I will be crowned king

Chapter 744 Safe and sound

Almost at the moment he became aware of the other party's identity, Anson blurted out without any preparation. His previous calmness and rationality were completely lost at this moment, replaced by the instinct in his body.

Those blood-red eyes, but exuding a strange lavender light, attracted all his attention the first time they were reflected in the pupils. The instinct contained in the flesh and blood was infinitely amplified, and it was impossible to hide his inner feelings. what you really want.

This feeling is very familiar to Anson - the effect of the "Flesh Palace" in the Original Tower is very similar to the current one, except that it amplifies the desire for killing, and Rune's eyes have the power to force those who see it to be honest.

He subconsciously wanted to resist, but immediately realized that it was meaningless, so he simply stopped covering his heart and completely let go of the other person.

Feeling the changes in Anson's field, Lu En nodded slightly, without deliberately expressing anything:

"So, it's really you?"

The lips full of fangs under the huge eyeballs opened and closed gently, but the voice sounded directly in Anson's mind; he was no different from the immature and somewhat rigid "Researcher Collins" from thousands of years ago, but he was a little more mature and steady. It was as hoarse as two pieces of old leather rubbing against each other.

Anson raised his eyebrows after hearing this. Lu En's words revealed at least two meanings: first, he did have an impression of himself after "travelling"; second, he had only now finally identified the two "Anson Bach" "It's the same person.

Seemingly noticing the confusion in Anson's eyes, Lu En's face suddenly showed a smile: the strange face and the lavender full moon made this smile look extremely ferocious, but it would not make anyone who saw it feel at all. Fear, on the contrary, has an unparalleled sense of relaxation and tranquility.

This intellectually contradictory and absurd existence did not make Anson feel any abnormality at this moment - just like a solemn statue of a god, it does not scare believers.

"Now you are entangled with two timelines at the same time. This is a very dangerous state; there may not be any problems in the short term, but the longer it is delayed, your 'existence' will gradually be divided and torn apart. Overlapping at different times.”

"The best outcome is that similar but different you are born in two timelines, each acquiring a flawed personality but eternally separated; and the worst outcome is that the entangled timelines are no longer separated at all, and you will become The 'channels' that exist but do not exist at all points in time can neither die nor live. All traces of your existence will be completely obliterated, and your consciousness will be exiled in time. , until oneself collapses..."

"...In short, it's either schizophrenia or being exiled by time."


Although it was not that he had never imagined his own fate, Anson still had a shuddering impulse the moment he received the answer from Lu En.

"But August said that this is the only way to bring me back." After a slight pause, Anson tentatively said: "In that case, there should be a way to get rid of this state...right?"

"……I do not think so."

Rune poured cold water on you unceremoniously: "August is right. If you continue to stay in Boridim in your current situation, it will only be a matter of time before the apostles notice the abnormality."

"In fact, I think they were aware of it at the time, so no matter how big the risk and cost, you must return to the original timeline as soon as possible and avoid the attention of the apostles, even if it is only temporarily."

"But I don't think August...or August at that point in time, has a way to restore you to normal; 'time' is the final cornerstone of the laws of nature, and no matter how powerful a spellcaster is, it cannot easily affect it. Two timelines spanning thousands of years.”

"So I'm sorry, I can't do anything about it now; but I suggest you find a way to ask me in the past, maybe you will find some methods."

Once you? If even you, the apostle, don't know what to do, then how does Rune Collins, that Borridim man who is not even a blasphemous mage, know how to relieve it?

Anson couldn't help complaining in his heart, but suddenly he realized something and subconsciously said: "You mean..."

"This is advice between friends, dear Anson." Rune's chuckle echoed in his mind:

"In the current timeline, it is best not to know too much information that is too long ago. It will not be helpful to you now, and may even be harmful."

"Those things that have happened on this timeline will have an irreparable impact on your existence on the other timeline; the more you know, the faster the split of your consciousness will be, and the two timelines will bind you. The intensity of it…the more you know, the sooner that day will come.”

Anson couldn't help but swallow.

At the same time, he suddenly had a certain guess. Like August's various unconventional performances, and his decisiveness without hesitation when helping him, it seemed that he was no stranger to "travel" and "timeline binding".

Could it be that the reason why he was completely unsurprised by me, offered help, and even proposed such a bold escape plan was because...

"Guessing without evidence will also deepen the binding relationship between you and the two timelines." Lu En suddenly interrupted his speculation:

“When thinking about a problem, always speculate on possible answers in a single timeline—at least until you become an apostle.”

"Could it be that after becoming an apostle, I can get rid of this problem?" Anson's heart moved.

"No, in that case the air, water, sunshine, soil...including time, everything in this world will convey deep hatred and malice to you." Lu En said with a bit of humor:

"Compared to being an enemy of the entire world, a small disruption to the timeline is nothing."

Anson Bach: "..."

"On the other hand, becoming an apostle is the inevitable fate of all evolvers, so it can be said that sooner or later, time is your enemy; if you eventually become an apostle, it can only be said that certain situations have been advanced."

Lu En still joked like a joke: "I hope you can succeed, dear Anson, otherwise my outstanding daughter, Lu En's contemporary head of the family, spends so much effort and insists on doing things even if she goes against her father. It’s just wasted.”

Um? !

Anson's eyes widened in shock: "You, you mean..."

"With your excellent insight, it shouldn't be difficult to discover this truth."

Lu En raised his head slightly, and the corners of his fang-filled mouth curved: "She knows very well what kind of existence her father is. As an ordinary evolver, your value to the Lu En family is not irreplaceable, but you know too much about it." So much vital content.”

"When the new world becomes controlled by Rune, the only way to prevent me from killing you is to increase your utilization value. There is only one remaining..."

Becoming an existence that Rune could not kill easily... Ansen didn't know whether to be moved or sighing, the corner of his mouth twitched.

"She cares about you very much, although it is in her own way, although she does not really notice it." Lu En said slowly:

"It would take thousands of years to completely erase the consciousness originating from intelligent creatures... Thalia is still too young and needs more training."

"Of course, she is right... Dear Anson, you are a very special being, but that is not because of your unique insight and excellent execution, and it has nothing to do with your identity as an evolver."

"If it were any other intelligent creature, I would probably kill you as soon as I notice it to prevent accidents." Lu En's voice suddenly turned cold:

"Even if August is still alive, or the Church of Order comes forward, Thalia and Lisa, or even the resurrection of Saint Isaac, there is no way I can stop my idea, but!"

He changed the topic and his tone became much gentler: "We are friends, no matter what happens, this will not change at all... Just like even now, I still regard August as my best friend."

"What's more, you are not only my best friend, but also the brother of one of my daughters and the fiancé of the other."

Looking at that weird and ferocious face, Anson had no doubt that if Rune was still a normal human being, his mouth would have been grinning from the corners of his ears to his ears.

"Don't laugh, this is very serious." With a voice that was desperately restrained, Rune's eyeballs and the full moon behind him turned into a long and narrow crescent: "Although some colleagues and tombkeepers may not agree with this view, but Blood truly connects us to each other and opens up new paths.”

"Those who adhere to certain decadent dogma cannot understand this change, but we understand it and continue on this path until today."

"In their eyes, today's evolved people may no longer be the same as before, and have long lost their glory like the Boredim; but in my opinion, the situation is exactly the opposite."

"If this were not the case, the already declining Tomb Keepers would not think that now is the perfect time to implement a big plan, and would not hesitate to restart the resting land but also snatch away their only hope."

Anson frowned, somewhat unable to understand what Lu En meant.

What does "opening up a new road" mean? Why does He say that the evolved have not lost their past glory, and he also thinks that the current chaotic situation is very beneficial to the evolved... The world is in chaos, but the situation is great?

But these are not the key points of the information revealed by the other party... Luen made it very clear that the reason why the tombkeeper targeted him had nothing to do with the identity of the spell caster. What could be the reason?

Because they know that they will travel through time and space and return to the Boridim thousands of years ago, or should they say... "superpowers"?

Apart from this, he can't think of a third possibility. The question is, what is so special about his "superpower" that it deserves to be considered by them as the key to the success of the big plan?

Yes, the ability to discern the breath and magic reaction of the caster is indeed very strong, but no black mage is inferior to himself. The mutation ability of some talents is even more "cheating" - what is there to covet? ?

Looking at Anson who looked confused, Lu En's eyes looked a little complicated.

That's fine, let him wait for a while before he realizes his true power. At least...

"I have a question, dear Luen." Anson said softly:

"You should have already known about the situation in the New World...or the Land of Rest, or even completely clear about it; if that's the case, why do you have to be enemies with them, or even completely eradicate the tombkeepers?"

"They may not welcome you. If you persist, it should be easy to turn the new world into your own independent kingdom...the gravekeepers are powerless to stop it."

"But you didn't tell Talia about this matter, so in her description, the power of the tombkeeper is still very powerful. Even if you, as an apostle, come forward in person, it is very likely that you will not be able to solve it."

"That's not actually the case...right?"

Anson asked tentatively.

This time, Lu En did not answer immediately.

He stared at the figure in front of him and remained silent for a long time, until the moon that merged with him became full again.

"What you said... is absolutely correct."

Lu En spoke slowly, with some inexplicable complex emotions in his dull tone: "When you become an apostle, there will be very little power in this world that can stop you; but this does not mean that you can do anything. Sometimes it may be just the opposite. ."

"From the moment Thalia accepted that plan, from the moment the Rune family's power returned to what it once belonged to this bloodline, a certain gear was pushed and it will never stop."

"My dear Anson, in your eyes, maybe all of this is just a helpless act of struggling in the storm and controlling your destiny; but in fact, you have quietly become the source of chaos, and the tsunami you rolled up, It’s coming to you impatiently.”

"The resistance of the tombkeepers is just the beginning, and it is far from the end; I can't stop it, so I can only warn you when it is coming."

"A warning between friends."

Luen's expression was serious and solemn, with deep concern from his voice to his expression, like a sentry who saw the storm approaching in the distance but could do nothing but shout loudly from the watchtower.

Anson took a deep breath. He felt a little complicated and didn't know what to say. He could only nod slightly:

"thank you, I know now."

"No, you don't know, and I can't tell you anything unnecessary. It will only hurt you... This is the most regrettable thing." Lu En shook his head:

"As for the gravekeeper and the resting place... don't worry, Thalia will tell you everything."

After saying that, the rune that merged with the moon gradually dimmed, and the purple shimmer in the night sky gradually faded away like twinkling stars.

Until the sky became slightly brighter, a morning ray of light that tore open the dome suddenly rose in the direction opposite to the bright silver bright moon, illuminating the silent harbor and awakening the sleeping city.

The long night finally ended, and a new day began as usual.

Beluga Harbor, safe and sound.

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