I will be crowned king

Chapter 840 Victory or Loss

Sharp screams and exclamations echoed in the ears, and countless blood and fire rolled up. One after another, the figures fell in the dazzling fire, swallowed by the smoke and soaked in blood.

The moment he saw the innocent girl laughing and rushing toward him, Bernard Molwes thought of many things.

He thought of Arthur Herred's repeated complaints about losing to a little girl who was not half as tall as him; he thought of the last battle at Black Reef Harbor, and how he never expected that Anson Bach would be in the city. , I thought of Louis Bernard, who had failed in the Battle of Sailing City, and defected, and thought of...

The deafening roar of guns and gunfire in his ears, and the dazzling fire in front of him made him temporarily lose the ability to think, and he just stood there blankly.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the surrounding guards immediately formed a hollow square formation to separate the stunned supervisors from the surrounding broken troops and the enemy. Some elites directly charged with their bayonets, entangling the Clovis who came up to kill them.

The Fourth Infantry Regiment and Lisa's guard company, which had been running wildly with the girl for dozens of minutes, had long since lost their physical strength and had lost the desire to pull the trigger; even if the surrounding broken soldiers recovered a little bit of organization, they would still be able to do so. It was possible to easily surround, repel, and annihilate more than a thousand of them.

But facing the murderous Lisa Bach, and the more than a thousand Clovis people who were walking on mountains of corpses and seas of blood, spitting hot air from their mouths, everyone in Bernard's army just wanted to get out of the war as soon as possible. The troublesome problem was solved in time by Leo and the girl, the commander of the Fourth Infantry Regiment.

More than a thousand Storm Legion soldiers were shocked to find that the battle was just like what the girl said - if you run, you can win. If you can't run or stop, you will die.

In the melee, more and more broken troops were mixed between the two armies. Although they could not organize a defense, they also slowed down the girl's pace; this little time also allowed the panicked Bernard guards to wake up. Coming over, they who had originally tried to resist began to drag the supervisor, preparing to take advantage of the chaos and take him to escape.

"Cover Captain Lisa Bach!"

Leo, who was following closely behind the girl, was the first to notice something strange. Out of breath, he threw away his rifle and pulled out the revolver from his waist. However, he was also squeezed in by many broken soldiers, and he could not move at all in a short time. Unable to get close to the hollow phalanx formed by Bernard's guards: "Charge, charge!"

The commander of the fourth infantry regiment shouted loudly, but the surroundings were in chaos. Not to mention the enemy, it was not clear where his troops had dispersed. Not even an infantry company could follow behind him.

Just when he was sweating profusely and having difficulty breathing, he accidentally glanced at some round, swaying small pendants hanging on the girl's waist, and his eyes suddenly lit up:

"Fourth Infantry Regiment—Grenade ready!"

Um? Grenade? !

After hearing these words, Bernard's guards suddenly became frightened. They did not dare to maintain the hollow square formation any longer and hurriedly protected the supervisor's retreat.

Then, they waited until a girl holding a steam rifle, plus a hundred panting and ferocious Clovis people came up from behind.

The last scene that the devastated Bernard saw before he fell into coma was the girl stepping on his chest with a "smile" on her face, raising the butt of the rifle high and pointing it at his head, and then...



As the headquarters was captured by the Storm Legion, and Bernard himself was captured by Lisa Bach, the legion, which had long been in a dilemma, also ushered in a complete defeat.

The first to be disintegrated were the five line regiments that faced off against the Shooting Army. Although they relied on excellent organization and high-pressure orders to tenaciously block the first round of charges, the huge casualties and ferocious indigenous soldiers also affected them. It caused a considerable blow to morale.

So when the news came that "Bernard was dead", the troops on the west side that were confronting the main force of the New World Army could still maintain their morale, but they became the first to collapse.

Amidst the continuous roar of guns and the gleeful shouts of the shooting army, these broken soldiers fled in all directions, unable to maintain their front line anymore. They were slaughtered and shot like sheep; their collapse directly caused the enemy on the flanks to retreat. The troops lost their cover and directly exposed their back, the central army of the legion, to the muzzles of the shooting army.

The situation that Bernard Morweis least wanted to see finally happened: the attack on the northern position was frustrated and he had to confront Anson Bach's main force on the western front. More than 10,000 legion hedgehogs gathered in the seemingly spacious wilderness. There is no depth or safe bunkers at all. As long as the forward line is penetrated and there is no room for detours in the back line, the collapse of morale will quickly cause a chain reaction and a collective rout will occur.

The cuirassier troops that were originally left behind as a rear guard were completely meaningless at this time - if the five infantry regiments on the front could retreat steadily and completely lure the shooting army to the plains, the cavalry could launch a surprise attack from the flanks. Destroy the morale of the shooting army, pursue the victory, and directly attack the empty northern position.

The cautious Lord Superintendent's vision was quite perfect. He did not expect to be able to capture the northern peripheral positions in one go, but as long as the flag of the Ring of Order was erected on the high ground, the morale of the defenders in the city would inevitably collapse; he could do it himself Taking advantage of the opportunity when Anson Bach had to return to rescue the city, he organized a legion to break out.

But this perfect plan was ruined from the beginning... The headquarters was taken away, and the cavalry who didn't come and remembered the order fell directly into the sea of ​​broken soldiers; charging was impossible, so they had no choice but to escape.

As the elite cuirassiers of the legion, they fled, which directly caused the last supervising force that could suppress the rout to be completely meaningless, and could no longer reverse the rotten situation.

During this process, the commanders of several line regiments that were confronting Anson Bach's main force had not yet completely lost their minds. They knew very well that once the line of troops could not be stabilized, the main enemy force on the opposite side would definitely launch a full-scale attack, and the situation would become really serious. It was irreversible... So while stabilizing the team, they tried to take advantage of the broken troops before they were killed by the shooting army, and besieged and captured Lisa and the 4th Infantry Regiment, who had captured the supervisor.

Although their reaction was correct, because there was no order and dispatch, several line regiments felt that they were the ones who had to turn the tide, and other friendly troops should try their best to cooperate. The result was that no one cooperated...the reinforcements from each regiment were all crowded in At the same time, Leo, who was so exhausted, was able to calmly organize a counterattack, one against five.

After confirming that the time was finally ripe, Carl Bain, who was still staying on the north side, finally gave the order to let the Sail City cavalry, which had been preparing for a long time, launch a surprise attack, and let the Storm Legion's hussars battalion follow closely behind to intercept and kill the enemy. The defeated troops fled eastward.

On the surface, of course, he wanted to increase the number of troops as much as possible to ensure that no fish would slip through the net, but in fact, Karl knew very well what level the Clovis cavalry was. Without Louis Bernard's imperial cavalry, it was really uneasy.

Under the sound of horse hooves and shouts of death, a swift figure holding high the eleven-star ring flag appeared on the east side of the battlefield, breaking into the broken army that had no organization or formation to speak of.

Facing the large-scale cavalry, the Holy War Army from the north of the empire once again showed unity and superb organization. They could organize themselves spontaneously without orders, joining up with their nearby companions in twos and threes to form small square formations; In an attempt to delay the pursuit and buy time for the remaining defeated friendly forces.

Unfortunately, they overestimated the courage of the Clovis people and underestimated their subordinates.

As soon as he saw the enemy quickly forming a square formation, Cavalry Major Jason Fruhauf immediately blew the bugle and directed the hussars to distance themselves from the broken troops; Carl Bain, who heard the horn sound, immediately understood and ordered the artillery to move forward. Company commander **** aimed at the enemy's square formation and concentrated fire with solid bullets.

Along with the continuous sound of artillery from the northern position, dozens of solid bullets fell on the heads of the defeated soldiers; the shattered corpses and the huge roar completely disintegrated their last bit of morale.

At this time, Major Jason calculated that the round of rapid fire was almost over, and immediately blew the attack horn again to let the hussars launch the attack first. The Sail City cavalry, which was originally the best at cavalry and artillery coordination, did not expect the Clovis people to be so shameless. He didn't even say hello, but fell one step behind. He could only cut off the enemy's retreat for the Storm Legion, and completely ceded the credit for the victory to the opponent.

The soldiers of the Crusaders, who were overwhelmed by fear and were overwhelmed by reason, could no longer organize a decent defense. In the blink of an eye, they were overrun, ravaged, and massacred by the waves of Clovis hussars; losing their organization and discipline, the infantry was like that in front of the cavalry. Weak and helpless.

At the same time, Anson, who confirmed that the enemy had been defeated across the board, also issued the final general attack order.

With the Fifth Infantry Regiment of the Storm Legion as the vanguard, the Sail City Line Regiment as the main force, and the Black Reef Port Militia as the rear; the nearly 10,000-strong army was fully engaged in the battle, advancing slowly like a moving steel jungle.

At this point, Bernard's regiment persisted until the end, and the several line regiments on the west side that were still struggling to their death were finally overwhelmed by the last straw. They took the initiative to lay down their weapons and raised the white flag to surrender.

The commander-in-chief has been captured by the enemy, and half of the army has retreated. The main force of the enemy army is in front of them, and there are cavalry behind them to intercept and kill them... When the battle reaches this point, even a fool knows that there is no chance.

Watching the enemies around him putting down their weapons one by one, taking the initiative to raise their hands and running over to surrender, Leo, who was too tired to even speak, was too lazy to move; he felt like he had turned into a puddle of mud, and just wanted to sleep well. Sleep, and by the way, think about why you are unlucky enough to be put on such a fatal task.

It wasn't until the casualties were counted after the war that Leo realized how lucky he was - throughout the battle, more than a thousand people from the Fourth Infantry Regiment and the Guard Company who were ordered to perform assault missions were injured, disabled, killed, and missing. Three hundred. Lisa, who was the spearhead of the assault, was naturally not immune. The girl had almost a dozen wounds of various sizes from head to toe left by various explosions, impacts, bayonets and stray bullets.

But he, the military commander who followed Lisa and was responsible for commanding the troops, did not have any wounds except muscle fatigue.

This result, not to mention the military doctor, even he found incredible - when the battle was most dangerous, he was almost in the center of Bernard's army, surrounded by hundreds of enemies, with as many stray bullets as flies in the summer, continuously He had repelled no fewer than dozens of enemy attacks, and there was not even a single bruise on his body according to the screenshots. His whole body was intact as if he had never participated in a battle, and his luck level was extremely high.

Not long after, a rumor about "Immortal Leo", which had existed in the Royal Clovis Army for a long time, also began to spread among the Storm Legion - no matter how desperate the situation was, this man could perform miracles Survive normally, and even complete the mission unexpectedly.

Of course, his comrades and subordinates are usually not so lucky. Without exception, they are all unlucky. Depending on the situation, it may range from heavy casualties to the complete destruction of the entire army.

At the same time that the enemy surrendered, Chief of Staff Carl Bain immediately ordered the shooting army to stop the attack. Taking advantage of the enemy's complete defeat, the red-eyed indigenous soldiers would not be able to find a chance to defeat their opponents for a while. Help the guy who can't obey orders to retreat quickly.

On the one hand, of course, they were afraid of a conflict between them and other troops of the New World Legion. On the other hand, they also had a similar idea to Bernard, but it was completely opposite - to let the army return to support and reduce the morale of the Jihadi Army who was attacking the port.

So the soldiers of the Borei Corps, who had been fighting bloody battles for several hours and finally felt that victory was in sight, were surprised to find that large swaths of enemy troops suddenly appeared one after another on the hillside in front of them. Hundreds of 11-three-ring flags were displayed in the clear afternoon. Under the sunshine, fluttering in the wind.

The defenders of Black Reef Port, who had been fighting hard for a long time, suddenly burst into cheers that resounded through the sky. Louis, who was kneeling on one knee in the fortification with a knife, and Fabian, who was covered in dust and smoke next to him, looked at each other. The two embarrassed people showed their complicated emotions in a tacit understanding. smile.


"Withdraw your troops."

Looking at the eleven-star ring flag flying on the north side, Borre Levent sighed silently: "Let the troops on the front line retreat steadily and retreat to the fortifications near the dock."

"Tell the vanguard that as long as the dock landing point is not lost, any other stronghold can be given away if the enemy attacks. Don't worry too much."

As he spoke, he slowly put down the telescope in his hand, feeling exhausted and lost as if he had just experienced a painstaking and futile effort.

Judging from the goals to be achieved, although the surprise attack failed, from the moment he took the landing point, Black Reef Port was already in his possession; specifically, he could only take as long as needed and pay the price to attack from the opposite side. Take this colony in your hands.

At the same time, on the other hand, the enemy had no intention of defending this port from the beginning. The goal was to eliminate the effective strength of the Jihadi Army; the life or death of Bernard Morwes, an important supervisor, was uncertain, and the elite of 10,000 people The entire legion was wiped out, so...

Bo Lei, who looked up at the sky, paused for a moment and sighed faintly:

"We lost."

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