I will be crowned king

Chapter 777 Freya’s Heart

"To awaken Her Majesty Freya Moses Field's consciousness, determination to die alone is not enough."

Before the young knight could speak, Thalia stood up and stepped forward gracefully and calmly: "Yes, dear Anson can help you to set foot in Freya's territory; but for those who have never touched it, You, who have the aura of a true god, are simply seeking death for a mere mortal."

"Freya Moses Field's law is the fire of passion ignited by joy, despair and excitement. You who have experienced the night of the Gravekeeper's attack should know that power very well; you can easily block the attack of the Lord of the Abyss. The offensive severely damaged the nearly immortal Shadow Demon."

"I don't mean any disrespect to you... Even if everything goes well, in Thalia's eyes, your probability of success is still very slim, no more than one percent at most."

"It's okay if it's just like this. After all, this is your choice, and Thalia has no right to interfere." The girl paused slightly, and her eyes suddenly became sharp:

"But in order to ensure that you can safely enter Freya's domain, dear Anson must first allow his own domain to be eroded by Freya; as a qualified fiancée, Thalia cannot ignore her husband doing such a dangerous thing , without any hindrance!”


Facing the girl's aggressiveness, the young knight was stunned and looked at his close friend beside him in surprise.

"A little bit, but it's not a big deal." Anson waved his hand and smiled slightly awkwardly:

"She's exaggerating."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a shock all over his body, and a biting chill rushed from the back of his neck towards Tianling Gai.

Looking at Anson's suddenly stiff expression, the unsmiling Thalia, and William Gottfried, who was always silent and looking at Freya with a pair of dark circles, nodded silently:

"I understand, what should I do?"

"It's simple, we need to put some 'insurance measures' in place."

A smile bloomed again on the girl's face, as gentle as the summer sea breeze in Beluga Port: "While the two of them set foot in Freya's territory, Thalia will be responsible for ensuring the safety of the three flesh and blood bodies."

“This requires you to let down your guard and completely entrust your body to Thalia—and of course, Freya Moses Field, just in case.”

"Three people?" Louis was keenly aware of the key point in the girl's words.

"Freya Moses Field...Your Majesty's domain is ravaged by the laws of nature, and there are highly uncontrollable situations."

William, who had always been silent, finally spoke: "It will be much easier for the two of you when you have an expert who is good at communication to assist you."

There was a hint of confusion on the young knight's face.

He didn't doubt the identity of the other party's expert, but when it came to being good at communication and being able to set foot in the broken field like himself and Anson... Looking at William's skinny body and two big dark circles, he really wasn't convinced at all. force.

Anson looked around, and finally his eyes stopped on Thalia:

"let us start."


The girl nodded slightly, with a "reassured" expression in her eyes.

She had already communicated with her father Luen before coming here, and she was under the care of an apostle. Even if Freya went berserk due to various accidents, she would never endanger the lives of Beluga Port and Anson.

As for the other two...that was not within her scope of consideration.

The next second, thick flesh and blood instantly filled the entire room.

The moment he closed his eyes, Louis felt himself being wrapped by countless slippery tentacles, and some kind of viscous liquid crazily poured in from his nose, mouth, eyes and ears; soon, even the pores all over his body were covered with water. You can feel the feeling that penetrates into your body.

"Relax, relax, don't resist..."

In the darkness, the young knight kept mumbling to himself, suppressing the urge to resist; but this process did not last long, and his spirit began to become trance-like, as if he had fallen into the sea, overwhelmed by strong fatigue and The sleepiness pulls and keeps falling, falling towards the bottomless bottom...

Until the touch of the body returned again, Louis, who felt a biting chill, suddenly opened his eyes.

What appeared in front of him was the sky full of ice and snow, and a magnificent and magnificent city shrouded in ice and snow.

"This, this is..."

Louis' pupils shrank suddenly, and he immediately recognized that the building in front of him was the Royal Court of Yser!

“This is the landscape in Freya Moses Field’s mind, and the spiritual embodiment of the realm.”

Anson Bach slowly walked up to the young knight, pointed to the dilapidated city gate not far away, almost completely buried in snowflakes, and said: "Of course, it was eroded and destroyed by the laws of nature."

Looking around, the young knight gently raised his right hand. The howling cold wind mixed with biting ice particles and snowflakes hit his palm, making the palm that could cut iron with a knife so stiff that he almost lost consciousness.

Not only his body, he found that the power of his bloodline had also lost its response, as if it had disappeared or did not exist at all.

"I am very sure of that."

William Gottfried's voice suddenly sounded: "This is the realm of Freya Moses Field - although it is broken - unless you can get her permission, or the ability to distort reality is strong enough to fight against the realm. Law, otherwise no ability would be possible.”

"What's more, you are still an independent consciousness on the spiritual level, and you are already semi-detached from your body. It is normal that you cannot use the power of blood."

Um? !

Louis was stunned for a moment and looked around him in surprise; but no matter how he looked, there was no sign of the "technical consultant".

"Don't waste your efforts, Sir Louis Bernard, I'm by your side." William said lazily:

"Rather at your feet - see that lantern? Yes, that's me."

The young knight lowered his head, and a lantern half-buried in the snow caught his eye, emitting a faint orange-red light.

Anson and Louis had a tacit understanding and showed dull expressions at the same time.

"You, how do you..."

"I told you, I am very good at communication." The lantern shook, shaking off the snow on the handle: "Under the laws of Her Majesty Freya Moses Field, this is the safest form."

"The only troublesome part is that I can't persuade Her Majesty Freya to believe that I am a 'lantern' and at the same time grow hands and feet to move freely, so... you have to carry me."

So the lantern cannot move freely, but it is very reasonable to be able to speak like a human being... Anson couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The young knight, who was still confused, picked up "William Gottfried". The weak light could only illuminate an area with a radius of less than two meters, and further away was a cold darkness, but It is a darkness that only drains away heat but does not block sight.

Bathed in the light of the lantern, Louis felt that his body was much warmer, but as soon as he left the range of the light, the biting chill would penetrate his skin again, penetrate deep into his bone marrow, and make him lose consciousness.

"What do we do now?"

"Two things, repair part of the damage caused by the erosion of natural laws, find Freya's consciousness, and then awaken her."

Anson, who was also bathing in the wind and snow and had opened his domain, did not feel much coldness - he had experience in the original tower, and even if it was eroded by the broken domain, his laws would not be affected in a short period of time. Too many influences: "That's why I said if it was Freya, we might still have a chance."

"The Ysel elves are different from us evil conjurers. Their power is awakened naturally and is closely related to emotions. Therefore, when it is eroded by the laws of nature, it will appear in a completely opposite way to the realm, causing Injury is also highly tied to emotions.”

"To be specific, because her law is burning, her body will become cold when she is eroded, and her mental realm will also be a scene of ice and snow; and the source of emotions is memory, and those injuries will become a period of time that she least appreciates. A memory that I wish to recall, or a person.”

"As long as we kill that person in an appropriate way, or end that memory, we can repair her field to a certain extent; of course, this level is far from enough. We still need to find her consciousness and awaken it. ——But those parts that have been patched can provide some information about the location of her consciousness!"

Anson explained patiently: "Not only that, repairing these injuries will also help awaken her consciousness; after all, fundamentally speaking, the field is Freya's true body. If she can recover as much as possible, the probability of her waking up will also be It will be higher.”

"I see!"

The young knight nodded in realization, but then he realized a problem: "By the way, aren't you a conjurer? Why do you know so much about spiritual things? I remember this should be the category of black magic?"

"Uh, well..."

Anson was startled, then smiled awkwardly: "This is mainly because the person who turned me into a spell caster... is a black mage."

After the words fell, Louis, who originally wanted to continue asking, suddenly looked back and remained silent.

In his mind, the reason why an outstanding talent like Anson "degenerated" into a spell caster must be because he was helplessly forced; in this case, the vicious person who led him astray should also be someone deep in his heart. There is a shadow in your life, you don’t want to mention it to others easily, right?

If there is a chance, we must find the black mage and make him pay for his evil deeds... The young knight secretly thought in his heart.

Although Anson on the side didn't know why Louis suddenly didn't want to talk, he originally didn't want to delve into this topic anymore to avoid exposing that his rules could simulate black magic effects through "intelligence", so he was naturally relieved.

The two people who were suddenly silent held up the "Wilhelm Gottfried Sign" lantern and walked slowly towards the ice-covered gate of the royal court.

As they got closer, the true appearance of the Royal Court of Yser began to appear in front of them.

Looking at the rows of buildings in front of him, Anson had a slightly curious expression on his face; the last time he saw this city was at night, and he spent most of the time walking through the tunnels, and had no chance to appreciate its scenery. .

And Louis' face showed nostalgia and a bit of regret... He had lived here for nearly a year, and was very familiar with every plant and tree here; later he witnessed the royal court being destroyed by war, and in the ruling It was reduced to ruins under the bombardment of the Knights' airships.

The Royal Court of Yser in front of her seems to be complete, but almost all the pavilions, towers, and gates are damaged, but the degree is slightly different; obviously in Freya's memory, the ruins and the prosperous Royal Court overlap. , so it turned into the scene in front of them.

One is her hometown where she has lived for more than ten years, and the other is the sad place she was forced to leave.

After passing through the city gate, the calm streets were covered with a layer of ice, and dark red bloodstains and messy footprints could be faintly seen underneath. Anson and Louis, who were silent, once again had the same idea in tacit understanding: This was probably not an attack. city, but related to the "palace rebellion" initiated by Freya herself.

"Click, click, click..."

Just when they were about to speak, a slight sound of footsteps suddenly came from the front.

The sound was not heavy, and even sounded a bit staggering; but every step he took could leave cracks in the solid ice several centimeters thick.

Anson, who raised his eyebrows, immediately activated his "superpower". At the same time, Louis, who stopped, frowned slightly and raised the "William" lantern in his hand.

The swaying lights reflected the darkness under the wind and snow, and a stooped and swaying figure appeared in their field of vision along the road in the center of the city.

The man was wearing exquisite clothes, and the wide-sleeved robe even trailed nearly half a meter behind him; but the gorgeous clothes could not hide his emaciated figure, and the staggering old man could barely hold up his own clothes. .

He also wears a crown on his head - composed of pure gold vines and thirteen leaves, with a gemstone inlaid under every four leaves, in three colors: red, white, and black...extraordinarily exquisite.

Holding the crown crookedly and dragging the attire that was completely unsupportable, the old man walked forward step by step, while still whispering something in his mouth:

"Ah... Freya... beautiful and smart Freya..."

"Praise to Freya...praise to the great...the great Freya I...the queen of the elves of Iser..."

"Long live Israel...long live the great Freya I...long live..."

As he spoke, he had already taken out a long knife full of Iser style from his arms. At the same time, a completely ill-fitting breastplate was exposed under his exquisite fine clothes. He gasped softly while the expression on his cheeks seemed to be gritting teeth. .

Looking at the old man who was getting closer, Ansen frowned slightly:

"who is he?"

"Igor Mossfield!"

Louis and William blurted out almost at the same time, and the young knight's voice even trembled: "He was also the king of the Yser Elf of the previous generation, and..."

"Freya's father!"

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