I will be crowned king

Chapter 775 The Ambition of the Truth Society

In the dark room with flickering lights, a terrifying deathly silence gradually brewed amidst the howling of the storm outside.

Through Roman's bloodshot eyes that were twitching and shrinking like a wild beast, even Anson, who was already a blasphemous mage, could still feel the creeping shivers when he faced a gifted person who could no longer even use the power of blood.

Wild Hunt Knight Roman is a real beast.

He can behave very tamely in front of his master, and he can also endure wind, rain, and mosquito bites while hiding his minions; he can command the army with dignity and power, and he can flee when encountering a strong enemy.

But as long as there is a chance to bite the prey's throat, it will attack decisively, piercing the skin with its fangs, killing and resisting with its sharp claws, tearing the bones and flesh as fast as possible, sucking the blood.

At this moment, Anson's eyes were briefly dazed.

Sometimes too much power is also a kind of weakness, just like now... The law of Anson's field is "plan", and the basis of the plan is intelligence; the moment Roman's voice fell, the Thunder Castle shrouded in heavy fog in the ninety-ninth year of the Saints Calendar Memories of the siege positions flooded into his mind.

The morning mist mixed with the smell of gunpowder and gunpowder, the ink mixed with plasma, the cold and biting air, the dead silence of a tomb, the distant rumble of cannons, the uncomfortable pain in the throat...

Everything that was strange and familiar kept appearing vividly around him, and he even felt that if he coughed hard now, he might actually be able to cough out the fragments of the lead bullet.

"It's you?"

Frowning slightly, Anson's expression was a little complicated: "Why?"

"You know why." Luo Manyun said calmly:

"Krog Bernard took control of Thunder Castle with the help of the Old Gods, and the black mage Mace Honnard sneaked into the levy army; I must control the situation to prevent the existence of the Old Gods from being exposed and give the church any credibility. Take advantage of the opportunity.”

"At this moment, you...Anson Bach, appeared."

"A believer of the Old Gods who has a bright future, but accidentally becomes a pawn of the Black Mage, a 'lucky man' who has awakened the power of his bloodline and can complete the ritual of the Curse Mage, and who happens to capture Louis Bernard, and seems to A gifted young officer...guess what I'm thinking every time I see you?"

"I regret it very much. If I had not stuck the barrel of the gun into my throat but blown my head off directly, there might have been a different ending." Roman paused and said in a cold voice: "But...Draco Vertes doesn't think so. .”

"He believes that under the current situation, the interests of the Black Mage and us are actually consistent. If you are really Mace Hornard's pawn, avoid the exposure of the Old Gods and eliminate Kroger Bernard and Kroger Bernard as soon as possible. His lackey should also be your target."

"But the most important point...you survived because of the mistakes I made because of my lack of decisiveness; we have no choice but to continue executing the plan under the situation that has already occurred."

"So I should thank you for your magnanimity and sparing me a life." Anson's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth turned up in a slightly sinister manner: "Is that what you mean?"

"Whatever you think, I don't care... Just like if killing you now can stop the church's ambitions, I won't hesitate." Roman stared at the "prey" in front of him, his tone still cold:

"But we all live in the real world. The more we pursue ideals, the more practical we must be in our behavior."

"Are you sure?" Anson raised his eyebrows deliberately and said slightly provocatively:

"The current situation is that you need me to cooperate with your actions, but you threaten me with the fact that you have killed me - and it was still at the White Whale Port Command, and it was still at this time."

"Don't you think it would be easy for me to kill you now, and it wouldn't cost me anything?"

"Of course you can... Anson Bach, my mission has been completed. For the ideal, any sacrifice is worth it." Roman said coldly:

"But I tell you all this to make you realize the reality. If you feel threatened, it means you still don't know the terrifying strength of the church and their unscrupulous style to achieve their goals, as well as the consequences if they succeed."

"Because they want to interfere with the secular world and build a heaven on earth that will end war?"

"No, we are not against that; but we are against a zombie dynasty that, for the sake of selfish desires and power, restricts knowledge, thought, prosperity, and all changes, and forever freezes the world at a certain moment."

"That kind of thing...I don't think the church can do it."

"Of course they can't, because organizations like the Truth Society will definitely stand up and resist, as well as any careerists who try to do the same thing as them."

"By helping another careerist?"

"You might as well understand it this way. Anyway, it's only a matter of time before your despicable behavior and brutal rule inspire another group of resisters."

"And then you will also stand on the side of those resisters?"

"As long as they favor change and not regression, why not?"

“Even the wrong kind of change?”

"Keep your current arrogance. When someone stands up to resist the New World Company and the Luen Family, I will be happy to join them."

"...So can I understand that the reason why you hate me so much is purely because I am a stain on your career and has nothing to do with me as a person?"

"It was."


"I always think that no one can make me hate me from the bottom of my heart... That was before I met you."


Looking at Roman, who was always expressionless, Anson suddenly felt that his attempt to stimulate him and dig up information seemed a bit stupid.

No matter how he asked, the other party always revealed extremely limited content; it really involved the core of the Truth Society, such as the organizational structure, intelligence sources, and what kind of struggles it had with the church... Roman kept silent and used the most direct way to answer the question. He pushed back so that he had no excuse to ask further questions.

Could it be that similar tricks worked so well for Louis that he had become subconsciously accustomed to doing them?

"What about Lisa?" Anson, who felt a little helpless, had no choice but to change the topic:

"How did you find her, and why did you give her to me - is it related to the Luen family?"

"Good question, I'm still surprised why you never asked this." Roman, with his hands behind his back, said coldly: "But we are not handing her over to you, but to the Black Mage."

"Mace Honnard?!"

"Whether you believe it or not, although the Society of Truth has been aware of her existence very early, we are not sure of her identity; until a certain member studied the Old God Sect in the Thunder Castle area and speculated that she might be related to the local 'Eternal Life' ’ related to the legend.”

Slowly straightening his waist, Roman showed a flash of memories: "We controlled the area where she usually lives, hoping to avoid causing the church to notice the abnormalities around her, but it turned out that Mace Honnard even got there first. Let’s take one step.”

"Even before that, he seemed to have been searching for the whereabouts of Lisa August through a certain connection in the south of Clovis - of course, for him, it involved blood magic." The Secret of the Power of Immortality."

"After some investigation, we found that his connections seemed to be a certain captain officer who was serving in the southern fortress at the time. He was about to complete his final internship and graduate from the Royal Military Academy." Roman deliberately slowed down his speaking speed and stared at the noble man in front of him. someone who is a brigadier general:

"How about it? Does it sound familiar?"

Anson rolled his eyes calmly in his heart.

"Because we missed the opportunity to kill someone, we must figure out the Black Mage's goal. The best way is of course to let him show up as soon as possible; with the chaos caused by the war, we let Lisa August leave her original place. The active area appears near Thunder Castle, and then appears next to you, luring the Black Mage to show up."

Roman shook his head: "But Mace Hornard is more cautious than we thought, and he quickly left Thunder Castle after a brief contact with you - he probably realized that Thunder Castle was about to become a place of right and wrong, and he would not stay any longer. Whether or not he can find what he is looking for increases his risk of personal exposure."

"Afterwards, when you leave Thunder Castle and return to Clovis City, you meet the Black Mage. It is only a matter of time before he discovers the existence of Lisa August; even if we have to take a certain risk, we must establish contact with you. Confirm whether you are someone you can cooperate with."

"So you prepared a ticket for me on the 'Iron Sky' train, which is on the same train as a certain novelist." Anson continued to be weird:

"I guess the conflict between the car and the Guards was also one of the steps you used to 'confirm' me?"

"And he took a huge risk, which was also requested by Draco Vertes." Roman said solemnly:

"He was already being targeted by the Guards because of his younger brother's affairs, and a more low-key way of traveling like a carriage was more suitable; but in order to be able to meet you and confirm the existence of Lisa August, he still got on the That steam train has been controlled by the Guards."

Taking a deep breath, Anson's mind was still going back to the past scenes, as if the actual feeling made him experience those things all over again.

The dark night and heavy rain outside the window seemed to be frozen in the present moment forever; the two people facing each other stared into each other's eyes and listened to each other's heartbeat.

"I guess...you boarded the train so desperately with the hope of taking Lisa away from me, right?"

Anson's eyes flickered: "Involving me in this big trouble with the Guards, creating chaos, and a girl inexplicably disappearing from a steam train where a murder case or even an accident occurred will not arouse anyone's suspicion. And I probably don’t have the chance, let alone do any in-depth investigation.”

"Brigadier General Anson Bach, if you keep talking nonsense that we both know well, it may be difficult to end tonight's conversation quickly." Roman said calmly:

"You are the pawn of the Black Mage. You may expose the last blood of August to the eyes of a blasphemous mage at any time, triggering an incident of the Old Gods that will definitely alarm the church - I can't imagine anything that doesn't stop it. Your reason for doing this.”

"Of course, we failed and allowed you to successfully establish contact with the Luen family; the rebellion in Clovis City that was quickly suppressed successfully avoided the possibility of the church's intervention; the Yser Punishment War that broke out later made us realize If the Thirteen Council can reach a reconciliation with the Moses Field royal family, it will prevent the church from continuing to infiltrate the elven kingdom and interfere with the secular world in the form of a puppet state."

"But the Council of Thirteen did not want to reconcile. On the contrary, you who were eager to break the situation were exploited in turn."

Anson snorted coldly: "In order not to interfere with your 'mediation plan', you specially assigned me to Hantu to avoid affecting the situation in the Iser Elf Kingdom. The result still doesn't seem to be going well."

"In the battle with the church, failure is the main theme of the Truth Society." Roman didn't take it seriously, and there wasn't even a trace of anger in his eyes:

"But this does not stop our efforts. On the contrary, every failure urges the Truth Society to take action as soon as possible to break the boring illusion and find the most practical solution."

"Then what is the solution?" Anson took the initiative and took a step forward:

"Nothing else, but in my opinion, if both the Truth Society and the New World are unwilling to compromise, they will be at the end of their rope this time."

"If we really insist on fighting to the end, even if there are runes, I don't think even one tenth of the nearly one million colonial people can survive; and since the church is so persistent in intervening in the secular world and demonstrating its authority, the casualties may not be A question that can be taken into consideration.”

"If you really think that, you are totally wrong."

Roman suddenly raised his hand and extinguished the light of the kerosene lamp, and the room fell into darkness again: "For the Church of Order, the tragic casualties are an absolutely unbearable result."

“If you really read Archbishop Luther Franz’s letter, you should understand that the conflict between the diocese and the Holy See is close to irreconcilable. The top elites like the Knights of Judgment are the Holy See’s only trump card that can check and balance the diocese; If there are too many tragic casualties, the Holy See’s right to speak will quickly slip away!”

"Ah...so you know the content of the letter." Anson's eyes flashed and he narrowed his eyes slightly:

"The Truth Society chose to cooperate with the Franz family on the premise of knowing the content of the letter, and the person who sent it was you... What is the relationship between the Truth Society and Archbishop Luther Franz?"

"No comment." Roman still didn't give Anson a chance:

"All we need is your cooperation - to block the Holy War Army, especially the Judgment Knights, for half a year without exposing the Luen family. This is the request of the Truth Society."

"Half a year, then what?" Anson's expression remained unchanged, with various plans already emerging in his mind:

"I can't guarantee that no colony will be occupied within half a year, and they only need a place to stay to survive the winter. What should we do next?"

“Next, we’ll help you turn defeat into victory!”

I just finished my work and am so exhausted...

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