I will be crowned king

Chapter 856 Two options

"Really, were they discovered so quickly?"

Looking at the solemn look on Ludwig's face, Arthur's expression was much more relaxed, and even a little excited: "Then, does that mean that this time they won't be like before, and they won't start fighting seriously?" Did you run clean?"

"Things are not that simple, and we cannot immediately confirm that the information we have now must be true." Ludwig said coldly, dumbfounded in his heart.

He could now be absolutely sure that the famous "Dragon Roar" Sir did not meet the qualifications of a leader from beginning to end, and all he could think about was dueling with the enemy.

For Arthur, the most suitable position is definitely not the commander-in-chief of the legion. The death-defying captain is his destined destination.

But even for the command of the nearly 20,000 Jihadi troops remaining in his hands, Ludwig had to patiently explain to him:

"The exposure of the plan means that the enemy can designate targeted strategies against us and turn us into their puppets, exposing us to extremely high risks at all times."

"Attack our logistics, set up ambushes on the roads we must pass, bombard our planned positions, and so on... It can be said to be the worst of all unfavorable situations."

After he explained this, Arthur's face finally showed a smart expression that seemed to understand: "Then what you mean is..."

"The best option is, of course, to cancel the action and stop the loss in time before danger occurs."

Ludwig said expressionlessly, and then changed the subject under the gaze of Arthur who changed his mind: "But this situation is quite special. The Holy War Army cannot tell them that there is no such thing after mobilizing tens of thousands of troops. , that will cause a devastating blow to morale!”

"So we can only choose a compromise solution and slightly modify the original plan."

"How to modify it?!" Arthur's eyes suddenly lit up, with an expression as if he had been waiting for a birthday gift that he had wished for.

"Commander Arthur, how to modify the plan should not be decided by me alone, or even by the two of us in private. It must be reported to the headquarters and colleagues to discuss together how to act." Ludwig corrected:

"But that would be a waste of time, not to mention that even if we propose a plan, we may not be able to discuss a result."

"So I gave a preliminary plan, changing the mission of the Fernando Corps originally responsible for Beluga Port into a feint attack, with the main attack in the direction of Red Hand Bay."

"As for the problem of how to persuade... it can be solved through material mobilization. Only give the Fernando Legion the most basic materials so that they cannot organize a large-scale offensive."

"As for the Borre Corps... my suggestion is to simply abandon it and let them move freely; transport all the heavy firepower and ammunition to the front line of Red Hand Bay and do your best to conquer the main force of the infidels there!"

"Of course, this is just my preliminary idea, and I am willing to accept any different opinions." Ludwig paused deliberately, showing a humble and patient expression:

"What do you think, Captain Arthur?"

Captain Arthur did not answer him immediately.

The next second, with an expressionless face, he suddenly stepped forward, opened a pair of thick arms and gave Ludwig a hard hug before he could react.


Ludwig's face suddenly tightened, and his torso seemed to be suddenly clamped by steel pliers. A violent impact flooded into his mind; he even vaguely heard the sound of his ribs and spine whining, and the sound of organs dislocating.

But Arthur didn't notice this at all. He hugged him tightly and raised his head, a pair of lion-like eyes showing unparalleled innocence:

"Thank you, really... really thank you, Ludwig; of all the Clovis bastards I've met, you're the only one I want to thank from the bottom of my heart."

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I swear to the Ring of Order that I will never let your kindness go to waste." Arthur gritted his teeth like a vow:

"Red Hand Bay, I will definitely conquer it with my own hands, with my own hands!"

And I just hope that you can obey my command and never give others too many surprises because of your enthusiasm... Ludwig took a deep breath with the same serious expression:

"I still hope that you will act according to your ability. Even if you fail occasionally, it doesn't matter; this war will not end with the victory or defeat of one or two battles. There are many opportunities for you to display your talents."

"I understand this - as long as it is your suggestion, I will accept it unconditionally." The corners of Arthur's mouth raised, revealing a sunny smile:

"We are friends. Friends will never hurt each other."

Ludwig smiled politely but awkwardly.

Arthur, who released his hold on the other party's arm and turned around, did not notice Ludwig who collapsed directly to the ground. Instead, he ran wildly along the deck, like an agile cheetah, and rushed to the bow of the ship.

"Wait a minute, Louis, wait a minute."

Arthur held the cable with one hand and the handle of the sword at his waist with the other, looking towards the horizon and murmuring:

"I'm coming to beat you!"


East of Ice Dragon Fjord, around Gray Snow Town.

After obtaining Louis's consent, Anson, who led most of the Storm Legion and 5,000 Shooting Corps, began a rapid march to the east of the Free Confederacy and rushed to the slave port.

The goals can be roughly divided into two, to secure the slave port and annihilate the Borre Legion isolated by the Jihadi Army; if they cannot be completed at the same time, then the second priority will be given.

This sounds a bit putting the cart before the horse, but it is probably the best choice for the New World Army at the moment - the enemy is not a fool. Regardless of whether the Borei Army wins or is defeated, their independent actions will inevitably end after this battle. In the end, it is absolutely impossible for the headquarters sent by the Holy See and the Judgment Knights to allow this kind of "internal strife among the legions" to continue for a long time.

In other words, without worrying about the enemy having foreign aid, there will never be a second chance to completely annihilate the main force of the Jihadist Army in a single operation.

Even if it is very difficult and risky, Anson is ready to try it and is even prepared to pay a certain price.

But after carefully understanding the terrain with the Speaker of the Slave Port Colony and collecting most of the information about the surrounding terrain, I suddenly realized that I might be a little overly optimistic.

"From a topographic point of view, Slave Port is called a port, but it is actually a relatively gentle tidal flat, no different from the surrounding coastline. The only reason for the emergence of colonies is that it is relatively close."

Pointing to the hand-drawn map hanging behind him, Chief of Staff Karl consistently attacked the overconfidence of some people in the Storm Legion:

"There is no harbor, which means that there is no danger to defend the dock. The enemy can choose the direction of attack at will, and does not necessarily need to land at the port. Of course, conversely, it can also be said that the conditions of the port are poor and can only be approached by small boats. Big ships will definitely attack." Stranded.”

The reason why this is the case is that, in addition to the fact that there are almost no decent ports in the entire eastern part of the New World, the three countries of the North Sea attach great importance to their colonies. They purely regard them as free prisons for exiled criminals and have not seriously developed and cultivated them at all.

"Not only is the port easy to attack but difficult to defend, the entire slave port has no walls, fences or any other building that can be used as a defensive stronghold. According to the caravan report, even their parliament is a pure wooden structure with no warehouses and dug cellars. Store food and fuel.”

"In other words, even if we can reach the slave port before Borre Levent, the terrain there is simply not enough to support us in holding it, right?"

Norton Crosell couldn't help but ask.

"It's completely understandable." Carl sighed and glanced at Anson, who was still confident: "If we insist on persisting, the five thousand shooting army and storm army will almost become living targets for the enemy's naval guns; even if we can rely on fortifications If you hold on hard, you won't be able to prevent the enemy from landing, and you will still be immediately surrounded by the enemy."

"Then can we withdraw from the slave port, and then we attack the enemies guarding the town?" Alexei suddenly said:

"Since the terrain is open, why can't we take the initiative to attack the enemy?"

"The reason is very simple. We did not compete with the firepower of the enemy's naval guns." Before Karl could refute, Julien, the commander of the 5th Infantry Regiment on the side, frowned and said regretfully:

"Based on the coverage of naval guns, and considering the unobstructed terrain around the slave port, before we get close, the barrage of naval gun fire will cover the legion's line of troops, and we may have to pay one-twentieth, Even one-tenth of the casualties can get close to the town."

"What about the civil engineering work?" Alexei was refuted and said reluctantly:

"Is it feasible to dig trenches from outside the range of artillery fire all the way to the outskirts of the town?"

"Of course there is, but have you forgotten the goal of our operation?" Leo, the commander of the Fourth Infantry Regiment sitting opposite him, couldn't help laughing:

"It is necessary to dig out a siege position that can avoid the enemy's frontal firepower and have more than 10,000 people surround the slave port. This is a major project that will take at least ten to twenty days. Counting the combat period, you are prepared to fight a battle at the slave port. A month or two?”

Alexey was stunned for a moment, and looked around at the officers present with a blank expression:

"has a problem?"

"Of course not for us, but it may be different for the Jihad Army." Karl shrugged:

"With the current situation, if they still want to declare victory, they must launch a comprehensive siege of the entire Ice Dragon Fjord at least before October. There is a high probability that they will not be able to forcefully fight us in a small place like Slave Port. It’s a waste of a month or two.”

"Ten days... I estimate that if the battle cannot be ended within ten days, either Borre Levent will take the initiative to ask for help from the Jihad Army, or the Holy See's headquarters will force the rest of the Jihad Army to reinforce him - because of the slave port. It is to besiege the eastern entrance of Ice Dragon Fjord, they must capture it.”

"So we not only have to annihilate the Borei Legion, but we also have to do it within ten days?"

Alexey lost his voice, as if frightened by this crazy idea: "Is it possible?!"

No one answered his question, and all eyes turned silently to that confident figure.

"Of course it's possible!"

Facing those doubtful eyes, Anson vowed:

"In fact, ten days is a very conservative number. If the plan goes well enough, I estimate that the battle will be over in seven days, or at most eight days."

"The rest is for us to clean up the battlefield, annihilate the remaining enemies, and gather the people of Slave Port to retreat to Ice Dragon Fjord. The entire operation will last about half a month. We should be able to retreat just before the enemies arrive."

Listening to his taken-for-granted tone, Karl couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Then what is your plan?" Julien looked curious, and there was even a bit of admiration in his eyes.

As the only senior officer in the army who may be younger than Anson, he is highly self-disciplined and has an extremely sensitive self-esteem. He always regards Anson as his goal of progress. He hopes to become an army brigadier general like him at a young age and be praised by the Kingdom and His Majesty. Entrusted with important tasks.

After learning the truth, Karl was speechless for a time. He didn't know whether to advise him to work hard to make progress or to find a good enough life partner as soon as possible.

Anyway, Anson's answer is definitely the former, he wants to make progress too much.

"My plan?" Anson looked like you were asking questions knowingly. He raised his hand and pointed at the commander of the Second Infantry Regiment next to him:

"Didn't Lieutenant Colonel Alexei just say everything?"

"Yes, I said it all!"

Alexey, who didn't know anything yet, nodded seriously and was stunned for a few seconds before he realized:

"I said, I said...what did I say?"

The officers looked at each other.

"You said why we can't attack the enemy in turn, right, why not?" Anson asked:

"Of course, it is very dangerous to attack the slave port proactively, but we can completely trick the enemy into walking out of the town and out of the range of the naval guns to attack us."

"Yes, we can!" Alexey said excitedly, but he quickly came to his senses: "Well, how do you cheat?"

"Yes, how do you cheat?" Karl also turned his head and asked in hot pursuit:

"You also saw the battle of Black Reef Port. Borre Levent is not a fool. In a sense, he is more difficult to deal with than Bernard. Why should he abandon the town he has already captured and take the initiative to attack us? "

"It's very simple, because this way we can completely annihilate the Storm Legion, the absolute main force of the New World Legion, plus the five thousand shooting troops." Anson smiled:

"At our current marching speed, even if we march in a hurry, it will be difficult to reach the slave port before the Borre Corps; then we simply give up and put on a show for Borre Levent to make him really think that we are late. "

"Twelve thousand people marched in a hurry day and night, and the queue was very long. There was no organization at all, and they didn't even have the physical strength to meet the enemy's surprise attack."

Anson stewed for a while and said in a tone that seemed to be asking and answering himself: "In this situation, anyone would want to give it a try, right?"

"Then what if he is extra cautious and won't be fooled?"

"Wouldn't it be better not to be fooled?" Anson looked at Karl, who was still very worried:

"Then we can use Alexei's method to deceive the opponent's naval gun's shells, and wait until he runs out of ammunition before launching an attack. As expected of my trustworthy commander of the Second Infantry Regiment, he provided us with all the ammunition in one go. Two options.”

"In my opinion, the code name for this battle might as well be called uh... just called Operation Dukaski. What do you think?!"

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