I will be crowned king

Chapter 838 The slogan to reverse the deadlock

The next second, the shooting army in position responded with practical actions:

"All the troops, advance-attack-!!!!"

As Carl Bain shouted at the top of his lungs, earth-shaking roars exploded above the northern position, even covering up the roar of the battleships and coastal defense batteries behind him.

The frightened Jihadi soldiers raised their heads one after another. Under the dazzling sunshine at two o'clock in the afternoon, the densely packed figures of the shooting troops on the slope were like a jet of black lava, rushing and rolling, attacking them condescendingly.

Bernard, who had no time to think about it, made a decisive decision and ordered the army to stop advancing. He asked the five regiments of the vanguard to form a column of 3,000 people to immediately launch an attack to entangle the charging shooting corps. At the same time, he personally commanded six infantry regiments to deploy on the west side. Prepare to deal with Anson Bach, who is slowly advancing towards him with the defeated troops.

The cuirassiers remained stationary for the time being, leaving them as a weapon to break through the defense line.

The choking smoke of gunpowder filled the air at the bottom of the slope. Based on their past experience in fighting the Clovis people, the Imperial Line soldiers of the Crusaders calmly lined up with loaded rifles, preparing to take advantage of the enemy's advance to fire a round. Shoot and then charge.

However, as soon as the volleys from the first few rows finished, they were horrified to find that after more than a dozen figures fell down on the opposite side, they did not stop shooting at them, but instead used their tomahawk-like rifles, regardless of Sanqi. Twenty-one rushed up.


Deafening roars exploded in the chests of thousands of Shooting Army soldiers. Before the columns of the five regiments officially launched their charge, the front line was almost broken up.


The grinning indigenous people split open the left shoulder of the line of soldiers with an axe, and dark red blood bloomed like flower buds in the crowd.

The frightened Jihadi soldiers around him immediately organized their surroundings and set up bayonets to attack; they saw the barbarians in front of them throwing their companions stuck on the axes behind them like dragging sandbags, pointing their guns at the crowd, and then...


Amidst the terrifying loud noise, three or four Jihadi soldiers were hit head-on by the spurting shotguns, and fell to the ground screaming and covered in blood.

The shooting soldier who couldn't pull out his ax was stabbed in the chest with a bayonet by the soldiers who rushed forward. After struggling twice, he fell into a pool of blood.

Similar scenes continued to play out on the battlefield. The soldiers of the Jihad Army who had exhausted their ammunition in advance were completely at a disadvantage when facing the shotguns fired by the Shooting Army. However, relying on their still sufficient morale and organization, they were not immediately defeated and were still resisting tenaciously. .

In the fierce melee, the Jihadi Army even tried to launch a counterattack among the loose formations of the Shooting Army, and the Shooting Army, which was already red-eyed, was like an emotionless meat grinder, smashing torsos and bodies in one breath with The ax on the head, the shotgun blasting the flesh and blood into minced meat, destroyed the morale of the holy war army with the most terrifying fighting method.

The battle lasted less than a quarter of an hour, and the frightened Bernard had to order the five line regiments to stop the attack and steadily retreat to reorganize the defense line.

The damn Clovis people on the other side could not regard the indigenous people as human beings, but he couldn't... These soldiers were the capital that he and Arthur would use to negotiate with all parties in the Jihad Army in the future. He could not afford the heavy casualties. of.

"Okay, very good, that's the rhythm."

On the west battlefield, Anson, who was watching the battle from a baggage truck, was very satisfied. Facts have proved that the shooting army is definitely worth the money, that is, it is cheap and efficient cannon fodder - this kind of life-threatening style of play, he can Reluctant to let the Storm Legion go.

Perhaps because of the red and black military uniforms, the imperial knights on the opposite side obviously mistook them for Clovis people, and even thought about shooting with the shooting army, but suffered a big loss; in just ten minutes, the defense line was torn apart. Judging from the naked eye, the number of casualties among the Imperial line soldiers was one to two hundred - of course the same was true for the shooting army, and even more due to several rounds of salvo fire.

But even if the casualty ratio is one to two, or even one to three, the one who suffers is definitely the Jihad Army - from purchasing indigenous people, training, food to all the equipment, the cost of a Shooting Army soldier will definitely not exceed twenty gold coins; The Jihadi Army, which brought soldiers all the way from the mainland, spent at least ten times this amount on soldiers.

When he thought of this, Anson felt like he had a picture in his mind - the slave owners of the thirteen colonies gathered in the Supreme Council and tragically shouted to the indigenous people and colonists below: "When the last shooter soldier falls, The Free Confederacy will never surrender!"

Facing the fierce offensive of the Shooting Army, the five Imperial Line regiments had to fight and retreat, and soon they were close to the right wing that was tensely confronting Anson Bach. Behind them, Lisa Bach and the 4th Infantry Regiment were still fighting. The assault continued and did not join Anson Bach's main force.

The entire Bernard Army was completely squeezed into a wilderness that seemed spacious but was actually facing enemies on three sides without any bunkers. The back road had been blocked and the only retreat was to the east - leading to Red Hand Bay, that is. The direction of the New World Army's next line of defense.

Seeing this situation, Carl Bain cursed a certain commander-in-chief in his heart for not clarifying the plan, and ordered the shooting army to continue organizing the attack so that Bernard Morweis could not gain a foothold.

Just a few minutes ago, the chief of staff received another request for assistance from the port. This time the person sent was not even Louis Bernard, but Fabian's messenger.

Even with the timely reinforcements of the Grenadier Corps, the Borre Corps, relying on naval gunfire coverage, succeeded in landing on the beach after paying the price of two cruisers bottoming out and the loss of small boats; more than 3,000 jihadist soldiers were drowned. The cold water around the waist quickly broke through the outermost defense line.

"...The enemy on the opposite side seems to have completely ignored the battle on land. The naval guns have concentrated all their firepower to cover the fortifications on the beach. The temporary forts cannot withstand it at all. I can only watch the enemy step in and rush in!"

The messenger, who was desperately wiping the blood and sweat from his face and almost soaked through, panted: "Not only that, but there are so many talented people on the opposite side - I saw with my own eyes a guy who should be dressed as a company commander. He is also a gifted person who has awakened the power of his blood. He can stir up a storm with a single swing of his blade, and fly straight over a fortification three to four meters high, smashing down like a cannonball!"

"So powerful?" Karl couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked nervously: "Then how is he now?"


"That talented person."

"Oh, he's dead - the place where he fell happened to be Sir Louis Bernard's headquarters, and the Sir raised his hand and shot him in the chin. When he fell, he hit the ground head first."


"This is not the point. The point is that the port defense line is empty. The enemy is still increasing its troops. It is almost unstoppable!"

"We must stop it even if we can't. We must not let the port fall completely before dark!"

At this moment, Karl was surprisingly calm, and his face no longer had the panic look before: "Tell Fabian and Sir Louis that I will try my best to gather artillery on the outer positions to provide support for you, but before the battle here is over, , not a single soldier will be mobilized to the port defense line!"

The momentum of the defeat of Bernard's Army on the opposite side has begun to show. After the initial panic and the frustration of attacking the northern defense line, they now only need an opportunity. An accident may cause morale to collapse; Annihilate tens of thousands of holy war legions in one breath.

How can you allow the slightest hesitation at this time? !

But on the other hand, the port defense line has been strong for several hours, and it is almost reaching its limit... Carl, who pursed his lips tightly, turned to look at the battlefield below him - in the few minutes he was talking to the messenger, the collapse was... Soldier Lisa Bach once again launched an attack on the enemy.

After experiencing the initial panic, the Holy War Legion had realized that this "Gray Pigeon Fort Reinforcement" only numbered a thousand people, and they continued to organize defense lines to block them; but every time they deployed their defense lines, they found that the enemy had bypassed their front, just like It shot out from the flank like a ghost.

Of course, they were not without losses, but they were nothing compared to the defeated enemies; even for them, the casualties were not the biggest burden, but fatigue.

In order to keep up with Lisa Bach's wind-like speed and figure, the soldiers of the Guard Company and the Fourth Infantry Regiment never stopped after entering the battle. They were running crazily all the time... After dozens of minutes of fighting, every soldier His chest was heaving like a broken bellows. Apart from taking steps forward, he no longer had the strength to even shoot.

"Li...Miss Lisa, I...should we...should we go meet up with the Commander-in-Chief and the others?"

Leo Clinton, commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment, was breathing heavily and shouted to the figure in front of him who seemed to never tire: "The soldiers are almost out of energy. If we keep running like this, we will soon be defeated by the enemy." Surrounded."

"We are going to be surrounded!"

The girl grinned, and kept pulling the trigger of the steam gun in her hand. The gushing lead bullets continuously penetrated the flesh and blood body that blocked her; her blood-stained hair and cloak danced in the wind, making the petite figure Like a leaping elf.


A rifle butt smashed the screaming enemy on the ground to death, and the commander of the 4th Infantry Regiment was stunned.

"How come you still don't understand at this time, little fool Leo!"

Pulling the gun bolt quickly, Lisa frowned and complained with her lips: "Anson must confront the enemy and contain a large number of troops. Carl's shooting army has all entered the battle, but all of them are returned by Billio. A stupid fool cannot execute orders that are too complicated."

"Besides the good girl Lisa, is there anyone else who can break the deadlock at this time?!"

No more, definitely no more!

The girl grinned from the corners of her mouth to the roots of her ears, and her hair that sprouted like weeds from under the brim of her hat stood up and down, triumphantly.

This... seems to be the case.

The commander of the Fourth Infantry Regiment's pupils shrank suddenly, with a look of astonishment on his face; although the encirclement carefully created by Commander-in-Chief Anson Bach seemed to be unbreakable, in fact it was only slightly different from the strength of Bernard's Army. To annihilate them head-on would definitely result in heavy casualties.

However, the New World Army, which is short of troops and cannot replenish its troops, absolutely cannot bear this price.

At this time, only by breaking the deadlock, causing the other party to completely disorganize themselves, and the command system to completely collapse, can a beautiful battle of annihilation be fought.

Leo, who had figured everything out, didn't suddenly realize it, but instead felt it was even more ridiculous; it would have been anyone else, but why did even Miss Lisa Bach suddenly become so smart and be able to see through a veteran like herself at once? Can't understand the perceived problem?

And what she just said... was clear and easy to understand. This seems to be different from the former White Whale Harbor Chief Sheriff who could only speak short sentences and had others figure out how to understand them.

With a trace of doubt and out of breath, Leo wanted to ask her how she was going to break the deadlock, but then he suddenly looked horrified, as if he had noticed something: "Wait! Are you, are you going to... "

"Guess, right -!"

The roar of the steam gun and the excited shouts of the girls overlapped, opening up a path paved with flesh and blood for the army.

At the same time, Bernard Morweis, who was sitting on the right defensive line, had also noticed the "little chaos" behind him, and his nerves became tense involuntarily.

"The enemy only has about a thousand men and two infantry regiments. Let the line regiments on the flanks organize defenses. No retreat is allowed, otherwise military law will be enforced!"

Bernard shouted in panic. The frontal assault was thwarted, and Anson Bach on the flank was delayed in launching an attack. He was obviously waiting for an opportunity.

Once he shows a little panic, tens of thousands of Free Confederate troops will come to cover him up, and he will really be finished.

"Soldiers of the Ring of Order, there is no need to panic. We still have the maritime fleet and the army of the Borre Corps to rely on! All the enemy's forces are restrained by us in this wilderness without any cover. The defense of Black Reef Port must be empty. It will fall at any time!”

"Now is the time to test the firmness of everyone's faith. Warriors of the Ring of Order, rather than hesitate, fight bloody battles with the enemy - the glory of the Ring of Order will protect the true..."


Bernard was not given time to finish his impassioned speech, and the dazzling fire exploded less than two hundred meters behind him.

The roar mixed with the shrill screams made him turn around subconsciously, and then his eyes widened.

That was a little girl who was walking on corpses, brandishing a steam rifle, wearing a close-fitting military uniform, and covered with weapons. It was a figure that Bernard Molwes would never forget in his life - in Hantu During the decisive battle, he blocked the figure of "Dragon Roar" Arthur Herred alone.


Looking at the goal that was already close in front of her, the girl with shining eyes could no longer restrain her inner excitement and shouted out the most handsome slogan in her heart:

"You're under arrest!"

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