I will be crowned king

Chapter 738 Returning Home

"be prepared."

August's voice sounded behind him, and became more serious: "You only have one chance, and I'm not sure when the apostles will be aware of your presence."

"If the ritual fails, not only will all the evolvers who arrive at the Palace of Flesh and Blood kill us, but the out-of-control blood sacrifice will also completely devour your consciousness, leaving behind a body of constantly mutating flesh and blood."

"As for what will happen if the apostles find out... Well, it's better that we hope this doesn't happen; now, use a more comfortable movement to bring your most skilled hand close to the ground, but don't lie down."

Taking a deep breath, Anson slowly stood up from the sofa, knelt down on one knee as requested by the other party, pressed his right knee with his left hand, and raised his fingers on the floor with his right hand.

Perhaps due to the influence of the law, just such a simple action made Anson feel a little restless, and he wanted to immediately pounce on a flesh and blood body and tear the other person into pieces to relieve his inner desire.

Dark red murderous intent filled Anson's vision. His teeth clenching movements that were originally just to keep calm became more and more ferocious, and saliva continued to overflow from the gaps between his teeth and the corners of his mouth.

"Use any method to draw a pattern of overlapping hexagrams and primordial rings on the ground. It doesn't need to be perfect, but it must be so that your eyes can accurately identify its meaning, or it can be hinted at - this Very important!"

The persuasive August tried hard to make his voice sound calm, but Anson, who had completely integrated into the flesh and blood palace at this moment, could still sense the murderous intention that was gradually growing in him even if he didn't look back.


Anson, who was gradually unable to keep calm, only thought for less than half a second, and directly cut open the five fingers of his right hand with a bayonet. A few minutes later, a solidified dark red six-pointed star and the original ring appeared under his body.

"The next step is the most critical step. You need to make a sacrifice to the person you believe in. Traditionally, the blood mage's sacrifice object is Pluto, the master of blood magic. But you are not a blood mage, and what you need is not More powerful mutant power.”

"Therefore, the object you need to sacrifice is yourself - we need to obtain the power of the apostles through rituals, but only you can send you back to your original time and space."

August spoke faster and faster: "So you have to think back, what exactly allowed you to travel through time and space?"

What made me travel through time and space?

Anson looked blankly at the solidified blood under him and the translucent crystal bottom plate, at his face reflected on the floor, and at the scarlet eyes embedded in his cheeks.

It was like a person who had lost his memory and suddenly touched a scene that had made a deep impression on him. Countless flashbacks flashed through his mind as fast as old film reels.

"Well, it seems..." Anson opened his mouth in confusion, and tried to recall it and whispered softly: "It seems like he had a dream, a very real and very long dream."

"In that case, my dear Anson, you should rest."

August replied with a hint of ridicule: "It happens that I know a set of spells that are very suitable for hypnosis."

"It's not complicated at all. It's easy to get started. The only key is to concentrate on it without any distracting thoughts. At the same time, try to recall the scenes that have appeared in your dreams and remember them firmly!"

"Now, say after me: me."

"...Um, me."

"Anson Bach."


"To the Supreme Being, the master whom I serve wholeheartedly, Assenbach - myself, I offer my sacrifice!"

"To the supreme existence...myself, Anson Bach, the master whom I serve with all my heart...sacrifice..."

"My flesh, my soul, my faith!"

"My flesh and blood...soul...faith..."

“Listen to my supplications and open your arms to your followers.”

"Please hear my plea...open your arms to your followers..."

"Reveal miracles in a vulgar world!"

"Revealing miracles in a world of vulgarity..."

The moment he recited the last prayer, Anson, who was already shrouded in weariness, saw in a trance that the blood stains on the ground suddenly began to glow and shine.

Bright red fire that seemed to be burning surged out from the ground and was getting brighter, shrouding him bit by bit.

The overwhelmed Anson suddenly fell into confusion. The "realm" integrated with the flesh and blood palace made him seem to have lost the ability to think and could only make some very basic reactions.

Just when he was confused, feeling what to do but not knowing how to do it...


In the empty palace, dozens of murderous intentions suddenly surged towards him from all directions!

And it's naked, naked, with no concealed murderous intent!

Ansen, who was originally shrouded in fatigue, suddenly woke up, with a beast-like expression on his ferocious face, and looked around warily.

"Don't be distracted by them!" August's voice sounded again:

"Continue with the ritual, and leave the rest to me!"

Um? !

The familiar words shocked Anson, and the dream he had just woken up from was resurfaced.


"Pah! Pah—!"

Two huge tentacles suddenly burst out from the ground on the left and right. Just when they were about to smash Anson into pieces, they suddenly turned black and festered like rotten flesh.

Almost at the same time, dark red plasma exuding a corrosive atmosphere appeared in his field of vision; some condensed into torrents, and some spread into waves splashing everywhere, rushing and roaring from all directions.

But compared to the tentacles just now, they disappeared even faster this time; without even getting closer, hundreds of tentacles that suddenly stretched out from the ground had sucked up the plasma, and then were quickly corroded, and countless flesh and blood turned into Ashes falling in the air.

This is far from over... The next second, crazy, terrifying, indescribable patterns and gibberish began to pour into Anson's mind. Anson, who could "pretend" to be normal just now, immediately felt that he couldn't breathe, and his expression was already extremely ferocious. It twisted again, revealing an exaggerated and soulless smile.


Golden-red lightning fell from the sky, and the giggling Anson immediately regained consciousness. He was dragged back to reality again, and endless tiredness swept over him.

A pair of eyes, extremely scarlet eyes appeared in his mind.

what is that?

What is in those eyes that make you fall into a dream and travel through time?

Trying his best to block out the magical reactions and murderous intentions around him that were so strong that they seemed to be real, Anson did his best to let down his guard and immerse himself in the dream and the sacrificial ceremony.

If he guessed correctly, Noulula's power was the key to causing him to travel through time, so the key to the problem was what he saw in those eyes the moment he looked at her.

You have to remember it, you have to recall what power it is, so that you can complete the sacrificial ceremony and return to the original time and space.


The deafening loud noise pierced his eardrums again, and the tired Anson was awakened again, and the memories he had finally recovered disappeared.

Damn it! Damn it!

Should! die!

The anger that shredded everything emerged from his heart again. Anson closed his eyes and tried his best to endure it, but the more he endured and restrained himself, the stronger the anger became.

He wanted to stand up, pounce on those bastards who repeatedly interrupted and obstructed him, and bite their flesh and blood! Break their bones! Trample their internal organs! Take the brains and hearts out of the skull and chest and let them eat them themselves!

Little by little, bite by bite, eat it!

No! No no no no……

You can't let go of this thought. If you continue like this, you will be completely enslaved by the flesh and blood palace. You must calm down, be patient, and be patient; think about it again, think about the scenes that Noulula and Thalia repeatedly let you dream about and let you see. , what exactly is...



Anson, who was almost driven crazy, looked up to the sky and shouted, blood overflowed from his closed eyes, leaving two dark red tears on his face.

At this moment, the six-pointed star and the original ring under him reacted again, and the blazing light like fire began to spread around, and the surrounding ground and air seemed to be burning.

In contrast, the flesh-and-blood palace that was originally full of murderous intent seemed to be shaken. The ground began to shake slightly, and the crystals decorating the vault fell from time to time, making a fleeting crisp sound.

"It worked!"

August's exclamation sounded in Chaos's mind, but it was obviously much weaker than at the beginning, and was mixed with heavy breathing: "Very good, keep this state, don't stop."

"Otherwise... it will not only be a waste of all your efforts!"


A sudden loud noise caused August's voice to stop abruptly again.

But this time, they were unable to attract Anson's attention.

Now he has completely forgotten where he is. He seems to have fallen into the deep sea, and is still falling, falling.

At the end of the deep sea, there is an endless abyss. You can't see clearly, but you can vaguely imagine its appearance, as if you have been there before, it is both strange and familiar.


Why do I feel familiar... No, this is not the focus of the question. The focus should be on what I saw that made me feel so familiar.

Is it the snowstorm flying all over the sky, the towering ice mountain tops, the magnificent ancient city, or...

Wait, what did they call it?

Boredim... no, it's not this name, it's a more... more modern name, a name with a certain... symbolic meaning.

He, she, they, they... seem to call it...

The land of rest.


The thunderous sound came again, but this time it was not the outside world, but the deep sea that deeply enveloped Anson's consciousness.

As if it was a call for the world to collapse, the violent vibrations made the originally dead sea water become violent and turbulent. Anson, who was gradually sinking in the sea water, suddenly felt extremely painful - more painful than prying open the top of his skull or digging out his brain!

And while he was in pain, his fall was accelerating!

And faster and faster!

Countless flashbacks emerged quickly at this moment, and two completely non-interactive times began to overlap. On one side was the White Whale Harbor shrouded in ice, snow and darkness, and on the other side was the palace of flesh and blood intertwined with roars and whines.

Beluga Harbor?

Which Beluga Port do you want to return to? Why do Beluga Port and the Original Tower appear in the same place?

No, it should be why did I appear at two different times and in different places at the same time?

Myself...I...what happened to me?

At this moment, Anson, who was falling rapidly, became confused and felt as if he was torn into two completely independent existences.

One is Anson Bach who is surrounded by countless fanatics in the White Whale Port, and the other is Anson Bach who is trying to pass the trial in the Original Tower.

The two figures, which were originally unlikely to have any interaction, gradually become parallel, interactive, and overlapping in the falling consciousness at this moment.

Eventually, the two become one.

Anson slowly opened his eyes, and he saw two timelines passing through his body at the same time, and then separated with himself as the center.

So at this moment, Beluga Harbor is the flesh and blood palace, and the flesh and blood palace is Beluga Harbor.


The loud noise exploded again, and the surrounding seawater was still roaring, rolling, and rushing.

The next second, Anson, who was wrapped in seawater, stopped falling.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the deep sea under his feet, and then at the distant dome above his head, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

Even without any movement, he could clearly feel how omnipotent he was at this moment - if he thought about it, he could even completely knead the two timelines together and let the existences of the two time and space exchange with each other.

The world in front of you is not much stronger than a toy.

So... Anson gently stretched out his right hand and made a virtual grasping motion toward the deep sea at his feet; before he could finish, an exquisite door appeared in front of him.

As long as you open this door, you can return to your original time and space.

It's just a thought, and there isn't even any evidence to prove his point of view, but Anson knows it and is convinced of it - not because of anything, just because he can do this at this moment.

At this moment, I am a... great existence that answers the prayers of believers.

But just as he was about to open the door, Anson stopped.

He turned his head and looked at the dome above his head with a slightly complicated expression, silently waiting for something.

After a long time, a middle-aged man’s gentle sigh came from the distant other shore:

"When you... go back, if it's not troublesome to explain, please give Lisa a few words for me."

"Tell her I'm sorry - I tried hard and tried my best, but my ability didn't allow me to achieve what I expected, so I had to use other ways to compensate her."

"Tell her to sleep well, eat as much as possible every meal, find something to do that she likes, and think more about happy things when she is angry, but the most important thing..."

"Live freely, without any restraint, without any burden, and enjoy your life."

The words gradually disappeared, like a breeze, without a trace.

The silent Anson no longer hesitated and opened the door in front of him.

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