I will be crowned king

Chapter 803 The flesh and blood are weak and bitter

Staring at the ancient well that exuded an ominous aura from the inside out, Thalia tensed up while holding back her joy, and her eyes turned blood red early.

To enter the original city of Boridim, you need to overcome three obstacles, the non-existent barrier, the city standing on the top of the mountain, and the eternal wind and snow; and if you want to set foot in the tomb of the three true gods, you must face the original. The tower has protected many apostles within it.

"...It is not only to protect the bones of the true God and the source of belief in the Original Ring, but also to be wary of each other. If not, it will be difficult to contain the side effects of evolution, which will be hysterical madness and endless... greedy……"

These were the exact words of her father Rune, and Thalia believed deeply - because she could clearly feel how rapidly the greed in her heart was expanding at this moment.

Under Freya's power, temporary cracks appeared in the three outer defenses, making it possible to approach without scruples; while the Boridim and the Original Tower that were supposed to stand on the true god's mausoleum disappeared. Flying, not even a trace was left; everything that could stop her no longer existed.

The flesh and blood of the true God, the source and ultimate of the evolutionary path, is very close to me; as long as you reach out, you can easily touch, watch and...enjoy it.


Thalia twitched her throat hard, and an unnatural flush appeared on her fair cheeks; fortunately, her last shred of reason stopped her impulsive desire, and she did not approach the strange ancient well without scruples.

She still clearly remembered that the ancient well was not only filled with the whole world's malice towards the caster, but also that there were at least five timelines intertwined with each other - even the "it" she saw in front of her might not be the ancient well on her own timeline. , more likely from hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

It's okay to be dragged into an unknown timeline. If you are unlucky, it is very likely that you will be trapped at the junction of the timeline forever and cannot escape.

Therefore, it must be determined at the moment of contact that its time flow is at this moment.

Just as Thalia was hesitating whether she should continue to approach, the elf girl beside her moved.

Freya, who had looked indifferent just now, suddenly showed a look of absence, as if she was completely attracted by the aura emanating from the ancient well. Regardless of the girl beside her, she stepped closer to the well mouth. Her scarlet pupils expanded rapidly and shrank suddenly. .

Thalia's heart condensed, and she immediately realized that the other party probably did not suppress her inner desires.

Unlike spellcasters, elves...especially pure-blood elves have a highly close blood relationship with the true gods, which means that when the breath of the true gods appears, they are bound to be more likely to lose control than ordinary spellcasters!

The girl subconsciously wanted to reach out to stop him, but the moment she was about to touch the other person's shoulder, a burning sensation like tearing flesh and blood suddenly came from her fingertips and quickly spread to her body along her palms, wrists, arms...


Without the slightest warning, Thalia's right arm was torn apart in the explosion; the carbonized flesh and blood turned into flying ashes with the burst of fire.

The girl who lost her right hand kept her face calm and quickly distanced herself from Freya. At the same time, the burnt wound on her shoulder began to recover quickly; the slender bones and fresh flesh tore open the blood scab and continued to grow outward.

"Who gave you the privilege to allow you, a mere heretic, to touch the queen of Iser?"

With the cold and biting words, Freya Moses Field, who was gradually enveloped in flames, slowly looked back, her cold expression mixed with twisted and crazy colors:

"What kind of arrogance and courage do you have to dare to set foot on the resting place of the true gods and pollute this pure land?!"


Violent vibrations came from under her feet. With the elf girl as the center, the surrounding ice and snow melted and evaporated rapidly. The terrifying heat made Thalia feel that the tender skin of her feet was being burned and festering even through her boots.

"Hmm... It seems that words alone can't comfort me." Staring at the body covered in flames, Thalia chuckled softly, and sighed with a hint of helplessness between her brows:

"There is no other way but to take tougher actions to bring you back to your senses, Your Majesty Freya."


The angry elf girl snorted coldly, and raised her right hand covered in golden-red fire; the next second, the lead-gray sky suddenly turned red, and thousands of golden-red fire pillars turned into meteors, attacking where Thalia was standing. Come.


A deafening bang exploded less than ten meters behind the girl. The roaring air waves blew the girl's hair and skirt, but it still could not interrupt her smile.

At this moment, her attention was still focused on the ancient well, quietly waiting for the perfect moment to break through the malice attached to it in this world.

But in the eyes of Freya, who was completely overwhelmed by greed and desire, it was unabashed contempt and humiliation.

Angry, she no longer held back, and the pillars of fire in the sky accelerated to burn, and the half-meter-thick crossbow arrows began to hit the ground in a covering style; countless meteors streaked across the dome, like a red cloud reaching the sky.


Violent explosions shook the earth over and over again, and the air waves wrapped in flames began to fly in all directions uncontrollably. Even Karin Jacques, who had fled far away, could clearly feel the loud noise that pierced the eardrums. , lying on the ground motionless.

With scarlet eyes, Freya stared at the bursts of smoke and dust blown up by herself, her face expressionless; at this moment, she might have lost control of her emotions and become crazy, but she was not stupid - such an attack would be at best a blasphemous mage of blood magic. It can only cause some restraint, and may not even cause effective damage.

Forcing it to retreat, withdraw and escape from the scope of its own domain is her real purpose.

In that case, I can...

"Can you have the true God's body all to yourself?"

Thalia's smiling and graceful voice echoed in the air: "Freya, Freya... you are really a greedy Queen who likes to eat alone."

"But unfortunately, that power does not belong to you; but if you are willing to surrender and merge into Rune's bloodline, Thalia... wouldn't mind sharing it with you."

"I lied to you, how is that possible!" The smile in the voice became stronger:

"The person who can share power with Thalia has been determined from the beginning; unfortunately, it is not you."

The sound had no direction... where was she? !

The scarlet-eyed elf girl looked around, desperately searching for traces of the other party but found nothing; suddenly, the afterimage that emerged from the billowing smoke left by the bombing made her pupils shrink suddenly.

No, it can't be...

After the smoke and dust dissipated, the elf girl instinctively took half a step back; Thalia Rune, who was left with only half of her body and only two-thirds of her head, was smiling at herself.

"Well, you seem a little surprised?" Thalia, who was covering her little head, asked playfully, licking her fallen right eyeball:

"Is it because I'm not dead, or because I didn't dodge your attack?"


A golden-red beam of light shot out from the elf girl's fingertips, directly blowing up Thalia's head. The headless body suddenly fell to the ground, and blood continued to gush out like a geyser, dyeing the surrounding soil red.

But she didn't even have time to burn the "corpse", and the remaining flesh and blood seeped into the soil at a speed visible to the naked eye; in an instant, several dark, barbed tentacles tore open the surrounding soil, shrouding it like a cage. All around her.

Freya's expression suddenly changed.

"No, none of them." Freya's voice sounded again:

"What really surprises you should be your laws, your fire of passion that burns everything and destroys everything..."

"Why doesn't it work on this flesh and blood monster?"

"Why is there not even a trace of burnt marks left on her flesh and blood body?"


A violent explosion exploded in the center of the tentacle cage, billowing smoke continued to escape, and the tentacles restraining Freya were also shattered in the explosion and scattered all over the ground.

But almost at the same time, the intact Thalia August Rune appeared behind her again, smiling and extending her right hand to the unobstructed back of her neck, like a joke between girls.

Well, if her palms didn't have hundreds of suction-cup-covered tentacles growing out of them...


Without a moment's hesitation, the elf girl turned around like a dancer and simultaneously drew out her sword. The narrow blade was filled with golden-red flames, and she easily cut off Thalia's right hand, but it still failed to leave any traces of burning.

Freya's heart began to waver... She knew very well that she might not be Thalia's opponent. Her only advantage was that she had a better understanding of her own power because of her blood origin; but if she compared experience, she had only been awakened for less than two years. I am definitely not as rich as the other person.

But she still couldn't believe that her laws could not have even a slight impact on Thalia; even a stronger opponent would have had large tracts of flesh and blood burned to ashes by her countless times at this moment, just like It was like that at the beginning!


Just like...at the beginning...

Um? !

"Oh, I finally noticed it." The girl with a sweet smile seemed not to care about the severed palm:

"Yes, under Freya Moses Field's domain laws, what are the things that will never be 'burned' by the flames?"

"Of course...it's Freya Moses Field."

Holding up the flaming sword, the crazy elf girl's face turned extremely ugly.

"Now that I already know your abilities, and even have the opportunity to intervene in your consciousness field and spy on the laws, how could Thalia, as a 'heretic', waste her time and give up on her methods against you."

In an instant, Thalia, whose palm had returned to its original state, smiled softly and said: "After all, we are only temporary allies. Even if we turn against each other in the next moment, it will not be surprising at all."

"But please don't worry, Thalia only obtained a little bit of your flesh and blood, a few broken hairs and skin; but it is more than enough to balance your flames that consume all things."


The moment the words fell, the fire on the elf girl's body suddenly went out, and the surrounding ground ignited with raging flames.

The smiling Thalia's expression suddenly became more serious.

But that was not because of the wall of flames that the other party had set up around them to envelop the two of them, but because of the golden-red glowing long knife in the elf girl's hand; to be more precise, it was the palm holding the handle of the long knife.

The fair skin at the tiger's mouth near the hand guard has turned completely red - obviously a sign of burns caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

"As expected of the despicable 'heresy', I can't let my guard down against you even for a minute." Freya's face was as frosty as her expression was completely distorted:

"But if you think that you can use this little trick to make the True God bloodline powerless, then you are totally wrong!"

"Come, I will let you witness it with your own eyes, the son of Moses Field, the queen of the Ysel elves..."

"How will we impose sanctions on the heretics who desecrated the tomb of the true God!"

The next second, an elf girl wielding a flaming sword came towards him.

Feeling the temperature radiating from the blade, Thalia suppressed her smile and finally became serious; with the vibration from the ground under her feet, three tentacles covered with barbs tore open the ground, and at the same time, they pounced on Fry from behind, left and right. Ya, then...


In just one breath, the girl didn't even catch the movement of the blade; the fiery red stream of light seemed to have just touched it lightly, and the three tentacles were cut off simultaneously, and the flames burning them quickly turned them into charcoal.

Feeling the heat coming from the tentacles, Thalia decisively cut off contact with them, thus avoiding being burned together.

And almost at the same time, the crazy-looking elf girl was already approaching!


The shield condensed with her own flesh and blood was like a piece of paper, and could not even stop Freya's long knife for even half a second; Thalia's eyes showed a desperate emotion, and she instinctively blocked her right arm in front of her body. .

The result was as expected...the scorching blade penetrated into the armpit, and then he suddenly lifted it up. The entire right arm was cut off, and the blood-spewing arm was wrapped in blazing flames and flew out in a spin.

And at this moment, the "desperate" Talia suddenly showed a crazy smile.

"The so-called flesh and blood is a fragile but very tenacious existence, because its evolutionary direction is very pure, only adaptability and vitality; the most powerful and perfect life is one that can adapt to all environments and live forever. An immortal existence.”

The girl murmured softly, and countless tentacles spurted out from the burned wound; although she was still being burned, the rate of necrosis and carbonization was obviously slower.

"This path of evolution is something that you, the conjurers, who can change the laws of the world but are extremely fragile, cannot understand." Thalia smiled: "It doesn't matter, because you will understand it soon."

The next second, the still burning tentacles pierced Freya's eyes; the frightened elf girl didn't have time to let out the most miserable scream.


Some readers seemed to have doubted Thalia's strength before, thinking that she might not be able to defeat Freya. Let me just clarify that all the characters who appeared before Rune arrived in the new world (including the current Ansem) are not her opponents, otherwise Ansem will not be able to defeat her. May live safely until now.

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