
The Shadow Demon, whose heart had been cut out, burst into heart-rending wails. The undead body seemed to have been cut off from its source of power, and began to fall apart at a speed visible to the naked eye, dissipating into smoke.

But He was still not killed!

Even though he had an entity that could be harmed and his heart was forcibly dug out by Anson, he was still not completely dead - the blasphemous mage who had mastered two major methods had far more tenacious vitality than ordinary spellcasters!

However, the strength of the Shadow Demon, whose heart was forcibly dug out, has obviously declined. It is clear that Anson has taken back his domain, and the distorted shadow has returned to normal. It still does not hide in the shadow immediately like before, and even the undead posture is gradually falling apart. .

The two crimson gleams representing the eyes flicker and extinguish, like candles in the wind, they may dissipate at any time.

As if he was unwilling to be killed, the Shadow Demon suddenly raised his translucent withered right arm; Anson, who had no time to dodge, watched the palm pierce into his brain, and then clenched it tightly.


As if an iron cone had pierced the back of his neck, Anson's vision went dark, and a shrill scream exploded directly in his mind. His consciousness seemed to be thrown into boiling water and evaporated instantly.

Time seemed to slow down. After the screams, all kinds of pessimistic and desperate emotions flooded into Anson's heart. All kinds of tragic situations of himself were reflected in his mind: eye-gouging, heart-disembowelment, beheading, and disembowelment. ,corrosion……

The arrogant Anson Bach was killed by the Shadow Demon at the last moment. His rotten body merged into the shadows, and his soul was extracted and turned into a cursed undead. He spoke the most vicious words to all outsiders who were enemies of the tombkeeper until he died. .

This moment is the end of this consciousness;

This moment is the end of Anson Bach;

At this moment, his real story has just begun... huh? !

The Shadow Demon was on the verge of collapse, and the crimson glimmer in his pupils suddenly shook violently.

Anson Bach, who was supposed to be controlled by himself and control his consciousness, actually started to invade his consciousness in turn? !

"What, are you surprised?"

Anson's sarcastic words sounded in his consciousness: "Yes, a traitor who has violated the will of the true God, of course cannot understand how many miracles a conjurer who steps on the path to grasp destiny can create!"

As he finished speaking, the sneering Anson opened his scarlet eyes, and blood overflowed uncontrollably from the corners of his eyes, leaving two traces of tears on his cheeks that were twisted in pain.

With his left hand he once again held the "dagger" revolver that almost slipped from his hand, and with his right hand holding the Shadow Demon's heart tightly, Anson pointed the black muzzle at his head.

After wasting a lot of time dealing with the opponent, he finally figured out the ability of the Shadow Demon and the key to his "domain" with the help of the intelligence he continuously obtained.

So far, Anson's actual understanding of the law is still at a relatively superficial stage: as long as he has enough information and expands his field, he can do almost anything, and even master black magic and blood magic.

But this is certainly not the full picture of the "plan" law, but should be more specific and symbolic; just like the clown he saw in Silze and the shadow controlled by the Shadow Demon.

Otherwise, wouldn't it mean that every time we fight in the future, we have to be beaten first, and then continue to accumulate experience and intelligence through being beaten, so that we can formulate a "plan" to defeat the opponent - what if we encounter someone who can kill us instantly?

With a bit of self-deprecation, Anson pulled the trigger:

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

One shot to the left eye, one to the right eye, and one to the forehead. Three lead bullets stamped with [Hunting] instantly penetrated the Shadow Demon's head, turning the entire head into a dazzling torch.

The Shadow Demon, whose consciousness has been usurped by Anson, cannot resist at all, and is not even allowed to scream. The red glimmer in his pupils is getting dimmer, and the translucency of his body is getting higher and higher, and there are already signs of disappearing. .

At this moment, the surrounding shadows suddenly seemed to have life, and began to gather continuously, pouring into the ruins illuminated by the fire in the form of liquid, and attacking Ansen, who was holding the heart in his hand.

At the moment when he was swallowed by the shadow, he decisively chose to retreat and threw his heart out; the shadow demon that was about to dissipate turned into a shadow together with his still beating heart, quickly left the range covered by the fire, and headed towards Darkness wanders in the distance.

But before they could go far, the only sound of burning flames suddenly came from the air. There was a sound of being bitten.

The "shadow" wrapping the Shadow Demon and its heart suddenly began to twist and deform, like some kind of weird liquid, but it kept making sounds of gnawing, biting, and pulling, gradually shrinking, squeezing... and finally Transform into an almost spherical shape.

Anson, who was wearing a gray military coat, put his left hand in his pocket, and at the same time used the revolver of his right hand to hold the three-cornered hat on his head, and blew a perfect smoke ring at the strange "shadow".

That's right, that's not an ordinary shadow, but the magic prop Anson carries with him - the "Shadow Doll".

This prop is no different from an ordinary shadow, but as soon as it senses a nearby magical reaction, it will attack immediately, assimilating all living creatures within the range regardless of friend or foe. If the attacker resists, the "shadow doll" will continue to strengthen. Restrained until assimilation.

Under normal circumstances, of course, it cannot be deceived and is unlikely to pose any threat to the Shadow Demon; but if it were to have its heart dug out and its consciousness invaded... that would not necessarily be the case.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... The "shadow doll" curled up into a ball began to expand and expand. When it reached the size of half a person, suddenly...


The shadow of the fireworks flashed through the golden red flames, and the shadow demon swallowed by the "shadow doll" was torn apart and turned into countless pieces the size of raindrops, spraying in every corner of the ruins.

After a while, the fragments all over the place reunited and got into an inconspicuous jewelry box.

In fact, this box is also a magic prop, and even once belonged to the Truth Seeking Order. It has the ability to hold anything, and as long as it is put in, it will turn into a large and exquisite diamond ring. When it is taken out, the item will Restore.


As the lid of the jewelry box was gently closed, the aura belonging to the Shadow Demon completely disappeared, and the flaming ruins returned to tranquility...

...that's weird.

Feeling the pressure coming from the direction of the port, Anson picked up the jewelry box on the ground and let out a long breath, showing a somewhat self-deprecating smile.

A mere blasphemous mage who had just successfully advanced to level up actually tried to challenge two gravekeepers at once... It seemed a bit too arrogant.

And unlike the Shadow Demon who can seize the flaw, the Lord of the Abyss is a blasphemous mage who is highly bound to the distortion field; this means that unless you can destroy the distortion field that contains him, the most you can do is cause some damage to him. .

But... I had no choice.

Through the "superpower", the entire scene of Beluga Port appeared in Anson's mind regardless of size... The port had collapsed, and the struggling 2nd and 3rd Infantry Regiments were divided into island-like defenses one after another. , desperately blocking the tide of Abyss worms.

They fought bravely, and they were brave beyond imagination - if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Anson wouldn't have been able to imagine that this soldier-like unit that fought to the death was actually his own soldier who turned into Rufeng and was full of thoughts. Money's Storm Legion.

But even so, in the face of the tens of millions and ever-increasing "sea" of Abyss worms, human power has its limits.

Ten minutes, half an hour... an hour at most. Even if he fills in the entire Storm Legion, and sustains it for an hour at most, White Whale Harbor will still fall and be completely submerged by more abyss worms than sea water.

What's more, the enemies that Beluga Port has to face are not just worms that are so weak that they can be trampled to death with boots, but can kill a dozen worms with one shot...


Along with the vibration of the sea level, huge and bloated tentacles pierced the sea surface. Yellow-green pus continued to burst out from the rotten and rotten flesh covered with seaweed. Countless worms poured out of the breach, towering like a tower. crawling on its tentacles.

Then came the second, third, fourth... more and more tentacles, standing like stone pillars on the Ice Dragon Fjord, smashing into the surroundings with the roar of the wind and the sound of heavy rain falling.


There was another deafening loud noise, and dozens of tentacles smashed away the billowing smoke and dust on the port and the cliffs on both sides; the already boiling sea surface became more and more restless, and the huge waves rolled up more waves than the sea water. Worms, swarming to the already submerged shore.

Just seeing this picture, it is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the "Lord of the Abyss" hidden under the sea is.

Anson pursed his lips and walked step by step towards the port, staring intently at the tentacles that were still ravaging the Ice Dragon Fjord and the figure that was about to rush out of the sea in the distance.

The best way to defeat the Lord of the Abyss is of course to destroy the twisted realm that is closely connected to him, but this is obviously impossible now, so we must find a way to lure him into an unsuitable environment, that is, on land. .

But the problem is that if you do that, at least half of Beluga Harbor will definitely not be saved, and the remaining half will probably be reduced to ruins in the battle... It took me a whole year to finally look like a decent colony. Nothing remains, and I don’t know how many years it will take to regain its current strength.

In this case, then use yourself as bait to attract the Lord of the Abyss to leave the White Whale Port... No, no, the other party doesn't care about the existence of the White Whale Port, but on the other hand, it must be... huh? !

Anson, who was constantly thinking about the plan, looked startled. He stopped as if he noticed something, and looked at the boiling sea with wide eyes.


Amid the roar that shook the air, the huge black shadow finally broke through the sea and appeared in the center of the Ice Dragon Fjord with an astonishing momentum—occupying more than two-thirds of the port!

Looking at the monster in front of him that was so huge that it exceeded imagination, Anson was shocked and showed an expression of sudden realization.


Beluga Harbor Council, Lounge.

"What did you say?"

Karl looked at William in disbelief, whose expression suddenly became more solemn than before: "Is this...really like this?"

"Absolutely true."

William's eyes were extremely serious, and his voice was even trembling: "If there is a being in this world that can make even the tombkeepers feel scared, there is only one answer..."

"A certain apostle is approaching Beluga Port!"

The chief of staff gasped and turned pale.

"I know that for most of you who have only seen the legend of the Church of Order, the so-called apostles are just monsters that are stronger than ordinary spellcasters, or tombkeepers. This simple idea has cost the church It is normal for ordinary people who have been instilled in the world of order for thousands of years to find it difficult to change for a while."

"But the fact I want to tell you is that as a kind of living entity, apostles are not allowed in this world... because they alone will have an impact on the surrounding natural environment."

"The most terrifying thing is that this impact is silent... We can still feel the damage caused by the blasphemous mages because their power is not enough to truly destroy the foundation of the natural world, and the apostles...their... Existence stands on the destruction of the rules of the world!"

"As they are called... it is because they are infinitely close to the three old gods that were once arrogant that they were called 'apostles'... replacing the real gods and showing miracles to the heretical believers."

"For example, if the moon above us turns purple when a certain apostle appears, then unless we observe intentionally, we will simply... Well, what's wrong with you?"

William was stunned for a moment when he saw Karl and two soldiers from the guard company, whose faces were twitching slightly and looking blankly at the scenery outside the window behind him.

But then he turned back thoughtfully and looked out the window at the night in the same direction, his mouth wide open in surprise.

A beautiful full moon, emitting an eerie purple light, was hanging in the center of the cloudless night.



The huge Lord of the Abyss surged out of the sea, constantly emitting wails that shook the air, like an octopus washed up on the beach, lying crookedly in the middle of the Ice Dragon Fjord.

The next second, a dark figure gradually emerged from the body of the Lord of the Abyss and floated into the night sky.

He slowly stretched out his slender and powerful limbs, and his four wings-like arms spread out to the left and right sides. At the top of his dazzling purple torso, a scarlet eye that occupied two-thirds of the head area rotated and swept towards him. The earth in the dark night.

The figure floating in the air overlaps with the purple full moon behind it, blending into one under the night.

Feeling the inexplicably familiar aura, Anson was stunned for a while and suddenly raised the corners of his mouth:

"Hi, it's been so long, my dear..."

"Luann Collins!"

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