I will be crowned king

Chapter 837 Rush over directly

Deafening shouts of death pierced the sky, panicked shouts and orders to retreat echoed in the wilderness.

Under the banner of eleven stars fluttering in the wind, the Storm Legion Guards Company and the Fourth Infantry Regiment suddenly rushed out from the northwest side of the battlefield, leading to the high ground in the direction of Gray Pigeon Castle without any warning; after easily defeating a lone infantry company, they did not stop. Without any pause, a fierce all-out assault was immediately launched.

There was no shooting in line, no shooting by Xu Jin, and no orderly drumming. More than a thousand Clovis soldiers in red and black military uniforms, carrying rifles with bayonets, rushed up condescendingly!

In order to deal with possible accidents, Bernard and his regiment also made some preparations, and they were not completely pretending to be dead. Not only were temporary forts arranged on the northwest mountains, but there was also a fully-equipped regiment. garrison.

Even if there are reinforcements from the direction of Gray Pigeon Castle, Bernard is not worried that the enemy will immediately rush into the battlefield and crush his scattered army directly.

Until he finally realized that it was really not safe to show off like this, and ordered the entire army to assemble.

Faced with a sudden enemy attack, the line regiments that could barely hold back heard the rally call and retreat order behind them. They immediately abandoned their positions without hesitation, turned around and began to run wildly, trying to escape from the enemy as quickly as possible. war.

This is of course a wise decision to reduce casualties and follow orders, but it is also tantamount to giving up the high ground that can finally contain the attack, completely exposing the rear and flanks of Bernard's army to Lisa's guns.

Losing their foothold, the line of troops that quickly turned their backs to the enemy quickly collapsed, throwing down their weapons and flags and fleeing.

The troops gathering at the rear saw the scattered friendly troops and the oncoming enemies. Even if they had the intention to stand and resist, they were restrained by orders and unable to form an effective line of defense. They fought and retreated, allowing the defeated troops to break up their formations, and they could only do so. Able to retreat in embarrassment.

So more than a thousand soldiers of the Storm Legion chased thousands of the Holy War Legion to flee for their lives in the wilderness on the outskirts of Black Reef Port. Less than ten minutes after the battle started, most of Bernard's Legion had turned into headless flies. The command system has completely collapsed and cannot even fight independently.

Lisa, who had taken the lead, waved the eleven-star ring flag, and led the guard company and the 4th Infantry Regiment, who were rushing to catch up with her. They were like hungry wolves rushing into the herd of sheep. While attacking, they were not focused on any single task. The target was specifically aimed at the army that suddenly stopped and turned around to fight.

Once defeated, they did not pursue, but quickly turned their targets to other combat units, running wildly without stopping.

"It's over, it's over... Are these Clovis people prophets? How can they appear on the battlefield so accurately?!"

Looking at the almost total collapse of the situation, Bernard Morweis's eyes were blank; he now finally understood what it meant that all decisions were correct, but he got the wrong answer.

In front of him, the Clovis people had successfully broken through the northwest highland, almost cutting off the only way for the army to gather in a straight line; these completely dispersed armies were almost one by one, like a refueling tactic. The Uighurs were constantly defeated; just visible to the naked eye, the number of casualties was incalculable.

Even if he immediately sent the assembled cavalry regiment to maintain order, it would be of no avail... The chaotic rout blocked all counterattack roads, and was driven away by the Clovis people like sheep; before the cavalry could get close to the enemy, they The formation was broken up by his own people first.

Originally, there were temporary forts on several highlands on the northwest side and behind him, which could completely deter the enemy from a high position; but they were abandoned and destroyed under his own orders; several artillery pieces did not dare to risk blowing up his own people. Taking risks, he aimed his guns at the Clovis who were huddled in the rout.

This is not really because Bernard cares about the soldiers, but because he is worried that if the defeated army is hit by a few more artillery shells, it may completely lose its organization and be completely unable to assemble.

Arthur Herred's Holy War Legion is an army made up of half the nobles of the Duke of Dragon and half from Bernard and other wealthy families in the north of the empire. Bernard can't afford to mess with either side; he can still defend himself by simply dying in battle. Killing the army with your own hands will definitely not be easily let go by those big bosses.

At the same time, the troops gathered back from the battlefield on the east side also noticed the anomaly on the northwest side, and suddenly people were panicked - they arrived at Black Reef Port by boat. The road on the west side was controlled by the enemy, which meant that they lost their retreat and became semi-surrounded. Alone.

"Master Supervisor, please think about how to retreat. If this continues, we will really have nowhere to escape!"

"Yes, the soldiers are all panic-stricken. This battle can no longer be fought!"

The knight officers were extremely anxious and pleading at the top of their lungs; the troops gathered around them were also panicking, and there were rumors everywhere that "thousands of reinforcements from Gray Pigeon Castle were coming to kill" and they were going to be surrounded and annihilated.

And because the enemy was the Clovis wearing red and black military uniforms, these rumors had an upgraded and enhanced version - Ludwig had betrayed the Crusaders, and after annihilating Lord Arthur Herred, he headed to Black Reef Port. Come to kill!

Bernard, who had a big head, had no intention of refuting these nonsense. After quickly observing the enemy situation and the changes in Black Reef Port, the last bit of panic expression was replaced by calmness.

"Escape, how to escape?" Bernard sneered: "The retreat road has been completely cut off, half of the army has lost contact, and it is not clear whether the enemy troops who launched the surprise attack have follow-up reinforcements... A hasty retreat is not an escape. , is seeking death!"


"We only have one way to go now!"

After interrupting his subordinates' speech with a low roar, Bernard pulled out the long knife from his waist and said: "Assemble the entire army immediately and launch a general attack on the positions on the north side of Black Reef Port."

"Borey Levent's army is storming the port, which will inevitably tie up the large number of troops defending Black Reef Port. However, our army's previous bluff, coupled with a series of defeats, the enemy will definitely relax their vigilance against us."

"This is a great time to launch a general attack. We can break through the outer defenses in one go and break into the city before Borre Levent. The credit for seizing Black Reef Port will be ours!"

Bernard looked confident, but in fact he was quite guilty. After all, he had just been slapped with confidence, and he couldn't figure out what Anson Bach wanted to do.

But even if he no longer has confidence, there is no other way to go now; that bastard Borre Levent can just slap his butt and sail back, and he can fight his way through Black Reef Port, Gray Pigeon Fortress, and Wild Grass Forest and return to set sail. City? !

As for how to deal with the Clovis coming out from behind... Anyway, the defeated troops on the west side haven't been completely dispersed yet, so let them hold on for a while until they break through the northern defense line.

"That's it - target the defense line on the north side of Black Reef Port, the entire army will attack - charge!"

Despite the panic, under the constant urging of Bernard Morweis, the Jihadist Army mustered up the courage to advance towards the northern defense line.

"They're starting to take action."

In the command post on the west side, Fabian, lying on the trench, watched the reorganized Bernard Army, with a hint of joy in his stern expression:

"Everything is as you expected, it's the northern position - Commander-in-Chief, they are advancing towards the northern position!"

"Of course."

Anson snorted softly, his expression almost too proud: "Immediately send the messenger to Carl Bain. The shooting army should not engage in defensive counterattacks. As long as the enemy advances to the front of the position, immediately use a counterattack to block Bernard in the front." Outside the position, his military flag will never be allowed to appear on the position."

"We are fighting on two fronts at the same time. The morale of the Black Reef Port militia is very fragile. Once they see that there are enemies behind them while resisting the landing of the fleet, their morale will definitely be shaken."

"In addition, you immediately lead the Grenadier Regiment to reinforce Louis Bernard and tell him that the plan has been successful. There is no need to resist the landing Jihadi Legion, just try to buy time; once the fighting on our side is over, we will immediately come to launch a counterattack, and the land army will If the entire front is defeated, unless the commander on the opposite side is a fool, he will definitely withdraw his troops temporarily."

As soon as they withdraw, the Jihadi Army will either increase its troops and continue the siege, or it will have to temporarily abandon Black Reef Port and attack Fort Gray Pigeon. No matter which one, the New World Army will have enough time to organize a retreat - annihilate the enemy's effective forces and kill Bernard. Morwes, the goal of a leisurely retreat has been achieved!

Throwing Gray Pigeon Castle and Black Reef Port to the struggle for power, and relying on the jihadist officers who made their fortunes through jihad, the New World Army could further shrink its defense line and organize the next round of counterattack.

Bernard Morweis... In Anson's eyes, this former old rival was already a dead man.

Curling his lips contemptuously, he turned to look at the other officers in the headquarters: "Send the order - the defenders on the west side have begun to gather, prepare to attack, and cooperate with the defenders on the north side to outflank Bernard's Army!"


Uniform shouts rang out in the camp, and everyone had a confident expression on their faces, as if they were not afraid of any accidents if they abandoned their positions and attacked across the board, risking being attacked by naval guns at sea.

Of course there will be no surprises, everything is planned and everything is part of the plan.

War is not one-way, and the army is never a whole... As long as the intelligence is sufficient, the information is sufficient, and the plan is thorough enough... then the result must be certain.

Accompanied by the rapid beating of drums, the western position was defended by a mixture of Sailing City Legion, Storm Legion and Black Reef Port Militia. Nearly ten thousand troops left the fortifications and came towards Bernard's Legion, which was hastily launching an attack in chaos. .

"The western front of Bernard's Army has collapsed and is fleeing towards the shore!"

"The defenders outside Black Reef Port are breaking away from their positions, launching a frontal offensive against the defeated army, and driving them northward!"

"The dock offensive has been frustrated. The leading troops encountered strong fortifications and were unable to break through quickly. Please provide artillery support!"

"The cruiser Scimitar reports that it has run aground near the beach and there is a lot of damage on the bottom of the ship. It requests permission to abandon the ship!"

On the deck of the fleet flagship, the extremely ugly Borre Levent looked at the Black Reef Port, his mood completely falling to the bottom as one piece of bad news came after another.

If he could still understand Bernard Molwes' paddling, then the opponent's inexplicable defeat now was really shocking.

Across most of the battlefield, the Borei fleet did not know what happened on the outer battlefield of Black Reef Port. It only knew that Bernard had been defeated, and because it was not clear that the opponent's army had spread across the entire outer battlefield; so the Borei Army In front of his eyes, Bernard's army of more than 10,000 people was completely defeated, and only two or three thousand people were killed.

But this is no longer critical... because the Bernard Army is completely finished, and the pressure is completely on the side of the Borre Army. They are now really going to attack Black Reef Port alone.

"The whole army obeyed the order and no warship was allowed to bombard the enemy on the western battlefield, and the enemy was allowed to continue to pursue the defeated Bernard Army."

After a brief hesitation, Beaure Levent finally made a decision: "Collect the remaining artillery shells and prepare to focus fire to break through the defenses on the shore!"

Yes, his decision was to sell Bernard Molwes.

The army of more than 10,000 people completely collapsed, and even allowed the enemy to leave the fortifications with confidence and pursue pursuit, which proved that this old bastard was completely hopeless; it was better to let him and the scum under him use their remaining energy to contain the enemy for a while longer The main force gave himself a chance to break through the port's defense line.

So the fleets parked on the sea put away their guns, allowing Anson Bach and his army of nearly ten thousand people to pass through the western battlefield in a mighty manner, turning around and heading towards Bernard Molwes. .

"Borey Levent, you scumbag deserves to go to hell!"

Seeing the New World Army that suddenly appeared from his flank, Bernard instantly understood what was going on and became furious. He yelled as if his whole body was about to burst: "Wait for me, I swear on the name of Ed Levent." , I will never let you off lightly!"

"Sir, what should we do now?!" The officers on the side quickly came closer: "The enemy launches a surprise attack from the flank. Even if we can quickly break through the fortifications, we will most likely be cut off from our retreat!"

"I can't help it, I can't control it anymore!"

Bernard interrupted without hesitation, gritting his teeth with lingering anger: "Now we can only attack head-on. Otherwise, if we continue to delay like this, we may really be trapped and die in this suburban wilderness. Anson Bach wiped out the siege!"

At this point, he was panicking and had an increasing sense of déjà vu, and couldn't help but wonder if he had been fooled from the beginning; Anson Bach was not trying to defend Black Reef Port, but was using Black Reef Port as a trap. , Annihilate the Holy War Legion?

At this moment, a desolate bugle sound suddenly sounded from in front of him.

The frightened knight officers looked up one after another, and saw countless figures suddenly appearing on the towering hills; holding rifles with strange shapes that resembled battle axes, appeared in front of them.

Bernard, who felt a chill in his heart, froze on the spot and muttered to himself in horror:

"He, they don't... don't want to be direct... directly..."

"...Come directly towards us?"

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