I will be crowned king

Chapter 831 Excellent Loyal Minister

"Dear Marshal, when it comes to the strategic position of Black Reef Port, even among the Thirteen Colonies, it is absolutely unique. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with layers of hills and forests in the northwest, and a dense network of rivers and rivers in the southeast. Smooth Road; attack can deter Sailing City and Gray Pigeon Castle, and retreat can also serve as the gateway fortress of Red Hand Bay and Winter Torch City; even if they are surrounded, Red Hand Bay and Gray Pigeon Castle fall one after another, they are still an important force that can contain the enemy's attack... …”

In the Black Reef Port Assembly, the Speaker of Black Reef Port, Pushwood, who had just taken office, followed closely behind Louis, talking endlessly about how important the strategic position of his colony was, how strong the defense line formed by the natural terrain was... and so on. Ten reasons why Black Reef Port must not be given up.

Perhaps it was because the Storm Legion had organized a counterattack at Black Reef Port. Speaker Pushwood, who had witnessed the battle with his own eyes, spoke clearly and logically. At least at first glance, it sounded very reasonable. It made sense in all aspects and even had a strategic vision.

But the embarrassed young knight just forced a smile and listened to the other person's words.

Is Black Reef Harbor important? Of course it's important, but if you can't keep it, no matter how important it is, what will happen?

By squeezing out the entire thirteen colonies of the Free Confederacy, we can only raise an army of 100,000 people at most, and not even 30,000 people with real combat effectiveness. If these troops were evenly distributed to all the colonies, the Confederacy would probably change its flag tomorrow. , there is only one sun in his heart, Emperor Hred.

In fact, he and Anson had agreed to set up an ambush at Black Reef Port, lure the enemy into a hasty advance before the Jihadist Army gained a firm foothold, use the terrain to fight a battle of annihilation, and then evacuate the entire front before the enemy's reinforcements arrived.

Since it was an ambush, it was natural to make a good disguise, at least to give the impression that the Free Confederacy would not give up easily and was even preparing to defend with heavy troops.

But Louis couldn't be as decisive as Anson Bach, abandoning him without any mercy, and he couldn't bear to deceive the other party, so he could only remain silent on the sidelines; and this silence gave Speaker Pushwood the opportunity to Some kind of fantasy, thinking that he had really persuaded the young knight to stay and defend Black Reef Port, so he became more active.

He had no choice but to be active. The former timber merchant became the Speaker with the support of the Rune family after the previous Speaker of Black Reef Port fell. Once Black Reef Port fell, others would naturally follow suit and attack him. He took away the hard-won position of Speaker.

This situation is not even an exception... Since the Storm Legion was officially merged into the Free Confederacy in the name of Ice Dragon Fjord, the originally unified liberal faction has also split into two groups; one group continues to maintain an independent attitude, and the other group is sniffing When he got the chance, he made up his mind to serve the Luen family completely.

The independent faction relied on their deep roots and were still willing to obey the retreat order. Although they resisted, they were not stupid enough to object; while the group of people who actively clung to the rune family became the most determined die-hard faction because they had no foundation.

Faced with the situation where their own people are not as reliable as the neutral opposition, both Anson and Thalia are very stable emotionally - no matter which side they are on, they are consumables, and whether they live or die will not affect the Ruen family's rule in the new world. It would be better to say that killing as many of these comprador local snakes as possible would help maintain the stability of the Confederacy.

The only one who is more troublesome is Polina Frey, the Speaker of Gray Pigeon Castle.

The Confederate leader who was supported by Anson himself uncharacteristically refused to obey orders and refused to retreat. Coupled with her dual status as the leader of the Supreme Council and the publisher of the "Declaration of Resistance", she directly became the leader of the die-hard faction. The staff headed by Louis had a great headache.

Just as the young knight was trying to deal with the Speaker of Black Reef Port, Anson, who was in Gray Pigeon Castle, had just received "top secret" information from friendly forces.

"What, Major General Ludwig wants us to find an opportunity to set up an ambush and kill Bernard Molwes quietly?"

The stunned Anson suddenly raised his head and looked at Ian Clemens, the former leader of the Faithless Knights who had sent the letter, with a slightly different look: "Did he really say that?"

"It's absolutely true. How dare I lie about this kind of military information?" Ian couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"This is what the gifted officer next to Major General Ludwig personally handed over to us. He also specifically warned that if there is even the slightest mistake, we will be sent to the church directly as a military achievement for the major general's 'capture of heretics'!"

Although Ian didn't mention him by name, Anson's mind immediately pictured the majestic figure of Colonel Roman who could freeze people to death with his eyes and always looked like he was choosing someone to eat.

Since it was his personal order, it must not have been a sudden move, but the situation was really serious enough that the former colonial minister had to be killed.

Wait, Minister-General... Yes, Bernard Morweis was the Minister-General, and he is probably very familiar with the actual situation and distribution of various forces in Sail City; if he stays in Sail City, he will not be fooled. Secondly, there is a risk of Ludwig's private communication with him being exposed!

After thinking about this for a moment, Anson felt a slight cold sweat break out on his forehead, but at the same time he thought that Bernard Morweis seemed to be here as a "supervisor" this time, a real important official of the royal family; if he was also like When Ed Levent died in such an unexplained way, it might not have ended so well in the end.

Besides, such a big thing must not be hidden from Louis. With his relationship with Bernard, it would be difficult to kill the former colonial minister in an honest way.

But if he doesn't kill him, the risk of Ludwig being exposed is extremely high. In addition, Bernard is still a local snake, familiar with the new world and has leadership experience, which will only increase the difficulty of the subsequent confrontation with the Jihadi Army.

Anson was caught in a dilemma. His face was tense and he hesitated to respond, leaving Ian Clemens on the opposite side to just keep smiling and sit back and wait.

One minute, five minutes, ten minutes... When the little clerk, holding a thick stack of documents, knocked on the door and walked in, what he saw was Anson sitting in a chair, thinking hard, and Wu Wu, who was smiling so hard that his cheeks were stiff. The leader of the Letter Knights.

"Deputy Commander Fabian and Chief of Staff Karl have already given a preliminary draft regarding the deployment of the Storm Corps and the Shooting Corps, as well as the division of logistics supply lines."

As if he had not seen Ian, the smiling little clerk handed one document after another to Anson: "Because the supply lines of other units of the New World Army have not yet been fully established, a large number of troops have not yet been fully established. During the transfer, it is impossible to determine the total number of troops that will eventually participate in the war, so the final plan will have to wait for some time."

"Thank you for your hard work." Anson nodded slightly and said a little apologetically; he knew very well how much workload he had added to his loyal subordinates as the commander-in-chief during this period of time.

Looking at the documents filled with notes about troop mobilization and material allocation, Ansen, who had been having a headache for most of the day, suddenly had an idea:

"So the only troops currently assembled in the area from Gray Pigeon Castle to Black Reef Port are the Storm Legion and Shooting Army, as well as the troops from Sail City and several colonies?"

After the words fell, the little clerk with a formulaic smile did not answer immediately. Instead, he turned his head very directly and looked straight at an outsider.


Ian, who was being stared at, smiled politely, stood up and saluted Anson: "Since the Commander-in-Chief is busy with business, please forgive me for temporarily leaving..."

"No, you stay!"

Anson interrupted directly, and then turned his attention to his secretary: "Alan, now verbally report everything you know about the deployment, dispatch and follow-up reinforcements of all troops in the surrounding areas - remember , be louder!”

Um? !

Not only the little clerk, but also Ian Clemens was stunned.

"Uh, regarding the deployment of the New World Legion in the surrounding areas, it is roughly concentrated in the Gray Pigeon Fortress and Black Reef Port area!"

Although he had no idea why, Alan Dawn still performed his duties as a clerk obediently, and with his super memory, he began to recite the contents of the document, and this was a summarized version:

"The Gray Pigeon Fortress has assembled approximately 10,000 garrison troops, mainly the Sail City Legion and the Gray Pigeon Castle Legion, with a large number of cavalry and artillery; Black Reef Port has approximately 12,000 troops, led by the Storm Legion and The shooting corps is the main force, as well as the local Black Reef Port Corps and the Changhu Town Corps who came from the rear to support them. They are basically well-trained infantry. Artillery and cavalry are relatively lacking, but the logistics supply is sufficient."

"As for the other armies... excluding transportation and logistics, establishing fortresses and necessary garrison forces, they are currently basically concentrated in the Changhu Town area. Depending on the situation, they will decide to continue to reinforce westward, or to station on the spot to build a defense line against enemy attacks. "

The little clerk became more and more panicked as he spoke, and his eyes kept jumping between Anson and Ian Clemens; what he revealed now was almost the entire strength and real deployment of the entire Free Confederacy.

Ian on the other side frowned, completely losing his initial shocked expression - he had roughly guessed what a certain evil-minded commander-in-chief wanted to do.

"I hope you can find a way to truthfully let the Jihadi Army stationed in Sail City know this information."

With a smile that said he had everything under control, Anson said to Ian Clemens: "Of course, this information must not let the other side realize that we took the initiative to expose it. Try to make them think that they accidentally discovered our army's information." Deploy without leaving any excessive traces.”

"I'm afraid this is a bit difficult." Ian twitched his lips and said with a wry smile:

"Don't talk about actively 'leaking secrets'... Yangfan City is almost a military fortress at the moment. It is extremely difficult for us people to move freely. If we are not careful, we may be captured by the opponent."

"So..." Anson looked at him with an expressionless expression:

"Can't do it?"

"Of course not!" Ian was all excited:

"It mainly depends on how much you are willing to pay for this goal?"

Anson: "...Give me an example?"

“If you want people to believe the intelligence obtained ‘accidentally’, in addition to ensuring that it at least looks like a real accident, the most important thing is to have enough room for imagination.”

Ian pursed his lips, with a strange gleam in his eyes: "Just like you just asked His Excellency Alan Dawn to recite the military deployment loudly, it is easy to 'accidentally' let some soldiers who are not very fast-talking know, Inadvertently, this information was conveyed to the ears of the enemy with added content."

"But you must understand that these are far from enough... But if it is not just a deployment, but a special military operation, it would be particularly reasonable."

Anson thought for a few seconds, then looked at Ian with a bit of determination: "What do you want?"

"Human head." The leader of the Faithless Knights also looked serious:

"The League of the Faithful Keepers in Sailing City, and the branch of the "Moby-Dick Harbor Good People" newspaper...many of them did not leave Sailing City with Sir Louis Bernard, and were 'protected' by Major General Ludwig like us. Get up."

"Let the troops in Black Reef Port and Gray Pigeon Castle prepare for an attack, and then you will personally order the people from the Alliance of Promise Keepers and the newspaper to organize the action, expose their whereabouts, and leak military deployments... to lure the enemy into taking the bait!"

"Okay!" Anson answered simply and neatly:

"From now on, the Faithless Knights have full authority to take over the contact with Sail City. All activities will be decided by Ian Clemens alone - unless the matter is important, there is no need to report!"

After cooperating for such a long time, he certainly knew what Ian, or the remnants of the Cressey family, wanted - freedom, wanted by the church and all parties in the Old World, and successively wanted by himself and Phil Cray. As tool men, the only thing they long for is freedom.

Sure enough... the moment the words fell, Ian's face flashed with unconcealable joy; then he stood up slowly, knelt on one knee, behind his left hand, and pressed his chest with his right hand.

"The leader of the Faithless Knights, Ian Clemens." At this moment, his temperament suddenly became different from before: "From today on, I am willing to serve Anson Bach loyally; please ask for the Ring of Order Witness the Three True Gods together and never betray!"

The little clerk standing behind him was still smiling, as if he hadn't heard anything.

"I have never doubted your loyalty, Sir Ian Clemens." Anson said expressionlessly: "I only have one request..."

"The Holy War Legion gathered in Sailing City will definitely take the bait and can't wait to launch a full-scale attack on Gray Pigeon Castle and Black Reef Port. Sir Bernard Morweis will definitely be one of the commanders responsible for commanding the attacking army."

Ian understood: "As for Major General Ludwig Franz and the Clovis army under his command, they will be forced to stay in Sailing City for various reasons and will not participate in this battle with the 'New World Heresy' fighting!"

"Very good." Anson nodded slightly and smiled with satisfaction:

"Sir Ian Clemens, you are indeed an excellent and loyal minister."

Happy Labor Day, loyal Anson and his loyal ministers are starting to work hard!

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