I will be crowned king

Chapter 839 Fooled? !

Black Reef Port, beach battlefield.

As the Borre Corps completely gave up aiding Bernard Morvais, the 10,000 Jihadi troops under the cover of naval guns rushed to the beach. In less than two hours, they broke through Louis Bernard's weak beach defense line. .

The Marshal of the New World Army had at his full strength at this time, but only 2,000 men were scattered throughout the beach defense line. In order to guard against the enemy's naval guns, he did not dare to arrange them too closely. There were only three field guns... even with Fabian leading them. Although they received reinforcements from the Grenadier Regiment, they did not dare to fight to the death with the enemy. They could only stabilize the front and retreat step by step.

When more than two thousand Jihadi soldiers successfully landed on the beach, in order to avoid being disrupted by the enemy, Louis had no choice but to lead the army with Fabian to retreat into the city to avoid the enemy's sharp edge. At the same time, they used the buildings and various fortifications in the town to avoid the incoming attacks. The more intense the bombardment.

In the eyes of Borre Levent, all this was ironclad evidence that the main force of Black Reef Port was held back by Bernard Morweis's remaining soldiers, and that the defenders were seriously inadequate.

The only thing that surprised Borei was that even though they were retreating steadily, the defenders were still extremely tenacious. Not only were they able to maintain their front line, many commandos led by gifted knights failed to succeed and were repeatedly defeated by stubborn counterattacks. retreat, or even be annihilated.

Less than three hours had passed since the battle, and one of the gifted knights had been killed and four wounded... If it were any other family, this result alone would have been considered a serious loss of vitality; even though the Levent family has flourishing branches and many talented people, It also caused great pain to Borre Levent.

But in any case, the enemy is being defeated bit by bit, and the situation is very favorable to himself.

Even if the unexpectedly strong pagans on the opposite side can really stabilize the front, the port position has been captured by themselves, and it is only a matter of time before they capture Black Reef Port; unless the pagans who are short of troops want to be completely annihilated by themselves, the only option is to retreat. Options.

In a happy mood, Borre Levent raised his monocular and watched from a distance as the flag of the Ring of Order slowly advanced in the billowing black smoke. It had successfully broken through the second barricade and began to move closer to the town area.

"It seems that there will be no suspense in this battle."

A slightly dull voice approached from behind, with a bit of joy in his tone: "At this rate, I don't think we will have to wait until October before this unprecedented jihad comes to an end."


Boley Levent, who was in a good mood, turned his head slightly and looked at the figure that suddenly appeared next to him.

With slightly curly brown hair, stern black eyes, a tall figure of 1.8 meters and a simple imperial knight attire, at first glance he looks like just an ordinary middle-aged imperial noble; plus he is already over forty years old. In Xiaolong City, no lady passing by would probably give her a second look.

But Borei didn't dare to be disrespectful to the person in front of him - not just because the other person was the staff officer (supervisor) specially assigned to him by the Ring of Order Church.

"It went so smoothly thanks to the accurate information you provided. Otherwise, I, who have never been to the New World, would not have dared to take such a bold military adventure even if I was confident."

"You don't have to be polite, Commander Borei. It is also an important responsibility of the headquarters to serve all corps commanders and provide all logistical assistance except combat."

The middle-aged knight biting a cigar smiled and said: "It would be better to say that you are willing to cooperate with the work so that I can smoothly communicate with the church and the Judgment Knights. I am very grateful to you."

"In comparison, the two army commanders, Ludwig and Arthur Herred, are a headache." He changed the topic and his face suddenly became serious: "Not only did he reject the staff sent by the headquarters, They are not even allowed to interfere too much in the internal affairs of the legion, and their uncooperative attitude is everywhere, which really makes people don’t know what to say.”

"Obviously we are all comrades who work for the Circle of Order and are committed to purifying the cancer of heretics and heretics. Why are we so vigilant... It's hard to figure out."

"Yeah, I really don't understand what they think."

Borre Levent agreed with a solemn expression, but he was quite disapproving in his heart.

Except for a very small number of fools, who in the entire world of order does not know that the so-called headquarters established by the Judgment Knights and the Holy See, called the Staff, actually supervises and controls, turning the Jihad Army into a tool for you to suppress heretics and the old gods? people?

For example, the Levant family, which is closely related to the Knights of Judgment, dare not directly defy the Holy See, and are fanatical believers who chant sutras to cleanse their brains. Who of the rest of the people are willing to be overly interfered by your Holy See and control more than order? Is the ring still wide?

"Speaking of intelligence, I have a few questions." While complaining in his mind, Borre Levent, whose expression was still more pious than anyone else, quickly changed the topic:

"Since the beginning of the Holy War, various countries have at least nominally blocked ports to the New World. At the same time, the Church has not established a cathedral in the New World. Therefore, the information about the Free Confederacy and the Thirteen Colonies, and even their establishment of the New World Legion, is all How did you get it?"

"This is very simple." The middle-aged knight said solemnly: "Of course they - those heretics and heretics took the initiative to tell us."

Um? !

Borre Levent's pupils shrank suddenly: "I...I don't understand. The 'tell' you said...should be an exaggerated rhetoric, right?"

"It's not rhetoric, it's a fact." The middle-aged knight turned his head: "Commander of the Borre Corps, you are also a direct bloodline of the Levent family. Many internal matters of the Holy See and the Judgment Knights should be nothing to you. Secret...then you should also know something about the difference engine."

"The prices of commodities, the number of merchant ships that year, local newspaper news, rumors on the streets... As long as you have enough information and input it into the difference engine, you can get information that is almost as accurate as predictions."

"The heretics and heretics in the New World may really think that this holy war is just a hasty and temporary initiative, but they are wrong; the servants of the Circle of Order have never taken their eyes away from any corner of the world."

The middle-aged knight said as he took out an old newspaper and something similar to scratch paper from his arms: "In fact, we even collected copies and publications of the "Declaration of Resistance" when they established the so-called 'Free Confederacy' Newspaper of this event.”

"For the Holy See...the new world or the entire world, no matter in the past, present or future, there are no secrets."

"Under the blessing of the Ring of Order and the supreme wisdom mastered by the Holy See, the trajectory of the evolution of this world has long been locked, and the fate of everything has been written; the slightest ripples are just insignificant noises."

That understatement, as if everything was unimportant, made Borre Levent feel cold all over.

"Therefore, Captain Borre does not need to worry too much. You will definitely have a place among the heroes of this holy war. In the future, at least one of the four major parishes in the new world will need the Levent family to guard and guard it."

Looking at the battle in the distance, the middle-aged knight said with a somewhat flattering tone: "As for some pseudo-believers who are pious on the surface but actually have hidden agendas... This holy war will completely expose their true colors, and they will never be able to do so again." We cannot continue to do evil under the guise of the Circle of Order."

"Since the war is no longer in suspense, I will immediately return to the cabin to write the battle report to be submitted to the headquarters, and try my best to polish the merits of the Legion Commander... Farewell."

After saying that, the middle-aged knight gracefully saluted Borei, who did not dare to neglect and quickly stood up to return the salute. Then he watched the other party leave the deck with a swagger as if no one was around, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Legion Commander, who is this man?"

Seeing the other party enter the cabin, the herald, who had been standing aside without daring to breathe loudly, stepped forward and said, "Even if he is a consultant sent by the church, he takes himself too seriously."

"Taking it too seriously?"

Glancing at the disapproving herald, Borre Levent couldn't help but sneer: "That lord...don't say I won't give you face, even if he wants to kill everyone on our ship immediately in the name of false believers. It’s not impossible for everyone.”

"One, one boat of people?!" The herald's eyes widened: "He, what on earth is he..."

"The Knight Commander of the Judgment Knights, the gifted Knight of the Holy Grail, Francisco Los Napomuccino, usually he only uses his first and middle names, and it is said that people close to him will call him Isco directly, but it is only said that That’s all.”

Borre Levent's eyes showed extra vigilance: "Don't mention nicknames. According to rumors, the number of people who dare to call him by his full name can be counted on one hand."

"Francisco Los...ah!"

The muttering herald suddenly shouted: "Could it be possible that he is that... that..."

"The Judgment Knight who transformed into light and killed people without leaving a trace." Borre Levent nodded solemnly:

"It is said that during a certain battle that attacked a gathering of the Old Gods, three black mages were killed in the blink of an eye; when he waved his blade at you, you wouldn't even see his shadow."

"That's why in private, he is called...Wuying by those of us."

As soon as the words fell, the two people standing on the deck facing the sea breeze felt an unnatural chill at the same time, rising spontaneously from behind.

"Let's not talk about this yet!"

With a shiver all over his body, Borre Levent quickly changed the topic: "How is the battle at the port? The lookouts on each ship, have any new information been sent by the troops that have logged in on the shore, and the follow-up reinforcements. Are you ready?!"

"Information came from the flagship lookout. The enemy has completely abandoned their coastal positions and retreated to the center of the town. All streets and fortifications near the sea have been occupied by our army!" the herald said nervously:

"Because the enemy has always avoided direct confrontation with our army, the two sides have only had conflicts in small groups of troops. The number of casualties of our army has not been fully calculated, but it should not exceed double digits - of course, the same is true for the enemy's army. "

"The troops in front of us sent messengers, thinking that the enemy was trying to join the main force, and asked the army commander to consider whether to hold on to the port position first, and then launch a full-scale attack after the entire army has landed!"

"Well, this is also a choice, but it is a little overly conservative." Borey Levent shook his head:

"The reason why we can quickly break through and land and force the enemy to retreat is because the enemy made a mistake in judgment and transferred all the main forces defending the city to encircle and annihilate Bernard Morwes's army; once the attack speed is delayed due to reinforcements, it will soon be It might be more of a loss than a gain.”

Speaking of this, Boley couldn't help but smile a little secretly. Bernard Morweis, a smart scumbag, actually wanted to trick me, but he was so smart that he was penetrated by the enemy's reinforcements. , Haha... It’s really the protection of the Order!

However, by doing this, he successfully completed the task of delaying the enemy, allowing him enough time to launch an offensive at the port.

Forget it, just for the sake of the old relationship between the Levent and Morwes families, and the face of the dead Ed Levent, let’s give him a hand after we capture Black Reef Port!

Bolei, who became more and more proud as he thought about it, took a deep breath and pretended to be serious: "Even for the sake of Supervisor Bernard who is sacrificing himself, we cannot stop the pace of the attack and let the messengers immediately follow the next batch of reinforcements ashore. Tell them they must..."

The words stopped abruptly.

Borre Levent, who suddenly stopped, vaguely felt that he had seen something. He squinted his eyes slightly, looked towards the town with his binoculars, then raised the height slightly, and then...

"Isn't this... right?" Borei muttered to himself, looking at the battlefield in the distance. He was so shocked that he almost dropped the brand-new telescope in his hand again.


The herald nodded quickly and pointed to the vast sea of ​​blue star-ringed flags on the north side of the position in the distance: "Bernard's Army has been completely defeated. Thousands of soldiers fled eastward and are being attacked. The heathen cavalry intercepts and kills!”

"The battlefield in the town is full of rumors about the battlefield in the northern suburbs. Some say that Gray Pigeon Castle has sent tens of thousands of troops, and some say that Supervisor Bernard has been killed by a ten-year-old little girl. Some say that the enemy ambushed 300 cannons outside the defense line, leading Bernard's army into the ambush and annihilating it..."

"But whether it's a rumor or not, the main force of the enemy's city defenders is already quickly returning to the town. Black Reef Port is a city surrounded by mountains on three sides. Once the leading troops penetrate deep, they will be reduced to a lone army and be surrounded and annihilated by the enemy!"

The herald was still reporting in a panic, but the astonished Borei was completely lost.

He couldn't understand why the enemy could react so quickly. Even if the defenders' strength slightly exceeded that of the Jihadi Army, could they surround and annihilate Bernard's 10,000-strong army in just a few hours?

Unless...unless they never considered defending the port in the first place, but instead targeted the attacking army; the goal was not to repel the attacking army at all, but to completely annihilate as many parts of the attacking army as possible .

That means...himself, Bernard...we...the entire Jihad Army...

"be cheated?!"

New characters have appeared, and characters will appear more frequently in the future, especially the part about the Judgment Knights...

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