I will be crowned king

Chapter 804 Reverie in the plan

The tentacles with still burning embers easily pierced the elf girl's eyes, and the almost charred body was still "desperately" drilling deeper into the skull cavity.

Thick pus, carbonized flesh, and dark red blood spurted out from the edge of the eye socket.

In order to break Thalia's "despicable means", the elf girl had to lift the restrictions of the law and allow the "flame" to cause damage to her own flesh and blood. As a result, she fell into the opponent's trap again.

"What a pitifully naive Her Majesty."

In front of her, Thalia, whose right arm was cut off and whose shoulder was burning, raised the corners of her mouth. The madness in her eyes was no less than that of Freya who was attracted by the breath of the true god and went crazy:

"Didn't your family and friends remind you that it is extremely stupid to compare the vitality and strength of flesh and blood with a blood mage?"

"Or...they don't know it themselves? Ah, that's really a pity."

The girl pretended to be teasing, but Freya could no longer hear her - the tentacles had penetrated completely into her eyes, and the pus filled with the other party's magical aura was filling her entire skull.

If it doesn't last ten minutes, or at most one minute, your brain will be completely necrotic, and the pus will allow the other party's power to parasitize in your body, eventually taking away control of your body completely.

Although the laws will not collapse because of this, losing the important "source point" of flesh and blood, and the laws and fields that have not been completely perfected also means that they have lost the possibility of continuing to evolve, and death is only a matter of time.

Is that... the end of it?

In the pain that exceeded the limit, she felt that her consciousness was afraid, but it did not collapse; her hands, feet, and even her whole body did not completely lose consciousness... The pus overflowing in the skull was merging with her own flesh and blood at an alarming speed. Even... repair the damaged parts.

The originally boiling emotions were fading away like a tide, replaced by wordless calm and serenity; it seemed as if there was a gentle voice that was constantly soothing and comforting myself.

In contrast, the fire of passion that was ignited by emotions gradually weakened and finally stopped burning; without power, Freya at this moment was no different from an ordinary Iser elf girl.

This process lasted for a long time, but it seemed that there was only a moment of light and shadow; but when Freya opened her eyes again, what she saw was herself unscathed, and Thalia O, who had also not changed in any way. Gust Rune.

She just stood there quietly, with a faint smile on her face, standing tall in the wind and snow in a red dress, calm and elegant.

The elf girl was silent for a long time, and her complicated expression finally turned into a soft sigh:


"You're welcome, this is how it should be."

Thalia shook her head: "You came here to provide assistance. You failed to consider the impact of the Land of Rest on you. It was Thalia's mistake... How do you feel now? Is there anything unusual?"

After seeing Freya's abnormality with her own eyes, the girl realized that the influence of the Three True Gods on them, especially the elves, was not only a loss of control on the power level, but also made them greedy and crazy, and even inspired some subconscious level. Awakening, similar to the "primitive animality" dominant consciousness and way of thinking.

They could remain rational and calm one second, but in the next second they might be led to kill each other by forces close at hand; not even for possession, but to avoid being obtained by others.

Not only Freya, but even Thalia herself, who had been mentally prepared, could not avoid it...it was just a different way of expressing it.

After calming down for a few seconds, the elf girl slowly looked back at the ancient well that was still standing there, with a very subtle emotion in her eyes:

"Then...what to do with it?"

"Well, I can only give up for now."

Thalia sighed softly, with a bitter smile on her face: "We haven't even really seen the true face of the mausoleum, but we have almost had to kill each other, which proves that our power is still limited to spying. Qualifications for the true god’s relics.”

"Although it is very regrettable to say this, maybe it is still too early to come into contact with the power of the true god now; waiting for decades or a hundred years later may be a safer choice."

"What about the Church of Order?" the elf girl asked: "If we leave it alone now, won't there be a risk of being taken away by them?"

Hearing this, Thalia was startled for a moment, then laughed out loud.

"If they can really do it, then let them try it." The girl raised her lips in disdain:

"The Land of Rest, which has existed for thousands of years and even the original city of Boridim has disappeared without a trace but is still intact, could be destroyed and stolen so easily, except that it is the will of the original ring. Besides, Talia really can’t think of a second possibility.”

"As for the Church of Order and their Crusaders... Even without the help of the power of the true gods, with the presence of dear Anson and Sir Louis Bernard, I believe they can turn the crisis around and avoid the destruction of the lives of the new world."

"Of course, this does not mean that I am ready to give up." Thalia raised her gaze slightly, flashing her strange-colored eyes and making eye contact with the elf girl:

"Talia will still ask for your help when needed, so please don't refuse."

As she spoke, the girl lifted the hem of her blood-red dress, slightly bent her knees, and saluted the other party.

The motionless Freya nodded, and spoke softly with the inherent arrogance of the royal family:

"I see."

After saying that, she turned around first and walked towards the edge of the snowfield; precisely because of this, she didn't notice the corners of Thalia's mouth twitching nervously as she bowed her head humbly.

But this tiny movement just passed by in a flash... When the girl stood up, she had returned to normal, still so dignified and elegant.

It was such a close call that she actually said "the mausoleum is intact", which was full of flaws and revealed her trump card. Could it be that the plan went too smoothly and she got carried away... Thalia, who remained calm, stood up slowly and smiled. He followed closely behind the elf girl, deliberately slowing down a pace or two.

From the beginning to the end, Thalia, who was aroused by the greed in her heart by the land of rest, never gave up her pursuit of the true god's remains; all her actions were in service of this purpose.

At the moment when Freya cut off her arm with the flaming sword, the flesh and blood wrapped in the law of passionate fire fell into the ancient well where the timeline was at this moment!

Using Freya's law, she allowed her flesh and blood to successfully break through the obstruction of the world's laws. At the moment when she was about to be burned, she cut off the connection between her little finger that had not been burned and other flesh and blood, and sealed it on her fingertips. At the very end, an eyeball quickly grew.

Because it was forcibly ripened, the eyeball only survived for less than three seconds before being completely necrotic, but it still allowed Thalia to clearly see the scene in the tomb.

It was a palace, an extremely majestic, pure white palace with dark doors.

There is a blood-red primordial ring engraved on the door, but it is incomplete. It seems to have been destroyed by some external force. The part where the three rings meet each other has disappeared, and it happens to be two doors. The central part of the door.

Behind the slightly opened door, some kind of fluid or gas seemed to find itself, slowly overflowing from the gap in the door; and between the flowing gas, Thalia saw an eye.

An eye with nine pupils, each with the original ring engraved on it, was watching him coldly.

Although it only lasted less than three seconds, Thalia still felt a deep sense of terror; it was a fear that she had never experienced even when facing her father, and she subconsciously bowed to him!

It was that completely unknown existence that made Thalia decide to temporarily give up the exploration of the Land of Rest; anyway, she had already found a way to break through the restrictions and timeline blockade, and left a small piece of her own in the tomb. Flesh and blood, it is not difficult to set foot on it again.

The unhurried girl has even begun to mentally plan the next step; her father will never reveal too much information to herself, but he will not block or conceal what he already knows; and from His Judging from his attitude, he probably knew some details about the existence hiding behind the door and the truth behind the door being destroyed.

Perhaps because the plan went so smoothly, Thalia didn't notice that the corners of the elf girl walking in front were curling up bit by bit.

He is indeed the contemporary head of the Luen family. He is a mere heretic, but he can still maintain the last trace of sanity in front of the true god. His strength is even more unfathomable. He has adjusted the laws to the extent that he can burn the magic aura, but he can still... To contain the burning, and even almost suffer backlash...

But if you think that just verbal provocation can make others ignore those "little actions", you are totally wrong! Sure enough, the true purpose was exposed at the last moment, but you still wanted to hide it... Humph, are you worried that I will still compete with you for the power of the true god?

Don't be kidding, that power did not belong to you heretics from the beginning, but is a precious legacy of the blood descendants of the True God! As long as they obtain the blood of the true god, the Ysel elves, which have declined due to their thin bloodline, will surely revive again and regain their rightful status.

Despicable pagans and shameful heretics, just take pleasure in your misfortunes and wait for that day to come!

With infinite beautiful reveries, the elf girl even accelerated her pace unintentionally; almost at the same time, Thalia, who was following closely behind, also took small steps happily.

The two of them, who were in a comfortable mood, kept a distance of two or three steps between each other and headed towards the edge of the snowfield.

And all this was seen by Karin Jacques from a distance.

The trainee priest who witnessed the whole process was almost stupid. He originally thought that at most it was involved in some secrets of the old god sect, or the relationship between the Rune family and the Yser elves, or at most it was with the legendary tomb guard. What is involved in people...

But they never imagined that what she...they were actually looking for was the land of rest—the tomb of the three old gods? !

And they have already found it!

Karin Jacques can completely imagine that the purpose of the other party's search for the resting land must not only be to visit the tombs of the three old gods, or to come over as a tourist to "visit and check in"; it is impossible, and it is not difficult to think with your toes. Guess, their target is the remains of the old gods and the power contained within them.

At this moment, he was so shocked that he was completely speechless. Besides being shocked, another question also came to his mind - what impact would this matter have if it spread?

Originally, according to the prediction of the Truth Society, the purpose of the Luen family was to stay away from the Old Continent, try to secretly expand in the New World, and win over the Old God Sect to accumulate power that can compete with the Church of Order; although this approach is slightly extreme, it is In terms of checking and balancing the church, it is in line with the expectations of the Truth Society.

It is precisely for this reason that the Truth Society is willing to take action - as long as the Luen family is willing to stay behind the scenes rather than in front of the stage, the entire situation is still in a controllable stage, at least better than the dominance of the Church of Order and its ever-expanding ambitions .

But if Rune... or even the Yser elves target the remains of the true god, the nature will completely change.

Regardless of whether doing this will trigger a strong counterattack by the church... Although there are many forces in the world of order that hate the interference of the church, it is even more impossible to allow the Old God Sect to regain power and even rule the world!

The awakening of the power of the three old gods will inevitably arouse the fear of this in the entire world of order; even if the Luen family has no ambition to dominate the world, just controlling this power is unacceptable to everyone.

After repeatedly confirming that the two people were gone, Karin Jacques, who was shivering with cold, climbed up from the snow. He quickly rubbed and moved his frozen body while thinking about his next plan.

In any case, he must deliver the information to Roman as soon as possible in Beluga Port, but the problem is that he is still at Beluga Port in name at least, and Thalia and Freya must have noticed it even if they didn't know it was them. Someone is observing their every move, and heading to Beluga Harbor rashly may expose their true identity.

But if such important information is delivered to outsiders, it's hard to guarantee that there won't be any accidents; if you don't go there in person, I'm afraid... huh?

Looking around at the endless white plains of ice and snow, the trainee priest who suddenly stopped his warm-up suddenly realized a very important issue that he had completely ignored.

The surrounding environment did not immediately return to its original state after Thalia and the others left. Could it be that... I still need to cross this snowfield and return to Winter Torch City where I started?

And on foot? !

Karin Jacques, who took a breath of air, suddenly fell into silence as he stood in the vast expanse of snow; facing the cold wind, flying snow, and ice particles motionless, and then...

"Ah sneeze——!"

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