I will be crowned king

Chapter 737 Blood Sacrifice

"……go back?"

After being stunned for half a minute, the confused Anson frowned slightly and said, "But, doesn't it mean that only after passing three trials can you freely enter and exit the Original Tower and Boridim?"

While speaking, he did not forget to take off the pipe from the corner of his mouth. The thumb of his right hand almost pressed on the ashes of the cigarette that had not been extinguished. There was a hint of confusion in his simple eyes, and his slightly tilted head was very natural. Made an act of thinking.

From the subtle changes in facial expressions to the slightly exaggerated body language that perfectly matches the changes in mood, every step seems so sincere that even the most experienced interrogator can't find anything wrong - it's 100% restored. The look a person gets when he's confused.

But August shook his head: "No, I'm not talking about Boredim."

"I'm talking about where you really came from, or... time."


Even though his heart was in turmoil, Anson still looked indifferent: "I, I don't quite understand you..."

"No, you know exactly what I mean!" August smiled, still with that gentle smile: "Since you don't want to explain some things, we don't have to be too straightforward. We just need to understand each other. "

"You only need to know one thing now...you became Tutor and passed the trial, or did you use an unconventional method? Sooner or later, the apostles will definitely notice something strange; what we have to do Just make sure you can leave smoothly before they discover you."

After the words fell, August, with calm eyes, slightly emphasized his tone.

Facing his gaze, Anson couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, trying his best to suppress his shock.

The other party not only knew his identity, but also reached out to him desperately, and finally tried every means to help him leave and return to the original time...


"Why do I know this, or why am I willing to help you?"

August chuckled and asked, his eyes still so gentle: "I guess you both want to know, but unfortunately, just like you have some things that you don't want to explain, I also have some unspeakable secrets. .”

"So I'll explain it in one sentence... Everything I do now, everything I've done before, and everything I will do in the future, is all motivated by the same motivation, and that is Lisa."

"Only for her, and only for her, it's that simple."

"Of course, a cautious and insightful person like you should not easily believe such a questionable answer; so you can think that I am lying and use a seemingly convincing and contagious explanation to cover up that I cannot The purpose of telling someone; you can be wary of my every move - and I advise you to do this - to prevent you from being deceived and falling into the trap I have prepared."

"I wonder if this explanation satisfies you?"

He put his chin on his chest, and his lowered eyebrows made this majestic Tutor, the future apostle, look very humble.

Anson, with a tangled expression, fell into silence.

It's not that he doesn't believe August in front of him. Among the various forces he has "cooperated" with, the other party's attitude can be said to be the most sincere - let alone Franz or his beloved mentor. , even many people who want something from him are far more arrogant than this one.

Even if August really has some ulterior motives, it doesn't matter. This is not the first time he has been a tool. As long as the interests and goals are consistent, Anson doesn't care if he is being used.

But this time, it was "slightly" different.

From the moment I came to this time and space until now, the other party seems to be aware of every step I take, and at the same time, they continue to provide help in explicit or covert ways.

Using the excuse of "amnesia" when he entered Boridium, he arranged for Rune to take him to the Tower of Origin to collect information. He completed the research in advance and revealed the truth about the birth of the bloodline of the seven knights and the origin of the elves, and prepared sufficient means to avoid falling. At the door of the first trial, I have to help myself escape in the end...

August, he seemed to have predicted everything that would happen next, and was fully prepared - even his appearance was not only expected, but arranged by him!

This is no longer "exploiting". Anson feels like he is August's chess piece, and he is arranged to be as appropriate as possible.

Even this is not the most chilling thing - he clearly mentioned that the "power of blood" is just his whim. Whether it is correct or not will take at least thousands of years to prove that ethnic groups with this kind of blood can After thousands of years of evolution, the most perfect "mutation" was born.

The origin of elves, thousands of years of time, the most perfect mutation...

And all this is for Lisa?

Anson did not doubt August's words, but there was no contradiction between simple reasons and crazy actions; if he was really forced to do so, he wouldn't mind being a guinea pig, but since he was going to die, he had to die clearly.

Just when he was struggling, the surrounding atmosphere quietly changed.

The originally splendid and colorful hall gradually turned into a blood-like dark red. Thousands of skulls were exposed under the translucent crystal floor. The oil paintings on the walls on both sides also turned into scenes of killing and torture. .

Nooses, crosses, iron virgins...the rows of statues peeled off their outer layers of plaster, revealing hideous and rusty instruments of torture.

Even the originally fragrant and pleasant incense gradually turned into a strong smell of blood; in the dazzling red light of light and dark, there was the sound of sharp blades tearing apart organs, the sound of flesh being ground and crushed, and the sound of skulls being torn apart. The continuous smashing knocking sounds... all turned into crazy notes, constantly feeding into Anson's mind.

The gorgeous palace instantly turned into a chaotic and terrifying purgatory.

Even though he had anticipated it in advance and opened his territory decisively, Anson still found that he was affected... The extreme emotions suppressed by reason expanded crazily deep in his heart, bursting out all kinds of violent, ugly, and dark thoughts; restless The blood rushes through the body like a flood.

His pupils suddenly began to shrink violently, and his breathing became rapid.

"This is your second round of trials, the Palace of Flesh and Blood."

August's words sounded beside him, but in Anson's ears at this moment, they sounded distant as if they came from another world: "Here, your inner desires and the most primitive wildness in your physiology will expand to the maximum, Gradually squeezing the space for rational existence.”

"This is also a test that every evolver of blood magic will inevitably experience... An increasingly powerful body will naturally bring about an ever-increasing desire. The constantly mutating power of flesh and blood will inevitably strengthen the wildness and impact the original body. The consciousness of weak intelligent creatures.”

"Whether you succumb completely to this wild nature, or try to control the body of a high-level life with the wisdom of low-level creatures, or completely integrate with it and give birth to a new self in a new flesh and blood body... It all depends on the evolutionr's thought. "

"And the way for you to 'go back' is in this palace of flesh and blood."

Before Anson, whose pupils had turned eye-catching scarlet, could ask, the other party had already said, "But before that, limit your territory."

"The Palace of Flesh is a twisted realm created by the apostles. Its laws are not something you can resist now. Give up the idea of ​​resisting and try to 'integrate' your own laws into it."

"My understanding of magic is very superficial, so I can only explain it in such unprofessional terms!"

The extremely distant words came with a hint of apology, which made Ansen, who had already begun to feel furious, stir in his heart.

He slowly narrowed his domain and limited it to himself. He gradually gave up the idea of ​​resistance in his heart and instead sought to become a part of the flesh and blood palace.

Soon, the restless mood gradually calmed down, and was replaced by a strange and simple thought: He suddenly started to want to kill people!

Chopping people, decapitating them, inserting bayonets into their throats, using hammers to smash other people's ribs, and then using axes to chop limbs and spines into pieces...just thinking about it in my mind makes me feel happy. , a tingling and tingling feeling of comfort!

With this weird thought, Anson looked up again and looked at the girl hiding behind the sculpture (torture instrument), smiling at him, and swallowed subconsciously.

Suddenly, his eyes were in a trance. When he came to his senses again, the bayonet in his sleeve and the revolver on his waist had appeared in his hand unconsciously, and the magazine was even filled with ammunition!

At this moment, August’s voice came to my ears again:

"... Of course, doing so is very risky. Once you integrate into the laws of other people's fields for a long time, it is only a matter of time before you are completely controlled or even eroded by your own field."

"In order to avoid this risk, we must find a certain goal for ourselves, and then let our own wildness obey this goal, turning it into a natural behavior like foraging and dormancy, so as to divert attention."

"This is impossible for a blood mage, but it is not difficult for a curse mage... I don't really understand the operating logic of the field, but as long as it complies with the laws, in principle, you should be able to control the body to do anything."

Without any hesitation, Anson immediately sketched a plan in his mind; perhaps because of his involvement in the flesh-and-blood palace, he found that he seemed to be becoming impatient with complex issues.

Based on this, he immediately thought of a perfect plan: Be vigilant!

For the wild "self" who can only do simple thinking, there is no more natural way of behavior than maintaining a high degree of vigilance in a strange environment.

With this thought, Anson, who just couldn't help but rush forward and cut the girl into pieces, suddenly shrunk, and his slightly narrowed eyes scanned the surroundings, as if he was a hedgehog curled up into a ball with its spikes exposed.

"This state will last for almost half an hour. During this period, the out-of-control evolvers will degenerate into mutant monsters and be killed by all the evolvers; then the Flesh Palace will return to the state when you just came in, and all evolutions participating in the trial will Those who can indulge in sexual pleasures will be reincarnated again and again..."

"After six hundred and sixty-six reincarnations, the evolvers who still remain sane and have not been killed will pass this trial, or...eat all the evolvers in a certain reincarnation, or complete the evolution of blood sacrifice. Even if you don’t, you can pass this trial.”

"The last one is the only way for you to go back at the moment."

Blood sacrifice?

Anson suddenly had a bad premonition, but his body started to tremble with excitement.

"Blood sacrifice, this is a way unique to blood mages to express devotion to the master of blood magic, the great Pluto. It usually involves sacrificing a certain part of the body in exchange for a temporary or transcendent self. mutation."

"When every blood mage is born, he will receive the 'Blood of Pluto' from another evolver of the same path, which is the blood of the evolver that removes his own magical reaction. Therefore, every blood mage's body contains the blood of Pluto." The power of Ruto, a sacrifice to Ruto, is to awaken the mutant power of the King of Blood Magic.”

"This is an extremely dangerous ritual. Once it is interrupted midway, the sacrificer will almost certainly die. The best outcome is probably to become some kind of irrational flesh and blood monster."

"During the sacrifice process, a considerable magical reaction will occur, which is equivalent to instantly revealing one's position; in order to avoid failure, all evolvers participating in the trial will attack the sacrificer."

"Therefore, as long as you complete a sacrificial ceremony in the Flesh Palace to please the King of Blood Magic, you can successfully pass the trial; and because of this rule, not only blood mages, but all evolvers can perform rituals in the Flesh Palace."

"The difference is that the object you want to sacrifice is not the King of Blood Magic, but yourself. What you want to get is not a more powerful mutation, but a return to the original time and space..."

August's voice became more and more nervous and urgent, as if he had sensed some approaching threat.

But Anson understood it completely:

To put it simply, blood sacrifice can activate the power beyond oneself and be comparable to the true god to achieve goals that are originally impossible to achieve; this ability originally only belonged to blood mages, because all blood mages are from Pluto's "flesh mutation" Derived; and black magic and curse magic are not physical mutations, and do not have this kind of power that does not belong to oneself.

But in the Palace of Flesh and Blood, because of the "clearance rules" set by the apostles here, all spellcasters can use this method to pass the level, which means that all spellcasters can use blood sacrifices - because if they don't do that, they will It's like the trial is unfair.

But since he is not a blood mage but a curse mage, and the object of sacrifice is not Pluto but himself, where did he get the power he gained?

Of course it belongs to the apostles!

The original tower was built by all the apostles. August's method was to use the "bug" to force himself to borrow the power of all the apostles and return to the original time and space!

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