I will be crowned king

Chapter 846 The Consciousness to Declare War

After taking in the troops and people who had withdrawn from Gray Pigeon Castle, there was only one option left for the New World Army to retreat. There were two completely different routes in front of them:

The first one was also the original plan: withdraw along the highway to Red Hand Bay, continue to relocate the people to the rear, and the legion will be stationed on the spot to build a defense line with the reinforcements coming from the rear, in preparation for the second round of the Jihadi Army's offensive.

But Borre Levent had already assembled a very large fleet. If he retreated in such a grand manner, he would definitely be pursued, not to mention that when passing through the coastal area, he would almost certainly be harassed by his naval guns, which would be unbearable.

The second is to leave a considerable number of troops and only send a very small number of troops to cover the people's retreat. It is necessary to hold back Borre Levent's warship in Black Reef Port and not leave easily.

Doing so is also risky. After all, no one can guarantee that the fleet on the opposite side can be firmly restrained by the legion. Even if there are only a few ships that use quick landing to intercept and ambush the retreating refugee team without enough troops to manage it, it may cause huge disasters. casualties.

Of course, people can also take a detour from the inland mountains and forests, take a small road to the direction of Winter Torch City, and then go south to Beluga Port. After obtaining supplies, they can then go to Winter Torch City... But there are almost no real roads and supplies on this road. Point, you have to go through the forest at least three times, and you may encounter attacks from wild beasts and indigenous people on the way. It's hard to say which risk is higher than being shelled by the jihadist army.

After many comparisons, Anson and Louis chose the second option, trying to hold off the other side while letting the cavalry and a small number of elite troops escort the people of the two colonies to retreat to the rear.

So on the night of June 1st, the New World Army, which had only a few positions left, began to redeploy its troops and prepare for a counterattack against the Jihadi Army that controlled most of the city. It assembled some artillery to focus fire on the opposite side, forcing the enemy fleet to Our own troops must be covered.

Of course, such a large-scale operation could not hide the enemy. After noticing that the other side wanted to retreat, Borre Levent immediately actively prepared to respond. At the same time, he sent a messenger to Ludwig in Sailing City for help, providing artillery shells and light ships as soon as possible. Intercept and harass retreating teams.

The messenger who was entrusted with the important task rushed to the Sailing City as quickly as possible, explained the situation to Ludwig in detail, and said that this was a kind gesture from Borre Levent, and he would give the military merit of "annihilating the main force of the enemy army" to Ludwig. Major General Ludwig.

"Please tell Mr. Borre Levent that I am extremely grateful for this 'gift'!" Ludwig, who was lying on the bed with bandages all over his body, smiled and said: "I will send reinforcements and supplies as soon as possible. .”

"Thank you so much! It's just that the fighter plane is fleeting. Can you give a specific time?"

"This... is a bit difficult. After all, the current supplies in Sail City are not too abundant, and they have to supply two fronts at the same time. To be honest, Lord Arthur Herred has also been sending people in recent days. Come to urge supplies and reinforcements." Ludwig was very puzzled, but then his attitude changed:

"But please don't worry. As long as I finish the work at hand and collect the supplies, I will give priority to supplying it to Mr. Borre Levent!"

"Ah, thank you very much!"

The messenger left in relief, completely unaware of the sneer on Ludwig's face when he turned around.

Give the credit to himself... He, Borre Levent, clearly wanted to use this method to test whether he and the New World Army really had a private relationship, and he was unwilling to share the victory in capturing Black Reef Port. Otherwise, why didn't he pursue it? , instead of letting yourself who is farther away intercept and kill the deserters?

So the next day, the messenger did indeed wait for supplies and reinforcements, but they were not sent to Borre Levent, but to Arthur Herred's regiment in Gray Pigeon Castle.

The extremely anxious messenger hurriedly came to ask the reason, and Ludwig looked upright and solemn: Commander Arthur Herred had just sent a letter saying that he had captured Gray Pigeon Castle and was eager to advance quickly; and Lord Borre Lewent We haven't been able to capture Black Reef Port so far. Is it too early to think about chasing the deserters?

Moreover, Sailing City had already provided supplies to the Borre Corps once before, which indirectly caused Arthur's Corps to have insufficient logistics and had to attack Gray Pigeon Castle quickly despite casualties. After finally winning the battle, it still delayed the supply, which was too biased. A little too strong.

A well-reasoned and impassioned speech left the messenger speechless. He could only cry and beg for reinforcements to be sent out as soon as possible. He must not miss such a good opportunity. Then he was sent away very impatiently by Ludwig.

On the third day, Ludwig simply refused the messenger's request for a meeting, citing his "worsened condition" as an excuse. He also told the other party a piece of "good news" - the vanguard of Arthur's Legion had set out and was about to meet Borre Lewin. The extra-large men are attacking Black Reef Port from the north and the south, so there is no need to worry about deserters anymore.

The subtext is: Stop thinking about deserters. If you keep procrastinating like this, Arthur Herred will take away the credit for capturing the city at Black Reef Port; let the troops responsible for the feint attack become the main attack, and you just wait. Shame on you!

The frightened messenger immediately set off to return and reported the situation to his legion commander.

After waiting for reinforcements for a long time, this is what happened. In addition to yelling that the Clovis people were indeed false believers, Borre Levent also had to start worrying about the next strategic deployment. Now he is the one who has to face the dilemma - — Should we go all out to seize Black Reef Port, or should we find a way to intercept and kill the main retreating enemy force?

After several days of fighting, he didn't have much supplies and ammunition on hand, and the physical energy of the soldiers was even more severely exhausted. On the contrary, because the opponent had been trying hard to avoid the battle, the situation was much stronger than his own, and he might end up wanting them all. If you don't do it at all, not only will you fail to severely damage the retreating enemy army, but you will also lose the credit for seizing the city to Arthur Herred.

But soon he found that he was overly worried. Anson and Louis on the opposite side had already made a decision for him - in the early morning of June 4th, while the Borre Corps was still having breakfast, the New World Army had shrunk to the edge of the town. There was a sudden attack.

The legion is led by the 4th and 5th Storm Legion, as well as the 2nd and 3rd Infantry Regiments that have just returned from Gray Pigeon Castle. The Sail City Legion and the Gray Pigeon Fort and Black Reef Port Militia are responsible for reinforcements, with a total of 10,000 troops. The attack was launched in three directions, with the goal of capturing the Parliament in the center of the town.

As for the Grenadier Regiment, the cavalry units of each unit and even the logistical equipment, Fabian and Chief of Staff Carl Bain immediately escorted the people to evacuate to the rear. At the same time, people were sent to the deputy commander of the Shooting Corps, Joseph, who had returned early, to lead the response.

The Black Reef Port, which had finally been calm for several days, was once again shrouded in acrid smoke and fire. The Jihadi soldiers who were awakened by the sound of gunfire looked at the Storm Legion coming from the central avenue of the town in disbelief, thinking it was... I saw it wrong.

Seeing the figures falling one after another in the gunfire beside them, they suddenly woke up and decisively abandoned their position and fled backwards.

Fifteen minutes after the attack started, the temporary defense line that the Borre Corps had quietly built in the past few days went bankrupt, and all the guns and ammunition on the position became trophies for the New World Corps. They then advanced quickly and quickly pushed the front line. Arrived around the city center.

Bo Lei, who was in a dilemma on the flagship, did not receive the information until half an hour later. He was in a bad mood and did not even have time to curse. He immediately ordered naval guns to cover the town with firepower, of course, mainly targeting the fallen defense line—— After squandering for several days without replenishing, the fleet's artillery shells have basically bottomed out.

Under the rapid bombardment, the New World Army was forced to suspend the offensive, allowing the Borley Army to finally reorganize its defense line, allowing the elite troops and the troops that were not attacked to quickly gather the defeated troops, and use volleys of guns and bayonets to deal with the officers who took the lead in the retreat, relying on the few remaining troops. The fortifications were used to re-build the defense line, and finally the previous results were not instantly wiped out.

In order to prevent the situation from deteriorating further, Borre Levent, who was reluctant at heart, personally led the guards and family knights, landed from the port with great fanfare, and personally directed the attack and defense of Black Reef Port to boost the morale of the legion.

At the same time, this also bluntly tells Louis and Anson on the opposite side: I only want Black Reef Port and don’t care about the rest.

The marshal and commander-in-chief of the New World Army, who understood deeply, continued to organize the attack while urging the troops that had not yet retreated to evacuate as soon as possible, without giving the other side room to regret.

At 14:25, the Storm Legion, which had been fighting all morning, suddenly stopped attacking. Just when the Borei Legion thought that the opponent's strength was exhausted and planned to postpone the offensive, the Sail City Legion and the Black Reef Port Militia Regiment were always following. Launch attacks alternately and continue to advance the front towards the Parliament.

Compared with the Jihadi Army who had just occupied the city for a few days, the New World Army clearly knew the structure of Black Reef Port better. After being hit hard by volleys and naval guns from the front, a large number of militiamen immediately got into the streets. houses and fired black shots at the Mujahideen soldiers from the flanks.

The Borei Legion reacted quickly, and their solution was to simply set fire to it - since they had no advantage here, they would make it impossible for the enemy to take advantage.

Countless houses were set on fire, and with repeated bombardment from naval guns, the surrounding area of ​​the city center was quickly razed to the ground; the sky-high flames and black plumes of smoke formed a "natural boundary", dividing the town into two.

As a result, the entire city center was left undefendable. Hundreds of jihadist soldiers were huddled inside the parliament, backed by the fleet. Any attacking army would have to face both artillery fire and the enemy. Under the double blow of the condescending firepower - it seemed to be temporarily invulnerable.

Until the Storm Legion finally dragged in their "new toy"-a six-pound howitzer.

Although this weapon has the advantages of both the cannon and the mortar - it can also be said to be the disadvantage - although its range has been reduced, it also has a very important advantage, that is, it can carry out more accurate curved fire.

Two for each infantry regiment, a total of ten howitzers were aimed at the Borre Corps position behind the parliament and fired rapidly at the same time; accompanied by a series of explosions, dozens of shrapnel exploded in the air above the heads of the Jihadi soldiers, and thousands of Tens of thousands of lead bullets swept like raindrops towards the densely packed flesh and blood in the position.

Beaure Levent, who was commanding at the port position at this time, watched dozens or hundreds of soldiers in the position being torn to pieces in the screams, and his face was extremely ugly.

At the same time as the bombardment ended, he immediately issued an order for the defenders to withdraw from the parliament - an isolated fortress is meaningless, but as long as this stronghold still exists, the troops responsible for covering the rear will all be targets of the New World Army's bombardment .

At 15:25, the Jihadist Army was forced to retreat from the surrounding area of ​​the city center, and the Free Confederacy's blue background and 11-star ring flag was once again planted on the top of the Parliament Tower in Black Reef Port.

However, the New World Army that controlled this stronghold did not pursue the victory, but stopped the offensive and organized defense on the spot; after all, Anson and Louis' goal was to hold back the Jihadi Army and their fleet, and did not really think about driving him into the sea.

Beaure Levent, who had more or less guessed the opponent's thoughts, was not in a hurry and let the troops stay where they were - anyway, Arthur Herred's army had already captured Gray Pigeon Castle and would come over at any time. He was anxious, but the opponent was definitely more anxious. .

Borre's idea was completely correct, but what he didn't know was that Arthur, who had just conquered Gray Pigeon Castle, was completely unable to organize an attack. It would be impossible to take away the credit for his Black Reef Port for a while.

So the result was that he wasted another day in vain, consumed ammunition and got nothing, while the New World Army calmly began to withdraw from Black Reef Port in batches in an orderly manner.

In the early morning of June 5th, Beaure Levent, who realized that almost most of the people on the other side had evacuated, immediately ordered an attack and easily recaptured the parliament in the city center. However, he was hit hard at the steel factory on the outskirts of the town, so he stopped the siege and watched helplessly. Watching the enemy behind him calmly withdraw from the battlefield.

On June 6, when there was still no news of Arthur Herred's arrival, Borre Levent vaguely felt that something was wrong, so he sent a messenger to contact him - bypassing Sailing City and heading directly to Gray Pigeon Castle.

The messenger risked being intercepted by the enemy, ambushed by the indigenous people, targeted by wild beasts, and lost in the mountains and forests, and ran back and forth desperately, and then told Borre Levent a piece of information that once again made him furious— —Arthur Herid and his legions are resting and have just set off!

At the same time, Anson and Louis, who led the legion, had successfully reunited with the follow-up reinforcements and successfully arrived at Red Hand Bay.

In addition to the members of the Supreme Council, the people who came to greet them also included a figure that did not often appear on weekdays: Bishop Ripper, the leader of the Alliance of Promise Keepers.

"As for the applications and requests put forward by the two adults, everyone in the legion and His Excellency Reinhard Roland have already conveyed them to me. To be honest, it is not too much to say, but..."

The bishop, who was dressed simply and exuded a certain fanaticism, took a deep breath and asked in a rich voice: "To canonize a hero who died at the hands of the Jihadist Army in the name of the Universal Church is tantamount to facing the church head-on. Declare war.”

"You two...are you really ready for this realization?!"

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