I will be crowned king

Chapter 830 Suspicion

Turbulent sea, sailing city port.

The dim afterglow scattered on the sparkling water. A huge fleet composed of dozens of warships hoisted a white-backed golden ring flag with a ring of order, and headed for the bay that was already within easy reach.

"It's finally here!"

Standing next to the helm of the flagship, Arthur Herred, wearing a bright blue gold-plated Snapdragon breastplate and a fleur-de-lis cape, sighed in the direction of the landing with high spirits; in front of him was the gentle sea breeze, and behind him was The blood-like sunset was dyed with a touch of bright red, and the bright golden hair and cloak danced in the wind, showing off the heroic color.

The weather was refreshing and the young regiment commander was in a very happy mood.

"Yes, the protection of the Order...has finally arrived."

Compared to Arthur's good mood, Bernard, who looked tired, could only feel relieved and a little worried about the uncertain future.

Starting from Adlan Port and arriving at Sailing City, this long journey that lasted for more than thirty days was not to say smooth sailing, but at least it was full of bad luck.

Storms, windless days, plagues, rumors... Even if you just recall it briefly, you will feel that this journey has been so fulfilling, and you feel as if you have lived a complete life!

But now that this nightmare journey is over, what awaits him will be another war that is destined not to end easily, but he still has to fight hard.

Although he only collected very little information about the new world when he set out, it was enough to scare him... The damn Clovis officer who started the rebellion not only took away White Whale Harbor and Gray Snow Town, but also took away the eastern part of the world. The five colonies that originally belonged to the Three Kingdoms of the North Sea were also rolled up, integrating all the large colonies in the entire New World.

Even if these traitors join forces to keep warm, it will not change their rotten nature, but it will still make it more difficult for the Jihadi Army to conquer them; not to mention what is the quality of the seemingly arrogant and invincible Jihadi Army, as an organization Bernard, one of the authors, knows this all too well.

Bernard, who had fought against Anson Bach twice, had a very bad feeling. Perhaps even he and Archduke Edland had misjudged. The final result of this war might be beyond... Everyone’s imagination.

It turned out that Bernard's guess was completely correct, and it soon came true.

"What on earth is going on? Why is the port of Sailing City broken?!"

Pointing to the pier that was in a mess, full of ruins and sunken ships that had not been fully salvaged, the disappointed Arthur Herred complained: "Didn't you say that the heretical navy in the colony is very weak, and it is impossible to compare with the fleet of the Jihadi Army? ?!”

"It is precisely because of this that the port of Sailing City looks like this." Ludwig, who took the initiative to greet him in person, said coldly: "They knew they were no match for the Holy War fleet, so they simply destroyed all the ports and sent the ships to All the ships sank into the sea and blocked the dock, making it impossible for the fleet to enter the port."

"Then you just stood there and watched, indifferent?" Arthur's eyes widened: "You Clovis people arrived in the New World more than a month earlier than us. In addition to taking away the credit for conquering Sailing City, you have done nothing. You’re not going to do it, are you?!”

Ludwig's face suddenly darkened, his eyes narrowed slightly, and the veins in his right hand holding the handle of the knife at his waist were exposed.

"of course not!"

Sensing that something was not right in the atmosphere, William Cecil immediately retorted and stepped forward to stand between the two army commanders: Major General Ludwig had already sent people to clean up the port long before the city of sail was captured; it was just that The mess left by the enemy is really difficult to clean up, so it has been delayed until now. "

"In addition, the Major General will also have to suppress the residents in the city who have just surrendered but have not yet fully surrendered, recover other surrounding colonist settlements, and make them submit to the banner of the Jihad Army. They will also send troops to guard against the enemy forces in the nearby colony of Gray Pigeon Castle."

"Even the fleet that was unable to enter the port smoothly was searching along the coastline of the entire New World, obtaining enemy intelligence and trying to contact the rest of the Holy War Legion... As the first outpost to arrive, the Ludwig Legion has an extremely heavy task, and it is definitely not like you As you said, nothing was done!”

"Yes, the Pioneer Corps not only has to fight the enemy in a strange environment, but also assumes very important responsibilities such as establishing outposts, opening up the situation, and collecting intelligence. The difficulty is beyond imagination." Bernard also agreed with this, and followed Echoed:

"As a follow-up force, our responsibility should be to be the reinforcement of the vanguard, not the pressure and burden; when problems arise, we should unite and help each other and work hard to find ways to solve the difficulties!"

Arthur, who was scolded, shrank his neck and looked at his brother-in-law's upright face in confusion.

Bernard paid no more attention to him, but turned his attention to Ludwig behind the naval captain: "We encountered part of the Levent family's fleet on the way here. We heard that they organized a small fleet to raid. As a result, there was resistance, and they said that the colonies destroyed all the ports?”

"It's not just the ports. Even the many beaches that can barely accommodate warships are filled with sunken ships, as well as logs and construction debris stuck upside down under the sea. The approaching ships will run aground or even be smashed if they are not careful. Go through the bottom of the boat." Taking a deep breath, Ludwig's expression improved slightly:

"But according to the intelligence we have, the enemy should still control a certain number of hidden docks for many smuggling merchant ships and pirates to berth, but they have not been discovered yet. Otherwise, they would not be able to know the fleet's intelligence well. We are able to repel attacks organized by the Levent family every time."

"In order to avoid being attacked by the sea, there is no limit to destroying the ports and docks that the colonies rely on for survival... There is really no lower limit."

Bernard couldn't help but sigh. Although he knew that Anson Bach was a bastard who would do anything to win, he was still shocked that he could do this:

"In this case, the tactics originally formulated by the Jihadi Army Headquarters to raid various ports, compress the enemy to the vicinity of Beluga Port and then annihilate them in one go, is unlikely to succeed."

Even if the fleet's artillery can cause damage to colonial towns, there are not enough open tidal flats or ports for the army to land. No matter how weak the enemy is, small groups of troops landing in batches by rowing are purely an act of death.

"Not only that, the enemy's strength is not so weak that after conquering coastal towns, they can be expelled to the colonies in one fell swoop; the initial thoughts of the high command really underestimated them." Ludwig said lightly:

"If the original plan is forcibly implemented, even if the impact of the destruction of the port is minimized, all coastal ports will be captured within a week. Taking into account the geographical environment of the new world, the enemy's population and settlement distribution, and then considering the organization and assembly efficiency of the army , it is impossible to end the fight before October."

"Once winter enters, the next step is to return home. How will the army survive the winter? How will the fleet solve the problem of being unable to enter the port for rest and recuperation? How will the supply line for hundreds of thousands of troops be maintained... These are extremely serious problems that must be solved as soon as possible!"

Bernard nodded slightly and agreed with Ludwig's concerns.

He was once isolated in the colonies and had to lead troops to fight the rebellion. He knew it all too well as he fought against the Clovis people. The most terrifying enemy for the hundreds of thousands of jihadist troops was not the traitors, but the environment and weather of the new world.

"It will take some time before the main force can all be assembled. What are your plans now?"

"Clean the port, investigate the enemy's intelligence, collect food and livestock, rest and reorganize the army, and control key roads." Ludwig opened the five fingers of his right hand and then clenched them into a fist:

"It is impossible for the Jihadi Army to fight a protracted war with these traitors and heretics in the New World. If they want to win a quick victory, the early preparations must be sufficient."

"That makes sense!"

Bernard smiled slightly and praised without hesitation: "As expected of Major General Ludwig Franz, the son of Archbishop Clovis and entrusted with an important task by His Majesty Carlos, he is really thoughtful."

"There are many Edran sailors in our legion, and they are very familiar with work such as cleaning up ports and salvaging sunken ships. If you don't mind, please give us your orders, and we will not shirk the responsibility if we can do it."

"Why, Your Excellency is so polite." Ludwig's expression changed slightly, and he looked at William Cecil next to him:

"We might as well lay off the specific division of labor first. We have prepared a banquet for you at the Governor's Mansion in Yangfan City. As for the soldiers of the legion... whether they want to be resettled in the city or stationed outside the city, arrangements can be made immediately."

"Okay, then we'll go as soon as we get all the legions ashore!" Bernard agreed generously.

Ludwig and William stopped delaying and left one after another.

It wasn't until the two of them had gone far that Arthur, who had been scolded for a long time and dared not speak, turned his head and looked at his brother-in-law with confusion on his face: "I remember that you used to look down on the Clovis people, didn't you? Was it because he was defeated twice by the same Clovis that he finally figured it out?”

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute!" Bernard rolled his eyes, sighed first, and then his expression suddenly became serious:

"Did you notice anything wrong with what you just said?"


Arthur was stunned for a moment with an inexplicable expression. After confirming again and again that Bernard's expression was not a joke, he thought seriously for a while, and the result...


Arthur's brows were almost bunched up as he hesitated: "Although he is a little unconvinced, I have to admit that the son of Archbishop Clovis opposite is indeed quite capable."

"With no reinforcements at all and having to open up the situation alone, we not only conquered Yangfan City and controlled the entire colonial area, but also made preparations for the follow-up legions in advance... To put it bluntly, if it were you, my brother-in-law, I would I feel like it’s impossible to do better than him.”

"You're right, I think so too." Bernard changed the topic: "But it is precisely because of this that it seems particularly wrong."

"Ludwig Franz...he just arrived. The 20,000 soldiers under his command were a patchwork of reserve corps from the Clovis Army. How did he lead this army that was not directly related to him and was not obedient at all to quickly capture the Sailing City? , can you still accomplish so much work?”

"I have been a colonial governor. No one knows better than me how much energy it takes to suppress colonial resistance and maintain even superficial stability... So I can guarantee that he would never be able to do it on his own without foreign aid. That’s the scale he’s talking about!”

Arthur was shocked: "You...you mean..."

"This is just a guess!" Bernard quickly interrupted:

"We have just arrived at Sailing City. We still know very little about various situations and information, so we cannot make any judgments. Maybe this Major General Ludwig Franz really has superhuman abilities or charm, or maybe it's just him. I'm very lucky, maybe..."

Bernard looked at Arthur deeply: "We don't know, and it's best not to know, do you understand?"

The young legion commander twitched his throat deeply, completely losing the high-spirited look he had at the beginning.


"Our contact with Anson Bach may have been discovered by the other party."

On the way back, Ludwig suddenly spoke without looking back.

"What did you say?!"

William Cecil was immediately shocked: "How is this possible? They have just arrived in Sailing City, and we have not exposed any places that may be related to Anson!"

"The problem is that the guy named Bernard Morweis is the imperial colonial minister who had fought against Anson Bach before." The expressionless Ludwig felt extremely regretful at this moment:

"We talked a lot about the work being carried out in Sailing City. A guy like him who has been in the New World must be able to hear something wrong in his words. It's really... he was slightly stimulated by the other party, but he ended up being careless! "

"Then what should we do now?" The naval captain immediately tensed up his nerves: "Should we destroy some evidence that may be manipulated early in the morning before they grasp the situation?!"

William Cecil felt uneasy in his heart. He was shouldering the burden of clearing the reputation of the Cecil family for being "involved with traitors" and ensuring that Clovis could gain enough benefits from this war. It was simply a burden. It's a tightrope walk on a cliff with eggs dancing on their tips.

"You don't need to be so nervous now. Even if the other party is suspicious, they don't dare to take action immediately to collect evidence - otherwise, if it is true, wouldn't there be a risk of us and Anson Bach joining forces to kill him and destroy the body and traces of it?"

Ludwig shook his head calmly and comforted the naval captain: "But this situation is indeed a problem. We must find a way to get Bernard to leave Sailing City temporarily. It is best to be killed in a small-scale battle. It's best...the remaining guy named Arthur Herred seems to be much easier to deal with than him."

"Send this information to Anson Bach as soon as possible and let him find a way to solve this big trouble for us."

"Okay, I'll do it right away!"

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