I will be crowned king

Chapter 739 Two Purposes

Midnight, Beluga Harbor.

Under the dark dome, the boiling sea rolled up towering waves one after another. When the waves receded, thousands of worms swarmed towards the ruins' coast.

These three-headed monsters with baby faces and spider-like bodies howled excitedly, turning into "flesh waves" and rushing towards the town, leaving only dark red traces behind them.

And in the streets and alleys within the city, the indigenous fanatical believers who had swallowed the eggs of the evil god were still reveling wantonly; they were unarmed, and even had only a cloak from head to toe; but this still did not prevent them from flowing like a tide. They flocked to the landmark building of the entire Beluga Harbor - the Council of Five Hundred.

The ice and snow in the sky have quietly melted, and the shadows that obscured the vision have faded early, but the long night has not yet come to an end.

"Stay steady - watch out for the lines on both sides, be careful not to be overwhelmed!"

In the middle of the narrow street, Alexei, whose face was covered with blood, waved his half-remaining saber while shouting with his hoarse and swollen voice: "Don't be nervous, aim as hard as you can, and fire!"

The dazzling gunfire illuminated the narrow streets filled with flesh and blood, illuminated the horrified expressions of the Storm Legion soldiers hiding in the fortifications, and illuminated thousands of worms with scarlet eyes and shrill screams.

Monsters fell in pieces under the guns of the soldiers, and their melted flesh and blood even became part of the fortifications, but Alexei did not relax, only endless fatigue and despair.

Withdrawing from the port to the streets near the city center, even though he had made full preparations, the entire Second Infantry Regiment was still torn apart by the tide of monsters; more than 600 soldiers can still gather around him. There is less than one company left.

Even Norton Crosell and his 3rd Infantry Regiment lost contact during the retreat and were stuck somewhere they didn't even know they were.

The enemy shows no signs of stopping, let alone when it will end.

On the other side, Louis Bernard, who was holding the elf girl in his arms, was leading the trio of Faithless Knights who were "forced to operate" and were trying their best to control the situation outside the gate of the Parliament - or in other words, massacre any fanatic believers who tried to approach the Parliament. .

Faced with a sudden and extremely dangerous situation, the young knight couldn't think of any effective solution. He didn't even know what he should do or how to do it at this moment.

If the liberals in Sailing City rebelled at the beginning, he could also rush directly to the Governor's Palace to kill the "master behind the scenes", Phil Cressy, and try his best to maintain the situation and avoid the expansion of losses caused by the rebellion; then when the enemy became the indigenous people, Since the mastermind of the god sect was a blasphemous mage-level tombkeeper, the situation was completely beyond his capabilities.

After realizing this, the young knight chose the last thing he could do - since he couldn't stop it, then delay it as long as possible.

With the sharp blade in hand, fight until you can fight no more.

With this extremely pure idea, Louis Bernard, who was wielding a long knife, stood guard in front of the door and no longer thought about anything.

As for the trio of Faithless Knights... they really want to run away, but the situation in front of them obviously does not allow them to have such extravagant ideas.

Now that Freya is in a coma, Talia is out, and Anson Bach is missing, Louis Bernard is the highest combat power in the entire Beluga Port. Once he dies, the entire Beluga Port will completely lose the room to change hands.

Even if we don't consider what happens after tonight, we must not let Louis Bernard fall, at least... he can't fall too fast!

In the dead darkness, only the screams of sharp blades tearing flesh and blood and the crazy prayers of fanatical believers one after another converged into hymns praising death and heresy.

No one knows when it begins, just as no one knows when it will end.


"So didn't I say, I don't know!"

In the rest room covered with runes, Wilhelm Gottfried was tied up in a chair by several guardsmen with a helpless expression on his face: "I am a scientist, not a ring of order!"

"you do not know?"

Carl Bain, who was sitting opposite him, snorted coldly, almost holding up an "I don't believe it" sign: "Dear technical advisor, tonight's matter cannot be easily solved by just saying "I don't know". .”

"Just the 'masterpiece' you left on the wall of this room is enough for the Tribunal to invite you to their place for a nice cup of coffee."

William shook his head: "You are wrong."

"Wrong?" Karl laughed out loud: "Why, do you really think that when I said drinking coffee, I just meant drinking coffee?"

"No, what I mean is that drinking coffee is not enough to describe my problem." William said seriously: "Even if the Church of Order is the most tolerant, I will probably have to be completely cut into pieces to satisfy my hatred."

"In fact, I was wanted by the trial in Clovis City long before I came, and their knowledge of me was limited to a small amount of research materials and slander from my colleagues. They were all superficial misjudgments - to put it humbly. , my destructive power to the church cannot at least be lost to that arrogant Saint Isaac.”

Carl Bain: "..."

"As for the arrest, with your excellent judgment, you should not do such an act that would harm others and not benefit yourself." William continued to talk to himself as if he did not notice his situation:

"The person you are loyal to is a gifted conjurer. His fiancée belongs to a famous thousand-year-old blood magic family. His 'sister' has the aura of mutation from head to toe. As for your colleagues... there are so many secrets. I don’t even know where to start.”

"Being able to hold a high position among this group of people and being so loved, I don't think you would do something stupid like setting yourself on fire." William curled his lips and looked at Karl seriously:

"Although I am more dangerous than all of you combined, I am now the technical advisor of the colony. My salary is the protection of the Franz family and the Storm Legion. My job is to solve technical problems for you. problem."

"No matter what trouble you encounter, you can always turn to me for answers; trusting me means trusting science."

After finishing his words, William smiled happily as he looked at Carl Bain, who looked solemn and worried.

Very good... He is worthy of being the chief of staff of the Storm Legion. He is very aware of the value and importance of technical personnel like himself, and he also understands the very simple truth that professional matters should be left to professionals.

The guard company soldiers watching on the side couldn't help but shake their heads... This "new" technical advisor obviously didn't know. When the chief of staff usually showed this expression, he was struggling with how to deal with those disobedient pricks.

Biting the flickering cigarette butt at the corner of his mouth, Karl, with an ugly face, was silent for a long time.

For a moment, he felt like he was back on that stormy night at Thunder Castle, guarding the dark passage with more than half of the infantry regiment, silently waiting for the final result of Anson's battle with the monster.

The same aloofness, the same powerlessness... There is no difference. I don't belong to that crazy world, and I can't do anything.

Nearly a hundred fully armed adults huddled in the corner shivering, and the only one who finally rushed to pull the trigger on the monster was a little girl who was no taller than a rifle.

Of course, she's not just any ordinary little girl.

Karl turned his head and glanced at the corner of the room, reflecting the girl's figure; uncharacteristically, Lisa did not make noises, lose her temper, or rush out on her own as she usually did. Instead, she held her rifle unusually calmly and curled up to wait. In the corner.

The childish face that had lost its smile even made him feel a little sad.

So Karl took a deep breath, silently sat down in front of William, put out the cigarette butt that was about to go out, and said with a serious expression: "His Excellency William Gottfried."

"I know you are very powerful. You can find the secret weapon left by Miss Talia, and you can also command the guys from the Faithless Knights. This is enough to prove that you are extraordinary. It is probably difficult for a guy like me to threaten you. Got you."

"But even so, I am the chief of staff of the Storm Legion. Although I don't want this position at all, since I have done it, I must be responsible for this position."

"You said you are our technical advisor, which is good, because I need you to solve two problems now: first, how to deal with those bastards outside who are making trouble in Beluga Port; second, what happened to Anson Bach , why did he disappear, and what should be done to get him back?"

"Answer my question, we are allies, otherwise... I might be even more rude than I am now."

Karl sniffed and stared directly at his face: "You can think that I am ordering or threatening you, but in fact... I am begging you sincerely."

"By the way, if I can, I don't want to explain to you how important that bastard Anson Bach is to... the Storm Legion. You should also be able to see that our bunch of scum revolve around him; he If something happens, haha, we won’t be needed, there will be more dangerous guys looking for trouble for you.”

"I understand your difficulties, Mr. Chief of Staff."

William pursed his lips and nodded sincerely: "You are a truly good person. Only good people would threaten others with this tone when they are forced to do anything."

Karl didn't say anything, just nodded lightly.

"But I still have to say, I may have to disappoint you." William sighed, his expression becoming increasingly bitter:

"I don't know how to defeat the tombkeeper of the Land of Rest. Originally we still had a little hope, but now... I don't know, maybe praying from the heart like a devout believer can be of some use?"

"As for Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach... I only learned about the 'secret weapon' Thalia prepared for him through the runes, which can play a decisive role at critical moments."

"And what exactly the role of that secret weapon was, and what happened to Anson Bach, I don't know - the moment he disappeared, what took him away was a power comparable to an apostle, or even a higher level; if there is enough time, , I might be able to tell you what happened, but now... we don’t have that margin.”

"I can only tell you good news, which is not good news. The reason why the Gravekeeper attacked Beluga Harbor was for two purposes, and the most important one is Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach. His existence and The grand plan of the Old God Sect is closely related!”

"Big plan?"

Karl was stunned for a moment: "Are you talking about that... old god sect's big plan to try to rise up and rule the world again?"

"No, I'm talking about the real big plan, the big plan to revive the three major paths, welcome the return of the three old gods, and create a perfect existence." William said in a daze:

"Frankly speaking, they shouldn't have much interest in ruling the world - that is, managing what they consider 'lower life' like us; but there is something about Anson Bach that seems to arouse their covetousness."

"What power?"

"I don't know, and I've repeated it several times." William sighed: "All the information I got was obtained through communication with the tombkeepers through the runes on the walls. It's just that no matter how sincere they are, they can't It’s impossible to tell me such important information.”

"You don't know?" Karl's face became even more confused: "So what kind of good news is this?"

"The good news is that because Anson Bach is missing, they can no longer get this power - the big plan can't succeed, and the whole world is safe!"

This answer made Karl silent for a while. After nearly ten minutes, he completely resisted the urge to shoot him before he said, "What about the other one?"


"...You said that the Gravekeeper had two purposes in attacking Beluga Port. One is Anson, and what is the other?"

"It's fear!"


"I don't know why, let alone what the reason is, but the tombkeepers... they are afraid." William said solemnly: "It was out of fear that they started so impatiently. This massive attack."

"I don't know what the real reason is, but there are not many beings that can make the tombkeepers of the resting land feel fear. If you think about it carefully, I'm afraid there are only..."

The words suddenly stopped.

Looking at William who was suddenly stunned, Karl couldn't help but frowned: "What's the only thing, why don't you finish what you said?"

"This, this is impossible..." As if he had been stimulated by something, William's expression was suddenly full of shock, and he stuttered, unable to even complete his words.

Almost at the same time, Lisa, who had been obediently staying in the corner just now, suddenly raised her head, with a look of great surprise on her dirty little face: "This breath, this breath is..."


Louis, covered in blood, stood in the middle of a pile of corpses, looking at the darkness in the distance and muttering to himself.

At this moment, lightning fell from the sky and tore open the long night.


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