I will be crowned king

Chapter 802 The Tomb of the True God

Around Winter Torch City, at the foot of an unknown snow-capped mountain, Karin Jacques, all wrapped up tightly, was walking hard on a steep mountain road with snow up to his knees.

It was already April, but the howling mountain wind still carried goose-feather-like snowflakes and hit him; there were thousands of ice particles, not much smaller than soybeans, as if there was an entire army heading towards the trainee from all directions. The priests opened fire with volleys.

At this moment, he was shivering, but he couldn't care less about the cold and the rapid consumption of physical strength. His brain, which was about to lose the ability to think, was madly cursing a certain Truth Society who was carrying out this "death mission" in an almost semi-command tone. Colleagues.

"...Talia August Rune has left White Whale Port and is suspected of heading towards Winter torch city. Monitor her every move and, if necessary, try to stop her..."

The trainee priest really wanted to ask this good friend who lacked great virtue why he thought so highly of him. He thought that a small ordinary spellcaster could stop the blasphemous mage of blood magic, and he did so under the influence of an apostle. Under surveillance? !

Following the ruts, Karin Jacques finally found the luxury four-wheeled carriage with the Rune Family logo left at the foot of the mountain; then he followed the opponent's magical aura and began to climb halfway up the mountain.

Although he had anticipated the problem of cold, put on thick clothes, and carried magic props that could stabilize the body temperature, the terrifying low temperature on the snowy mountains was still beyond the trainee priest's imagination - the weather in the entire area seemed to be affected by A certain consciousness was forcibly twisted, and it was powerful enough to make all the magic items in his body on the verge of failure.

Even just to avoid turning into an ice sculpture, Karin Jacques must brave the cold wind and continue moving forward.

Finally... just when he was so tired that he could hardly even curse in his mind, two distinct figures made his pupils freeze instantly.

In the vast white snow, a girl in a blood-red tube top dress raised her head slightly, walking halfway up the snow-capped mountain as if walking in the forest.

Beside her, a female elf in a gorgeous knight costume had her hands behind her back, her long hair and the back of her coat dancing in the wind, showing off her proud lines without any care, and a pair of clothes that could change with her mood. Pointed ears that sway.

The trainee priest's nerves became tense and he threw himself down into the thick snow without any hesitation.



As if attracted by something, the elf girl whose ears twitched slightly suddenly turned back and looked at the vast white mountains.

"What's wrong?" Thalia said softly with a smile on her lips, her little head tilted to the other person's shoulder: "Did you find anything?"


The elf girl who narrowed her eyes slightly turned her back to Dao, deliberately not letting her see her expression.

"Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't thanked you yet, Your Majesty Freya."

Sensing the other party's indifference, Thalia took half a step forward and said in an extremely cordial tone: "Frankly speaking, when I came to visit, Thalia did not expect that you would actually agree. It really frightened Thalia." It’s coming.”

"Afraid?" Freya turned around and glanced at the smiling girl:

"There is no need. I am only doing this to repay the favor of the Luen family. Although the person who agreed is Louis, as the person who benefits, as the heir of Moses Field, I cannot turn a blind eye."

Although she was very resistant, the elf girl knew very well that although she could get out of the coma and repair the law without the help of the other party, the time it would take would probably be tens or even hundreds of years.

Of course she can bear such a price, but Louis cannot. From this point of view, she indeed owes the Luen family and Anson Bach a huge favor.

"If anything else...it's to avoid some unexpected and unmanageable mess."


Thalia tilted her little head.

The elf girl did not answer immediately, but glanced at the top of the mountain that seemed to be close at hand; the howling wind and snow made her feel some kind of strong and undisguised hostility.

"Thalia August Rune, I admit that you are very strong. Even if I am at my peak, I may not be your opponent without restrictions." Freya said calmly:

"But even so, I still don't think that with your strength, you can fight against the restrictions around the 'Land of Rest', or even the malice of this world contained in it!"

After saying that, she looked at the girl coldly, her red dress swaying in the increasingly fierce cold wind.

The girl who tilted her head still smiled:

"You are absolutely right, Your Majesty Freya; if we can prepare for another hundred years and get rid of part of the 'connection' with this world before coming back, it may be a wiser decision."

"But I don't have that much time anymore. The Church of Order will set foot on this land at any time. They will not just watch the power of the Three True Gods be used by us. This is something you, who have personally experienced the destruction of the Royal Court of Iser, , should know better than Thalia."

Freya was startled at first, and then suddenly realized something:

"In that case, why don't you ask your father for help? With the help of an apostle, it should be easy to destroy the outer restrictions, right?"

"Of course, so it's not that I don't want to, but that I can't." The girl shook her head, showing a somewhat regretful expression: "Father does not fully agree with Thalia's actions."

"In addition, the impact of an apostle's action will be too severe; my father's character has always been very cautious, and he will not take action personally unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Even if it's an enemy?" Freya asked.

"It should be said...especially the enemy." The girl said meaningfully, slowly raising her frozen right hand and looking at it in front of her eyes:

"Although there has been no in-depth communication, forcing my father to intervene and have an impact on the new world is probably part of the plan to formally order the church."

"Those despicable believers of false gods always hope to create an 'enemy' that is real but cannot directly pose a threat to them, and brings the entire world into the cages and shackles they have built in the past; don't say that to you. Blood descendants of the True God, for us 'heretics', that is an outcome we are very unwilling to face."

"You long to inherit the legacy, pride, and identity of the true God; we long for evolution, perfection, and transcendence; and if those followers of false gods arm the entire world with lies and turn against us, all of this will become extremely difficult."

The girl naturally put her hands in front of her body, stepped forward and waited for the other party's answer.

Freya, who no longer questioned, chose silence, and the silence itself spoke for itself.

Almost at the same time, the surrounding snowstorm began to become more and more violent; the biting cold wind completely blocked the two people's vision; in the white world, the undisguised malice became more and more prominent, as if every particle around them Each ice particle and each snowflake is a manifestation of its essence.

In the snow pit just a few hundred meters away, Karin Jacques, who was desperately trying to bury himself under the snow, even began to tremble violently in consciousness; the pressure that seemed to be exerted by a higher being on a lower creature made the little one It became extremely difficult for the trainee priest to breathe.

Feeling the strangeness around her, Thalia turned her gaze to the elf girl beside her; the latter slowly raised her right hand, and her index finger and middle finger together were like sharp blades, slashing at the surrounding wind and snow.

Following the traces of the fingertips, the golden-red flames shredded the wind and snow that blocked the view like a hot knife cutting butter, and left a crescent-shaped fire in the snow less than a hundred meters away.

Under the rolling heat wave, the melting snowflakes turned into a gentle breeze, even mixed with a little warmth.

But this was just the beginning... The howling wind and snow only stopped for less than a moment before rolling up the biting cold pavement again, and it was more violent than before; it was so violent that the trainee priest who was hiding under the snow had begun to gradually Lost consciousness.

Freya, whose mouth was slightly raised, did not pause, and her left arm opened simultaneously with her right hand holding the sword finger; golden-red sparks lit up one by one on her side, dancing in the wind like fluttering satin, gradually A three-dimensional primordial ring was formed around her.

The surrounding wind and snow were still howling, but there was no longer any chill around the elf girl, and even the snow under her feet had become warm.

Thalia on the side narrowed her eyes slightly, and her emerald green pupils clearly captured the howling cold wind all around, which actually changed direction directly at the location illuminated by the firelight.

This was one of the reasons why Thalia was willing to lend a helping hand and exchange favors for the Elven Queen's help.

Freya Moses Field, or all the pure-blooded Ysel elves who have awakened their power, call themselves "blood descendants of the true god". This is not only reflected in their verbal arrogance, but also in how they treat the world, and even how the world treats them. an attitude.

No matter how far all spellcasters have evolved, they have been part of this world from the beginning. In the eyes of the "world", they are mutated cells, viruses, and cancers that need to be eliminated to avoid affecting them. healthy individuals.

The elves...at least the "pure-blood" elves are completely different. Their attitude and the origin of their birth are fundamentally not of this world; both parties are equal from the beginning, or a parasitic relationship between the weak and the strong.

Even though her power is slightly inferior, Freya can still calmly unfold her own laws in the face of the world's evil intentions, unless she loses her power... This "privilege" is something Thalia has never had.

Looking at the wind and snow that still blocked her sight, the elf girl opened her arms and turned her hands up, slowly lifting them as if lifting heavy objects.

Almost at the same time, Karin Jacques, who was hiding in the snow, discovered in horror that the snow under him suddenly cracked, and a dazzling, golden-red light poured out from it!

Before he had time to think, he got excited and hurriedly rolled down the hillside. Looking from a distance, it looked like an inconspicuous, gray-white snowball.

Not only were there large cracks on the mountainside covered by wind and snow, but also large cracks appeared on the mountainside covered by wind and snow. Dazzling golden-red light spurted out from it, covering most of the mountain.

"Dang-!!!! Dang-!!!! Dang-!!!!"

Amidst the thunderous noise, large tracts of snow mixed with frozen ice crystals shattered, and countless pieces of ice and rocks scattered all over the sky.

Karin Jacques was about to cry without tears. He was so embarrassed that he could only continue to curse some bastard in his mind who asked him to die, while he fled desperately on the snow-capped mountains that seemed to be bombarded by tens of thousands of cannons.


There was another violent explosion. The trainee priest who barely escaped was hit by the air wave and flew a dozen meters away. He rolled several times in the snow before finally stopping. His face, knees, and back were all damaged. His clothes were frayed, and the biting cold wind penetrated directly into the clothes through the holes.

But he still didn't dare to stop. He endured the cold and pain and climbed up, using both hands and feet to run towards the foot of the mountain.

Freya Moses Field is a conjurer. Her power has a distance limit. All she needs to do is escape from the casting range!

With a belief that seemed like self-hypnosis, Karin Jacques gritted his teeth and continued to escape; as for the mission...what mission? His biggest task now is to survive. No matter what Thalia and that elf queen want to do, they must not be involved!

But what he didn't realize was that from the moment he set foot on the snow-capped mountains, he had actually been involved.

It didn't take long for Karin Jacques to notice something unusual; at first he thought it was the storm that affected his vision, causing him to run in the wrong direction, but he soon discovered that it was not just that simple.

As the huge roar gradually stopped, the surrounding blizzard began to gradually weaken, and the blocked vision returned to normal little by little.

The panting trainee priest slowed down his escape, stood there blankly and looked around, and found that he was not in a snow-capped mountain, but in an extremely open, pure white snowfield.

Mountains, ice fields, snowstorms?

etc? !

Karin Jacques, who was stunned for a second, suddenly thought of something, and turned his head to look with horror on his face. In his heart, he prayed desperately, praying that the great Ring of Order would never let him see a certain mountain peak that went straight into the sky.

Then, his prayer was answered.

There is nothing in the vast white snowfield except the endless snow-covered land.

This...Karin Jacques was stunned.

Almost at the same time, Thalia and the elf girl who had just destroyed the "periphery" stood there with solemn expressions, staring silently at the lonely, dilapidated stone well not far away.

Above the wellhead, the falling snowflakes first turned into water droplets, then condensed into ice particles, then vaporized, and returned to the crystal clear form at the beginning, and finally fell to the wellhead, completely disappearing.

It's a well that eats away time, and...

The cemetery of the Three True Gods.

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