I will be crowned king

Chapter 833 Unity and Friendship

Borre Levent narrowed his eyes slightly, like a vulture staring at the dying beast, preparing to feast on the carrion, staring intently at the figure who was seriously injured and could only slump on the sofa.

Under the dim light, half of Ludwig's face, including his body, was completely hidden in the shadows. The side of his face illuminated by the light showed no expression, as cold as a sculpture.

Everyone's silence lasted for a long time, until Bernard, who had complicated eyes, held down Arthur, who was still in shock, and slowly stood up: "Count Borre Levent, when you speak... you have to give evidence."

"Since you believe that this riot is not an independent incident, but a conspiracy hatched by traitors occupying the New World, then you need to provide enough evidence to convince us all and come up with a minimum response plan."

Bernard said coldly that although it was his first meeting, he was already disgusted with the new army commander in front of him; if Tuo didn't still feel a little guilty about Ed Levent, he wouldn't even plan to pay attention to him anymore. This standard "descendant of Lewent".

If the initial doubt can still be explained by suspicion, then the moment the so-called conspiracy is blurted out, the other party's thoughts have been completely exposed.

Among the three legions currently stationed in Sailing City, Borre Levent's legion is the smallest and has suffered the heaviest losses due to shipwrecks and navigation. Under normal circumstances, the next military operations of the Jihadi Army should be controlled in Asia. Se—that is, in the hands of himself—and Ludwig.

The other party was obviously dissatisfied with this. He wanted to muddy the waters and seize control of the current Yangfan City army.

Bernard didn't care what happened to the Clovis people, but if he allowed the other party to bite him like this and get slandered, half of the Jihadi Army's troops would fall into the hands of this ambitious guy, and things would be in trouble.

Although Bernard also vaguely felt that something was not right, after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to side with Ludwig.

"What kind of evidence is needed for this kind of thing?" Borre Levent, who didn't even look back, had a cold look in his eyes and said with a half-smile:

"Have you all forgotten why we people came all the way from the old continent to the new world?"

"Recapture the lost colonies for the empire, persuade the heretics and heretics of the Universal Sect to return to the embrace of the Circle of Order, and quell the rebellion that has affected the entire thirteen colonies?" He suddenly raised his voice, with a ferocious look on his face:

"Wrong! Big mistake!"

"We...are the holy war army that cuts out all unbelievers and hypocrites under the will of the Ring of Order. We are the thunder of punishment sent by the true God to this world, and the fire that purifies the world of order!"

"All the evil lackeys, heretics and scum who are enemies of the Ring of Order, the Church, and the guardians of the World of Order should be purified by our own hands!"

“Annihilate them on the battlefield if they are discovered, kill them all in the city if they are discovered; beat them to death with rifles, behead them with long knives, burn them with fire, strangle them with poison...use all imaginable means to kill them. Purify the disbelievers and hypocrites.”

"This is the will of the Ring of Order. Killing heretics and heretics is not a sin, but the gospel of true believers!"

Borre Levent raised his head slightly and looked around the hall with cold eyes. His distorted expression made everyone feel chilly: "Now that the traitors' vicious plans have been completely exposed, how can we, as leaders of the Jihad Army, miss this opportunity and let order The enemies of the Ring are acting recklessly?"

I think you are the one who is really acting recklessly... Bernard narrowed his eyes:

"So you already have plans for the next military deployment against the Free Confederacy?"


Beaure Levent raised his voice again: "As I said, the riot itself was a complete conspiracy, but it just didn't appear at the right time."

"If my prediction is correct, the enemy is preparing to gather heavy troops from Gray Pigeon Castle. While waiting for an opportunity to capture the Wild Grass Forest, he will instigate the heretics in the city to launch a riot and seize the Sailing City, trapping us outside the city."

"Just because their whereabouts were exposed, and my legion and I arrived early, they had to launch a riot in advance, and then it was quickly suppressed... But the enemy doesn't know this now, and they are still proceeding to sail according to the original plan. Preparations for marching on the city.”

"This is a great time for us to take action. Send troops immediately, march towards Gray Pigeon Castle and Black Reef Port, seize these two colonies and fortresses, and inflict heavy damage on the enemy's elite main force before they retreat!"

"Attack Gray Pigeon Castle and Black Reef Port at the same time, did I hear you correctly?" Bernard snorted coldly, his eyes extremely disdainful:

"Not to mention that Gray Pigeon Castle itself is a fortress, surrounded by hills and mountains that are difficult for large armies to move; Black Reef Port has a narrow terrain, and the town is backed by mountains on three sides and faces the sea. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack... Have you considered attacking two places at the same time? Can you overcome the difficulty of this?"

"Yes, and our army has just arrived in the new world and is still resting and adapting. It is impossible to organize a large-scale military operation immediately!" Arthur, who had been silent for a long time, finally found a chance to speak and nodded in agreement:

"And even if we send troops to attack two colonies at the same time, the enemy is not a fool. How can he stay where we are and be severely damaged by us?"

Ludwig on the side remained silent, staring coldly into Borei's eyes, as if he was deliberately waiting for his answer.

"It's very simple. They have a reason to fight us to the end." Borre Levent said solemnly, with a confident smile on his ferocious cheeks:

"I have seen the map of the colony. Starting from Gray Pigeon Castle and heading east, you must pass through Black Reef Port. At present, the main force of traitors and heretics are coming from the east in a steady stream, waiting for an opportunity to retake Sailing City; therefore, we only need to send a team By pretending to attack Gray Pigeon Castle, an army can contain the enemy's main force."

"At that time, the fleet will attack and make a surprise attack on Black Reef Port, which will cut off the retreat of the elite main force of Gray Pigeon Castle; in order to ensure that the main force is not surrounded and annihilated, the enemy will definitely not dare to withdraw easily; and the army that pretends to attack Gray Pigeon Castle can also be transferred in The main attack will be to conquer this important bridgehead guarding the eastern part of Yangfan City."

"The main force of the garrison stationed at Gray Pigeon Castle is the imperial army that rebelled before. The leader is Adran's successor Louis Bernard; as long as he can be captured alive, no matter whether Black Reef Port is captured by then, this hostage can be used to force the city into the city. The defenders surrendered, forcing the enemy back to the Red Hand Bay area in one fell swoop, and there was no longer any possibility of hindering the landing of the jihadist army!"

Um? !

The moment he heard his friend's name, Arthur Herred, whose expression suddenly changed, subconsciously wanted to get up, but was held down by Bernard, who was well prepared.

The livid Ludwig still said nothing, but his face became much darker.

In the deathly silent council hall, Borre Lewent raised his head slightly with a ferocious smile, looking down at the rest of the people like a king.

He knew that he had already won.


"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be so easy."

Looking at Roman, who looked a little surprised, Ludwig sighed, with a complicated expression: "I originally thought that I would at least find a way to convince Arthur Herred, or at least make a show of it, to let the Clovis Legion Only by taking the initiative can you prove your innocence... but now you don’t have to.”

As soon as the Legion Commander's meeting ended, Ludwig, who was limping back to the camp with the help of the guards, immediately found Roman and recounted exactly what happened in the meeting.

Originally thinking that a certain commander-in-chief's perfect plan was "full of flaws", Roman was shocked when he insisted on executing it. The impression that the two imperial army commanders besieged Clovis did not appear at all. Instead, Borre and Bernard The two men started fighting in front of everyone.

So Ludwig had no choice but to say nothing the whole time, and he didn't even come up with the "clues" he had prepared in advance. He just watched Borre Lewent's crazy brainstorming, and it turned out to be the same as Anson Bach's. The layout is pretty much the same.

Then Ludwig was even more afraid to speak.

"It seems that the attitude within the empire towards this holy war is not as united as they show; perhaps even the rebellion you secretly organized is unnecessary; even without this incident, that Count Borre Lewent We will also try our best to seize the dominance of Sailing City and launch an attack on the Free Confederacy."

Ludwig lowered his gaze: "This is both a good thing and a trouble...Bernard insists on acting together with Borre Levent and commanding the fleet to attack Black Reef Port. It will be much more difficult to take the opportunity to kill him."

"Added to the 20,000 men from the Borre Corps, the total strength of the siege reached nearly 50,000! If I guess wrong, I'm afraid that all the troops in Gray Pigeon Castle and Black Reef Port combined did not reach this number. !”

"Indeed not." Roman calmed down slightly and nodded slightly: "And the Clovis Army will also send half of its troops to attack Gray Pigeon Castle, so even if it wants to provide assistance, it will be impossible to do so."

"But at least we are free of the suspicion of colluding with the enemy."

Ludwig's eyes were indifferent: "There is just one thing that makes me particularly concerned. Why is Arthur Herred so active in seeking the task of feigning an attack on Gray Pigeon Castle instead of leading the attack on Black Reef Port?"

"It's obvious that Borre Levent has relented, and with the fleet's artillery cover, the difficulty of attacking Black Reef Port cannot be higher than that of Gray Pigeon Castle, right?"

This... Looking at the confused expression of the legion commander, Roman hesitated, not knowing how to explain to him.


"Of course it's because of Louis!"

In the bedroom of the Governor's Mansion, Arthur Herred patted his chest and vowed loudly: "I promised Grand Duke Adlan that I would bring that fool Louis back intact!"

"You have seen how crazy this guy Borre Levent is. If he really wants to conquer Gray Pigeon Castle, why not tie that big fool to the stake?!"

In response to Arthur Herred's explanation, Bernard's answer besides rolling his eyes was just a long sigh.

"Do you think that Borre Levent is a fanatic believer in the Circle of Order, and he is willing to respond to His Majesty and the Church to send troops to fight for his beliefs?"

"Isn't it?" Arthur paused and couldn't help but frown:

"I see that he always talks about 'purification', 'holy war' and so on... It's quite similar; and the Levent family has always had a deep relationship with the church, so it's not surprising even if he is really a fanatical believer, right?"

"You're right, that's what he hopes to achieve." Bernard curled his lips disdainfully: "Why do you think he was willing to relent and leave the attack on Black Reef Port to you and me at first, but in the end he agreed to let you attack Gray Pigeon? Fort?"

"It's simple, because he knows the value of Louis Bernard very well - with the heir of the Bernard family in his hands, he can easily control most of the colonies in the original empire, and he will also get support from the Bernard family."

"And the reason why he is willing to give you this opportunity is because he has seen through you, a stupid boy, who has no ambition to establish a foundation in the new world and seize territory. It doesn't matter even if he gives it to you, he can also take the opportunity to sell us and the people behind you. The Red family is just a favor, and you can benefit from it later!"

"Seize territory?!" Arthur was startled:

"What, what are you talking about? Borre Levent, he wants to seize... How is this possible?!"

"How is it impossible?!"

Bernard almost laughed angrily at him: "Why do you think that from the 100th year of the Saint's Calendar to the present, the wars personally planned by His Majesty have suffered repeated setbacks, but he was still able to mobilize an army of nearly 100,000 people in this holy war? expedition?"

"The answer is very simple, because everyone can see that His Majesty has no control over the colonies in the New World; as long as anyone can cooperate with the church and Your Majesty to annihilate the rebels, they will have the opportunity to become the new lord of the colonies - for those gangs in the empire For the wealthy families who have long since carved up the territory and are unable to divide it, is there anything more coveted than this?"


"So our enemies are just a group of noble armies who are wary of each other and want to seize territory under the guise of jihad; our own people are a bunch of cowardly slave owners who muddle along and claim to fight for freedom and equality?"

In the Black Reef Port City, holding the latest information sent by the Faithless Knights, Carl Bain was completely stunned and couldn't laugh or cry: "Is this really the war in the 100th and 2nd year of the Saints calendar? I Why do I feel like it’s no different from the Dark Ages five or six hundred years ago?”

"Of course there is a difference." Anson shook his head and refuted the chief of staff's "historical nothingness" remarks:

"If this was really the dark age of barbaric growth, there would be no need to fear the hundreds of thousands of troops fighting across the sea, and the Luen family would not have to hide behind the scenes. They would have stood up and become kings of the new world long ago. …Where will it be your turn for people like you and me to step forward and continue to be loyal to His Majesty and the Kingdom of Clovis?”

"Then what should we do now? Even if the enemy does not unite, they still have an army of nearly 50,000 people. This is already more than the total strength of the defenders of Black Reef Port and Gray Pigeon Castle." Karl asked:

"To be precise, it should be more than the total strength of all our armies - this is different from the original plan."

"It doesn't matter. This battle has nothing to do with the strength of the troops. No matter how many times it comes, the outcome will not change. It's better to say that thanks to Count Borre Levent, we have the strength to defeat half of the Holy War in one go. Opportunity for military strength!”

Anson Bach's voice was full of power, and his face was filled with an expression of supreme confidence in his plan.

A real head-to-head battle between the old and new worlds around Black Reef Port has finally begun.

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