I will be crowned king

Chapter 854 Disaster at Black Reef Port

"What? Twenty thousand rifles, sixty cannons, and one-third of the logistics inventory...all gone?!"

In the Black Reef Port warehouse, facing the empty warehouse, the ferocious-looking Borre Levent held the logistics manager by the collar, wishing to eat him alive:

"Again, where did those bastards get their weapons?!"

"S-Sir, even if you ask again, my subordinates really don't know!"

Seeing the appearance of the legion commander, the logistics manager's legs were weak with fear on his face. He raised his hands above his head, and his whole weight was almost pressed on the collar that was being pulled: "Since arriving at Black Reef Port, The legion’s supplies are managed by the Levent family knights who followed you, and their subordinates are only responsible for distribution, not inventory and accounting!”

"I am a logistics manager, but I don't even have the authority to manage accounts and inventory - I have some limits when it comes to lying!" Borre Levent laughed in anger:

"Who gave such a stupid order?!"


The logistics manager paused for a moment, his eyes darting away crazily on his pale face, not daring to speak.

Borei was surprised at first, and then suddenly realized that the person who issued this order seemed to be... well, he was the one who gave it.

Because he could not trust other people and wanted to find jobs for his relatives in the Jihad Army, Borre Levent split up various powers before setting off and distributed them to many Levents in the form of "temporary appointments." Knights; in this way, you not only win over your relatives, but also have someone you can absolutely trust to help you manage your logistics and army. After all, everyone is in a relationship where both gain and lose.

Now it seems that the situation is exactly the opposite of what he thought - his relatives are all prosperous, and the only one who suffers is him, the clown as the leader of the regiment.

Looking at the empty warehouse in front of him, and recalling the information he had just received, the out-going reconnaissance patrol seemed to have been ambushed again, and the "lucky" zero casualty information made Borei, who was so angry that his face twisted, throw the logistics manager to the ground, his whole body They were all shaking.

To be honest, he doesn't actually care about his subordinates and relatives doing business with the enemy. If the situation allows, he would even like to participate - the end result is selling anyway, and managing it himself may make the distribution of benefits more equitable. .

I don't know what Ludwig in Sailing City is so crazy about. He actually took advantage of the arrival of the Philus Legion to suddenly announce the next phase of the attack on the Free Confederacy, organizing almost 60,000 people to seize Red Hand Bay and capture the Red Hand Bay. Slave Port formed a situation of flanking the enemy Changhu Town and Ice Dragon Fjord area.

Since Red Hand Bay is to be conquered, there is no doubt that Black Reef is the most important logistics base; therefore, Sail City sent an order requiring Black Reef Port to cease military operations in the near future and reserve supplies to cope with the consumption of the subsequent combat operations.

This time, Borre Levent was in trouble!

Because he was isolated and in Black Reef Port, he was almost completely unaware of the various decisions made by Sailing City. He only knew that no matter how many times he applied for supplies, Sailing City would deliver them at a discount - but He had no idea exactly why it was sent here.

Now that things were coming to an end, Ludwig specially sent someone to check the reserve of supplies. Only then did he realize that these supplies were used to reserve in advance for the next battle, and were not used to replenish the Borre Corps at all!

At least one-third of the weapons and equipment used to attack the Free Confederacy have been sold to the Free Confederacy...

Borre Levent suddenly felt his head heat up. He had no evidence, but he vaguely guessed that he was probably tricked by the three legions of Sailing City, or more accurately, Ludwig Franz. Most likely It was because he publicly expressed his distrust of him.

The original intention was to use this to unite the Imperial Crusaders to target the Clovis people and take advantage of the situation, but now it is self-defeating and the person being targeted has become themselves.

Looking at the logistics manager who collapsed on the ground and turned into a pile of mud, he calmed down the anger in his heart and asked seriously: "I ask you, apart from the part of the supplies that have been sold, are there any other supplies?" You know?"

"Uh, uh, you mean?"

"For example...their trading channels with that group of infidels, for example, in addition to arms and supplies, did they also sell information about the Jihad Army to the other side? Another example..." Borei narrowed his eyes slightly:

"Apart from our army, are other jihadist armies also involved in these smuggling?"

"Uh, this, this, this, this..."

Facing the cold gaze of Borre Levent, the logistics manager was extremely frightened. His soul seemed to have been taken away from his whole body, and only dim and dull holes were left in his round eyes.

He hesitated like this for half a minute, but still didn't say a word.

But Boley already got the answer he wanted.

This is indeed what happened... With such a high loss of materials, Yangfan City didn't even ask, what else could it be if it wasn't a ghost? Beaure Levent sneered.

If it was just suspicion at first, he is now almost certain that the Holy War Army in Sailing City definitely has pagan insiders, and I am afraid it is not just the Clovis people.

"So the question now is how many of them and how many wealthy families in the empire are involved in this matter..." Borei murmured to himself.


The frightened logistics manager looked up and looked like he didn't hear clearly: "Sir...what did you just say?"

"What did you say?" Bo Lei paused and glanced at the logistics manager who was lying on the ground expressionlessly:

"I...just spoke?"

Well? !

The logistics manager's face suddenly turned pale, and the corners of his mouth twitched in confusion:

"No, no, no, no, no!"

"You're right, no." Bo Lei nodded happily:

"I didn't say anything. What you heard was yourself mumbling to yourself unintentionally and asking some questions, right?"

"Oh yes!"

The logistics manager still dares to say no: "Yes, yes...it's me, it's me!"

"It's okay, don't be nervous, I don't mean to blame you at all." As he said that, Bo Lei showed a gesture of invitation:

"But I didn't hear your question clearly. Could you please repeat it again?"

Ah, this...the logistics manager's smile was uglier than his cry.

Perhaps it was the sudden wisdom brought about by the death bell, but he suddenly said with his heart beating wildly: "Commander-in-Chief, since the material losses are so serious, should we suggest that Sailing City postpone the offensive?"

"Since the heretics are building the Red Hand Bay defenses, and the wilderness is full of troops loyal to them, why should we immediately plunge into a battle that the enemy expects, instead of defeating them where they fear the most and are weakest?"

After the words fell, the frightened logistics manager seemed to have exhausted all his courage and collapsed on the ground again.

"Well said, very reasonable." Borre Lewent was very satisfied: "We cannot fight in the way the enemy expects. Even the stupidest commander will not let his enemy get what he wants."

"Then, then this battle..."

"Fight, we must fight!" Borre Levent sternly said: "The new world has officially entered summer, and there is not much time left for the Holy War Army. If decisive results cannot be achieved as soon as possible, the balance of victory may be Tip to the pagans - they're certainly better suited to winter here than we are anyway."

"What's more, our entire legion not only wants to devote itself to the Ring of Order, but also for wealth and honor. If we stop fighting, we will become the enemy of the entire Jihad Army!"

Borei sighed and moved his gaze outside the warehouse: "So we must attack, but not in the way the enemy expects; and in order to keep it confidential, this combat plan cannot be easily disclosed to the Sail City side."

"Therefore, my dear subordinate, I need you to go to Sailing City and tell them that Borre Levent and his legions are fully prepared and can go into battle at any time; when they arrive at Blackreef Port, then Convey the truth to them for me.”

The logistics manager was stunned, and it took him several seconds to finally figure out the situation.

"Then...what exactly are you going to tell them?"

Borre Levent did not answer, but raised the corners of his mouth ferociously.


Ten kilometers north of the Black Reef Harbor Colony, there is a colonial farm somewhere.

The cavalry artillery at Roaring Point blasted away the wooden fences and stone walls, and the fertile farmland was shrouded in black smoke in the raging fire; the Jihadi soldiers waving the flags of the Ring of Order shouted the name of God, like thugs They rushed into the manor like crazy and looted all the food in the warehouse and the property in the farmhouse.

The militiamen and colonists who stayed in the manor faced several times or even more than ten times the number of enemies, and did not have the courage to fight to the end; they quickly evacuated after a slight resistance; the jihadists who shouted "For the glory of the Ring of Order" He did not pursue them, fired a few hasty shots to drive them away, and then concentrated on continuing to set fire and loot.

Similar situations continued to occur throughout the north of the colony. According to the order of Borre Levent, the ten thousand Jihadi troops stationed in Black Reef Port were dispatched, scattered between Black Reef Port and Red Hand Bay, several large and small. Ten colonies were conquered and detailed one after another. The garrisoned New World legions were either too late to retreat and were annihilated, or they retreated in time without being pursued.

This is of course not because Borre Levent suddenly became merciful, but because he really had no choice but to do it; he knew that his group of relatives had long been deeply involved with the opponent, and even if he did not give the order, these people would not do it. He is ruthless and will even deliberately make false fights for himself. He might as well have arranged it from the beginning.

Not only that, he also deliberately staggered the attack target and the colony where the goods were hidden based on the time of the transaction between this group of people and the opposite party, and waited until the goods were gone before sending troops to attack to ensure nothing went wrong.

As for the security of Black Reef Port, he directly transferred the remaining 10,000 legions from Sailing City and let these guys who were not deeply involved in smuggling be responsible for the suppression and martial law work - now that they have been isolated and calculated, Borei also I don't plan to waste any more effort and just act alone straightforwardly.

But he was disappointed in the end... The legion stationed in Sailing City was actually more involved than the group of people under his nose. Even the cannons on the warships were sold to the opposite ones; Bo Lei, who recognized the reality, could only Break the pot and pretend to know nothing.

After all, if this kind of thing is really exposed, several relatives will definitely not end well. It is impossible for me, a lax regiment commander to gain sympathy from others, and he has also lost a bunch of relatives who are willing to work hard for him. Anyway, Everyone will suffer.

Under the crazy burning, killing and looting of the Borre Corps, the entire black colony collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye; food prices soared, and civilians' lives were precarious, living in bloody terror all the time.

This is even just the beginning... In order to further purge the liberals of the colony, or to completely plunder the wealth of this land, Beaure Levent formulated a detailed and careful plan - slaughtering livestock, burning farmland, demolishing Houses, filled wells, polluted rivers…

All in all, the thatch must be overdone, the stone must be knifed, and wild dogs on the roadside must be caught and made into soup. The scorched earth policy must be implemented thoroughly in the entire Black Reef Port area. The goal is that even if the Free Confederacy launches a counterattack one day, no one will be able to do it in the short term. I want to gain a foothold here.

Of course, it would be too much to expect a mere 20,000 jihadi army to carry out this goal on such a large scale; Borre Levent himself knew that it could not be done, but this did not mean He has made Blackreef Port miserable for the people and a logistical nightmare for all armies.

At the same time, the trembling logistics manager came to Sailing City at his request and invited Fernando and Ludwig to send legions to Black Reef Port to prepare for the next stage of combat.

And he stuffed all the collected materials into the cabin of his fleet, and took off with more than 20,000 legions at the speed of light; decisively even abandoned a large number of locals who had become their vassals, plus a ruined town and colony.

When the two legions of Ludwig and Fernando finally arrived at Black Reef Port, they could only stare at the scene in front of them in stunned silence while asking a certain logistics manager who had been locked up where his legion commander had gone.


"Slave Port?!"

"That's right."

Looking at the astonished Anson, Carl Bain wiped the sweat from his forehead and threw the soaked letter in his hand on the table in front of him: "Letter from Major General Ludwig, Borre ·Approximately 25,000 members of the Levent Corps left Black Reef Port half a month ago and arrived around the Slave Port."

"In addition, Philus, the commander of the Holy War Legion of the last empire, has also arrived in Sailing City. The information about him has not been completely sent, but the Holy War Army has assembled 50,000 legions and 40 warships in Black Reef Port. The target Red Hand Bay and Beluga Harbor.”

"This time, we will be attacked on three sides at the same time!"

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