I will be crowned king

Chapter 832 A huge conspiracy

Early in the morning, the Governor's Mansion of Sailing City.

Lying on a familiar yet unfamiliar bed, Bernard Morweis, who had just gotten rid of his exhaustion from day to night, was having a rare sweet dream.

In his groggy sleep, he saw that he was standing on the city wall of Black Reef Port. The entire city and the port had been turned into a tragic Shura field under the banner of the Iris Army. Thick smoke was wrapped in fire, and the streets and streets were filled with fire. The sea was raging and burning; the wails one after another were covered up by the roar of the imperial army's attack. One after another, the Clovis King's flag and the star ring flag of the Free Confederacy fell from the smoking muzzle of the musket, and there was no more movement...

However, just when he was satisfied and ready to issue the final order, a deafening sound of artillery suddenly came from behind him.

The frightened Bernard suddenly looked back and saw that Anson Bach's nightmarish figure had led his Storm Legion behind him without any warning.

He immediately tried to order a defense, but in the blink of an eye all the troops around him fled and disappeared completely; under the fluttering iris flag, he, the chief minister, was left alone, standing in place unable to move.

Anson Bach walked forward with a grin on his face. He suddenly pressed his shoulders, his expression became more and more crazy, and at the same time he began to shake his body vigorously; while shaking, he shouted:

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law Bernard, wake up, wake up!"


Bernard opened his eyes suddenly and found that Arthur was pressing on him at some point. He was shaking himself around anxiously: "Brother-in-law, wake up quickly. Something big has happened - Major General Ludwig has been arrested." The heretics attacked me in a sneak attack, I was seriously injured and I’m about to die!”


Bernard, who was so excited that he suddenly lost all sleep, actually broke away from Arthur and threw this talented person aside. He walked out of the bed in thin pajamas, staggered to the window, and used all his strength to push Arthur aside. The heavy velvet curtains parted.


Golden-red firelight flooded into his eyes, blazing under the night sky, and the chaotic Sailing City was unreservedly displayed in front of him.

This, this, this... this was such an impactful scene that Bernard, who had just woken up, suddenly fainted, his mind was spinning, and he was about to walk straight through.

"Commander Borre Levent has just arrived at Sailing City and is leading the landing legion to cooperate with the Clovis army in the city to suppress the rebellion!" Arthur quickly helped Bernard, who almost fainted, and said in a panic:

"The number of heretics was not large. They only caused a riot by raiding Major General Ludwig and his guards, leaving the Clovis army leaderless in the city - so it only looked huge, but in fact it did not cause many casualties."

"you sure?!"

Staring out at the City of Sails, which was almost dyed red by the fire, and with thick smoke reaching the Governor's Mansion, Bernard's face was full of disbelief; let alone riots, such a scene would have told him that the City of Sails There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with falling immediately.

"In the name of Hered, I am very sure!" Arthur vowed:

"In fact, I just rushed back from the scene of suppressing the rebellion - I originally wanted to do something, but Major General Ludwig's deputy, a particularly reliable guy, quickly stabilized the situation and saw that there was nothing that needed help. Yes, I will come back quickly to report this matter to you."

"Report...I am just your supervisor and staff officer, you are the legion commander! Even if you have to report, someone else should report to you, not the other way around!"

Bernard couldn't help but complain: "Don't forget your identity, don't act as if you are someone else's subordinate - especially in front of Clovis!"

"Didn't you train me in front of the Clovis people? Is there anything else to hide..." Arthur couldn't help mumbling a few words, but he quickly shrank when he saw his brother-in-law's increasingly ugly face. neck.

While the two were still arguing, a crisp knock on the door suddenly sounded.

"Commander of the Arthur Herred Army, Supervisor of the Army Bernard Morwes." Roman stood expressionlessly outside the door, nodding slightly to the two men and saluting:

"The riot has been basically put down, but there are still many follow-up matters that need to be dealt with as soon as possible; Major General Ludwig and Count Borre Levent, who has just arrived, ordered me to inform them and go to the meeting hall of the Governor's Palace for a meeting. "

"Thank you!"

Bernard's expression changed. Before Arthur could speak, Roman, who looked solemn, responded: "Your Excellency, please go ahead and allow us to make some preparations. It won't waste too much time."

Looking at Bernard, who was supported by Arthur and twisted almost 180 degrees in front of the window, Roman nodded slightly and turned away as if he hadn't seen anything.

It wasn't until his footsteps were completely gone that Bernard, who had a tense face, and Arthur, who was equally at a loss next to him, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look, you have made your own decisions again." Arthur couldn't help complaining: "You don't leave any chance, how can I maintain my authority in front of outsiders..."

"Shut up, now is not the time to talk about this."

Bernard raised his hand and directly interrupted the resentful Arthur: "We have to go to the meeting quickly and find out the whole story... The most important thing is that we cannot let them decide on jihad without us being present. The army’s next action plan and military deployment!”

"I understand." Arthur nodded reluctantly. He had always been disgusted with Bernard's sinister and calculating tone: "Then I'll get you some clothes?"

"Well, as soon as possible."

Bernard frowned, then seemed to suddenly remember something, and said feebly at his back:

"By the way...bring me a new pair of pants."

Arthur: "..."


The riot in Sailing City, which woke up Bernard Morweis from his nightmare and left him in a state of confusion, did not finally come to an end until noon the next day, and the cause and effect were finally figured out.

"...There was a group of liberals and Universalists in Yangfan City who secretly organized private gatherings and tried to get in touch with the Free Confederacy. As a result, they were discovered by the soldiers when they were contacting the Free Confederacy."

"The patrolling Jihadi soldiers did not seem to notice anything unusual, but they alerted the traitors and Universalist heretics in the gathering, making them mistakenly believe that they were exposed."

"It just so happened that Commander Borre Levent and the Holy War Legion arrived in Sailing City yesterday. Commander Arthur Herid mobilized the army to welcome them, which further aggravated the misunderstanding of the traitors, who felt that their conspiracy had been completely eliminated by the Holy War Army. If found, it may be completely wiped out at any time.”

"So without any preparation, these traitors suddenly launched a riot, waiting for an opportunity to burn down the Governor's Palace, occupy the city walls and important checkpoints in the city, and finally captured Sailing City; at that time, there were only Clovis troops, Arthur's Legion and Borre in the city. The legion was outside the city, and without any defense, the mob took the opportunity."

"Major General Ludwig immediately ordered the dispatch of troops to suppress the attack, and personally led the guards to stop the thugs who attacked the Governor's Mansion. As a result, he was assassinated by the Universalist heretics and the Old Gods, and was seriously injured."

"Then the two legion commanders, Arthur Herred and Borre Levent, led their troops into the city and took control of the city gates that had not been occupied by the mob, and the riot was quickly quelled."

The frosty-faced Roman glanced at the three army commanders and an imperial supervisor in the room with different expressions, and said solemnly: "As for the losses caused by the riot, the number of military casualties and other matters, they are still being sorted out. However, I cannot accurately report to you immediately.”

Ludwig, who had a bandage on his left shoulder and a wound on his chest, lay on his side on the sofa and nodded slightly to Roman:

"Okay, please step back first."


The crisp sound of military boots sounded in the council hall, making the already silent atmosphere even more tense.

"So it's over here, right?"

Borre Levent, who was sitting opposite Ludwig, said coldly, looking at Roman's leaving back with a malicious look: "As long as you can give an explanation, it doesn't matter whether it is true or false?"

He was wearing an exquisite black and white military uniform and a three-cornered hat. Under the brim of the hat was a pair of sharp and somewhat sinister eyes. Looking up from a distance, he looked like a vulture preying on people.

Well, that's the impression most of the Levent family bastards give to outsiders... Bernard, who had put on new clothes and pants, thought to himself in the corner.

As a family member of his late friend, Bernard has no favorable opinion of all the guys named Levent except Ed; not only because they have ambitions to compete for the imperial crown, but also because they don't even bother to hide their thoughts; because With huge strength and actual control over the southern part of the empire, the Levent family has long regarded themselves as half-emperors, and they always have a patronizing and commanding tone when negotiating with other families.

In addition, the family is powerful and has many heirs, but it is not as good at finding a way out for its people as the Roland family, so all the people named Levant have to fight for the title and territory... So twenty people named Levant Among them, at least nineteen must be unscrupulous, no-limits, scheming and self-righteous careerists.

"If you have any opinions, feel free to mention them." Ludwig, who was annoyed by the other party, suppressed his anger and pretended to be calm and said: "Count Borre."

"I have nothing to mention. I am new here and I don't know the situation here as well as everyone here."

Borre Levent sneered, and his sinister eyes kept glancing back and forth, which made the other people's faces look bad: "There is only one thing, I want to understand it thoroughly."

"What's up?"

"Why did those traitors suddenly dare to riot, not too early or too late, but at the same time that my legion and I arrived?" Borre Levent said in a strange tone:

"Could it be that there are still some traitors who are able to predict the time when the two imperial legions are not outside the city and only the Clovis are responsible for the security of Yangfan City?"

Ludwig pursed his lips tightly and said nothing with cold eyes.

"Didn't Colonel Roman explain this just now? It's just a coincidence!"

Arthur Herred couldn't help but said: "Those heretics thought they were exposed, so they decided to launch a riot in advance, which happened to coincide with the time when both of us were absent and the city of Sail was left empty of defense."

"Coincidence?" Borre Levent didn't even look at Arthur, staring directly at Ludwig with a sinister gaze:

"Or are you prepared?"

"About this, you should ask the traitors who started the riot." Ludwig stood up with the bandage on his body without flinching:

"Not me, the leader of the Crusaders who was almost killed."

"But let go of the traitors in Sailing City and allow these people to continue to live freely in the city. The one who is not restrained will always be you, right?" Borei Lewent continued to be unyielding:

"Why do you still shield and condone them when you know they are unstable elements?"

"You mean, after I conquer the Sailing City..." Ludwig's pupils condensed, and the five fingers of his right hand that was not wrapped in a bandage came together and gestured to his neck:

"Massacre the city?"

"It is to eradicate heretics for the Ring of Order." Borre Levent corrected: "Both the heretics of the Universal Sect and the heretics who believe in evil gods should be completely purified, otherwise what is the meaning of this holy war?"

"As expected of the Earl of the Levent family, he is indeed a devout believer in the Circle of Order, which is unmatched."

Ludwig sneered: "But if you really follow your words and carry out purification in the Sailing City...it will take time and effort. Not to mention, once the city is massacred, then the logistics of the next hundreds of thousands of Jihadi troops in the new world will have to be dealt with. Who should be responsible for it? Who should the church preach to when we regain the land and establish the circle of order of the diocese?"

"Oh, so you admit to indulging the heretics and heretics in Yangfan City and letting them do whatever they want?"

Bo Lei, who sneered, continued to pursue: "In that case, I have to ask you about last night's riot, whether it is also related to the Clovis army under your command..."

"Shut up, Beaure Levent!"

At the moment when the atmosphere dropped to freezing point, Bernard, who could no longer bear it, stood up suddenly and roared in the surprised eyes of the three people: "Is Major General Ludwig Franz the son of Archbishop Clovis, or is he still with you?" As an equal to the leader of the Holy War Legion, don’t be too presumptuous!”

"It seems that it is not your turn, the emperor's supervisor, to say this."

Although he was startled, the sinister smile on Borre Levent's face remained unabated: "It seems that I haven't settled the account with you for the death of Ed Levent."

"But before that, there is still a very important matter that must be resolved first." He slowly lifted his upper body, showing a confident expression that he had everything under control:

"Concerning the riots of heretics and traitors, and the conspiracy to seize Sailing City, I 'accidentally' discovered some very interesting things."

"Why did they suddenly riot...for nothing else, because this is a complete conspiracy, a conspiracy to cooperate with the traitor army entrenched in Gray Pigeon Castle and Black Reef Port to annihilate us all!"

Borre Levent appears, and behind him are the Grand Duchy of Cantal, the Levent family of the Wind Knights, and some forces of the Church and the Knights of Judgment - readers who are interested in this part can start to figure out the characters.

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