I will be crowned king

Chapter 836 General Attack


The screams that tore through the air cut across the sea, exploding into flames in the ports and towns of Black Reef Port; the dock business district that had long been turned into ruins and rubble was completely shrouded in choking smoke, and wildfires raged among the ruins. It rose and danced; the explosive air waves hit the deserted streets over and over again, ravaging non-existent enemies.

Despite its massive momentum, the fleet, which lacked accuracy and could not find any clear target, could not cause much harm to Black Reef Port; the defenders of Black Reef Port and the remaining residents either hid in the tunnels of the defense line or hid in the well-prepared tunnels. in the bunker; unless the jihadists are willing to plow the ground with artillery shells, fighting for a day will not make any change in the situation of the war.

The Jihadist Army anchored on the sea seemed to know this very well, so after the rapid bombardment, some ships began to be brave, risking being stranded or even being drilled through the bottom of the ship, and one after another organized small boats and ships. Smaller three-masted ships approached the port, preparing for a forced landing.

"Hey, is the general attack about to begin?"

Amidst the dull thunderous roar, the young knight standing in the shore defense looked at the hordes of ships attacking the dock in the distance, with a nervous expression showing a bit of inexplicable surprise: "Isn't it possible? We should wait until the outer defense line of Black Reef Port is in a bitter battle before launching an attack. What is the enemy thinking?"

With an extremely puzzled expression, facing the dust scattered above his head and the walls shaking from the sound of gunfire, Louis Bernard, holding a monocular, faced the thick smoke outside, trying hard to see clearly the enemy's movements. .

Maybe it's the opposite, trying to use a feint to attract us to have to draw troops from the outer defense line to reduce the pressure on the Western Front battlefield?

No, that's not right... Even if we really want to feign an attack, shouldn't we increase the firepower and increase the pressure on the defense in the port direction?

Or is it that the enemy has anticipated this and deliberately pretended to attack the port at the risk of the fleet being stranded and anchored? If this is the case, the price would be too high, right?

The confused Louis narrowed his eyes and stared at the Ring of Order flag gradually flying on the sea level, feeling increasingly uneasy in his heart.

"Send messengers to request reinforcements from the outer defense line!"

After a brief hesitation, Louis still felt prudent and prudent. If the enemy really wanted to land, the more than 2,000 people under his command could not stop the tens of thousands of troops covered by naval guns from landing and raiding:

"Let them deploy the five thousand shooting troops on the northern defense line to the rear of the port as a reserve force in response to the enemy's attack!"

"As you command!"

Looking at the back of the messenger running away, the young knight continued to observe the situation in the direction of the port, and couldn't help but said to himself: "So what is the reason... Even the Jihadi Army in the port has begun to attack, and the troops on land have begun to attack." There’s not even a little movement until now?”


"Don't ask me, because I don't know either!"

From the northern position, looking at Bernard's army that remained unmoved in the distance, Carl Bain felt like crying. Although this was not the first time that he had been tricked by a certain commander-in-chief's perfect plan, he still felt like he couldn't wait to cry. Hitting the ground with his head, he felt the urge to give up on himself.

According to the initial result of Anson Bach's discussion, he planned to have the defenders on the west hillside pretend to be defeated when the two sides fought, luring Bernard's army into the hillside in full, and then deploy a second line of defense behind the hillside to block the attack. Five thousand shooting troops and Yangfan City were all ready to surround Bernard from the north, cut off Bernard's retreat, form an encirclement, and annihilate him.

It's basically an extension of the last Battle of Black Reef Harbor. It's just that Bernard Morweis retreated too decisively last time, and Anson didn't have much cavalry in his hands, so he had to give up the pursuit; but this time with sufficient troops, there was The idea of ​​trying it again.

More importantly, this is the only way to avoid Louis and "accidentally" kill Bernard Morweis - not only because of Ludwig's request, but also because this guy is really interested in the New World and the Free Confederation. We know too well that the threat of the Jihadist Army with him and without him is not on the same level.

Facing his former opponent, Carl Bain was not completely unprepared. He was even prepared for the failure of his plan, organized skirmishers and shotguns to focus on sniping, and forcibly assassinated him.

But after all calculations, I never expected that this guy would remain motionless and just pretend to be dead on the battlefield!

If Bernard himself was the only one to attack Black Reef Port this time, the furious Chief of Staff would even be ready to take the initiative and fight this uncooperative guy; but now there are tens of thousands of enemy troops and a large fleet in the direction of the port. And it looks like the login is about to begin!

"Chief of Staff, Marshal Louis Bernard has sent someone to urge us again."

In the strange atmosphere of the command headquarters, logistics staff officer Chris said bravely, holding the handwritten order of the young knight: "Since the outer defense line has not started fighting yet, should we first transfer the shooting army to assist the port? defense?"

"Support?" Karl grimaced. He didn't mind lending his five thousand shooting troops to Louis Bernard to defend the port first, but with the quality of those indigenous soldiers, if they really wanted to fight, there would be Is it possible to pull back and attack Bernard again?

Obviously impossible!

"How about sending one or two thousand people over to see the situation?" Staff Officer Chris suggested, showing the spirit of a gangster accountant and loan shark:

"Just say that this is just the vanguard. As soon as it is confirmed that there is really no sign of attack by Bernard's army, reinforcements will be sent immediately... Let's shirk the blame for now. If it doesn't work, we will bring in the local militia left in Black Reef Port to take care of the logistics."

"It might be possible if it were the commanders of the levy corps in China who don't understand military matters, but that's Louis Bernard!" Karl rolled his eyes and almost laughed out loud at this bad idea:

"Besides, it seems that the enemy fleet is really going to attack the port. By sending militiamen who can do nothing but kill people, isn't that just adding chaos? Isn't it because the enemy's attack speed is not fast enough?!"

But he was also very surprised: "Most of the Storm Legion, the main force of the Black Reef Port defenders, the Sail City Legion and the Black Reef Port Militia, nearly 12,000 people, are all in the hands of the commander-in-chief. How could Louis let that go? Damn...the Commander-in-Chief didn’t look for you, but came to us to ask for help?”

This... the dozens of officers and staff present looked at each other. They actually didn't understand why, or even if they knew, they didn't dare to say anything.

Just as a group of people were looking around, not knowing what to do, another messenger came in and handed the letter to the nearest staff officer, Chris.

Chris, who had just been scolded by the chief of staff, did not dare to neglect and immediately handed over the letter. Karl, whose face was filled with questions, widened his eyes and read out loud:

"The Northern Front Shooting Army is not allowed to leave its position. It supports the friendly forces in the port and is on standby waiting for instructions - the commander-in-chief of the New World Army, Anson Bach!"

After the words fell, the entire command center fell silent.

All the officers looked at me, and I looked at you. In the end, Chris stood up and said tentatively and cautiously: "Um... Chief of Staff, whose order do we listen to between these two orders?"

One was the marshal of the New World Legion, and the other was the commander-in-chief of his own family... The corners of Carl Bain's mouth kept twitching with an extremely ugly face, and he wished he could have eaten both letters alive as if they were someone.

Not to mention Louis Bernard's letter asking for help, even looking from the north position, it is not difficult to see the defensive pressure in the direction of the port; although the two thousand Sailing City defenders stationed there are elite, they can only block the enemy for a short time and for a long time. Something is definitely going to happen.

No matter how confident you are in your perfect plan, that bastard... you can't just watch your friendly troops die, right?

That's the problem... Karl doesn't believe in such a simple truth. Anson Bach really doesn't understand, and it's absolutely impossible not to support Louis for such a joke-like reason. No matter how important it is to annihilate Bernard's army, it's impossible. Thousands of elite friendly troops were sacrificed in vain!

So what is the reason why he doesn't support it? What is there that he doesn't know or hasn't discovered?

After struggling for a long time, Karl, whose brows were almost squeezed together, looked like a deflated ball and raised his head helplessly:

"Shooting Army...don't move!"


"No, is there really no movement at all?"

Outside the position on the north side of Black Reef Port, Bernard Morweis looked blankly at the position where the military flag stood in the distance, his mind completely blank.

I have made it clear that I will not take the initiative to attack, so why don't you go to the port and fight with that bastard Borre Levent so that I can get through smoothly?

Bernard didn't understand, but he didn't dare to make any unnecessary moves... Now his 10,000 troops were "spread out" on the entire front like pepper, and any unnecessary moves might cause the opponent to attack. Vigilance allowed Borre Levent to gain an extra advantage; at the same time, the troops were too spread out, making it difficult to command the entire army freely and not daring to engage in more complicated actions.

Bernard, who couldn't figure it out after thinking for a long time, had to give up and ordered the army to continue to maintain the pretense, be alert to the movements of the defenders, and occasionally assume an offensive posture, but never get close to the defense line; anyway, as long as he does not take the initiative to attack, he will usually come. The defenders who were said to be beaten were not stupid enough to take the initiative to attack, right?

Well, usually?

Is that bastard Anson Bach... a commander who can be guessed as "normally"?

Bernard was shocked, and the string that was about to be completely relaxed tightened again. He quickly stood up and wanted to order the army to slowly gather together and stop spreading out.

However, before he could speak, the messenger who hurried over brought a shocking news: "Sorry, Lord Supervisor, a large number of footprints were found at a line barracks stationed in the northwest. It is suspected that an army has just arrived recently. Go through there!”

Um? !

Bernard's expression suddenly changed: "You mean to say that the army from Black Reef Port has recently sent reinforcements to Gray Pigeon Castle, and the number of troops there is far greater than the number we initially knew?!"

"I...I, I, I..."

"Forget it!" Bernard waved his hand to interrupt the stammering messenger, his tone a little impatient: "Tell me, how many traces of military movements did they find?"

What if Black Reef Port is just a decoy and Anson Bach's real purpose is to annihilate the Jihadist Army attacking Gray Pigeon Castle...

Bernard was anxious. With Arthur Herred's leadership level, he was not even worried about whether the army would be wiped out, but whether the bastard could run back to Sailing City alive.

etc! The current only legion commander in Sailing City is Ludwig Franz, and this guy has a close relationship with Anson Bach; if the Clovis take the risk and cooperate with the Free Confederacy to annihilate the Empire’s Holy War Legion, then...


Just when Bernard's heart was in chaos, a loud thunderous sound suddenly came from his ears.

Without hesitation, the guards and messengers present, including Bernard himself, all subconsciously looked towards the direction from which the sound came - not surprisingly, it happened to be the northwest.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Bernard, whose expression had regained his composure, ordered in a deep voice: "Notify the entire army to abandon their positions and immediately assemble to the north position as quickly as possible!"

"You, you, and you! You and your cavalry also go to different directions to deliver orders and inform all the troops as quickly as possible. No one is allowed to delay. It is a violation of military law!"

"As you command!"

Several guards who were named along with the messengers hurriedly bowed and saluted, and galloped towards the troops scattered everywhere; while running, they blew the rallying bugle; the piercing trumpets sounded one after another in the wilderness, urgent and commanding. People are uneasy.

Like the cry of a dying person.

Under the banner of the Ring of Order, a tense-looking Bernard stared in the northwest direction, a bad premonition gradually brewing and fermenting in his heart.

Finally, he saw it.

On the top of the northwest hill where the explosion sounded, the fluttering golden iris flowers were fighting and retreating; the soldiers wearing blue and white military uniforms were gradually replaced by the inconspicuous red and black.

One, a hundred, two hundred... countless figures of Clovis soldiers came up from behind the hillside, biting the outnumbered Jihadi soldiers like wolves in the wilderness; while the Jihadi soldiers were eager to get closer to the large army. They had no intention of fighting at all, and could only watch helplessly as their comrades were swept away by the enemy. The hastily turning team kept pulling down corpses one after another.

The sound of the assembled military bugles turned out to be the prelude to the retreat.

But the group of hungry wolf-like Clovis people did not rush to attack, but quickly gathered their formation; behind them, a petite figure with a revolver in one hand and a military flag in the other emerged, and fired the trigger at the sky.


Six gunshots rang out, and Lisa Bach, who was grinning like a tiger, waved the military flag in her hand and pointed toward the front with great momentum:

"Everyone - go - waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

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