I will be crowned king

Chapter 847 Canonization

"Honestly, no."

Facing Bishop Riper's eyes full of divinity, the young knight's attitude was extremely honest: "To be honest, even now, I still don't think I have betrayed the empire - although my relatives and friends seem to have confirmed this fact. ”

"As for the church...how should I put it, I can't even imagine what the concept of 'betraying the church' is, let alone betrayal."

While saying this, he couldn't help but glance at Anson next to him.

"You are right, Sir Louis Bernard, you are indeed a true knight of the Ring of Order; you were born in the cradle of the bloodline of the seven knights, bathed in the glory of your ancestors and the Ring of Order working together for hundreds of years; faith , family, legend, loyalty...everything has long been as natural to you as breathing."

Bishop Ripper not only sighed with emotion, but also nodded slightly: "Children will not question their father, fish will not question the sea, and birds will not question the sky... Even if they really make actions that cause conflict with each other, there can be no doubts and peace in their hearts. Resist; because to question and resist the other person is to rebel against yourself and even the entire world you own.”

"Even counting Anson Bach, there are only a handful of people who can be enemies of themselves and the world they own in their next life."

Anson's mouth twitched when his name was called and he didn't dare to speak.

"But even if it is unimaginable, I advise you to be mentally prepared." The bishop's expression suddenly became serious: "I, a servant who serves the true God, don't know much about the war, but it is nothing more than an all-round conflict between both sides. In this case, the determined party must be stronger than the confused party."

"You are the commander-in-chief of the New World Army, and the lives and deaths of millions of people in the Free Confederacy depend on your sword. Your confusion is nothing more than personal mental pain on the road to pursuing God's will. The price of your confusion... It’s just living life.”

The young knight looked stunned.

He took a deep breath, slowly straightened his body, and solemnly saluted Bishop Ruibo: "Thank you for your warning, I will definitely keep it in my heart."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. I am not admonishing or reprimanding... As someone who is protected by you, I don't think I have that qualification." Bishop Ruibo shook his head:

"What I mean is that what you are doing right now is an act that is against yourself and even against your entire world. This will inevitably make you feel confused about yourself. You feel that you are obviously doing the right thing, but you are at odds with yourself. I used to go in the opposite direction; I was obviously practicing my own ideas and beliefs, but I was abandoned by the world."

"This is the reason for your confusion, but it is also the result of your growth; you no longer blindly follow the inner world, but actively work hard to explore and practice." Bishop Ruibo stared into Louis' eyes: "What is true, what is Correct, you have already made a judgment in your heart, but you are trapped in the past dependence on the world in your mind and cannot confirm it immediately."

"That's why I want to ask you, have you realized anything about the canonization of Miss Paulina Frey? Is it a betrayal that goes against your beliefs, or is it an act of justice?"

"Of course it is just." Louis said subconsciously: "She chose to sacrifice herself for the independence and dignity of the Free Confederacy. Even the most noble knight cannot do more than this..."

The words stopped abruptly.

The frozen young knight's lips trembled slightly, and his dazed eyes focused again: "I...Bishop Ruibo...I seem to understand what you mean!"

"Yes, since you think this is correct from the bottom of your heart, there is no need to be confused anymore." A smile appeared on the bishop's face:

"Since there is no confusion, please keep the awareness in your heart and go on unswervingly."

Standing up tremblingly, Bishop Ripper, still smiling, bent down and bowed respectfully to Louis: "The Free Confederacy, the millions of people in the colonies, and the believers of the Universal Sect, all... rest on your sword. Above."

"Please do not do this!"

The young knight panicked and wanted to get up to help him, but he didn't want to be stopped by the old man raising his hand, so he pushed him away a little roughly.

"No, it's my turn to say this." Bishop Ripper sighed deeply and looked into Louis' eyes: "I am not qualified to admonish or reprimand you; I am just helping you from the side and doing what you should do. It’s just a matter of fact.”

Anson, who had always been silent on the side, finally raised his head and glanced at the two people facing each other; as if in the blink of an eye, Louis, who was still confused and confused in the bishop's words just now, suddenly became a little different.

He picked up the saber placed next to the chair, nodded slightly to the two people in the room, and walked out in stride.

"Thank you for reaching out."

Standing up slowly, Anson sighed and said to Bishop Ripper: "With your enlightenment, Louis should be able to figure it out... Well, at least he won't be as confused as before."

"Nowhere, it's just a matter of a finger's work."

The smiling Bishop Ripper blinked and looked sideways at Anson:

"It's you... Lord Anson Bach, now I finally understand why you work so hard to make the Governor of Sailing City the leader of the Free Confederacy."

"With the background of the Bernard family, the leader of Sail City, and the temperament of a knight of the Ring of Order, there is really no one more suitable than him to be the marshal of the New World Legion." Riper said with emotion:

"If I have to make a comparison, I am afraid that the dragon knight Herid, who led the seven knights to fight against the old gods and established the human empire from the ruins, is... nothing more than that!"

"Do you really think so?" Anson was a little surprised: "Isn't it too exaggerated?"

"No, I actually feel that the legendary flavor of Dragon Knight Hered is too strong, and he is not worthy of being compared with Sir Louis!"

Bishop Riper shook his head, his expression extremely serious: "A knight, a knight who believes in the Ring of Order from the bottom of his heart but does not follow it blindly, who is loyal to the spirit of the Seven Knights rather than claiming to be his heir, if he can become the leader of the new world , will definitely leave extraordinary significance and impact.”

"The Dragon Knight Hered broke the rule of the old gods, and the foundation of the empire rose from the desolate ruins, shrouded in the glory of the Ring of Order...Louis Bernard, the impact his existence will have on the new world must be Far better than Emperor Hred!"

"Therefore, I have a gracious request."

The old man turned around suddenly and looked at Anson with a slightly humble expression: "This matter is very important. It is related to whether the Free Confederation can grow from a colonial alliance to a real country, and whether the Universal Sect can completely emerge from behind the scenes. In front of the stage, I hope to become a faith that can truly lead the new world..."

"No need to say anything." He raised his hand to stop Bishop Ripper who wanted to continue explaining. The corners of Anson's mouth quietly raised slightly: "I know what you want to say."


"As it happens, that's what I wanted to say."


Evening, Red Hand Bay.

The golden red sunset gently fell on the earth, and the town that was about to sink into night was "busy" at the moment: Storm Legion, Shooting Army, Sailing City, soldiers gathered from various colonies, as well as people from all over, people from the Supreme Council Councilors and representatives gathered in the center of the square in the center of the town.

Compared with tens of thousands of spectators, the seemingly spacious square seemed small and crowded, so that the surrounding streets were also crowded with people, so much so that Anson and others had to set up checkpoints at the intersection to maintain order to avoid accidents. Accidents such as crowd pushing and stampeding.

Wearing a simple gray knight's uniform, a slightly outdated cavalry breastplate and gauntlets, and a temporarily processed textile 13-star ring flag cape on his shoulders, Louis Bernard stood on a temporary high platform in the center of the square, with a slight expression on his face. A bit confused.

He didn't understand why the originally agreed host was changed from Bishop Riper to himself, and why the canonization ceremony had already begun so suddenly that he didn't even give himself any time to prepare.

But now it was obviously too late to refuse. The tens of thousands of spectators under the high stage were staring at him, and the quiet air was filled with despair, anger and sadness, which was being transmitted from them to him.

Under the nearest stand, representatives from various colonies had different expressions, but most of them were not very good-looking; Anson Bach and Thalia, who had just arrived from Beluga Harbor, were full of expectations. Polina's sister was still crying and huddled in the In the arms of Reinhard, and Freya...

Well, she still looks like Freya.

Louis, who was in a complicated mood, sighed, but the expression on his face remained solemn and solemn; he slowly took a step forward, and the already quiet square fell completely silent.

"Pollina Frey, she is a native girl from the New World who was born in Gray Pigeon Castle."

"Her father was a first-generation imperial immigrant. He used his diligence, honesty and loyalty to achieve status and wealth consistent with his dedication; he was abandoned, betrayed and killed by the empire...but this man never betrayed the empire. Never even had the slightest thought of it."

"As the daughter of this man, she experienced the prosperity of her family, but also witnessed the cruelty of its decline; the daughter of a loyal minister of the empire, was regarded as a traitor and was hunted down like prey by the knights of the empire, fleeing through the dense forests and wilderness...until she was killed by Bai Bai. Rescued by the cavalry and caravans of Whale Harbor.”

Reading the content that he had memorized in advance, Louis' mood changed with the words he read: "This betrayal also allowed her to go from a girl who could not understand what loyalty was to resisting the empire. Liberals who fought for independence for the colonies.”

"After witnessing and experiencing the Empire's massacre of Gray Dove Castle and the oppression of all those who resisted the Empire's rule, Polina Frey was the first to put forward the concepts of freedom and equality, and raised a resistance in White Whale Port flag."

"In the Battle of Sailing City, this girl did not fear the enemy's heavy siege, entered the city, and convinced the last imperial colony to become a member of the resistance front."

"She...deservedly laid the harbinger of the true establishment of the Confederacy and the banner of equality and freedom."

"In the Battle of Gray Pigeon Castle, she personally led the army to resist the besieging enemy forces even though she knew she couldn't do anything. She bought time for thousands of soldiers and people to retreat. She sacrificed herself when she was born, grew up, escaped, and On the land that I took back with my own hands.”

"With such merit, as the marshal of the New World Legion, I request the servants of the Ring of Order to formally canonize her to commemorate this girl who fought until the last moment for freedom and equality in the new world, and to commend her selfless spirit and commitment to order. The absolute piety of the Ring.”

After reciting the last sentence in his mind, Louis stared at the thousands of faces in the audience, seemingly lost in thought.

According to the pre-agreed process, Bishop Ripper and the representatives of the Supreme Council should take the stage at this time to pray for Paulina Frey, and the bishop announced that the girl would be canonized as Saint Paulina with the ring of order and become Patron Saint of the Free Confederacy.

This is not the first time in the history of the Circle of Order faith. It has even been a fixed process for a long time. Especially during the sectarian schism war, the war led to the need to unite people and win over allies. Various sects and even churches have experienced "unnecessary sealing". "The record of canonized people once reached four figures.

It was not until the end of the Second Public Order Conference that a large number of those who had been canonized indiscriminately took the canonization of Saint Isaac as a signal and were either directly removed from the list or downgraded to "Knights of God" to compensate, and the number of saints dropped back to Double digits.

Therefore, if it were not an enemy of the Empire and the Church of Order, it would not be a big deal to the Ecumenical Church, which refused to recognize the Second Council of Order due to schism, to canonize a girl who died heroically as a saint.

But just when Bishop Ripper was about to take the stage, the young knight suddenly pulled out the saber from his waist. The sharp blade pointed at the sky, dyed golden by the setting sun.

"Everyone - do you understand what all this means?" Looking at the stunned people in the audience, Louis Bernard said loudly:

"Are we mourning the death of a young girl? Are we holding together here to keep warm because of the strength of the Empire and the Crusaders? Are we fearing that tomorrow we will be like Pauline Frey, resisting to the death, and only end up with the same fate? What is the fate of a person who is in vain and dies?"

"Yes, is that so?!" In the huge Red Hand Bay, only the young knight's voice could be heard:


"It is true! The enemy is very powerful, so powerful that he can put hundreds of thousands of troops on this land regardless of the cost, surround us, and massacre us; it is true! We will not win easily, we must pay heavy sacrifices and prices ; Indeed! Even if we win this victory, the enemy will not let us go so easily."

"But as long as the heart of freedom and equality remains, as long as the New World Legion has not been wiped out, as long as I am still alive...I promise you, I will definitely make the enemy pay the price!"

Under the setting sun, Louis' whole body was stained with blood, and his pupils exuded an extremely determined light:

"In the name of Saint Paulina, no more golden iris will bloom in the new world!"

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