood up to resist the world and hoped to become an eternal existence, did he see the so-called 'bright future'?"

"When the master of black magic took the opposite path to blood magic, was it because he didn't think that Pluto could not succeed, and that his own path was the one that truly had a future?"

"As for Ulton, who chose the most special path, did he become the controller of destiny because he felt that confronting the world was a path destined to have a 'bright future'?"

"No, I don't know. No one can know their determination at that moment and what led them to make this far-reaching decision."

"But one thing is for sure, and that is their determination, which creates hope."

"And this hope creates a different future."

Anson looked at Silze quietly: "We are the product of this hope - even Boridim, the original tower, is the same."

"be opposed to!"

Taking a deep breath, Silze's voice became hoarse: "Boridim and the Original Tower were built according to the prophecies of the big plan. It is precisely because of such a bright future that all believers work together. , built this city of hope!”

"Objection - Your Excellency Sirze, your evidence is insufficient to prove the connection between the future and hope."

Anson shook his head: "The establishment of Boredim was based on the instructions of the big plan, but it has nothing to do with the future. Instead, it proves that even if the true God leaves, we as believers are still full of hope for the future and will unswervingly follow the path of the future." Move forward on the established path.”

"Objection! This kind of rhetoric that has no piety towards the true God is the real fallacy!" Sear said bitterly:

"If the future does not exist, then why do all believers embark on the path of evolution, and where do they get the hope to move forward in the darkness?!"

Sil's cheeks were slightly twisted as he retorted, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

If it was just a guess just now, now he can be completely convinced that this guy named Anson Bach has really been successfully promoted and became a Tutor.

Of course, his use of power is not complete yet. He seems to be still in the stage of exploring the scope of his "rules" and "domain". In a true one-on-one situation, it is not enough to pose any threat to himself.

But the problem is that now he and he must abide by the rules of the trial. Once the debate fails and he dies, he who has become Tutor will very likely interfere in his own field with his "eyes" that can see everything. As a result, he was unable to activate magic and died directly!

Even if it is only possible, this is unacceptable in Silzer's eyes; because it means that he has no right to lose in the following debate, and once he loses, it is really over.

The ease and ease he once had suddenly disappeared. Coupled with the loss of the ability to interfere and influence his opponents, Sirze inevitably felt panic in his heart and was eager to win the debate.

Yes, the current situation is indeed very unfavorable to him, but the same is true for Anson Bach. He doesn't have much chance of resurrection; as long as he loses once, he can completely crush him and end his trial.

After that, you just need to wait silently for the next guy to participate in the trial, and make sure you win ten times in a row, then you can... huh?

Syl suddenly froze. Anson across from him did not look nervous or frightened, nor did he deliberately pretend to be confident. Instead, he was...very confused.

"Your Excellency Sirze, do you have some misunderstandings about the subject we are debating?"

Looking at Silze, who seemed to have not figured out what was going on, Anson couldn't help but said: "The theme we are debating now is whether hope creates the future, or it is completely the opposite."

"From the beginning to the end, I have never denied the existence of the future. I have only emphasized the order between the two. You just seemed to be... off topic."

"In other words, your rebuttal to me just now is completely unfounded."

After the words fell, the light beam hovering above his head fell on Sirze's body again.

In an instant, Xierze, who was extremely excited just now, turned pale as a result of the light beam.


Without any warning, his head exploded into pieces again, and blood, flesh and bones once again spread all over the long table and Anson's body; the headless corpse collapsed on the armchair with a gush of blood.

But this was just the beginning. Almost in the next second, brand new flesh and blood began to grow on the broken wound; in less than half a minute at most, Silzer would miraculously come back to life.

The next second, Anson suddenly opened his own domain, directly covering the entire trial site.

The "corpse" that was gradually recovering seemed to feel his magical reaction. Its bloody torso suddenly shook, and its recovery speed suddenly slowed down.

Anson, who said nothing, still sat in his original position, holding his chin with his hands, blowing out a smoke ring, and looking at Sirze's "corpse" playfully.

In the picture in his mind, the funny clown was secretly taking out the intact head from a very hidden corner, intending to press it back in while "people around him weren't paying attention."

But now... Silze's surroundings have been completely covered by his own domain, and the nature of his laws has been completely seen through by himself.

He seemed to realize that he had made a mistake in his performance and was smiling like a clown. He stood there in embarrassment, not daring to make any more moves.

The wound on the head was still bleeding profusely, but the wound did not recover. Silze's body began to spasm and twitch uncontrollably, and his skin gradually lost its color and became cold.

Until it completely loses its vitality.

Until there was no trace of his magical reaction in the air.

The blasphemous mage Silze is completely dead.

Anson Bach was alone in front of the dimly lit long table.

After repeatedly confirming that the opponent was completely dead, Ansen finally took a breath and slowly converged his domain - unlike the previous spellcasting range, the convergence and expansion of the domain were not as flexible as in the past; not only because the control was stronger. Stronger, especially because the scope expands, and the information that needs to be considered becomes larger.

And because the field has become its own "ontology", large-scale expansion will also reduce the control over itself; if the control is strongest by converging the field within the scope of the body, then after infinite expansion, it may not even be possible to stand Neither will be maintained.

In other words, it is not only proficiency, but also closely related to the level of mastery of the law and the level of control. Becoming a blasphemous mage is just the beginning... Anson sighed.

at this time……


A huge sound suddenly exploded above his head. Anson, whose expression changed slightly, subconsciously raised his head, and then his pupils suddenly shrank:

"This...could it be said that this twisted field is...is going to..."


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