I will be crowned king

Chapter 776 Knight’s Generosity

Anson didn't really take Roman's promises on behalf of the Society to heart.

If Anson still dared to "cooperate" with them to a certain extent during the initial contact, then the scale and internal rigor shown by the other party now have completely exceeded the initial imagination, and it is completely unclear what they want. What is it.

There is cooperation with the Franz family, a certain degree of involvement with the Rune family, and the ability to contact the Thirteen Elf Council of Yser. Even Ludwig Franz’s closest lieutenant is a member of them. It seems that Still a core member...

It seems that this level can no longer be described as "club".

More importantly, as a "non-profit-oriented, dynamic social group", their ambition and purpose are stronger than those of many factions. Although the resources or human and financial resources they control cannot reach At the national level, but at the level of interest organizations, it is already astonishing.

Using the Storm Legion as a horizontal comparison, Anson estimates that the manpower and material resources at his disposal must be higher than those of the Truth Society, but their nature is a pure money-making gang. Their ideals definitely do not exist, and their loyalty is absolutely questionable.

There is a serious imbalance between the two parties in terms of strength and ability. It is said that they are cooperating, but it is more like using each other. The only reason for them to come to the door is just to avoid compromising with the church for self-protection when the situation is dangerous. This only led to their failure in their goal of preventing the church from "interfering in the secular world" and "expanding power."

As long as the goal can be achieved, not to mention his own collaborators, even their own life and death may not be considered at all.

Therefore, in Anson's view, Roman's statement of "being able to turn defeat into victory" means that if the war lasts for more than a year, certain changes are likely to affect the Church of Order, making it extremely uneconomical to continue to use troops against the Free Confederacy. Rather than really being able to defeat the Holy War Army head-on, whose strength is at least four times greater than that of the New World, and whose combat effectiveness is more than ten times greater.

Therefore, the Society of Truth can only be regarded as "potential allies" with a common enemy at best, not even foreign aid; to count on them, it is better to count on the Holy War organized by the Church of Order to be torn apart due to internal strife.

Despite this, it can’t be said that there was no gain at all. At least the truth about his “first death” was finally revealed, although this also brought up another problem:

What exactly is the power of my own bloodline?

For a long time, although it can be basically concluded that he inherited the blood power of the "Holy Grail Knight", his ability is to be forcibly resurrected when he is near death, and to be temporarily strengthened, at the cost of erasing the memory of the fifteen minutes before death... But this is actually just my own guess, nothing more than inference.

It is not difficult to hear from Roman's tone that he left only after confirming that "he" was dead; with his character, the probability of making a mistake is almost impossible; and if a mistake does occur, the power of blood will be activated and the resurrection will be impossible. It should be the original Anson Bach.

In addition, there is another doubtful point. If this is the power of his bloodline, it is said that it can only be activated once at most every time it is used; but when entering the Tower of Originality, he repeatedly activated it with the help of August's power. Dozens of times, he finally completed the upgrade almost unconsciously and became a blasphemous mage.

Even if August sees through his "true face", why does he know the power of his blood and how to activate it repeatedly?

Louis said that the power of blood is like a certain organ of the body - of course it is actually a mutation derived from magical reactions - it should be treated like the body. Overuse will inevitably cause fatigue and damage; but that time he used it continuously I've tried it dozens of times, but apart from the memory being erased, there seems to be no side effects.


Sitting in the dimly lit office, an increasingly confused Anson looked out the window at the rainy night, his expression gradually lost in thought.


The next day, Beluga Harbor, central square.

Although Louis was reluctant to accept Anson's hospitality at first, after Carl Bain said "Do you want Miss Freya, who is still unconscious, to continue sleeping in the cold and damp cabin?", he silently gave up his unnecessary persist in.

But he still rejected the suite at the White Whale Harbor Council and the guest room at Luen Mansion, and chose a hotel that was not too inconspicuous and had very convenient transportation.

In the small guest room, the expressionless young knight stood beside the bed of the sleeping elf girl. The burning charcoal fireplace made the whole room unbearably hot, but it was not enough to make him show even a hint of discomfort.

A few minutes later, a slight knock on the door broke the silence; a clear expression appeared on the young knight's face, he sighed softly, stood up and walked away.

Opening the door, Anson appeared alone as promised, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was obviously not normal.

Seeing his appearance, Louis frowned slightly and couldn't help but whispered:

"problem occurs?"

"No, I just met an...old friend."

Reluctantly raising the corners of his mouth, Anson said in a hoarse voice: "We chatted very late, and it was already early in the morning when I remembered to go to bed. I remembered that I had promised to come and help you, so I simply stayed up all night. "

"Fulai...don't worry about my affairs." The young knight said softly:

"If it really doesn't work, it's not possible to do it another day."

"No, it's better to do it as soon as possible."

Anson shook his head, glanced quickly at the elf girl on the bed, and then met the young knight's gaze: "I did this not only because of your request, don't forget, she was also the benefactor who saved most of Beluga Harbor. .”

Louis hesitated for a moment, and finally silently let the door open.

As soon as he entered the room, Anson felt a rolling heat wave hit his face. The small space in the room turned into a hot steamer. Not long after he stayed, he felt that his body had begun to become damp; and Louis Bernard was even more so. As if it had been washed with water, the golden hair was completely drooped and without any luster.

But the elf girl lying on the bed showed no reaction. Not to mention sweat, her tight and delicate skin seemed to be frozen; except for the breath of life that could still be felt, it was almost the same as a corpse.

"Ever since she returned to Sailing City, she has remained in her current state, showing no signs of waking up."

The young knight carefully closed the door and said softly: "I thought it was just that the trauma caused by the Shadow Demon was too severe and it would take some time to recover, but the situation seems to be much more serious than that."

"Your judgment was correct."

Anson sighed: "She became what she is now not because of the Shadow Demon's attack, but because of the erosion of the laws of the natural world."

"...Laws of Nature?"

Louis frowned slightly.

"She... or 'us', the conjurers, are spellcasters who can distort the laws of nature and reality." Anson hesitated, but still chose to explain to the young knight:

"I know that in the eyes of gifted people, spell casters are probably villains who have mastered evil power, but to a certain extent... we are actually the same. Spell casters do not master a certain power, but choose a certain direction of evolution. .”

"Just like a gifted person has the ability given by the power of blood, it can actually be regarded as a part of the body; for spell casters...especially those who have reached the level of blasphemy mage, those 'magic', using them is actually like turning Eyeballs, raising arms makes no difference.”

He originally wanted to say "We are actually the same", but considering the two timelines and the other party's acceptability, he finally chose a more "moderate" statement.

"It turned out to be like this..."

Louis said blankly. Although Anson tried his best to be tactful, it still gave him a huge shock. He was stunned at first, and then seemed to suddenly realize something, and said slightly eagerly and excitedly:

"According to you, are gifted people and spellcasters like... the two sides of a coin?! There seems to be a difference, but it's actually just a different form of power?!"

"Yeah, it's not that same!"

Realizing that he had said too much, Anson quickly interrupted with his hand and abruptly changed the subject: "Let's go back to Freya's situation!"

"Uh, okay."

Although aware of the anomaly in Anson's words, the young knight still chose to accept: "You just said that Freya was affected by the laws of nature..."

"Her power comes from conjuration magic, and this power is part of her body; in other words, the conjurer needs to rely on distorting the surrounding laws to survive in an environment of natural laws. On the contrary, she is completely unable to adapt, because she The very existence of it is a violation of the laws of nature.”

"Therefore, if her power weakens, she will be unable to compete with the laws of nature around her. The distorted laws of nature will immediately try to correct them; the reaction in Freya will be that the laws she possesses have been destroyed."

Louis murmured to himself. He thought for a few seconds, and then looked at Anson with a questioning expression: "Can I understand that if the laws she possesses can be reshaped or restored, Freya can recover from the coma? Wake up?"

Anson was stunned.

He looked at the young knight in front of him and was silent for half a minute before saying in a tentative tone: "Sorry, were you asking me just now, or were you already sure and just asking for my approval?"

"Me? Of course I'm asking you." Louis frowned slightly and said in confusion:

"I'm not a spell caster, you are - my father never told me about the Old God Sect, and Freya always kept silent. I didn't know until now that there are so many similarities between gifted people and spell casters. The place!"

Hearing what the other party said, Anson was immediately shocked.

Perhaps it was really because the other party was an honest person that I subconsciously ignored that the other party was actually quite smart besides being innocent, and was not someone who could be easily deceived...

"So is this really the case?" The young knight, aware of Anson's expression, was startled and immediately asked:

"Just reshape or restore her laws?"

"…Yes and no."

Suppressing his inner surprise, Anson calmly explained: "It is impossible to repair the broken laws, because that is the basis of her existence. Furthermore, the Freya Moses Field in front of you is just a shell. The realm of laws that contains her consciousness is the real entity; and the realm of a conjurer cannot be easily stepped on or even affected by outsiders, and the consequences are no better than being destroyed by the laws of nature."


"But, she is an Iser elf!" Before Louis could finish speaking, Anson directly interrupted:

"Unlike ordinary conjurers, the Yisel Elf is actually not that similar to us in terms of power; if we insist on making an analogy, she is actually more like a gifted person."

"...talented person?"

Louis' expression was stunned, he was almost stunned by Anson.

"Yes, this gives us a certain amount of room for maneuver."

Anson nodded slightly: "I'll explain it as simply as possible - we need to awaken Freya's consciousness in some way, so as to actively repair her own laws and wake up from her slumber."

Listening to his best friend's explanation, the young knight nodded slightly in understanding, then raised his head:

"How to do?"

"We need to enter the consciousness of Freya Moses Field, find the sleeping 'her', and repair the damaged law." Anson explained:

"But this is only one of the methods, and the risk is not small; especially for you, you are a gifted person and have no experience in resisting fields or magical reactions, so you are easily vulnerable to..."

"It goes without saying."

The young knight raised his right hand and lightly interrupted Anson: "I accept."

"But I haven't said another way..."

"There is no need for another method, this one is very good." Louis shook his head:

"Let me ask you another question. This method has the least risk to Freya and the lowest cost. At most, I may be corroded by the magic reaction and die, or die in other ways, right?"

"...You can understand it that way."

"That's it." Louis said softly, his eyes shining with brilliance: "There is no better way than this... It is my responsibility to save Freya. You have already made me uneasy, let alone sacrifice more. of people.”

Anson stared at the other person's face and fell into silence again.

"I know." He pursed his lips and nodded: "When will we start."

"Whatever is appropriate, let's do it now - I'm ready." The young knight puffed up his chest slightly and raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"Finally, I would like to thank you for your help. I will never forget this kindness."

There was a sense of relief and generosity in his words that he was prepared for the worst, which made Anson, who was already in a bad mood, even heavier.

"No, no, no, no... If you really want to thank me, I'm not the only one you need to thank." Anson forced a smile and looked at the closed door:

"Everyone, you can come in."

After the words fell, under Louis' slightly surprised eyes, the door that was locked from the inside suddenly opened automatically.

Thalia Rune, who was wearing a long purple dress, appeared outside the door and bowed to the two people in the room elegantly. By the way, she revealed William Gottfrey who was hiding behind him and staring at two unwilling eyes with dark circles. Virtue.

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