I will be crowned king

Chapter 855 Slave Port

Staring at the wordless Commander-in-Chief in front of him, Karl's expression was quite tense. His slightly trembling hands were clenched into fists, and sweat from his palms continued to overflow between his fingers, leaving two obvious water stains on the table.

As the chief of staff of the Storm Legion and the actual person in charge of the general staff of the New World Legion, he knows very well how much capital the All-Free Confederacy has at the moment; once the enemy attacks from three directions at the same time, defeat is really only a matter of time.

Moreover, the 60,000-strong army... The new Continental Army now only has less than 50,000 troops, and two-thirds of the atmosphere groups are left. To expect them to fight independently to block the enemy is to build a ladder to the sky, which is wishful thinking.

Since we cannot hold them all, we must consider continuing to implement the flexible defense plan, retreating and advancing, and only holding on to one or two targets.

So if you want to keep it, where should you keep it?

There is no doubt that Beluga Port cannot be abandoned at this stage. Red Hand Bay has a defense system that is almost completed, and it seems that it can be saved. The Slave Port is the farthest away, and it will take a long time for the main army to get there, and it is hundreds of times. There is absolutely no way it can be faster than the fleet of the Borre Legion.

It seems that the slave port is the most suitable to abandon, but if you want to defend the defense line of Ice Dragon Fjord, it is the last thing to abandon immediately!

Karl's heart was endlessly tangled at this time. As the Jihadi Army gradually gathered strength, the strength of the New World Army became increasingly stretched; one or two directions were fine, but as long as they attacked and surrounded from multiple sides at the same time, collapse and defeat were almost inevitable results.

Meeting the frightened adjutant, Anson was calm after receiving this information, and even quite...confused.

Whether it was attacking multiple targets at the same time, or whether the Borre Corps was trying to bypass and attack the empty Eastern Front of the Confederacy, he expected it, because he would probably do the same thing - since the strength of the troops was several times that of the enemy, it would be difficult to do so. Why gather the troops in the same direction, squeeze the logistics, and do a lot of useless work?

What he really didn't understand was why Ludwig specifically told him this information.

If it was just the direction of the enemy's attack, the sentries and scouts of the New World Legion could obtain relevant information. He even got the information from Ludwig two days earlier than Ludwig about the departure of the Borre Legion from the Black Reef Port, and set sail for the holy war in the city. The movements of the army are even more transparent to the New World Army.

In comparison, Ludwig's position is very critical, and it is not an exaggeration to call him the "core ally" of the New World Legion. It is not worth taking risks on this kind of information.

It is impossible for Major General Ludwig not to know this, so why on earth would he do this?

The Borre Corps seems to have been isolated and out of control, so it will not cooperate with the rest of the Jihadi Army's military operations against Red Hand Bay and Beluga Port. Previously, the Jihadi Army deployed a large amount of arms and stored them in Black Reef Port for the next phase of operations. These The supplies were resold to him by the officers of the Borre Corps, so...

The Jihadists who attacked Beluga Harbor and Red Hand Bay were probably not prepared for battle at all? !

Anson's pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly understood Ludwig's intention.

Respected Army Major General Clovis, my beloved old boss... His purpose in giving the information was not to remind him, but to spread the fact that he had "mastered the information on the Jihad Army"!

There was probably some conflict between the Holy War Army in Sailing City, or they were urged by the church to send troops as soon as possible. Ludwig had no way to intervene and stop it, so he used this method to make the Holy War Army give up their plan of a quick attack.

The plan was leaked before the battle even started. Unless the Crusaders were truly extremely determined, the operation would definitely be canceled—or at least the target would be changed.

A hundred thousand troops mobilized the whole body, and the attack plan made by temporarily modifying the plan must have been hasty and chaotic to the extreme.

Seizing this opportunity, the New World Army can concentrate on defeating and annihilating the isolated Borei Army without interference!

After figuring out the problem, Anson was not in a hurry to tell the adjutant who was still sweating profusely - after all, this was just his own guess. What if Ludwig suddenly became upright?

Weighing the pros and cons, he picked up the letter on the table, played with it, and said to Karl:

"This information... have you told Louis?"

"Ah? Not yet..." The Chief of Staff (Adjutant) was stunned for a moment, then quickly responded: "Is there a problem?"

Anson nodded seriously.

"You may not be used to this kind of thing... but our immediate superior is not the Wang Family Army, but the Marshal of the New World Army. Strictly speaking, he is the first person in charge of you as the Chief of Staff. No matter how high I am, It can only be ranked second..."

"As long as it does not involve some secrets that must not be told, at least a copy of all the information must be given to him at the same time, and cannot be transferred from me; some things can be done, but it is better not to be too obvious."

Anson is not worried that Candide has a grudge, but it is not him but Louis who can unite the entire New World Legion. If even the dignified marshal is just a decoration in name only, how long can the entire Legion be united?

"...I understand." The chief of staff took a deep breath, and his face became a little more solemn: "In this case, I will ask the little clerk to make a copy for you. I will take the original copy and give it to Louis in person."

"No need to bother, you can just take it."

Anson waved his hand and said that when Karl entered the door, he had already scanned the entire letter with his "superpower". The content was just an expansion of the discussion the two had just discussed, so there was no need to waste energy and time.

The chief of staff nodded slightly and without asking any questions, took the letter from Anson and put it directly into his arms, then turned and walked out of the house.

Just as he was about to open the door, he felt an astonishing force coming towards him. It felt like a steam train moving at full speed, pressing straight into his face.

The chief of staff, who had no time to even be shocked, decisively withdrew his hand and relied on years of battlefield intuition to decisively dodge to the right rear. He turned around, held his head, and squatted down, all in one go.

Just as he completed the entire set of movements, a loud bang that pierced the eardrum exploded instantly.


The heavy oak door let out a cry like a dying cub, and a solid bullet-like mark was opened on the wall.

And the culprit of all this is still unaware... The young knight rushed into the room wildly, and in Anson's stunned eyes, he slapped a letter that was exactly the same as before on the table:

"Anson, look what this is - we may be attacked from three sides soon!"


Obviously, some people are simply being passionate - as the governor of Sailing City and the heir to the Bernard family, Louis does not lack his contacts and intelligence network in the new world, and does not need the information provided by some curved and loyal guys. Click on second-hand information.

Even the information Louis had was even more detailed. He even knew the names of the commanders and the formation of the legions that attacked Red Hand Bay and Beluga Port.

"Commander Fernando...I have had a chance encounter with this knight who was born next to the Hered royal family."

In the not-so-spacious map room, Louis, who was still nervous, frowned.

Karl, who was sitting next to him, was even more trembling, looking frightened, obviously being stimulated.

"I don't know how you Clovis people evaluate him, but Fernando is really not that kind of particularly good general. He is just unparalleled in his loyalty to His Majesty Herred. No matter what orders His Majesty gives him, he will execute them without compromise. "

"As for his leadership ability...my father once had a very disrespectful evaluation. For Fernando, there is no difference between commanding five thousand knights and five thousand goats."


The chief of staff, who was frightened just now, was stunned for a moment: "I don't really respect him. Why do I think this is a compliment to him?"

"You can think so, it depends on what angle you evaluate it from." Anson shrugged:

"The compliment is that even if he is only given 5,000 goats, Commander Fernando can still command them to fight."

"What about the derogatory one?" Karl was suddenly curious.

"The derogatory meaning is that even if you give him 5,000 knights, his strength will be no different from 5,000 goats - this is a commander with extremely stable strength, in every sense of the word."


"My father has a similar view and often refers to General Fernando as 'His Majesty's Shepherd'." Louis nodded slightly in agreement:

"But even if his ability is really mediocre, the Holy War Army he led this time is also the elite of the empire. Even if it is not acclimatized in the new world, it must not be underestimated; you must know that even your standing army of Clovis has more than Once you lose your temper in front of him, if you are careless and underestimate the enemy, something will really happen!"

"What's more, he is not leading the army independently this time. Besides His Majesty, there is also the church behind him, as well as the headquarters established by the church and the supervisors sent by the Judgment Knights." The young knight said seriously:

"General Fernando's biggest problem is excessive caution, which can even be called cowardice; but if there are orders from His Majesty and the church, he can also be braver than all leaders."

"There are only two possibilities for him to attack Ice Dragon Fjord - nothing happens, or he launches an unstoppable attack regardless of the consequences and at any cost!"

A heavy warning sound echoed in the ears of the three people.

Well, so Louis not only knew about the affairs of the headquarters, but also knew that the Judgment Knights sent supervisors to all legions... Anson secretly thought in his heart that Ludwig had not mentioned this matter.

This may not be intentional, but he really doesn't know. Colonel Roman, who is responsible for contacting the Faithless Knights, does not know the existence of the Judgment Knights at night, which proves that the church really did not place anyone in Ludwig's legion.

If there is no ulterior motive, it can only be that Archbishop Luther made some deals with the Holy See to allow Clovis's Holy War to maintain a high degree of independence and not be infiltrated by the Judgment Knights.

"On the contrary, the configuration of the legion in the direction of Red Hand Bay surprised me a little."

Just when Anson was deep in thought, the worried Louis spoke again: "The forward is Arthur's Legion, but the commander-in-chief is Major General Ludwig."

"You mean to say that after surrendering Sailing City to the Clovis people, the empire's army commanders are still willing to share in the victory of capturing Red Hand Bay?" Karl guessed.

"There is part of the reason for this, but it is not the main reason." The young knight shook his head:

"I understand Arthur very well. With his character, unless he is completely convinced and trusts someone from the bottom of his heart, he will never allow the other person to be above him."

"Not even you?"

The chief of staff expressed doubts.

"Not even me." Louis said in a more serious tone: "As a friend, there is no more loyal partner than him. The price is that you can't go beyond him or do anything to force him to order you - he can only do this to you."

While talking, Anson and Karl looked at each other quietly.

Obviously, he still doesn't know what happened between Ludwig and Arthur - Clovis's army major general has used his rich experience and resume to make the empire's "Dragon Roar" completely surrender to his feet.

Otherwise, except for Paulina's sacrifice, there would be no perfect Battle of Pigeon Castle.

But in any case, since the commander-in-chief of the attack on Red Hand Bay is Ludwig, there is nothing to worry about. The only things left are Slave Port and White Whale Port.

Anson did not intend to give up any of these two places, and even the Red Hand Bay was not ready to be easily handed over to the Jihadi Army; the initial process of strategic retreat was over, and it was time to exchange blood for land.

60,000 Jihadi troops... If they don't suffer at least half of their casualties, there's no way they can surround Ice Dragon Fjord.

This is not only to weaken the arrogance of the Holy War Army and make the other party give up their dream of "ending the war before winter", but also to let the allies see clearly the strength of themselves and the New World Legion, and be more proactive in creating obstacles for Emperor Herred and the Holy See.

Otherwise, if the New World Army is on the verge of collapse, continues to be defeated without even fighting, and has no basic united front value, why should we expect those people not to join the Jihadi Army that at least seems invincible, and put the chips on themselves?

Therefore, we must attack, even if we have to pay a high price; the most tragic victory is ten thousand times better than the most glorious defeat.

So on July 5, 102, Saint Calendar, the New World Army officially announced its combat plan - a 50,000-person army. The main force was led by Marshal Louis to guard the Red Hand Bay and lay out the line.

Fabian, the deputy commander of the Storm Legion, commanded the Grenadier Regiment and 10,000 shooters, stationed at Beluga Port to meet the attacking Fernando Jihadi Army.

Anson was responsible for commanding the remaining Storm Legion, with a total of 12,000 of the 5,000-strong Shooting Corps, rushing to the slave port to resist the attack of the Borre Corps.

In order to confirm the speculation, Anson tried hard to persuade Louis and the entire staff this time not to conceal the information. The reason was that it was simply impossible - it is impossible for us to know how many family enemies we have. If we want to conceal such a large-scale move, it will only Let our own soldiers be unprepared.

So following the gossip from all sides, rumors and the newspaper "The Good Man of Moby Dick" spread the news of the New World Legion's actions throughout most of the new world. The entire Free Confederacy was shouting excitedly, gearing up to avenge Miss Polina.

Outside the Black Reef Port pier, Ludwig, who was holding the side of the ship, handed the newspaper in his hand to Arthur behind him, suppressing his excitement and his expression was extremely solemn:

"Our actions were exposed."

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